Queen Olivia Karameikos
by Ray AllenQueen Olivia Karameikos, female human Rog12: CR 12; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 12d6-12; hp 47; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+3 Dex, +3 Ring); Attack +8/+3 (+9 Base, -2 Str, +1 Dagger) melee, or +12/+7 (+9 Base, +3 Dex) ranged; Damage 1d4+1 (hairpin or concealed court dagger); SV Fort +3 (+4 Base, -1 Con), Ref +11 (+8 Base, +3 Dex), Will +5 (+4 Base, +1 Wis); AL N; Str 7 (-2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 9 (-1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 14 (+2).
Languages Spoken:* Thyatian, Traladaran, elvish (Callarii dialect).
Skills: Appraise +20 (+15 Rank, +3 Int, +2 Diligent), Bluff +17 (+15 Rank, +2 Cha), Decipher Script +9 (+4 Rank, +3 Int, +2 Diligent), Diplomacy +21 (+15 Rank, +2 Cha, +2 Negotiator, +2 Bluff), Disguise +19 (+15 Rank, +2 Cha, +2 Deceitful), Forgery +18 (+15 Rank, +3 Int), Gather Information +19 (+15 Rank, +2 Cha, +2 Investigator), Hide +9 (+6 Rank, +3 Dex), Knowledge (Local) +18 (+15 Rank, +3 Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +12 (+9 Rank, +3 Int), Listen +13 (+10 Rank, +1 Wis, +2 Alertness), Move Silently +9 (+6 Rank, +3 Dex), Open Lock +13 (+10 Rank, +3 Dex), Search +11 (+6 Rank, +3 Int, +2 Investigator), Sense Motive +10 (+7 Rank, +2 Negotiator, +1 Wis), Sleight of Hand +15 (+10 Rank, +3 Dex, +2 Deft Hands), Spot +3 (+1 Wis, +2 Alertness).
Feats: Alertness, Deceitful, Diligent, Deft Hands, [Evasion (Ex)], [Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)], Investigator, Negotiator, [Skill Mastery (Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Listen, Open Lock)] [Uncanny Dodge (Ex)].
Possessions: Dagger +1 (a slim, finely balanced blade with an ornate hilt made of carved unicorn horn - Olivia keeps it on her person as a family heirloom and letter opener, but can use it in a fight), ring of protection +3.
* Olivia has one empty language slot yet to be filled. The DM should select an appropriate language for his campaign.