Obscure Draft or Riding animals
by RobinInspired by Havards post on mounts for giants I began digging through my Mystara Monster Manual Compilation book (MMMC) and derived the following obscure riding Drafting animals
I place these here a bit chaotic, as it is still impossible to place tabls here on Piazza, and I try to prevent it becoming such a mess all the earlier existing tables have to transformed into. When Piazza resumes the older use of Tables, I will clean this up, making it even better
Many of these animals can’t be tamed for use, but can get used to regular non-threatening humans(or need to be charmed), but will always flee if a reason and/or a chance thereof exist.
The fact if an animal can be used for only draft (pulling objects) or can actually be ridden, depends if the back of the animal is able to withstand loads, and the general temperamemt of the animal. Most medium to bad controlable males animals will never allow to be used as riding animals, but can be used as draft animal instead. In general it can be said to be a riding animal lowers the degree of control one step. A charm animal increases the control by one step, but not if it is physically unable.Good controlable is the animal listens good, rarely objects, flees, bucks or similar.
Medium controlable is the animal mostly listens good, but objects, flees, bucks or similar under duress (it smells/hears/sees/or otherwise sences a predator). The Drafting or riding skills are penalized by -2 under these specific circumstances
Bad Controlable is the animal will obey only to trusted individuals if they treat it wit care and respect. The Drafting or riding skills are penalized by -2, and -4 under duress.
Uncontrolable is the animal rejects this treatment, revolts, defends itself, and flees on the first oppurtunity. Cornering or enclosing such a feared animal will cause it to fight to the death ot first chance to escape.They will never accept their use.In generality it can be said Humanoids (as being dirtier and being(or smelling) more like a predator will have a one step lower control over most animals than other not clear preadorial races will. so a good controlled creature listed below will be a medium to them)
Not taken into account of this list are creatures used if in diminitive size like fairies, under effect potion etc)
MMMC# is the page where the detailed complied description of the creature can be found in the Mystara Monster Manual Compilation book chapter animals
Mammoth(9-11'high)MMMC76-Northern Colder-Medium controlable Draft animal by Humans, Beastmen, Humanoids, Barbarians, Brutemen, Icevale Elves...bad controlable Riding animal by Humans, Beastmen, Barbarians, Frost Giants, Large Humanoids
Prehistoric Elephant(Mastadont)(7-9'high)MMMC75-Temperate Forests-Medium controlable Draft Animal by Humans, Beastmen, Brutemen, Hill Giant, Stone Giant,... Medium controlable Riding animal by Humans, Humanoids, Elves, beastmen in the HW don't dare to try to ride these
Bison/Buffalo(5-7'high)MMMC43-Temperate Plains-Bad controlable Draft animal by Humans, Barbarian
Gnu/Wildebeast(4-5'high)MMMC43-Temperate Plains-Bad controlable Draft animal by Humans,
Yak(4-5'high)MMMC52-colder higher Plains-Medium controlable Draft animal by Humans,
Musk-oxen(4-6'high)MMMC52-Plains-Medium controlable Draft animal by Barbarian,
Giant Boar(5'high)MMMC44-Temperate forest/Hills/Moors/Grasslands-Medium Controlable Draft/Riding Animal by Orcs, Goblins, Druids,
Caribou (4-5'high)MMMC45-Temperate to cold Plains/Forests/Hills-Good controlable Draft animal, Medium controlable Riding animal by Humans, Humanoids, Barbarians
Elephant(6-10'high depending on sex and race)MMMC47-Tropical plains/forests-Good controlable Draft/Riding animal by Humans, humansized humanoids, rarely elves, or Woadkin giants
Elk (6'-8'high) MMMC48- temperate to cold Plains, wetlands, forests-Medium Controlable draft animal to individual Humans
Giraffe(6'-16'high) MMMC48-Tropical Plains and forest edges. Medium controlable riding animal to individual Hin, Druid. can't be draft animal.
