Prestige classes
by Glenn ButcherHere is the work I've done so far on prestige classes. I've generated them not based on skills, but based on prestige orders that characters will want to be a part of. In some cases, this may mean that the class may have to be dropped due to a lack of unique skills for it.
I'd like to have at least one prestige class per country. Suggestions welcome! Need more fighter and rogue classes.
DMG- 3rd ed DMG
IMC - In My Campaign (campaign specific order) New - Not based on canon material, but seems to fitGeneric prestige classes
War mage (IMC)
Acrobat (previous poster)
Battle mage (see below)
Assassin (DMG)
Loremaster (DMG)Religious orders
Athena - Order of the Griffon (IMC)
Rafiel - Hand of Rafiel (New)
al-Kalim - DervishCountry specific prestige classes
Karameikos - Royal Karameikan pathfinders, (Order of the Griffon)
Darokin - Diplomat, Guild merchant
Alphatia - Air Elemaster, Spellguard (New)
Glantri - Secret crafts
Thyatis - Knight of the Air, Forester, Iron ring
Ylaruam - (Dervish), Order of the lance, Order of the mace, Order of the spell
Northern Reaches - ? (but they get barbarian class)
Isle of Dawn - ?
Hule - Order of the Whispering sash (IMC, DMG assassin)
Five Shires - Master
Ierendi - ?
Minrothad guilds - Merchant, something-sailor-ish?
Norwold - Dragonslayer (New)
Heldannic Freeholds - ?
Alfheim - Arcane archer (DMG), Order of the bow (New)
Wendar - As per Alfheim
Shadow Elves - Hand of Rafiel (New), Second shadow
Rockhome - Dwarven defender (DMG), ?
Sind - Sindhi Mystic (New), ?
Serraine - Windsinger, Top Ballista pilot/gunner
Savage Coast - Inheritors, Gauchos, Duellists (dragon mag)Descriptions:
War mage - a wizard skilled in linking with others to block magic over an area battle mage - see below
Pathfinder - A ranger type class
Order of the Griffon - from KoK gazetteer, a warrior type class
Diplomat, Guild merchant - from RoD gazetteer
Air elemaster - a wizard with power over air, able to control it by will
Spellguard - warrior class with abilities of magic resistance and protection
Secret crafts - from Glantri gazetteer.
Knight of the air - gains special bonuses while in the air
Forester - perhaps this could just be standard fighter/wizard?
Iron ring - this could be a standard rogue/fighter?
Dervish - powers to be decided
Order of the lance, mace, spell - powers to be decided (order of the mace is known as order of the sword IMC)
Order of the whispering sash - as per DMG assassin
Master - as per 5 Shires gazetteer
Merchant - as per Darokin merchant? (don't have Minrothad gazetteer)
Dragonslayer - special powers of defence against dragons, etc
Heldannic knight - ?
Arcane archer - as per DMG
Order of the bow - extra trick shots etc with bow
Hand of Rafiel - some kind of special priesthood class
Second shadow - rogue-ish powers
Dwarven defender - as per DMG
Sindhi mystic - at one with the universe, gain generic 'mystical' powers
Windsinger - gain access to special windsinger powers (see below)
Top Ballista pilot/gunner - extra attack/flying bonuses
Inheritor - as per Savage coast material
Gaucho - probably not really necessary as a prestige class
Duellist - from Dragon magazineBattlemage ---------------------------------------------------------
These rare spellcasters are adept in the use of magic on the battlefield. Often found in armies, they fight with sword and spell. Almost all battlemages are multi-classed fighter/wizards.Requirements: Base attack +6
Feats: Combat casting, weapon focus
Skills: Knowledge (tactics) +5
2nd level Arcane spells
Hit dice: d6
Class skills: Concentration, ...
Saves: +/-/+
Special powers:
o Every level in battlemage grants the spell progression that would normally occur in the spellcaster class, but no other benefits from the other class are gained (by taking a battlemage level). eg: no bonus wizard feats, etc.Arcane failure for armoured casting is reduced as follows:
1. Light armour, half arcane failure.
Buckler shields, no arcane failure.
Small wooden shields, half arcane failure.2. Small wooden shields, no arcane failure.
Small metal shield, half arcane failure.3. Light armour, no arcane failure.
Medium armour, half arcane failure.4. Small metal shields, no arcane failure.
Large wooden shields, half arcane failure.5. Medium armour, no arcane failure.
Heavy armour, half arcane failure.6. Large wooden shields, no arcane failure.
Large metal shields, half arcane failure.7. Large metal shields, no arcane failure.
8. Heavy armour, no arcane failure.
9. Tower shield, half arcane failure.
10. Tower shield, no arcane failure.
Windsinger prestige class
Perform ranks: 9+level of prestige class Know at least 3 spells of the song mage school, at least one of which must be 3rd level or greater.
Race: Faenare
Hit dice: d4
Class skills: ...
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Windsingers gain no proficiency in any weapon or armour. Armour of any type interferes with a Windsinger's movements, which can cause her spells to fail (if those spells have somatic components). Note that armour check penalties for armour heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a 1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armour and equipment carried.
Alignment: No restriction
Spells per Day: Windsinger cast spells, and continue to study magic as they did before. Thus, when a new Windsinger level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in the spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (metamagic or item creation feats, improved chance to use bardic powers, and so on). This essentially means that she adds the level of Windsinger to the level of some other spellcasting class (arcane or not) the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.
If a character had more than one class capable of casting spells before she became a Windsinger, she must decide to which class she adds each level of Windsinger for purposes of determining spells per day when she adds the new level.
(Note: by canon, windsingers use clerical magic. IMC they are normally song mages, or air elementalists).
Bonus Feat:
As the Windsinger gains additional feats, these may be taken as either metamagic or item creation feats. One feat is gained at 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th.
At every level, the windsinger may choose one windsinger spell from the list below. This may then be memorised as a normal spell.
Special powers:Windsinger spells:
Level Name
1 Song of the Wake
2 Harmonic Song
3 Song of Will and Iron, Song of the Snowstorm (Lesser)
4 Song of Dispelling
5 Song of the Snowstorm (Greater), Song of the Whirlwind
6 Song of the Rainbow
7 Song of Life
8 Song of Triumph