Magic items of the Realm of Othrong
by John CalvinHuptelotl Powder
Dust ground up from ancient corpses and imbued with powers through mystical rituals performed by the Huptelotl tribe of hobgoblins, this powder has several uses which have benefited the tribe over the ages. Anyone who inhales or ingests the powder is frozen and wracked with pain as their muscles pull and tighten across their bodies, leaving them to look like living corpses. In addition they can be asked simple questions that they must answer truthfully. After three such questions have been asked, that effect of the powder dissipates. Creatures under the powder’s influence regain normal motor functions after 1 hour.Grodakh’s Throne
This is a dark chair crafted from Grodakh’s former armor fused with bones from his own skeleton. The throne has an AC of 12 and 50 hit points. An incorporeal being who “inhabits” the chair will regain 1d4 hit points per round. As a special action, an incorporeal being within 100 foot diameter of the chair who has attuned to it, may become corporeal. That effect lasts until dispelled. Only one incorporeal being may attune with the chair at a time.