Bird, Piranha
by Jamie BatyGreater Piranha Bird
X6 29, DMR2 84
Small Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Armour Class: 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. /0 ft.
Special Attacks: Frenzied Blood Rage
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Hide +7, Listen +3, Spot +8
Feats: Hover (B), Track (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Warm forests, marshes
Organisation: Solitary, or Flock (5-12)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-6 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: -Greater piranha birds are very similar to their lesser cousins, but far more dangerous. They are about 2 1/2' long and their whistle is lower and more melodic than the lesser piranha bird's whistle.
Greater piranha birds do not need to rely on the group tactics of the lesser piranha bird- their attacks are more deadly and they are much tougher. They often get worked into a frenzy in combat. Greater piranha birds also have the ability to track prey down.Frenzied Blood Rage (Ex): When a greater piranha bird has taken more than 50% of its hp in damage, or over half of its flock has been killed, the bird will enter into a frenzied blood rage. The greater piranha bird temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but it takes a -2 penalty to Armour Class. The increase in Constitution increases the greater piranha bird's hit points by 2 points per HD, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when its Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the bird's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. There is no limit to the number of times a greater piranha bird can enter this rage (although it can only enter it once per encounter).
Skills: The greater piranha bird has a +4 racial modifier to all spot checks.
Lesser Piranha Bird
X6 29, DMR2 84
Tiny Animal
Hit Dice: 1/4d8+1 (3 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Armour Class: 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex), touch 15, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: 0/-12
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d2 -4)
Full Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d2 -4)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft. / 0 ft.
Special Attacks: Birds of a feather
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 3, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 5
Skills: Hide +11, Listen +3, Spot +4
Feats: Hover (B), Weapon Finesse
Environment: Warm forests, marshes
Organisation: Solitary, Wing (2-5), or Flock (5-20)
Challenge Rating: 1/8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
Level Adjustment: -Piranha birds are garishly coloured. Individual birds may have green, blue, red, brown, black, or occasionally purple feathers-the entire spectrum of colours is usually displayed in a single flock. Lesser piranha birds grow to a maximum of 1 foot long. The whistles of lesser piranha birds are higher and less melodic than those of greater piranha birds.
Piranha birds have gaping mouths full of slashing teeth. These are razor-sharp, so that the bird can easily bite into flesh and rip away a mouthful while on the wing. These creatures can fly with hummingbird like manoeuvrability. They can make sudden changes in direction, or even hover in midair. When one catches sight of a potential meal, it utters a high-pitched whistle, alerting the whole flock. These birds only attack warm-blooded creatures.
Piranha birds do not like bright sunlight, but may he found in warm climates, except areas barren of any shade. They live in regions of dense forest. Underground varieties have been reported. At night or on overcast or foggy days, piranha birds may fly far from their nests in search of prey.
Piranha birds reproduce every spring. Each female lays 2 to 5 eggs. She warms them until hatching, and then rejoins the hunt to feed the young. Piranha birds are especially voracious at this time- first the males, which must bring back enough food to the nests to feed the females; then male and female alike, as they strive to feed their offspring. A flock of piranha birds has no leader as such, but does have a pecking order that dictates which bird gets first pick of fallen prey for itself, its mate and its young.Combat
This vicious creature gathers in flocks that rapidly tear apart prey, much like the fish after which the piranha bird is named.Birds of a Feather (Ex): Up to 6 lesser piranha birds may occupy a 5'x5' square at the same time. They coordinate their attacks and each piranha bird gains a +2 bonus to all attack and damage rolls. This wing of piranha birds may move into an opponent's square, and if it does so, the attack bonus increases to +4 (but the damage bonus remains at +2). Larger groups of lesser piranha birds form multiple wings of 6 birds.