Orlin Island
by RobinOften I see other weird things interesting enough to detail further in statistics, so here my notes on experiences on Orlin Isle on what I had written down thusfar.
In my mental research on the Orlin Island I saw colorful birds popping in and out of existence while hunting minor translucent ethereal worms.
Searching on the Internet I found the Lorikeet being the closest thing to what I saw, and I used the information of that creature to add spice to what I already Knew, and mixed it together with some minor addings elsewhere.
So I base my namegiving as well as stats on the RL version
The other images resemble other things or location I saw, and I searched accordingly what I mentally saw.Mystaran Rainbow Lorikeet
AC8, AV0, HD1/2, Hp 1d4, Att; 1 peck or claw scratch for 1 damage, THAC0 12!! and they ignore magical armor effects, Special Attack and defence; Blink at will 0 to 100 yards away passing through the Ethereal Plane, MV 60'/20' FL 480'/160', XP 1, cn 5 (1/2 LBS), Na 2d20 in Winter, 2d100 in Spring Summer, 1d20 in Autumn as new pairings are made, just before the winter they have their mating rituals (song and nestbuilding, as well as flight and exposure of colorchanging feathers), ST3, IN3, WI5, DX19, CO9, CH12, SVNM, Morale 10, 12 if nesting living young.These birds Normally prefer to fly away except when living young are in the nest, than the whole swarm will aid the parents.AL LN.Size (tail to head) 8-12 inch, Wingspan 24-36 feet. Size increases by 20% while in the Ethereal Plane, Weight; 15-20cn(1.5-2LBS)
The Mystaran rainbow Lorikeet has similar colors like the normal version in rest, yet they are able to change all but the green colors into any other color(except green) within a moment. This also happens during their blinking, yet is also used in the mating season(Thaumont) to lure mates in a songbased colorchanging bird dance next to a well made and feather decorated nest
Sound of a Lorikeet;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsCjtdt5AIw
They often mimmick human laughter and even voices up to a few words; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIVjbkbHpxA
They can only bee free-roaming pets, yet can be loyal to a well treating owner (as long as it protects it and its nest and provides food).
Here the Mystaran Lorikeet while IN the Ethereal Plane![]()
These extremely colorful birds are found in abundance on the island's forested hills, and can even be found very close to the settlements/buildings. There is almost no difference between the male and female bird. Yet the male will be the sole provider for food to the female in its 6 weeks breeding period ending in Yarthmont to Klarmont. (if eggs are lost new mating takes place) When the 2d3 eggs hatch one by one, the last egg will never hatch, and can be collected by animals or collectors![]()
These last eggs are valued at 15cp each, and never hatch, yet are a delicious treat in any egg dish. They taste like a mixture of egg and chocolate, no matter if eaten raw, boiled , cooked or used in a recipy mixture. These eggs can however at 25% chance individually give the consumer the ability of "blink" similar to the spell or Blinkdog ability for 24 hours(non stackable if consuming more eggs), to a distance of 100 yards away if consumed fresh within the last 8 hours(these eggs stay fresh 2-4 days fresh, lose their power if frozen, yet can be stored in timestopped containers/areas). Each 'blink' enforces the user a constitution check at -1 cumulative per 'blink' used in the last 24 hours to prevent Fatique (or serious Fatique if already fatiqued, or Exhaustion if already serious fatiqued, or death if already exhausted...see these conditions http://www.pandius.com/corp_ch.html).
Mystaran Rainbow Lorikeet, eat fruits and insects, seeds and mostly minor Ethereal worms. They can see into the ethereal Plane and Blink into and fly through the Ethereal Plane(there at triple Movement), and in that almost instant pick the worm and reappear in the Prime plane up to 100 yards away from their starting point where the worm is paralyzed due the lack of Ether contact and gobbled up. These birds are so-called planar Fringe creatures, living on the edge of Planes.
The Lorikeet can be found In the Known World where water and land meet, there are forests and trees to live/hunt/nest and the temperature is temperate. Another condition is easier access to the etherealm Plane, which is mostly only found near Volcanoes or magical portals. Most of these birds are found in Ierendi, Minrothad, Ochalea, and the Islands of the Shires. They generally dislike cold and heat. They nest high in trees(preferably Treants), in niches in the bark, or between the roots of branches.