Moose(6'-9'high) MMMC50-Temperate forest/lake/wetlands-Medium controllable Draft & Riding animal by individual humans, barbarians
Rhiniceros (4'-6'high)MMMC51-temperate to tropical Savannah-Bad controllable Riding animal by Large Humanoids (uncontrolable to all other conditions)
Landstriders 6'-7'high) Vulture peninsula only-medium controlable draft and riding animal by Hin and Gnomes (unable to cary larger)
Rothe(underground 4-6'high muskox)MMMC55-Medium controlable to Humans, Shadow Elves, medium to small sized Humanoids, Dwarves
Stench Kow (3'-6'high) MMMC56-Hell/Abyss-Medium controlable to local Demons/Devils, badly controlable to Prime plane creatures
Guttar/Dwarven ox (underground 4'high) MMMC57-Good controlable Draft animal & medium controlable riding animal to Dwarves, Gnomes, humans, shadow elves, medium or small sized humanoids
Sheep/Goat (2'-4'high) MMMC58-temperate to colder hills/mountains MMMC58- Good controllable draft animal by humans, barbarians, Hin, Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves and humansized or smaller humanoids bad controlled riding animals to Kobolds or Hin
Lhama(3'-6'high)MMMC59-Temperate to colder fields/mountains-Good controllable Draft & riding animal
Swampmire(6'long 4'high) MMMC60-tropical Swamps Savage Coast-Medium controllable Draft & riding animal by Gurrash (gatormen), not used by others
Pennig/Halfling Pony (3'-4'High)MMMC70- Temperate regions where hin live-Good controllable draft and riding animal by Hin only
Yyllethyn(elven war horse) (4'-5'high)MMMC69- Temperate forest where elves live-medium controlable riding horse to elves (will not draft)
Teu'kelytka(moonhorse)MMMC71- Elven Plains/Meadows-medium controllable to elves only
Baluchiterium (18-20'high) MMMC74- Hollow world Azcan Grasslands and some in Skothar Plains/forest edges (extinct elsewhere) -good controlable draft animal, to humans, beastmen, humanoids, giants, bad controllable and slow Riding animal due weak back to Giants, large humanoids/beastmen
Krugel Ponies (3'-4'high)MMMC78-Hollow World Plains/desert/hills/broken lands only- Medium controllable riding and draft animal Krugel Orcs, Humans
Giant Reindeer (6'-7'high) MMMC78-Arctic forests & Plains- Good draft animal by Humans, Humanoids, Hill Giants, Cyclopskin, Medium riding animal by Hollow World antlians
Giant Bat( 5-7'wingspan 25'-30')MMMC95-Any land with nearby caves-Medium controlable riding animal by small humanoids, Shadow Elves and bad controllable to any larger humanoid-Unable to be used as draft animal
Mobat-Huge bat (11-14'wingspan 12-16')MMMC96-warm caves-Medium controlable riding animal by small humanoids, Shadow Elves and bad controllable to any larger humanoid-Unable to be used as draft animal
Hundar/Horsebat (7-8'winspan 14-22') MMMC99-any land with large caves-Bad controllable riding animal by Humanoids, Humans, Shadow Elves-Unable to be used as draft animal
Nighthunter(11-13'winspan 15-24') MMMC99-Any land with large caves-Bad controllable riding animal by Humanoids, Humans, Shadow Elves-Unable to be used as draft animal
Sinister (7-8'winspan 14-22') MMMC99-Medium controllable riding animal by Humanoids(Wokani), Humans(mages), Shadow Elves-Unable to be used as draft animal
Skinwing Bat(1'/HD, wingspan 3'/HD)MMMC102-Subtropical lands(savage coast)-medium controllable riding animal by Humanoids, Humans-Unable to be used as draft animal
Vampire Bat(5'-7'wingspan 25-30')- MMMC103-any land-bad controlable riding animal to smal to medium sized humanoids, Medium controllable to lightweight undead/Mages/Werebats in humanform
Zargosian bat (6'wingspan 30'+)MMMC104- Hollow Worl Milenia only- Medium controlable to Humans
Grizzly bear(9'tall)MMMC108 Temperate land-bad controllable draft and riding animal by humans (Medium by druids)
Polar Bear(11-14'tall) MMMC108-Temperate land-bad controllable draft and riding animal by humans (Medium by druids)
Cave Bear (15+'tall) MMMC109-Prehistoric Temperate land-bad controllable draft and riding animal by humans (Medium by druids)
Shortfaced bear (16'tall)MMMC109-any land- prehistoric- Temperate land-bad controllable draft and riding animal by humans (Medium by druids)
Giant Eagle&HiaK(2-6'long, wingspan 20'+) MMMC115-Good controllable riding animal to Humans, Elves, rarely humanoids or dwarves(bad controlable)-Unable to be used as draft animal
Giant Hawk;(3-7'wingspan 7-14') MMMC117-Medium controllable riding animal to small hin, young elves, small humanoids-Unable to be used as draft animal or carry larger creatures
