Outer Planes
by James MishlerHere is the list of Outer Planes I've developed for my own campaign; it is by no means complete, but I put it together from all the sources I had available (save IM3; the 24 Planes of Mazikeen are not true Planes in my campaign). No description is included; this is just the index from my "Treatise concerning the Mystaran Multiverse and Beyond", one of my works in progress, to be finished slightly after the fourth edition of RuneQuest... hope this helps somewhat...
Acheron (Thought; Homeplane of Karaash)
Alfheim (Time; Plane of the Norse Elves)
Alvarian (Energy; Homeplane of Mealiden Starwatcher)
Arcadia (Matter; Homeplane of Faunus)
Arnak (Thought; Homeplane of Noumena)
Asgard (Thought; Homeplane of Odin)
Beastlands, The (Energy; Homeplane of Zirchev)
Brynn (Matter)
Canathia (Matter; Homeplane of Valerias)
Celestia (Energy; Homeplane of Razud)
Ceticia (Time; Homeplane of Protius)
Chasm (Entropy)
Chronopolis (Time; Homeplane of Khoronus)
Chronus (Time; Jumper Homeplane)
Citadel of Bronze (Thought; Homeplane of Halav)
Cthonia (Entropy; Homeplane of Thanatos)
Cyprisia (Energy; Homeplane of Alphatia)
Doomgaard (Entropy; Homeplane of Alphaks)
Draconia (Matter; Homeplane of the Great One) Draesten (Energy)
Draconian Cluster, The (Home planes of the Immortal Dragons)
Einion (Thought; Homeplane of Diulanna)
Eirysia (Energy; Homeplane of Eiryndul)
Elysia (Time; Homeplane of Petra)
Entrem (Time)
Etoile (Energy; Homeplane of Rad)
Everelen (Time; Homeplane of Calitha Starbrow)
Faerdinel (Thought; Halfling Heroplane)
Gardarak (Matter; Homeplane of Kagyar)
Ge (Matter; Homeplane of Djaea)
Happy Hunting Grounds (Matter; Homeplane of Atruaghin)
Helius (Energy; Homeplane of Ixion)
Hutaak (Energy; Homeplane of Pflarr)
Iustare (Energy; Homeplane of Tarastia)
Isle of Night (Entropy)
Jotunheim (Matter; Plane of the Norse Giant)
Kryla (Matter; Adjacent to Pyts and Rylum)
Leugola (Entropy; Homeplane of Masauwu)
Lunara (Matter; Homeplane of Pearl)
Midgard (Thought; Norse Archetypical Plane)
Mirage (Thought)
Mirror (Thought; aka Skarda's Mirror)
Mondara (Thought; Homeplane of Asterius)
Muse (Thought; Notion Homeplane)
Muspelheim (Entropy; Homeplane of Surt)
Necros (Entropy; Homeplane of Nyx)
Nexus (Time; Corridor through Space and Time)
Niflheim (Entropy; Homeplane of Hel)
Opus (Energy; Tonal Homeplane)
Ossia (Entropy; Homeplane of Orcus)
Pandius (Special; City of the Immortals)
Paradise (Time; Homeplane of al-Kalim)
Pax (Thought; Homeplane of Koryis)
Pits of Banishment (Entropy; Prison of the Carnifex)
Plains of Steel (Time; Homeplane of Vanya)
Pyts (Entropy)
Rainbow, The (Energy; Corridor in Space)
Rathanak (Energy; Homeplane of Rathanos)
Rouvenia (Time; Homeplane of Ordana)
Rylum (Energy; Adjacent to Kryla and Pyts)
Sauras (Matter; Homeplane of Ka)
Seven Realms, The (Varies; Gates to the Pits of Banishment)
Solus (Matter; Homeplane of Opal)
Spirit World, The (Special; aka The Otherworld)
Spithra (Thought; Homeplane of Korotiku)
Sterne (Matter; Homeplane of Diamond)
Strobe (Energy; Flicker Homeplane)
Svartalfheim (Entropy; Plane of the Norse Dark Elves)
Swergheim (Matter; Plane of the Norse Elder Dwarves)
Sybaria (Entropy; Homeplane of Talitha)
Sylvania (Energy; Homeplane of Ilsundal)
Tellus (Matter; Homeplane of Terra)
Tempus (Time; Homeplane of Fugit)
Thorne (Entropy; Homeplane of the Night Spider)
Thrudheim (Energy; Homeplane of Thor)
Tlalxicco (Entropy; Homeplane of Atzanteotl)
Utgarth (Entropy; Homeplane of Loki)
Vanaheim (Thought; Homeplane of Frey and Freyja)
Yggdrasil (Special; Interplanar/Interdimensional Nexus)