This one inspired by Arthur C. Clarkes classic Rama novels. You'll note that I've added a range of weird and wonderful races for outer planes that are for the most part humanoid, whereas the prime plane alien species I've added (other than the yazarians, which were adapted from Star Frontiers) are anything but. That was a decision that made sense at the time, but feel free to play fast and loose with where you place these creatures.
And its the only one with an asterisk in parentheses after its name - it is immune to normal weapons (thus 'enchanted') only when using a technological energy shield.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Octospider(*) AC: 5 (-4) HD: 3** Movement Rate: 90’ (30’) Attacks: 1 or 2 weapons Damage: By weapon Number Appearing: 4d2 (10d10) Save As: F3 Treasure Type: G Intelligence: 18 Alignment: Lawful XP Value: 55 Octospiders are large (5’ across, 5’ high) spider-like 8 legged cephalopods, with four forelimbs that are entirely flexible but their back four limbs jointed and segmented like those of spiders. They are a peaceful, genius intellect newly spacefaring race who primarily aim to interact peacefully with other races, looking for chances to learn from others but also to trade. They do everything they possibly can to avoid combat, being willing to ignore insults, provocation or even thefts of inessential items if that will avoid combat, but if they are forced to fight they will seek the entire destruction of the offenders and all of those standing with them, at whatever cost is necessary. This is not a search for vengeance so much as it is an insurance against further bloodshed.
They are typically equipped with a range of high-technology tools that are keyed to octospider DNA – other races may pick them up but they do not work in the hands of any other creatures. These tools include scanners (telling them about their surroundings and warning them of dangers, meaning octospiders can only be surprised on a 1 on 1d10), translators (turning their native light-based language into verbalisations understood by all), energy shields (when activated improving their armour class to -4 from their unarmoured 5, also rendering them immune to non-tech, non-magical weapons), laser pistols (range 400’, damage 4d6) and vibro-axes (4d6 damage, inflicting death on an attack roll of 19-20 unless the victim saves vs. death ray, a successful save converting this to triple damage).
There are few octospider adventurers. They have so far in their spcefaring exploits been unable to master any of the magics they have encountered, but they are masters of technology, and those who appear to be magic users or clerics (and indeed advance as such) achieve the same feats as spellcasters using technology.