Giant Owl(4-8' wingspan 12-29')MMMC122-Temperate forest- Good controllable to Humans, Elves and even Dwarves-Unable to be used as draft animal or humanoids (these are food to them)
Roc (20-75'wingspan 60'-150')MMMC125-130-Mountains-Medium controllable riding animal by Humans and Elves-Unable to be used as draft animal or humanoids (these are food to them)
Flightless bird (6-8') MMMC140-Grasslands-Good controllable riding animals by humans, chameleon men, humanoids(medium sized and smaller), Gnomes, Hin
Phororhacos(6-8')MMMC141-prehistoric and Hollow world forest/jungle/plain-Bad controllable riding or draft animal by any demihuman, human or humanoids (these are food to them)
Great Pelican (4-8') MMMC150-Temperate coast Davania only-medium controlable riding animal to N'Djatwa and humans-Unable to be used as draft animal
Sabretoothtiger(6-7'high)MMMC160-Prehistoric and Hollow world subarctic to tropical any terrain-Medium to bad controlable draft/riding animal by Beastmen, Humanoids, Brutemen, and rare humans
Greater winged cat (6-7 long wingspan 15'+) MMMC169) Temperate grasslands and hills- Medum controllable by Hin, Gnomes, bad controllable by Elves and humans- unable to be used by other creatures
Skinwing(Subtropical outside underground any) 12'+2'/H wingspan 8'+1'/HD(MMMC232), Good controllable Riding animal to Shadow Elves and Humanoids (very rarely by Dwarves)-refuses to draft
Dog3'-6'(MMMC235) Good controllable sdraft animal by humans, beastmen, icevale elves, Barbarians
Dinosaurs all Hollow world or restricted areas only..if treated badly the control drops one step(ie humanoids)
Protoceratops -Ceratops-Monocratops6'-7' long -(MMMC174/175)-Hin/kobold sized only- medium controllable draft animals, bad controllable riding animals(one important notice DO NOT SIT IN THE NECK BEHIND COLLAR--not only is this a senstive spot-you take the brunt of impact of collar to back collisions..broken bones will be a certainty then)
Triceratops25'-30'long(MMMC176)Greater Triceratops28'-33'long(HW only MMMC176), Styracosaurs 18'-35'long(MMMC177), medium controllable draft animals, bad controllable riding animals(one important notice DO NOT SIT IN THE NECK BEHIND COLLAR--not only is this a senstive spot-you take the brunt of impact of collar to back collisions..broken bones will be a certainty then)
Brontosaurus55'-7-'long(MMMC179), Brachiosaurus60'-80'long(MMMC180), . Good controllable Draft and riding animal, but slow
Stegosaurus 25'-27'longMMMC185- medium controllable draft animal, bad controllable riding animal
Parasaurolophus30'-40'long10'tall (MMMC186), Lambeosaurus30'-50'long14'tall (MMMC187), Corythosurus30'-40'long10'tall (MMMC188),Trachodon16'-18'long8'tall (MMMC189), Iguanadon12'-15'long 8'tall (MMMC190) good controllable draft animal, medium controllable riding animal
Krugel Bounder(30'long12'tall MMMC209), Medium controllable riding animal-refuses to draft
Wolf3'-4'( MMMC250)good controllable riding animal for smaller humanoids-refuses to draft
Dire Wolf/Worg (7'-12' / 4'-7')(MMMC253,) Arctic Wolves7'-10' (MMMC254), Winterwolf7'-12'(MMMC256)good controllable riding animal for humanoids (HobGoblin, Goblin, Orc), medium contrallable by human quarik-refuses to draft
Lupasi(7'-8'wingspan 16' (MMMC258) good controllable riding animalss by Lupin-Unable to be used as draft animal
Dolphin5'-6'long(MMMC267) good controllable draft & riding animal by Merrow, and other Good humanoids
Killerwhale25'+ long(MMMC271) medium controllable draft animal by Merrow, and other Good humanoids, rarely ridden (bad control and slippery surface)
Seahorse(15'long(MMMC289) good controllable draft and riding animal by any aquatic humanoid
Giant bass;15'-29'long (MMMC276) bad controlled draft animal by aquatic humanoids, Medium controlled by fairies-refuses to be ridden
Angler fish; 8'long(MMMC300) bad controlled riding animal- by aquatic humanoids -refuses to draft
Large Shark 27-30'long(MMMC310), Bull Shark8'long( MMMC311), Vamora Shark12'long(MMC312), Good controllable riding animal by Sharkin, bad controllable by other aquatic humanoids,
Giant Sharks 33-36'long(MMMC313), Great White24'-30'long(MMMC312), Medium controllable riding animal by Sharkin, bad controllable by other aquatic humanoids,
Great Manta Ray 75'long/wide(MMMC326) medium controllable by aquatic humanoids, Bad by Sharkin
Devilfish5'-12'long/wide(MMMC328-335)Only good controlled by Undead or other devilfish
Fire Lizards; 30'long(MMMC379), Giant Lizard, Suberannean giant lizards15' /20'long(MMMXC377) Good controlled Draft and Riding animal by lizardkin, Medium controlled by Humanoids, Giants, Shadow Elves
