Spirit, Odic (template)
by ValentiusThe Odic is an undead spirit that possesses plants, animating them with its own essence. The being exists for one night only in its current form. Each dawn, the odic leaves its host and roams the lands, possessing another plant at nightfall. Nothing remains of host left behind except a shrivelled husk. The Odic below uses a treant as a base plant.
Odic (Treant).
Huge Undead.HD : 16d12 ( 104hp).
Initiative : +3 (+4 improved initiative, -1 dex)
Speed : 30' (6 squares)
Armour Class : 20 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +13 natural), touch 7, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/ Grapple : +8/ +25
Attack : Slam +15 melee (2d6+9 and poison touch)
Full Attack : 2 slams +15 melee (2d6+9 and poison touch)
Space/ Reach : 15'/15'
Special Attacks : Animate trees, double damage against objects, trample 2d6+13, poisonous touch, unholy aura, animate leaves, spirit's aura.
Special Qualities : Damage reduction 10/slashing and 15/magic, low-light vision, vulnerability to fire, blindsight 60', spell-like abilities, spirit traits, SR 23.
Saves : Fortitude +5, Reflex +4, Will +18.
Abilities : Str 29, Dex 8, Con -, int 10, wis 10, cha 22.
Skills : Spot 19, intimidate 25.
Feats : improved initiative, iron will, spell focus (necromancy), greater spell focus (necromancy), quicken spell like ability (animate dead).
Environment : Temperate Forest.
Organisation : Solitary.
Challenge Rating : 16.
Treasure : none.
Alignment : Chaotic Evil.
Advancement : None.
Level Adjustment : - .The odic's caster level for resolving all special qualities and attacks is 16th.
Animate Trees (Sp): An Odic-treant can animate trees within 180 feet at will, controlling up to two trees at a time. It takes 1 full round for a normal tree to uproot itself. Thereafter it moves at a speed of 10 feet and fights as a treant in all respects. Animated trees lose their ability to move if the Odic-treant that animated them is incapacitated or moves out of range. The ability is otherwise similar to liveoak (caster level 12th). Animated trees have
the same vulnerability to fire that a treant has.Double Damage against Objects (Ex): An Odic-treant or animated tree that makes a full attack against an object or structure deals double damage.
Trample (Ex): Reflex DC 22 half. The save DC is Strength-based. In addition, the victim(s) suffer the odic-treant's poison touch effect.
Poison Touch (Su) : the odic-treant's touch is poisonous to the living. Primary and secondary 2d6 con, save DC 18 (based on HD only).
Unholy Aura (su) : The odic's spirit aura is powerful and dark, more than other spirits. All living things brought into the aura, or present when it begins emanating, suffers an energy drain effect (save DC 24, 1 negative level). Each time a creature suffers a negative energy level, the odic gains 5 hp.
The Aura can be seen as a purplish light that surrounds the odic-treant to a range of 30'. It can be detected from afar (300').Animate Leaves (su) : The odic-treant can animate up to 6 leaves at a time. These leaves can fly (30', perfect) and attack living humanoids. The leaf is considered a tiny construct (2 hp, AC 14) and attacks as such with a touch attack (+1 attack bonus).A victim hit by a leaf is affected by a dominate person effect (save DC 19, cha based). The leaves may range up to a mile away from the odic-treant.
Spell Like Abilities (Sp) : (at will) darkness, silence, contagion, animate dead, slay living. The odic-treant can animate undead once per round as a free action, in addition to all other actions. Save DC is 10+spell level+cha modifier, +2 DC for contagion and slay living.
Spirit Traits (Su) : The odic leaves its host at dawn. While outside a host during daylight, the Odic is a medium incorporeal undead, with no attacks or special attacks. It loses all special qualities except undead traits, and gains incorporeal traits and invisibility (since it cannot attack, the invisibility doesn't wear off).
Should an odic's host be destroyed while possessed by an odic, that odic is banished from the material plane. Only magic that specifically destroys undead (such as a disruption weapon or powerful undead turning) may permanently destroy an odic.
The Odic may attempt to possess a plant or a plant creature as a standard action, at nightfall (the time of day after sunset, while there is still light in the sky).Plant creatures may resist by a will save, DC 22. Apply the odic template to the new host.
Should the sun set completely while the odic is still incorporeal, the odic is banished from the material plane.Spirit Aura (Su): While possessing a body or body part, the odic's presence becomes not only unnerving to the living, but also extremely destructive to its environment. The possessed plant emanates an aura with a range of 30 ft. centred on the creature. Within that aura, all food and liquids (even holy water, magical oils, salves and potions) immediately spoil and become useless. Living plants and normal insects within the poisonous aura's radius become immediately paralysed (no save) and die if they happen to remain in the spirit's poisonous area for more than an hour. Within this aura all forms of plant control (including entangle and similar spells relying of vegetation or plant material) and all insect plagues (summoned or natural, including all spells relying on insects and vermin of individually less-than-Small size) do not function.
The odic is an acquired template that can be added to any living plant or plant creature, referred to as the "base plant". The creature remains in its present form for one night only.
