Weapons and Equipment of the Atruaghin Clans
by HåvardI'm trying to work my way through these rules.
- Illiteracy: Nithian characters must spend a skill slot in order to learn how to read and write. (This is a modification of the rule in the HW boxed set) Armor Limitation (Level 1). Clerics, Fighters etc may not use any armor that gives an AC better than 5 (not including bonuses for Dex, magic or skills). Cultural Weapons limitation: Nithians are limited to using the weapons associated with their culture.
All Nithian characters suffer from the following limitations due to their cultural bias. To compensate for these limitations they gain some benefits linked to their class (Class Specializations). A Nithian PC could overcome his cultural bias and leave his original culture behind, but doing so would also mean loosing those benefits.
Even including the limitations above, some of the benefits given in HWR2 seem too powerful to be balanced. Clerics and Fights could be allowed slightly more powerful advantages though since they are the ones most strongly penalized by the armor limitation.
Class Specializations (Revised)
- Archer -- May never wear "full armor". May never use shields other than buckler, +2 to Attack and Damage with Bows. (Note: Changes only made to reduce unneccessary complexity)
- Charioteer -- May attack and drive his chariot at the same time without penalites. Must spend skill slots to
- Heavyman -- +2 to atk with all cultural Melee Weapons. +1 with thrown cultural weapons. -2 with other missile weapons. Must spend one Skill slot to gain the "Shield Back" Skill (HWA2).
- Spearman -- +2 to attack and damage with all spears and javelins. May not use "Full Armor".
- Runner -- Automatically succeed at Heat Exhaustion Checks in Combat. +2 to other Heat Exhaustion and Endurance Skill checks. +3 to first attack against an opponent. These bonuses only apply when Runner is unencumbered.
- Khopesh -- +1 to attack, damage and AC when wielding a Khopesh. May use the Khopesh as a thrown weapon (rng 10/20/30).
- War-Cleric -- These are listed under fighter, but it has to be a mistake. The description clearly says they are Clerics. I will adress them under Cleric specializations later.
Notes: For the most part, the changes I have made have been to simplify the rules. Simple bonuses instead of re-rolls, additional charts etc. Given the limitations mentioned in the post above, the Fighter specializations do not appear to be all that overpowered. In fact i am thinking about giving them some more benefits.
- Mage-Scribe -- TBD
- Monoth -- TBD
- Templar -- TBD
- Cleric of Horon -- TBD
- Cleric of Ptahr -- TBD
- Cleric of Pflarr -- TBD
- Cleric of Ranivorus -- TBD
- Cleric of Rathanos -- TBD
- Cleric of Thanos -- TBD
- Cleric of Isiris -- TBD
- War-Cleric -- TBD - Note: War Cleric was listed under Fighter in HWA2 p 21, but the description makes clear that these are Clerics.
- Royal Seal Bearer -- Gains Disguise Skill for free. At 10th Level, these characters may magically polymorph himself into a small animal. Thief abilities are as one level higher in domestic/urban environment. Must spend 100 GP per circle to maintain status.
- Lockmaster -- +10% to Open Locks, at 5th level may construct a "Flowkey" that allows opening magical locks and magical barriers. Use Open Locks ability -25%. Limitation: Lockmasters suffer a -1 penalty to all attack rolls.
- Guardian -- +10% to Find Traps and Remove Traps. +1 to saves against harmful effects from traps. If there normally is no save, Guardians will get a save to avoid all damage from the trap.