Dynasties of the Kingdom and Empire of Nithia
by James MishlerPre-Dynastic Period ca. 2100-1700 BC
Years BC Ruler
? - 2000 Nahar, The Necromancer-King (deposed)
2000 - 1800 Orisis ("son"; murdered by Setu-Kha)
1800 - 1750 Setu-Kha (brother; Usurper)
1750 - 1700 The Resurrected OrisisEarly Kingdoms Period
First Dynasty (Nithian) 1700-1570 BC
Years BC
1700 - 1677 Horon Ausar (son)
1677 - 1647 Horon Ptahr (son)
1647 - 1642 Horon Thoth (brother)
1642 - 1633 Horon Munes (son of Horon Ptahr)
1633 - 1598 Horon Hatarat (daughter)
1598 - 1592 Horon Eskar (son)
1592 - 1572 Horon Qaal (brother)
1572 - 1570 Horon Setukhare (son of Horon Eskar)Second Dynasty (Nithian) 1570-1392 BC
Years BC Ruler
1570 - 1529 Ausar Eskar (grandson of Horon Hatarat)
1529 - 1488 Ausar Djetar (son)
1488 - 1462 Ausar Senek (son)
1462 - 1442 Ausar Ranak (nephew)
1442 - 1431 Ausar Paranmaat (daughter)
1431 - 1408 Ausar Horon (son)
1408 - 1392 Setu Herkete (brother)Early Imperial Period
Third Dynasty (Ustarian) 1392-1323 BC
Years BC Ruler
1392 - 1376 Ra Setukhare (High Priest of Ra)
1376 - 1358 Ra Ausar (son)
1358 - 1351 Rehanu Eskar (son)
1351 - 1345 Rehanu Pflarr (brother)
1345 - 1323 Rehanu Khare (brother)Fourth Dynasty (Munakite) 1323-1257 BC
Years BC
1323 - 1305 Munere Rehanure (High Priest of Munes)
1305 - 1290 Munere Taphire (son)
1290 - 1281 Munere Auskare (brother)
1281 - 1275 Munere Amonhotep (son of Munere Taphire)
1275 - 1260 Munere Horonhetep (brother)
1260 - 1257 Munere Thothbesre (son)Fifth Dynasty (Urtani) 1257-1146 BC
Years BC
1257 - 1227 Pflarr Nefere (great-grandson of Ra Ausar)
1227 - 1225 Pflarr Nebkhere (grandson)
1225 - 1205 Pflarr Nebkhefre (son)
1205 - 1195 Pflarr Rakhefret (widow)
1195 - 1179 Pflarr Khefrenkhare (son of Pflarr Nebkhefre)
1179 - 1155 Pflarr Menhetkhare (son)
1155 - 1153 Pflarr Menhethotep (brother; deposed)
1153 - 1146 Pflarr Nefere II (grandson of Pflarr Nebkhere)Middle Imperial Period
Sixth Dynasty (Thothite) 1146-1009 BC
Years BC
1146 - 1134 Thoth Besre (Vizier of Pflarr Menhetkhare)
1134 - 1118 Thoth Horonhetep (grandson)
1118 - 1108 Thoth Eskarhesure (son)
1108 - 1093 Thoth Ramenhotep (brother)
1093 - 1083 Thoth Sebretep (son)
1083 - 1074 Thoth Ramenbesre (son)
1074 - 1014 Thoth Amonre (son)
1014 - 1009 Thoth Ramenhotep II (grandson; deposed)Seventh Dynasty (Amonite) 1009-895 BC
Years BC
1009 - 997 Amon Raheru (High Priest of Amon)
997 - 962 Amon Ausar I (High Priest of Amon)
962 - 952 Amon Eskar I (son; High Priest of Amon)
952 - 962 Amon Ausar II (brother; High Priest of Amon)
962 - 940 Amon Eskar II (son of Amon Eskar I)
940 - 932 Amon Orisis (son)
932 - 910 Amon Ausarmaat (daughter)
910 - 907 Amon Ausar III (son)
907 - 895 Amon Harakhate (brother; deposed)Latter Imperial Period
Eighth Dynasty (Ranite) 895-849 BC
Years BC
895 - 886 Rathan Tephere (Vizier of Amon Ausar III)
886 - 878 Rathan Amonausar (vizier)
878 - 872 Rathan Askar (vizier)
872 - 862 Rathan Rehanu (vizier)
862 - 849 Rathan Remonre (son; deposed)Ninth Dynasty (Nithian) 849-834 BC
Years BC
849 - 846 Ran Herukhate (General of the Nithian Army)
846 - 834 Rathan Ranhotep (son; deposed)Tenth Dynasty (Nuari) 834-776 BC
Years BC
834 - 818 Ausar Nuarheru I (King of Nuar)
818 - 810 Ausar Nuarehanu (nephew)
810 - 795 Ausar Tuarhotep (brother)
795 - 788 Ausar Nuarheru II (son of Ausar Nuarheru I)
788 - 787 Ausar Nuarmenhotep (nephew; deposed)
787 - 779 Ausar Nuarheru III (brother)
779 - 776 Ausar Nuarausar (son; deposed)Later Kingdoms Period
Eleventh Dynasty (Nithian) 776-750 BC
Years BC
776 - 771 Horon Eskere (Noble of the line of Horon Ausar)
771 - 770 Horon Orisre I (brother)
770 - 763 Horon Munere (son of Horon Eskere)
763 - 750 Horon Orisre II (son of Horon Orisre I)Twelfth Dynasty (Nithian) 750-700 BC
Years BC
750 - 733 Ran Thanosre (High Priest of Thanatos)
743 - 732 Ran Thanhotep (High Priest of Thanatos)
732 - 729 Ran Thanseture (High Priest of Thanatos)
729 - 726 Ran Thanranre (High Priest of Thanatos)
726 - 714 Ran Thaneskare (High Priest of Thanatos)
714 - 700 Ran Thanherusre (High Priest of Thanatos)Thirteenth Dynasty (Thanite) 700-500 BC
Horon Orisre II, corrupted by Thanatos, took the name Thanorise, which the Milenians came to know as "Taphose". There was only one Thanorisre, but he took on a new human body every couple years as the old body faded away under the corruption of Entropy (A Quasi-Lich, so to speak). Thus, there were "Thirteen Pharaohs" during this, the final Nithian dynasty.
Years BC
700 - 670 Thanorisre I
670 - 644 Thanorisre II
644 - 620 Thanorisre III
620 - 599 Thanorisre IV
599 - 580 Thanorisre V
580 - 563 Thanorisre VI
563 - 549 Thanorisre VII
549 - 537 Thanorisre VIII
537 - 526 Thanorisre IX
526 - 518 Thanorisre X
518 - 511 Thanorisre XI
511 - 505 Thanorisre XII
505 - 500 Thanorisre XIII