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Thoughts on Mystara post Gazetteers

by DJ Hartel

Lot's of good thoughts on this topic so far. My apologies if this post is long; I’ve been musing on this for a number of years now.

I’ve been slowly working on my own version of the setting. I even reached a point where I began mapping Immortals to different “Houses” of the spheres and started a history project to see which Immortals appeared during specific events. It may be overkill for most, but it seems like a good thought exercise. I have been playing using OSE Advanced rules for gameplay, though I’m not intending to mention any rule changes I would make here.

Race/Species Updates

Specific Known World Country Changes

Hollow World - Week of No Magic and Afterward

For the future, I am considering that once Alphatia no longer exists, there should be other empire(s) to challenge Thyatis. I envision one of Alphatia’s successor states growing strong—most likely Thothia, with possible contenders like Hule in the West and the revamped Ethengar to the north. For bonus fun, I keep pondering: what if the Alphatians were deterring something else from outside the Known World/Mystara—like an invasion from outer space?