Thoughts about the Pearl Islands
by Marc SaindonThe under-used afro-caribbean Thyatian archduchy known as the Pearl Islands are a largely decentralized sea nation that can provide a homebase for pirating against Alphatians, and the rural inland village could serve as a chess board for competing religions with a voodoo flavor - the Clerics would be known as Houngans, and in typical voodoo syncretism many Thyatian deities would be worshipped re-skinned as the Loas. Active as antagonists are Soucouyants (Hags, who spread Chaos) and Anansis (Araneas, who want to weave a web of choking Law), who lurk in the shadows and move cultists as pawns in a malicious multipolar 'Great Game'. Also complicating the Great Game is the political division between Nuari independantists and those that benefit the most as imperial Clients (rich merchants who send production towards the capital in exchange for favors).
(pic from: https://dnd-homebrew5e.tumblr.com/post/639710079551242240/tabletopresources-voodoo-witch-concept-by)