Nithian Pantheon
by James MishlerHere is some of the stuff I have about Nithia, notably, the basics of the pantheon. Note that this is only the very basics, and actually represents only a portion of the various faiths. For example, there were several different Priesthoods dedicated to Ra/Rathanos alone, the most notorious being the Ranite Priesthood (Chaotic Evil in nature, the direct ancestor of the Magian Fire Worshippers). More details will be available as they are put into computer format...
Immortals of Ancient Nithia
Nithian Name Common Name AL Areas of Concern Amon Odin LN The Sky, Winds, Rulership Anhur Ilsundal LG War, General of Horon Ausar Ausar LN Avenger of Orisis Bast Bast CN Cats Bes Bes CN Luck, Protector of Children Eskar Eskar LN Light, Undead Bane Hapi Faunus CN Fertility Haterat* Haterat LN Wife of Orisis, Mothers Horon* Ixion TN The Sun Isiris* Valerias CN Wife of Horon Keb Ka LN The Earth Khnum Khoronus TN Time, River Nithia Maat Maat LN Justice in the Afterlife Mayet Tarastia LN Stability of the Empire Min Thor LN War, Male Virility Munes Asterius TN Trade, Merchants, Thieves Mut Terra LN The Earth Neith Diulanna NG Protecting the Pharaoh Nekheb Loki CN Rebellion against the Empire Nephiris* Tyche CN Luck, Wealth Nun Protius TN The Sea, Primordial Creation Nut Nyx TN The Night, the Stars, Afterlife Orisis* Orisis LG Nithia, Afterlife, Pharaohs Pflarr* Pflarr TN Magic, Hutaaka Ptahr* Kagyar TN Craftsmanship, Metalworking Ra* Rathanos CN Fire, Energy of the Sun Ran Ranivorus CE Gnolls, Destruction of Nithia Satet Djaea TN Fertility, Wife of Khnum Selket Hel CN Magic, the Underworld Seshat Diamond LN Writing, Wife of Thoth Set Set CE Evil Incarnate Shu Frey LN Sky Sobk Atzanteotl NE Crocodiles Tefnut Freyja LN Storms Thanos Thanatos CE Death, The Underworld Thoth* Thoth LN Wisdom, Magic * These nine Immortals are the Nithian Ennead, the "Great Nine" of the pantheon. They come in pairs, with one exception: Horon/Isiris, Orisis/Haterat, Ra/Pflarr, Ptahr/Thoth, and Nephiris, who is often found with Horon/Isiris or Orisis/Haterat.
Note: Not all these Immortals were found throughout the entire period of the Nithian Empire (ca. 1700 BC through 500 BC). For example, Sobk/Atzanteotl showed up only later in the era, and Ausar and Eskar were actual Pharaohs who did complete the path to Immortality...