Giant Horned Chameleon lizard 7'long+10'tail(MMMC381) Medium controllable draft & riding animals by Humanoids, Giants(small)
Rockhome lizard(9'+10'long(MMMC382) Good controlled draft and medium controlled riding animal by Dwarves, umans, Gnomes
Giant footpad lizard 8'+9'long(MMMC383) Good controlled Riding animal Bad controlled draft animal (dislikes hardwork on horizontal place)by Hutaakan, Human, Traldar, Humanoids, Hill giants, Stone Giants, Dwarves, Gnomes
Nikt'oo 10'-12'long (5'-6'wide(MMMC393) Good riding animals to Tortles, Medium Riding animals to other
Zaratan; 200'+10'/HD diameter/length(MMMC 395) Bad controlled giant turtle,
Giant Rabbit4'-8' (MMMC433) medium tto good controlled riding animal by humans, Hin, Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves, refuses Humanoids, lupin, Rakasta, refuses draft
Giant Weasle 8'-9'(MMMC454) Medium controllable riding animal by kobolds (others refused or bad)-refuses draft
Giant Sloth 20'-30'(MMMC481), Vulcanian Sloth(482), medium controllable draft & riding animal by human, humanoid, demihuman
Narwal15'+(MMMC496-497) Medium controllable draft animal by Aquatic humanoids(non evil), Bad controlled riding animal (slippery skin)
Crowrse 15 long 5'high (see Threshold issue 17 page 139-141) Medium controlled Draft animal by Humans, Barbarians, Humanoids, Smaller Giants, Ogres, Bad controlled Riding animal by Humanoids, Ogres, Small giants, barbariansSecond batch
now from MMMC3 Lowlife
Many arachnids, large insects, and other lowlife would by strength being able to be drafting or even riding, yet their intelligence is too low or their behavior is too abberant to be controlled
Huge & Giant ScorpionHuge 3'-5', Giant 5'+, (MMMC561) medium controllable riding animal (possible death sting at +4!! if fail) by Kobolds, Sandmen(as being siliconbased life immune to this poison), Gnomes, Goblins
Steeder/spider horse4'high, 8-12'long,( MMMC578) Medium controllable riding animal by Dwarves, Gnomes,Shadow Elves, Humanoids good controllable draft animal by Giants, Cyclops, Ogres
Preying Mantis 12'-20'tall, (MMMC620)medium controllable (magic needed) draft and riding animal by Hivebrood(MMMC672-676 or Aspis MMMC677-688,Bad controllable draft and Riding animal by Druids
Rustmonster2.5'high 5'long, MMMC645) rarely but medium controllable (with metal lure rod in front)by small humanoids (draft 1500riding 500cn)
Giant Bumblebee 3'long & 4'wingspanMMMC662), Good controllable riding animal, bad controllable draft animal by fairies, gnomes, elves, hin, anmd even kobolds (used in Nithian Era already)
Rhinoceros Beetle & Stag Beetle10'long and12'long(MMMC696), mostly unknown but Good controllable Riding and draft(load x3) animal by humans, humanoids, druids, giants(large giant only draft), Ogres, Elves, Dwarves
Giant Dragonfly13'long wingspan 15', ( MMMC706) by Frogmen, Kobolds, Caymen medium controllable riding animal, can't draft
Giant Horsefly3'-5'long wingspan 5'-8' (MMMC714) medium controllable Riding animal by Kobolds, can't draft
Giant Slug2'/HD long(MMMC741) medium controllable draft and riding animal by shadow elves, humanoids, but slow
Giant Shadow Slugs 10'-15'long(MMMC743)good controllable draft and riding animal by shadow elves, humanoids, but slow
Giant Snail 2'/HD length and diameter conical shell(MMMC745)good controllable draft and riding animal by humanoids, frogmen, giants, but slow
Chrysian Slug15'high 10'wide(MMMC746) medium controllable draft and riding animal by frogmen
Fungoid8'-11'tall(MMMC800) rarely used medium controllable draft and riding creature by Evil fairies, or Ylari dervishes
Treant25-180% high of original tree species can be very HIGH!!(MMMC961+)bad controllable Draft and Riding creature by Elves, Humanoids, (medium controllable by Druids, good controllable by Fairies
Mashers100'long(MMMC1068) by aquatic Kna
On to the third batch...I know more obscure creatures to be used by descriptions and illustrations...like this one
or this one
Found this D&D old toys place
with some obscure riding animals I though belonged to the list here
And....as the characters Strongheart and Warduke are officially Mystara Characters (By fans located in the north of Brun) these would thus all come to be on Mystara tooBattle Bison
as to the illustration used by Blackmoorians in their short period of mage-technological advanced era due the weaponry displayed![]()
Probably currently used on the great Plains and/or Yak Steppes of Brun by Humanoids (without the weaponry of course, or at least not functioning anymore)
