Weapon Mastery with natural weapons
by Brian RubinfeldPerhaps this is a mad musing to bring newer edition style ideas into old school, but I've thought quite a bit about natural attacks given a chance to be trained a la Weapon Mastery. Admittedly, this spawned in response to a previous homebrew work I did for 5E years ago. I know that there are Martial Arts styles of combat and the Mystic class. So, not sure if I'm stepping on toes as I admittedly haven't given The Mystic much thought at all beyond a quick glance in the boxed set and in RC. So, let me know what you think. If this becomes something good enough, it might appear in an article somewhere. In the meantime, have a veeeeery rough sketch of what's bouncing in my head.
New Weapon Mastery
Bite/Tail*: Hand-to-hand, never thrown, natural weapon
Ba - 1d6; -; -
Sk - 1d8; H: -1 AC/1; Delay
Ex - 1d10; H: -2 AC/1; Delay
Ma - 1d10+2; H: -2 AC/2; Delay
Gr - 2d6+2; H: -3 AC/3; Delay
Fists/Claws*: Hand-to-hand, never thrown, natural weapon
Ba - 1d4; -; Two Fist Combat
Sk - 1d6; H: -1 AC/1; Claw, Claw, Bite
Ex - 1d8; - H: 2 AC/1; Claw, Claw, Bite
Ma - 1d8+2; H: -2 AC/2; Claw, Claw, Bite
Gr - 2d4+4; H: -3 AC/3; Claw, Claw, BiteSlam/Hind Legs/Hooves/Horns*: Hand-to-hand, never thrown, natural weapon
Ba - 1d6;
Sk - 1d8; H: -1 AC/1; Stun
Ex - 2d4+1; H: -2 AC/1; Stun
Ma - 2d4+2; H: -2 AC/2; Stun
Gr - 2d6+2; H: -3 AC/3; Stun*Each counts as their own weapon, simply merged with another for brevity.
Special Effects:Two Fist Combat: With fists or claws, you are always considered wielding two weapons. Instead of per the two weapon combat rule, you may make your off-hand attack by taking a -2 penalty to the To Hit roll. This cannot be repeated in the same round of combat.
Claw, Claw, Bite: Claw, Claw, Bite: Upon hitting with both attacks from a Two Weapon Combat based Natural Weapon, you may also make another Natural Weapon attack with a -2 To Hit penalty. This cannot be repeated in the same round of combat. Likewise, you do not gain the special effects of a trained bite attack such as Delay. If you do not possess a Bite attack, you may use a Slam instead, but do not gain the Stun effect.