Type : Change to undead. It retains any subtype except alignment subtypes (such as good) and subtypes that indicate kind (such as goblinoid or reptilian).
HD : change to 16d12.
Speed : As base plant (note that trees or other non creature plants have no speed).
AC : as base plant. Trees or other non creature plants gain a dexterity score as if an animated object of the appropriate size.
Base attack/Grapple : +8/ +8 modified by the base plant's size and strength.
Attack : Attack as base plant. Trees or other non creature plants gain an attack as if an animated object of the appropriate size. Poison Touch effect is added to the damage of natural weapon or slam attacks.
Full attack : As base plant. Trees or other non creature plants gain an attack as if an animated object of the appropriate size. Poison Touch effect is added to the damage of natural weapon or slam attacks.
Space/Reach : As base plant. Trees or other non creature plants have space and reach as if an animated object of the appropriate size.
Special Attacks : As base plant. Add poisonous touch, unholy aura, animate leaves, spirit's aura. Trees and non creature plants gain special attacks as if an animated object of the appropriate size.
Special Qualities : As base plant. Add dr 15/magic, blindsight 60', spell-like abilities, spirit traits, SR 23. Trees and non creature plants gain special qualities as if an animated object of the appropriate size. Type traits (other than undead) are never gained, however.
Saves : Fortitude +5 (the odic is immune to all effects requiring a fortitude save unless they also affect objects). Reflex +5 Modified by the base plant's dexterity score. Will +18.
Abilities : Strength as base plant. Dexterity as base plant. Change constitution to - . Intelligence to 10, Wisdom to 10, and Charisma to 22.
Skills : remove all skills. Add Spot 19, intimidate 25.
Feats : remove all feats. Add improved initiative, iron will, spell focus (necromancy), greater spell focus (necromancy), quicken spell like ability (animate dead).
Environment : As base plant.
Organisation : Solitary.
Challenge Rating : base CR is 14, or the base plant's CR, whichever is higher. For every 4 HD added to the base plant until 16 HD, add 1. For every 4 HD removed from the base plant until 16 HD, lower 1.
Treasure : as base plant at the base plant's CR. The Odic constantly changes hosts and locations, gathering no treasure other than what already gathered previously by it's host.
Alignment : Change to Chaotic Evil.
Advancement : None. Advanced base plants can be used by the odic, however.
Level Adjustment : -
Special attacks and qualities :
The odic's caster level for resolving all special qualities and attacks is 16th.
Poison Touch (Su) : the odic's touch is poisonous to the living. Primary and secondary 2d6 con, save DC 18 (based on HD only).
Unholy Aura (su) : The odic's spirit aura is more powerful than other spirits'. All living things brought into the aura, or present when it begins emanating, suffers an energy drain effect (save DC 24, 1 negative level). Each time a creature suffers a negative energy level, the odic gains 5 hp.
The Aura can be seen as a purplish light that surrounds the odic to a range of 30'. It can be detected from afar (300').
see Spirit's Aura, below.Animate Leaves (su) : The odic can animate up to 6 leaves at a time. These leaves can fly (30', perfect) and attack living humanoids. The leaf is considered a tiny construct (2 hp, AC 14) and attacks as such with a touch attack (+1 attack bonus).A victim hit by a leaf is affected by a dominate person effect (save DC 19, cha based). The leaves may range up to a mile away from the odic.
Spell Like Abilities (Sp) : (at will) darkness, silence, contagion, animate dead, slay living. The odic-treant can animate undead once per round as a free action, in addition to all other actions. Save DC is 10+spell level+cha modifier, +2 DC for contagion and slay living.
Spirit Traits (Su) : The odic leaves its host at dawn. While outside a host during daylight, the Odic is a medium incorporeal undead, with no attacks or special attacks. It loses all special qualities except undead traits, and gains incorporeal traits and invisibility (since it cannot attack, the invisibility doesn't wear off). It has a dexterity of 10, and AC 16 (+6 deflection, 16 touch, 16 flat footed).
Should an odic's host be destroyed while possessed by an odic, that odic is banished from the material plane. Only magic that specifically destroys undead (such as a disruption weapon or powerful undead turning) may permanently destroy an odic.
The Odic may attempt to possess a plant or a plant creature as a standard action, at nightfall (the time of day after sunset, while there is still light in the sky).Plant creatures may resist by a will save, DC 22. Apply the odic template to the new host.
Should the sun set completely while the odic is still incorporeal, the odic is banished from the material plane.Spirit Aura (Su): While possessing a body or body part, the odic's presence becomes not only unnerving to the living, but also extremely destructive to its environment. The possessed plant emanates an aura with a range of 30 ft. centred on the creature. Within that aura, all food and liquids (even holy water, magical oils, salves and potions) immediately spoil and become useless. Living plants and normal insects within the poisonous aura's radius become immediately paralysed (no save) and die if they happen to remain in the spirit's poisonous area for more than an hour. Within this aura all forms of plant control (including entangle and similar spells relying of vegetation or plant material) and all insect plagues (summoned or natural, including all spells relying on insects and vermin of individually less-than-Small size) do not function.