also possible to be used by the Atruaghin on their Plateaux
also possible used by Beastmen in the Hollow World
The creature seems to be a prehistoric Giant Bison in appearanceMammoth Marauder
as to the illustration used by Blackmoorians in their short period of mage-technological advanced era due the weaponry displayed. Both the Battle Bison and the Mammoth Marauder seem to have been used in the wars against the beastmen/beginning humanoids, maybe even the first Dragon wars or the Giant wars(which most seem to forget somehow)![]()
Most possible used by Neanderthals in the north of Brun (without the weaponry of course, or at least not functioning anymore)
and the Brutemen in the Hollow World
The creature seems to be more elefantine than Mammoth, so is probably not a mammoth at all, but a Mastadon breedRhino Avenger Chariot
This figure is displayed more like a Roman/Thyatian chariot battling a dinosaur like creature. so most logically it seems to be used as an arena creature, yet also might holds its use in Thyatian battles. I at least suggest these to have been used in the Great War with the Alphatians 1004-1009AC![]()
Although I would prefer it to be a creature from Davania as referencing to the Real world
it seems to be this creature is a Black Rhino (with its long and secondary horn) and thus indiginous to DavaniaSerpent Chariot
This figure is displayed being on the run for a triceratops. So it might be also an important figure in the Thyatian arena's, yet the outside scale does not really support this. the upwhiling sand, the trees in the background, and the muscular green rider seem to suggest it is being used by humanoids , maybe Lizardmen specifically and thus might be the only picture we have thus far of the dead lizardmen empire of Mogreth.
Currently i think they might be used in the Hollow World only, best fitting with Malpheggi Llizardmen![]()
This giant lizard, seems to be very fast (at least as fast as a horse, and similar appearing giant lizards with such a speed are not currently known on Mystara (maybe in the Holloqw World being some dinosaur), which also suggest it might be extinct on the Outer World. For statistics I would use those of the smalk green Dragon without flying or other dragon abilities, maybe increase its running speed significantlytwo-headed dragon
Not only is this creature totally unheard of on Mystara, it seems to be a variant of a gold dragon as the scales are yelolow and the armorsaddle is golden. it is also wingless, and thus might be extinct from the early Dragon Wars when the dragonspecies were less genetically stable (as following Simone Neri's dragon History) It might be from the same or recurring stem of the Hydra's. The tail also suggest a link to the Stegosaurus, so it might have been a magical/genetic cross between a gold dragon and a Stegosaurus
If this creature still exists I suggest it being so only on the far west of Brun or even Skothar. regions less explored by the people of the Known World![]()
There is a green figure (which I own myself in a bleu/green tone), which could suggest these creatures might have different colors like dragons (maybe explaining their ancient heritage)![]()
Nightmare is Warduke's etheral steed. This horse has flaming hooves and fire from it's nostrils. When the saddle is removed, you can see the rib cage and other bones. The toy would be perfect if it was poseable. Also known as "demon horses" and "hell horses," Nightmares are creatures from the lower planes. They are ridden primarly by the more powerful demons and devils as well as by night hags. On occasion they serve as steeds for the undead such as spectres, vampires and liches. Nightmares can fly, become etheral, and roam the astral plane.
Nightmares are known creatures on Mystara, as well as the description above, however, their flying power was never really detailed and this figure seems to have the ability to sprout bonewings(with intermediary skin in betwee) to enable flight. A nice detail, as then the flight is NOT magical, but 'natural' . probably the wings are stired within its dark carcass when not used, and fase,/sliding out when needed...somewhat similar to birdwing folding yet one step deeper. it could also be these wings are part of their saddle and thus only owned/trained nightmares with such a saddle might be able to fly. this is a matter of opinion and interpretation of the individual DM..both cases seem to have some merit and game fun/reality![]()