Just for fun, I am going to write up some BECMI monsters based on the novels by British author Hugh Lofting about Dr Doolittle. This is going to be less about the films, especially the Eddie Murphy version, which is only loosely based on the novels.
The Monsters of Hugh Lofting's Dr Dolittle: The Pushmi-pullyu
by Håvard
Armor Class 2 Hit Dice 4* Move 240' (80') Attacks 2 head butts Damage 1d8/1d8 No. Appearing 1 Save As F7 Morale 12 Treasure Type Nil Intelligence 10 Alignment Lawful XP Value 125 Monster Type: Monster (Rare)
The pushmi-pullyu (pronounced "push-me—pull-you") is a "gazelle-unicorn cross" which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body. Some pushmi-pullyus appear as two headed Lllamas instead. The pushmi-pullyu usually only uses one of its heads to talk, reserving the other for eating (thus allowing it to eat while speaking without being rude) and claims that its great-grandfather was the last unicorn.
In combat the pushmi-pullyu can attack with both heads, but only if one opponent is standing in front of it and another behind it. pushmi-pullyus speak their own language and common. pushmi-pullyus are friendly towards druids and elves and sometimes allow them to be used as mounts
Terrain: Woods.
Load: 2,000 cn at full speed; 4,000 cn at half speed.
Barding Multiplier: x 1.