For egg hunters know only the last laid egg gives the power,(as this can't be seen by the outside)the eggs are mostly taken all, and the adults will lay a new batch within two weeks) Or they have to wait until all eggs are hatched and then take the last one while being attached by defensive birds in the swarm(see Na=number of appearing on season above. Selling these eggs as being Last eggs is difficult, as all eggs radiate the same magic. The other eggs always give chicks. Chicks are hunted by snakes, rodents and some other minor predators. Adults are hunted by Predatory birds and cats (sometimes Rats as well). Chicks leave the nest after 6 weeks of feeding by both parents. And they leave the family in Autumn and start looking for mates in Vatermont and Thaumont. Mates stay together for a year, yet remain close and form large flocks living/hunting in a general area. These Flocks roam an area of a a few hundred yards.
The birds as well as the last egg can be used as component in the research of Blink, Dimension Door, and Ethereal -based spells or items.
The Lentil Tree (named by the Island residing Druid)![]()
This tree has been seen on many parts of the island, and the druid told it is a treant, who does not want to have contact with Hin, Humans or any other species. It does seem to like the Rainbow Lorikeets though. In Yarthmont when these birds breed, several make its nest within his trunk or branches.
In all aspects this Treant (uuhborr-rrraahn, named) has normal treant statistics, yet somehow is immune to fire, and any sharp weapons bring half normal damage (immune to Blunt weapons).
The Treant has some ingrown old treasure within its body, and the druid assumes this is the reason of these immunities.
There are some sightings another treant exists here, which has its face high up on its stem and almost no upper branches(it lost all in a lightning, and currently has only regrown one new branch with a leafcanopy), but its stem is covered with a thin layer of tiny leaves. Its roots however can stretch far to cross creeks and earthcracks or elevations of up to 30 feet distance. The druid has seen, but not spoken to it![]()
hilly woodlands
off path
The hillsides on the island are wildly vegetated, and movement is at 1/4 of normal movement, and no straight line of travel can be made (traversed distances to reach a destination is 40+1d4x10 feet more.)![]()
There is a serious chance of tripping, falling, stumbling, and the need to walk on all fours. on the steep hillsides (15 to 50% as decided by DM)
Wandering Encounters Orlin Isle (numbers as NA number in standard creature listings (see also http://pandius.com/Monster_Manual_2.pdf)
Creatures encountered Path/Volcanic Broken areas Wilderness/b] Coast Rainbow Lorikeet 01-10 01-20 01-02 Parrot Divers --- --- 03-15 Owl 11-15 20-25 --- Bewildered Cat (Former Ships Cat) 16-20 26-30 16-30 Seagul and similar 21-25 31-35 21-45 Seal --- --- 46-53 Bewildered Parrot (former Pirate Parrot) 26-35 36-40 54-55 Hin Farmer 36-45 40-45 55-58 Hin Pirate 46-50 46-55 50-63 Island Hero(Sheriff, Druid, Mage, Cleric, Messenger, Pirat 51-52 56 64-66 Adventurer/Treasure Seekers 53-54 57-59 67-69 Rats or Giant Rats 55-58 55-58 7073 Skeletons or Zombies 59-60 59-63 74-75 Snakes 61-65 64-70 --- Hunting Spider 66-70 70-73 76-77 Wandering Guarddog 71-72 74-75 78-79 Common Birds(Sparrow, Blackbird, Mus, Parekeet, etc) 73-94 76-94 80-95 Common Rodents(Mouse, Gerbil, Packrat,etc) 95-97 95-97 96-97 Common Predator(Ferret, Hawk, Seahawk,etc) 98-99 98-99 98-99 Ghost(any Alignment; Hin pirate mostly or Human treasure seekers or former slaves) 00 00 00 Lava tunnels (the grey broken volcanic area hexes on my map
http://earthsci.org/processes/geopro/la ... tubes.html![]()
And these harbor the many caves and tunnels where pirates have stored their treasures (and often forgot/or they died before retrival. In these corridors many undead lurk. It is uncertain why and how these bodies become animated. This can be a continuous effect on those sentients beings perished in or near the tunnels, or some old Taymoran magoc still active here from experiments on the volcano long ago. This however decrees that the much older and burried tunnels which did build up the volcano/island must harbor this source in one way or another (possible a room, with an artifact or Taymoran Vampire animating dead, or such)Images similar to my imaginary imaginations on the island
Looking north along the eastcoast
Craterlake island
And yes, I still continue work on the map (between hefty RL issues)
I must do the whole Undersea north, and east, and most of south with reefs, vegetation, floodlines, mineral deposits, Fish, Shark(in),Crab, wrecks, and such. Still have to add several caves (according the Gaz it is riddled with caves (the Lavatunnels--old, ancient and very ancient))latest update
5TH UPDATE; 10-05-2022; Added more underwater details according to lavaflows, and erosion, and subcidence. Added mineral deposits and several creature locations. Added New Symbol for Sharks, so I have to update my main legend again.
More to come Mostly E, N, NE, SE, S