We haven't had a dionsaur yet this week so I present the nasutocertatops.
To an extent the problem with dinosaurs in D&D is that way back in the '70s and early '80s game designers only knew about the biggest, most famous prehistoric creatures. Which is fine, if you want every encounter to be with enormous beasts. And if you want to populate different lost world regions with different animal communities you need more dinosaurs, and just re-skinning the ones in the rules is, for my money, dull.
So here's another new dinosaur for you. This time a smaller cousin of Triceratops.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Nasutoceratops AC: 4 HD: 8* Movement Rate: 120’ (40’) Attacks: 2 horns Damage: 1d8/1d8 Number Appearing: 0 (2d4) Save As: F4 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 2 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 1200 Nasutoceratops is a smaller ceratopsian dinosaur, related to triceratops but only around half the length (up to around 15’) and with two horns (one above each eye) rather than three. It can charge into combat for double damage like a triceratops, with which it also shares the characteristic of a hard, bony plate covering its head. In temperament it is rather less aggressive than a triceratops, but is still likely to charge a foe in the hope of driving it off.