Pelatan (Golden Matriarchy of)
by Francesco DefferrariLocation: Western coast of Davania, south of Arica and south west of Izonda.
Area: Approximately 800,000 sq mi.
Population: 1,000,000 or more (500 good dragons, 5000 sphinxes)
Language: Pelatian (mixed elven-Tanagoro). elven writing.
Calendar: 1016 AC is 1616 IY (Iemara year, see below)
Government: Monarchy of the Golden Matriarch, advised by a council of women chosen by Valerias.
Industry: agriculture (most population is vegetarian), ship building (poor) mining (all kinds of minerals, stones and gems) textile (cotton, hemp, linen) magical objects (good or neutral purposes only).History: During the Ilsundal migration, a group of elves, friend to enduks and sphinxes, decided to settle south of the enduk empire. When the enduks escaped their evil brethren the minotaurs and went north, the elves had an hard time to resist the minotaurs' ferocity. The arrival of Tanagoro colonist in the former lands of the enduks helped them to defeat the minotaurs. The Tanagoro settled in Arica. Some Tanagoro, more nature oriented than their Arican brethren began to settle in the elven lands. For centuries the two population lived in peace, with interbreeding more and more frequent. When the "good" ogres followers of Sumag arrived in Arica in 1250 BC Pelatians welcomed them too. When the war of purification drove ogre kin away from Arica in 900 BC some ogre kin settled in Pelatan, while others drove away the minotaurs and lizard kin of the desert and founded Izonda. Shortly after more humanoid came from the north, forcing Arica, Izonda and Pelatan to fight. Izonda became a military dictatorship, and began to wage war upon Pelatan. Elves, Tanagoro and Ogre kin of Pelatan united themselves under a young warrioress, Eshala. But in 807 BC Eshala was killed in battle, and bitter times began for Pelatan. The salvation came from the east, by the hands of a Varellyan priestess of Valerias, Iemara. Iemara and her priestess aided the Pelatians in their darkest hour, and the Izondians were defeated. The new capital of Pelatan was named after the priestess, who became the first golden matriarch. Peaceful relations were established with Nivall, the new founded colony of Varellya to the south. Izondians tried to invade Pelatan two others times, in 400Bc and 300Bc, but were always defeated. In 150BC Iemara died fighting a Copper Dragon, and her husband Erimil the fool proclaimed himself king, aided by the military who wanted war against Izonda and Arica. The war lasted 50 years, until the young daughter of Erimil, Iasia, forced his father to abdicate and became the new Golden Matriarch. In 441 AC humanoids raiders from the east attacked Pelatan, but were destroyed. In 650AC other Varellyans arrived in Nivall from the east, but relations between Pelatan and Nivall continued peacefully. In 750 AC Izonda attacked but was crushed by the Nivall-Pelatan alliance. Since then Pelatan and Nivall are close allies. In 850Ac Illemia, daughter of Iasia, became the third golden matriarch. Recently, in 1007 AC Pelatians clerics of Valerias inspire a revolt in Izonda, after which the dictatorship took a more peaceful and tolerant government. The revolution has been called the flowers' strife.
The People: Pelatians are a mix of elven, Tanagoro, ogre kin and Varellyan blood. So they are tall, slender and strong and have pointed ears. There are no more individuals of one of the four races at presents days. Their skin tone is very variable, but never too much dark or pale. Their hair are usually dark, and so their eyes, but there are many people with blond or red hair and azure or green eyes. Pelatians mated also with gold dragon, and so their lifespan is much longer than normal human, ranging to a minimum of 250 years to a maximum of 1000. The Golden Matriarch live always exactly 1000 years, by Valerias will, and seems always 20 years old. Pelatians worship Valerias above any other god, but Valerias herself consider Pelatan shared with Ordana. Xeron (Ixion) is worshipped too, and in present day also all the nature oriented or elven gods and goddesses (Ilsundal, Mealiden, Eyrindul, Faunus, Djaea,...) Tarastia and Diulanna are worshipped as goddess of war and justice. Korotiku is well known as a god of joy, and all his clerics are most aranea. Evil gods are banished and their followers exiled. Showing racism in Pelatan is another cause of exile. Any unmotivated act of violence deserve immediate death penalty, carried by the citizen of Pelatan themselves. Theft is a minor crime and usually is punished only by restitution. Tolerance is the major virtue of Pelatan society, and no creature is unwelcomed here, neither beholders, evil dragons, minotaurs and humanoid at least until they behave themselves. Sphinxes, Centaurs, Zebrataurs, Pegataurs, araneas, faerie folks, good and neutral dragons live peacefully in Pelatians cities. Now that the flowers' strife has changed Izondian society Pelatan has no other enemy.
Adventures link: For the curiosity and tolerance of his inhabitants Pelatan has many contact with other planes, and this may be a good source of adventures for any visitor. Evil gods enemies of Valerias (like Thanatos) always plot to bring down this peaceful nation (the rule of Erimil the fool, the attacks of Izondians and the humanoids invasions were all Thanatos' plots). Scattered around the nation there are many ancient ruins of enduk, serpentine and elven cities from before the great rain of fire.
Society and Government: Pelatan is an egalitarian society, but is called a matriarchy because only a woman can rule the nation. Women are generally reputed better ruler than male and much less inclined to start wars. Nevertheless, men can have any important place in government, clergy and military. In truth, the government is 80% women, the clergy of Valerias 70% women, the military 40% women. The other clergies are at 50% and the wizards are 60%males. Pelatan has many clerics and a lot of wizards (1 Pelatians on 2 has natural magical abilities like elves), aerial troops of any kind and an always well trained military (Pelatians love too much their beautiful nation to let anything destroy it). The Golden Matriarch is trained to be a priestess and wizard of high level, and she is the formal head of the church of Valerias. 7 high level priestess or priests of Valerias and 5 from the others gods (at least 2 of Ordana) are her high council. Of the 12 members of the council not more than 5 and not less than 3 are males. A representative of any major group of Pelatan society can always speak to the council (like wizards, merchants, miners, farmers, dragons, sphinxes, other creatures, sailors, soldiers).
Important figures: Illemia Ishelial (30lvl C, 18lvl M)the Third Golden Matriarch is a beautiful woman of dark complexion, with red hair and green eyes. She is always very gentle and not afraid to take personal risks. She love art and tales. She try always to find the true nature of men and women. Teron Askalil (35lvl W) the golden general of Pelatan is a famous adventurer, well known for his bravery. He and the matriarch are lovers. He still travels with his group of friends, the most famous adventurers of Pelatan. The group is called "The purple swords". Ehamakeribh (ancient gold dragon) is 9000 years old (In my campaign the maximum lifespan of a dragon is 10000 years. If you don't like this change it). He saw the fall of Lhommar and is near a god for others dragons and Pelatians. He know very well of the Carnifex menace and in all his life has fight it. Sometimes he employs adventurers to find ancient objects or fight the outer beings plans.
Relations with others nations: Pelatan has very good relations with Nivall to the south, usually good with Arica to the north and now peaceful relation with Izonda. Pelatan commerce with Nivall, Arica, Tangor, Zyxl, Gombar and Sumag. Pelatans know of Kwythellar elves and despites them. Sometimes they commerce with the dwarves of Duargor. Rarely ships from the savage coast and Nentsun (nation of Skothar) arrive in Pelatan. Pelatan wizards and Alphatians wizards know each other and have peaceful relations. Pelatans had little contact with Heldann and want no more. They despites Vanya and her philosophy of war and conquest.