Addressing the nasty side effects of Magic
by RobinAoz wrote:
It would be interesting if a form of magic could purge the, magical poisoning by Robin, from a being.What effects this could have on the surrounding environment or on nearby creatures?? It could be terrifying
Actually, adding a "form of magic to purge the magical poisoning" would actually ADD magic, and make matters worse.
Keep in mind three forms of magic are discerned. Incoming magic(defensive), Outgoing magic(offensive), altering magic(affecting the body in other ways)/. So a 5HD person could be magically poisoned if his offensive magic(ie the magical strength of the weapon used, ongoing offensive spells, like Strength), and/or his defensive magic (ie the armor, ongoing protective spells like Bless, Protection from Missiles ) and/or altering magic(ongoing divination, ongoing alteration, and all other ongoing magic) exceed this 5HD limit.
Instantaneous spells are not counted in this process as the magic is fully used in expelling it outwards(like magic missile), or infusing it inwards(like Healing).
A person fully loaded with Incoming magic(defensive), Outgoing magic(offensive), altering magic(affecting the body in other ways) could this be affected by a otherwise benificiary magic cast from opponents causing magical poisoning by exceeding the person's personal limitations.
The only 'cure' would be depletion of magic; antimagic so to say...like a Beholder's Antimagic eyeray (yet you would mostly orefr being magically poisoned standing before the beholder, as that would keep you live).
There are also areas of Antimagic having a similar effect.
A Protection from magic effect barrs off any additionally added magic, so would not cure.
A Dispel Magic would disrupt ongoing spell effects yet not items, It would thus lower the amount of active ongoing magic.
There does exist a Touch Dispel Magic spell, which instantaneously disrupts all magic touched, including permanent magical items.Touch Dispel
3rd level Conjuration spell
Duration;........................... Instantaneous
Effect:.............................. destroys active magic touched
Saving Throw:.....................None
Reading /casting time ;.......... 6
This spell can only be cast by a Magic-User (Mage, Elf, Wicca or Wokani, etc.) at 15th level of experience or higher. The spell is released after concentrating when touching any Magical item. This effect can’t be suppressed. The effect can be dispelled before releasing or is automatically dispelled when another spell is cast. Then both spells are negated. Touch Dispel may destroy any Magical item with the same chances of failure or success as a normal Dispel Magic, but is doubled by any container. Example; a potion (normally counted as level 6 Magic for these purposes only) in a vial in a backpack. If the potion is touched by sticking a finger in it, it will be dispelled as if it were cast by a 6th level caster, when the vial was touched instead, it will be dispelled as if it were cast by a 12th level caster, and if the backpack was touched instead it will be dispelled as if it were cast by a 24th level caster. Under these circumstances can only one Magical object be dispelled, and this object would always be the easiest to affect, or if equally to be affected (2 items in the same bag) it will always affect the lowest in power. If equally in power and in accessibility it will be chosen randomly(DM). Use the next table to how it affects the items.
Item....................As if cast by:.............Result
Potion................. Level 6...................Flavored, colored liquid with possibly no other effect than giving stomach cramps for 1d4 turns.
Scroll..................As spell (or level9).......A Blank parchment (as if the spell was cast).
Wand/Rod/Staff.....Level 12..................Drained a total charges equal to the level of the caster.
Miscellaneous Items....Level 24(or as creator).....Drained a total charges equal to the level of the caster, or deactivates it.
Permanent Item........level 18 (or as creator).......Deactivates for 1d10 rounds.
There are some spells immune to this effect (like the Draconic Hoard Cache spell)
The magic leaving the afflicted person or item would disperse in the environment, and becomes added anw to the global magical resource.
So sorry Aoz; no instant areal effects with this spellA (possible Clerical, as it is healing based) magical purge would be manual displacing the items magical from the person afflicted, remove curses and purge the person of active ongoing magic
The Purge
6th level Alteration spell
Range;..............................5' distance
Duration;........................... Instantaneous
Effect:.............................. destroys active magic touched
Saving Throw:.....................None
Reading /casting time ;.......... 6
First used by a Cleric of Chardastes some time after clearing the Temple of Elwyn's Sanctuary, and is rapidly spread among the other Immortals becoming available upon prayed request
This spell can only be cast by a Cleric (Cleric, Healer, Shaman, Shamani, Druid, etc)at 15th level of experience or higher. The spell is released after concentrating when touching any Magical item. This effect can’t be suppressed.
Any magic(excpt artifacts) will be purged, and the magic expelled visually, audibly, olfactorly, tangibly in a range as equal to all magical HD+Levels combined x 10 yard.
In this case this magic will have a 4% chance per level/HD of the magical effects to affect nearby plants, items, persons, if these fail their save (material saves for items, saves for plants, page 848, saves for creatires as per RC.MMMC ). The effect can be 33% non active (slumbering), 33% active as one of the original effects, and 34% active in an unexpected way. Druids will be very wary due this effect, and if really required to do so, choose an area with least damaging chances to the environment. Unexpected ways are randomly chosen; Local Crystal Growth, Treant Awakening, Glowing, color changes, revival, rot, death, wounding, just to mention a few options(DM's can add some more). These chances are always equal to all the other ways (so ten unexpected ways all have a 10% chance)and to all the same within an affected area except the purged person/item.
Artifacts and other Immortal charged person's/items its active powers are supressed and will recharge within a week. (it will still be as resistant to destruction as always).