Scafra's Pyrography:
by Carl QuaifThe following spells were used, or created, by the Fire-Mage Scafra of Gaelsfar during her long career. The spells were adapted into Mystaran terms by the Mage Delivane Crookback of Sclaras Island, and transcribed into a tome Delivane named Scafra's Pyrography. This book measures 1' wide by 2' tall; its covers are made of sheets of brass, with the book's title and Scafra's personal sigil (a stylised flame, forming her initial in Gaelsfar's Runic alphabet) on the front cover. The book's pages are made of a thick, creamy parchment, into which writing has been burned by a Candle-Scribe spell (see below). The Pyrography contains essays on the nature of Gaelsfar Fire-magic, theories on the workings of other magical "callings", and notes on the creation of Gaelsfar "Wands", including a detailed breakdown on the method used to construct and enchant Scafra's Wand of Glamour. It also contains a considerable number of spells; apart from those listed below, the Pyrography also includes the spells Burning Brand/Dying Embers, Phantom Torch, Fire-Eye, Elemental Guide, Fiery Gaze, Fire Cage, Mirage, and Fire Trap (see my earlier Scafra posting for details of these spells). The book is warded with a Blindfire glyph, which triggers when the book is opened without first speaking the password ("Siaroviir").
The Pyrography currently resides in Delivane's private library. However, certain individuals have been granted access to the book in the past, and some of the spells described therein have been copied down elsewhere.
Level: 1
Range: 10'
Duration: 1d6 Turns
Effect: summons minor elemental
This simple spell summons a tiny denizen of the Elemental Plane of Fire; it is the first such spell that the apprentice Fire-Mage learns. The Candle-Scribe appears as a tiny, candle flame-like mote of fire.If provided with a suitable writing surface (thick parchment, sheets of wood, stretched animal hides, etc) and commanded to start scribing, the Candle-Scribe will faithfully copy every word spoken by its master, burning the words and phrases into the writing surface. The 'Scribe is mentally linked to its summoner, and can accurately gauge correct punctuation and spelling from its master's mind. The 'Scribe will write in whatever language the summoner uses.
In addition to normal writings, the Candle-Scribe can also copy spells; in this case, the material to be written on must be expensive, and coated with a solution made from rare ingredients (similar to that used to make a Scroll of Spell-Catching); this replaces the rare inks used in normal spell-writing. In order to capture the magic within the writings, the summoner must actually cast the spell, which is then drawn harmlessly into the text through the 'Scribe. In this instance, the Candle-Scribe also marks out hand-gestures, inflections, or other instructions necessary to cast the spell.
The 'Scribe can be used to copy one spell per summoning, and will remain just long enough to transcribe the entire spell, no matter how long it takes. The 'Scribe cannot be used for both magical and normal writings in the same summoning-period. When copying non-magical writings, the Candle-Scribe winks out when the spell expires, whether or not its master has finished her dictation.
The Candle-Scribe has one hit point, and will vanish if struck. It cannot attack under any circumstances.
Tongue of Flame
Level: 2
Range: caster
Duration: 1 round per 3 levels of caster
Effect: grants temporary flaming breath
This spell, the first created by Scafra after beginning her formal apprenticeship, causes the caster's tongue to burst into flame. This causes no damage to the caster, and allows her to breathe a blast of fire at one target within 40' each round. This causes 1d6+1 flame damage, and can cause flammable items to ignite.At 3rd Level, the caster can breathe once before the spell ends. the duration extends to two rounds at 6th Level, 3 at 9th, etc. up to a maximum of 6 rounds at 18th Level. The caster can choose not to breathe flame during any round.
The flaming tongue does not interfere with speaking or spellcasting, but the Mage may not cast spells and breathe flame in the same round.
Dancing Imps
Level: 3
Range: 75'
Duration: 1d4 + 4 rounds
Effect: summons minor elementals
This attack spell, devised by Scafra herself, summons 1d4+1 Fire Imps from the Plane of Fire, which shoot from the caster's fingers. These "Fire Imps" are actually cunning, mischievous, semi-intelligent elementals, resembling 2"-wide balls of yellow fire. They fly towards the targets at up to 360', whizzing around and making swift, glancing blows. Each Imp can strike twice per round, causing 1d3 damage per hit (no save for half damage). Their speed and agility gives them an effective AC rating of -4, and they always strike first in any round, disrupting any spellcasting (Mages and other spellcasters being their first-choice targets). Unearthly giggles, like the pops and crackles of twigs on a fire, can be heard as they zip to and fro.The Caster must concentrate fiercely to maintain the Fire Imps on this Plane, and cannot perform any other actions; she can be led away by another, however, moving at no more than half normal speed. The caster has no control over which targets the Imps choose, other than to specify those who are NOT to be attacked. If the caster is disturbed or struck, the spell ends.
Fire Imps cannot pass through Protection from Evil/Good spells. If struck by any weapon, a Fire Imp vanishes from this Plane, although the rest are unaffected. Otherwise, they vanish at the end of the spell's duration.
Level: 3
Range: 120' (and see below)
Duration:6 Turns
Effect: allows caster to view distant events
This variation on the Clairvoyance spell allows the caster to remotely view a scene through the medium of flame. The spell requires a natural fire as a focus; a small campfire, or a log fire in a grate, are the most common foci, although the caster can make use of anything from a candle-flame to a burning building, if necessary.Once the spell is cast, the Mage must relax, clear her mind of emotion, and gaze dispassionately into the fire while thinking of the place or person to be scried. Maximum range is 120', although if there is a fire of some sort at the desired location the range is doubled. The viewpoint is usually about shoulder-height; otherwise, it will be from the vantage-point of the fire used to view the scene. The spell does not convey sound, although a viewer with the ability to read lips will be able to decipher at least some of the conversation.
