by John Walter BilesLong ago, a wizard of the city of Shraek in Alphatia decided to create these creatures, fusing together Shiye Elves and Pegasi. The result are winged, elf-like Centaurs. They are now a full-fledged independent community in Alphatia. They are mostly found in Floating Ar, Blackheart, and Shiye-Lawr. They are friendly to both Elves and Pegasi (and normal horses).
Warrior Pegataur, Level 7 Skirmisher
Large fey humanoid (centaur) XP 350
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +5
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 18
Speed 9; flight 18
m Hoof (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; 2d6+5
r Longbow (standard; at-will)
Ranged 15/30; +12 vs. AC; 1d10+6
Pick just one of the following powers:
Fire Aura (standard; encounter) | Arcane, Fire
Close Burst 3; targets enemies only; +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 Fire Damage and 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends)
Ice Storm (standard; encounter) | Arcane, Cold, Zone
Area Burst 2 within 10 squares; +10 vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 Cold Damage and Slow (save ends). The zone lingers until the end of the Pegataur’s next turn. Anyone who enters the zone or begins inside it is subject to attack again.
Sleep (standard; encounter) | Arcane, Sleep
Area Burst 2 within 10 squares; +10 vs. Fortitude; target is slowed (save ends). If First Save is Failed: Target is unconscious (save ends)
Mobile Skirmisher
Adds +1d6 damage when he moves 4 or more squares from his starting point in a single turn.
Skills Acrobatics + 12, Nature +10
Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 16 (+6) Int 17 (+6) Cha 12 (+4)Like most Mystaran Elves, the average Pegataur dabbles in both magic and fighting skills. They use their vast mobility to stay out of the range of all but the quickest foes, shelling them with bow shots and spells.
Hero Pegataur, Level 15 Skirmisher
Large fey humanoid (centaur) XP 1200
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +5
HP 148; Bloodied 74
AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 26
Speed 9; flight 18
m Hoof (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d8+6
r Longbow (standard; at-will)
Ranged 15/30; +20 vs. AC; 2d8+6
Pick Two of the following powers:
Blur (minor; encounter) | Arcane, Illusion
Add +2 to all defences until the end of the encounter; you have concealment against enemies more than 5 squares away.
Dimension Door (Move; encounter) | Arcane, Teleportation
Teleport 10 squares; the Pegataur may voluntarily take its rider with it or leave him behind.
Dispel Magic (standard; encounter) | Arcane
+18 vs. Will of the zone or conjuration’s creator; the targeted zone or conjuration is destroyed.
Flame Arrows (standard; encounter) | Arcane, Fire, Zone
Close Burst 1; Until the end of his next turn, all Pegataur longbow attacks made from inside the zone add 5 Ongoing Fire damage to their normal damage. Sustain Minor: The effect lasts another turn.
Howling Snow Storm (standard; encounter) | Arcane, Cold, Zone
Area Burst 2 within 10 squares; +18 vs. Reflex; 3d10+6 Cold Damage and Immobilise (save ends). The zone lingers until the end of the Pegataur’s next turn. Anyone who enters the zone or begins inside it is subject to attack again (which only does 2d8+5 Cold damage).
Prismatic Burst (standard; encounter) | Arcane, Radiant
Area Burst 2 within 10 squares; +18 vs. Will; 3d10+6 Radiant damage and target is blinded to the end of your next turn.
Mobile Skirmisher
Adds +2d6 damage when he moves 4 or more squares from his starting point in a single turn.
Skills Acrobatics + 18, Nature +16
Str 20 (+12) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 18 (+11)
Con 20 (+12) Int 21 (+12) Cha 16 (+10)Hero Pegataurs are fairly rare and potent.