Based on Havard sharing this link and comments from this forum, here's my take on the (impressive) painted mini shown. Click on the link for more views of it.
There are of course many ways of interpreting such a creature. Personally, I don't like name of creatures that just link two things together, I tend to think people give most real or legendary creatures names that are distinctive rather than compound (at least in English) so I've plucked the name of a legendary cat from Mexico that I wasn't ever going to use for anything else.
Hope you all like it! 75 down. 25 to go to reach the hundred. After that... Well, we'll see...
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: 4 0 -1 HD: 6*** 10*** 14*** Move: 150’(50’) 180’(60’) 240’(80’) Attacks: 2 claws/2 tentacles/1 bite or breath Damage: d6x4/d10 d8x4/2d8 4d8x4/8d8 Number Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F6 F20 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3,Ix2 Intelligence: 6 8 10 Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic XP Value: 800 3250 4500 Onza are a hideous combination of prehistoric cats, displacer beasts and green dragons created by Orcus as an intentional blasphemy, an affront to the draconic immortals. As such the onza are viewed as enemies of dragon kind, despite having a significant amount of dragon blood in their makeup.
The have passing similarities with displacer beasts, being built in the form of large cats with a pair of tentacles protruding from behind their shoulders. Their lower body is that of a huge, spotted, mottled leopard, whereas their backs are covered in overlapping dragon scales that spread and become thicker as they age. Small specimens are around 11’ long, 5’ tall at the shoulder, with ancient specimens reaching around 40’ long. Any attacks with either their claws or tentacles inflict not only damage, but the victim must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralysed for 2d4 turns. The onza also possesses a breath weapon, being a cloud of chlorine gas with the same properties and dimensions as green dragons of the same size category.
They are immune to normal and silver weapons, and can only be struck with magical weapons. They possess the same displacement ability as their displacer beast progenitors, meaning most missile attacks miss smaller specimens (although this is less helpful to massive onza, at the DM's discretion), and conferring a -4 to hit on all attacks made against them.
The orza feel no affinity for any living things, including displacer beasts, dragons and cats, but they are not mindless predators. They are cunning, self serving and without remorse.
Thankfully due to the predations of dragons they are rare on the prime plane, but populations exist on many entropic outer planes, where they are a major predatory species.