Festivals and the Planes
by HåvardSo I was thinking about this idea of festivals being held during times when the veil between the planes of existence is thinner. Festivals are times of magical rites that need to be performed to ward off evils and make sure that seasons pass and the universe moves along as it should. Druids and Clerics often lead such festivals, but everyone in the community needs to participate in order to preserve the order of the cosmos. Some activities are fun, but there is always a serious undertone and failure to hold the proper rites during a festival can be disastrous.
The Spring Festival
Linked Plane: The Feywood, Plane of Fairy, the Feywild.
During this festival, communities are often visited by the fey creatures. Most will only watch, remaining invisible, but some may attempt a few pranks.
Disaster: If the rites are not kept properly, the fey will be offended and may run rampart or unleash the Wild HuntSummer Festival
Linked Planes: Plane of Fire, Homeplane of Ixion
A celebration of the year, summer and joy. Bonfires are often burned and things associated with bad memories thrown onto the fires.
Disaster: If the rites are not kept properly, Fire elementals may appear and cause wildfires to spread.Festival of the Dead
Linked Plane: Limbo, the Plane of the
During this festival, communities are often visited by the undead and Hags. The spirits of those dead who have passed onto the higher planes are also believed to be able to watch and listen so the festival allows friends, family and relatives to honor their dead.
Disaster: If the rites are not kept properly, undead will be let lose.Winter Festival
Linked Plane: Niflheim
During the time of this festival, held at the winter solstice, the forces of winter attempt to gain a permanent hold over the world.
Disaster: Failure to keep the proper rites will make for an unusually long and harsh winter.What are more ideas? How can this be expanded?