The spell will end prematurely if the scrying-flame (or the terminus-flame, if used) is permitted to go out, or the caster is disturbed. Should the caster allow her emotions to surface while scrying, the images will waver and dim; a strong enough emotion will shatter the picture completely, although the caster can recover it if she returns to a calm state before the duration ends.
Wings of the Phoenix
Range: 0' (caster only)
Duration: 1d6 + 6 Turns
Effect: summons elemental wings
This is the Fire-Mage's version of the standard Fly spell; like many fire-variations, it is far more flashy and impressive than the original.The spell summons a curious, mindless elemental creature called a Wings of Flame. Its appearance is as one would expect from its name - a pair of beautiful, varicoloured Phoenix-like wings (total wingspan 15'), joined together by a softly-glowing patch of light. This patch manifests between the caster's shoulderblades, grafting the Wings to the caster, and granting her the power to fly at up to 360'.
The Wings respond to the mental commands of the user, and will permit the same kinds of aerobatics as the Fly spell - the user can even hover in place, with the Wings beating softly. If necessary, the caster can attack with the Wings (one attack per round on creatures within range - either by swooping past them, or by "stabbing" with one wing), causing 1d8 fire damage with each successful hit. Flammable items may be ignited by a touch from the Wings. The caster is provided with complete immunity to damage from her own Wings for the duration of the spell, but not from any other flames.
If desired, the caster can will the Wings to detach from her back and float about 6' in the air above her, remaining stationary or following the caster around, as the caster wishes; when called, the Wings will fly to the caster's current location as fast as possible without causing injury or damage, if possible.
The Wings of Flame cannot attack or defend of their own accord. They are AC3, and can take up to 20 hp of damage (counted separately from damage to the caster) before vanishing.
Fiery Double
Level: 5
Range: 50'
Duration: 1d6 rounds, + 1 round per level of caster
Effect: summons elemental duplicate of target
This spell allows the caster to summon a creature of Elemental Fire to do battle for her. The Fiery Double duplicates one foe within range; the caster must hold a piece of clothing, a hank of hair, or some other flammable item belonging to that person, which is consumed in the casting.The Fiery Double appears as a perfect copy of the target (down to their clothing) made out of flame. It has as many HD (rolled on d6) as the target has levels - up to a maximum of half again that of the caster's level - and carries identical weapons; these do the same basic damage, + 1d6 fire damage per round (magical pluses, and other magical abilities, are not duplicated). The Double has AC0. It cannot cast spells, but fighting skills are replicated.
The Fiery Double can attack no-one other than its target, nor can it defend itself from others. It vanishes when it reaches 0 hp, when the target is killed, or when the duration expires, whichever comes first.
Level: 7
Range: touch
Duration: permanent until triggered
Effect: places a glyph on one object
This enchantment is used to protect items or areas from being entered or tampered with. During casting, the Mage traces a glyph with her left forefinger on the object, or doorframe if it is to protect a room, which glows brightly for 1 round after the spell is cast, then fades. It is visible to anyone using Detect Magic or Truesight, but otherwise cannot be detected.The first person, other than the caster, to open the door or touch the object activates the magic; the glyph flares into life, then drains its radiance into the interloper's eyes, rendering them utterly blind (the spell negates Infravision, too). A Save vs. Spells, at -3, is permitted to avoid this. Whilst under the Blindfire's effect, the unfortunate victim's eyes appear to be boiling orbs of white flame, although they cause no further harm to the victim.
The caster may choose to incorporate a password in the casting. This is optional, and allows anyone who knows the password to bypass the protection provided by the glyph.
The effects of the Blindfire spell is permanent until dispelled; a Dispel Magic cast by a Mage of at least 16th Level is required.
Sage's Altar
Level 7
Range: 30'
Duration: 3 questions
Effect: conjures Elemental Spirit
The spirits of the Magi of Gaelsfar are strongly tied up in their particular brands of magic, and none more so than the Elemental Mages. When such a Mage dies, his spirit is drawn to his respective Elemental Plane (the soul-essence, however, goes to Limbo, or to some other final rest, as normal). These Elemental Spirits are not normally seen on the Prime Plane, as they become part of the vital force of the Elemental Planes; however, through the use of this powerful dweomer, one such Spirit may be called back to the Prime for a short span.The Fire-Mage version of this spell requires a decent-sized bonfire, ignited by mundane means (magical fire causes the spell to fail). The caster must chant over the fire for an hour or more, attempting to locate either a specific Spirit, or to find one with the knowledge the caster needs. Once such a spirit has been located, the bonfire flares up to dazzling brightness, and surges skyward to nearly 15' tall; when it settles, the flame assumes the shape of the Spirit, as it was in life, from the torso upwards.
The caster may ask three questions of the Spirit, which has a base 50% chance of knowing the answer, +1% per level of the caster - a maximum chance of 86%. If it knows, it will answer truthfully. If not, the DM secretly rolls 1d6; a result of 1-4 means the Spirit admits its ignorance, while a roll of 5-6 means the Spirit will make up some plausible, but entirely false, answer to the question. Once the third question has been answered (in whatever fashion), the Spirit returns to the Plane of Fire, causing the bonfire to extinguish itself with an implosion of air.
This spell may be cast by any one particular Mage no more than once per month at the most. It must be cast at night, in an outside area which is open to the sky. The bonfire is visible for some distance, particularly when the Spirit inhabits it; DMs should roll at least once on the Random Encounter table to see if curious creatures turn up to investigate. The Mage's companions must deal with the potential threat; should the Mage stop chanting before the Spirit arrives, the spell is ruined.