Gentle Folk
by John CalvinThe elven people known as the Gentle Folk once lived in the far north, before the second breaking of the world. It was their people who were responsible for the Second Rain of Fire (known now as the Lesser Rain of Fire) which created the Broken Lands and paved the way for the humanoid domination of southern Brun. After that disaster they fled once again underground, only to emerge along the coast lands of Brun where they swore to never again do harm to any living thing. Since that time nearly 700 years ago their numbers have dwindled, and very few Gentle Folk are born to replace their losses. When Othron came they accepted their fate with a dour stoicism and most were slaughtered on the spot or taken away to Shadaur for blood sacrifice. Few, if any, are known to remain.
The Silent One
Elf Sorcerer
Rumored to be that last of their people, the Silent One rarely leaves Othrong’s side, the blank face of a metal mask always looking over his shoulder. Despite arms and feet being bound by chains, the Silent One can, and does, cast spells at the bidding of Othrong, although never a spell that will directly harm another. The Silent One has never attempted to escape, and does not speak in the presence of others, but rumors abound that the Silent One whispers into Othrong’s ear when the two are alone.