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Nuage Calligraphy

by Aoz

Magical Advertising Guild

The Nuage Calligraphers, a group of low-level magic users, a few illusionists and Elementalisms' specializing in Air, have come together to revolutionize communication and marketing in the realm. Their innovative and enchanting methods have made them renowned for their captivating advertising campaigns.

Location: Arcanium Market in Glantri. See Robin's map

Advertising Techniques:

1. Illusionary Advertisements:

Skilled illusionists within the guild conjure mesmerizing visual displays to promote goods, services, or events. These illusions are showcased in bustling public spaces or projected into the sky, captivating the attention of passersby. Example an Orc and a fighter fighting and he throws a smoke bomb. "Don't Forget to get your smoke bomb at McGreg's Adventuring Supplies buy 2 get a handful of caltrops free."

2. Twits:

The Wizards craft written messages and send them to individuals walking by. These messages can carry greetings, invitations, or promotions, making the recipients feel special and directly engaged. Familiars such as owls, cats, sprites, and ravens are used to deliver these messages.

3. Telepathic Campaigns:

Targeted Communication: Utilizing spells like message, wizards send targeted thoughts or visions to specific groups, ensuring the message reaches the intended audience discreetly and efficiently. One can even deliver a message via dreams. The campaign's reach and precision are unmatched by traditional means.

4. Skywrite:

Main Mode of Communication: The guild primarily uses the spell "Skywrite" to create magical advertisements in the sky. Up to ten words appear as clouds, remaining in place for up to one hour. These messages are highly visible and perfect for advertising events, promotions, or important announcements.

Advertising Rates

Illusionary Advertisements: Price based on complexity and duration. For example:

Basic visual illusion (simple image, 10 minutes): 10 dc

Advanced visual illusion (animated scene, 30 minutes): 50 dc

Premium visual illusion (custom animation with sound, 1 hour): 100 dc

Twits (Written Messages): Price based on distance and frequency. For example:

Local delivery (within city): 1 dc per message

Regional delivery (within region): 5 dc per message

Far delivery (outside region): 25 dc per message

Telepathic Campaigns: Price based on audience size and duration. For example:

Small audience (up to 10 people, 1 message): 10 dc

Medium audience (up to 50 people, 5 messages): 50 dc

Large audience (up to 100 people, 10 messages): 100 dc

Dream (one-person long message): 200 dc

Skywrite: Price based on word count and visibility duration. For example:

Short message (up to 5 words, 1 hour): 20 dc

Standard message (up to 10 words, 1 hour): 30 dc

Extended message (up to 10 words, 2 hours): 50 dc

All-day message (up to 10 words, 8 hours): 300 dc

Premium Option:

All-day message with Performance (up to 10 words, 8 hours): For an additional 300 (or total 600) dc, two air elementalisms will fly around the message, casting harmless cantrips at each other. They will occasionally fly by the shop being advertised, adding an extra layer of spectacle and drawing even more attention.