by Chitekina1st level Pyromancy (6)
Burning Bright
Peh-nahan's Torch
Searing SoulBurning Bright
R: 120'
D: 12 turns
E: Volume of 30' diameterThis spell creates a luminous flame, as if cast by a bright torch or lamp. If the spell is cast on an object (such as the caster's weapon), the flame will move with the object. The flame cannot be doused by normal means, and gives off no heat, as it is a purely magical fire. Therefore, it will deal no damage.
If the spell is cast at a creature's eyes, the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell. If he fails the saving throw, the victim will be blinded by the light for the duration of the spell, or until the spell effect is cancelled.
There are rumours of a reversed form of this spell, Burning Black, but any findings of its existence are not yet proven.(Evocation)
Range: 40 yds.
Components: V
Duration: 12 turns
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Area of Effect: SpecialFirefling
R: 0
D: 1 round/level
E: The caster onlyThis spell allows the caster to grab an open flame, and throw it as though it were a missile weapon. It does not allow for the creation of the flame, so a normal fire must be present to make any use of this spell. A torch, or the flame from a lantern will suffice.
The caster may grab a piece of the fire, as though it were tangible, and throw it at any target. This is harmless to the caster, but any object struck will take 1d4 points of fire damage, and has a 10% chance per point of damage dealt of catching fire. The farthest distance that the fire can be "flung" is 30'.
The maximum throwing rate is 1 "fling" per round, but a bonus of +2 will apply to the hit roll if the caster carefully aims.(Evocation)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Area of Effect: NoneFlamefinger
R: 0 (caster only)
D: 1 round/level
E: Caster's index fingerThis spell causes the caster's finger to become surrounded with a normal, non-magical flame, completely harmless to the finger but not the whole caster. This is normally used to light torches or campfires, and it is often used as a source of illumination, providing the same light as a normal torch. The caster may cause the flame to disappear and return at will while the spell is in effect.
It can be a sort of melee weapon, doing 1 point of damage per level of the caster with a successful hit roll, but with no strength bonus to damage.(Evocation)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Area of Effect: NoneFlameflash
R: Touch
D: Special
E: 1 object or creatureFlameflash causes on object or creature to become enchanted with an invisible magical aura. The aura is harmless to the target, but it can be detected by Detect Magic.
When the target is touched, attacked, or otherwise disturbed, the aura discharges a fiery flash, doing 1d2 points of damage for every 3 levels of the caster. Creatures may save vs. spells for half damage. The caster will not set off this discharge, and may handle the target with no ill effects.
Certain targets may be allowed to have a second Flameflash enchanted upon it in addition to the first. Casters doing so must decide whether the second will increase damage, or will be triggered by a second touch. A living target can only have 1 Flameflash, and any normal object can have 2 at most. Specially prepared spellbooks (150% of normal cost) may have a total of 3 in effect at once. Any additional attempts will trigger them all, doing their damage to both the caster and the object.
Because of this spells nature, there is no maximum duration.(Evocation, Enchantment)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: 1 creature or object
Area of Effect: NonePeh-nahan's Torch
R: 0
D: 1 turn
E: The magic-user onlyThis spell creates what appears to be a torch of a pure golden flame. It is immaterial, and will pass through anything except the caster's grip.
The torch sheds a magical light, illuminating objects, places, and creatures with a slight golden glow. The glow is visible to anyone, and functions as a sort of Detect Magic in this respect.
The torch's light also allows the caster to read, not speak, any magical words or runes, such as those found on magic scrolls and other items. Unfamiliar magic writings cannot be understood without using this spell. However, once a magic-user reads a scroll or runes with this spell, the magic can be read or spoken later (without) using a spell. All spellbooks are written in magical words, and only their owners may read them without using this spell.
It is important to note that the light will only illuminate magical creatures, objects, places, or magical writings or runes, and does not illuminate anything else. The range of this magical light is 20'.(Evocation, Alteration)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius
Area of Effect: NoneSearing Soul
R: 0
D: Permanent
E: The magic-user onlyThis is one of the more powerful, albeit dangerous spells.
This spell enchants the caster, giving him the ability to deal damage to any object or creature in his line of sight. Each round, the caster may choose to deal 1 point of heat damage to the target, which may save vs. spells to avoid each point. Targets that are immune to normal fire take no damage from this effect, but may be aware of the attempt.
Targets must be directly perceived, observing the target through a mirror or by magical means, such as a crystal ball, will not allow the caster to deal the damage.
Causing the damage requires concentration, but no gestures or words are necessary. This effect can be used while the caster is bound and gagged, although blindfolded would limit his targets.
The cost for this effect is severe, however. The caster must pay in life force, trading 1 point of life for each attempt, regardless of whether the damage was dealt or not.
While this spell is in effect, the caster is considered an enchanted creature for the purposes of protection from evil spells. This enchantment can be broken at will by the caster, and is also subject to dispel magic and anti-magic.(Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6 turns
Effect: The caster
Area of Effect: Avoid2nd level Pyromancy (6)
Burning Brighter
Invisible Torch
Searing SongBurning Brighter
R: 120'
D: Permanent
E: Volume of 60' diameterThis spell creates a luminous flame, as bright as daylight. If the spell is cast on an object (such as the caster's weapon), the flame will move with the object. The flame cannot be doused by normal means, and gives off no heat, as it is a purely magical fire. Therefore, it will deal no damage. It lasts until dispelled, or is the target of continual darkness. Creatures penalised in bright daylight (such as goblins) suffer the same penalties within this spells effect.
If the spell is cast at a creature's eyes, the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell. If he fails the saving throw, the victim will be blinded by the light for the duration of the spell, or until the spell effect is cancelled.
This spell may be cast on an already existing Burning Bright, Burning Brighter, or Burning Brand, causing an effect called a Flash Burn. If this is done, instead of the normal effect, this spell creates a bright, fiery flash to emanate from the source. All within 15' must save vs. spell, or be blinded for 1d4 rounds. The caster is unaffected, mostly due to foreknowledge of when the flash takes place.(Evocation)
Range: 40 yds.
Components: V
Duration: 12 turns
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
Area of Effect: SpecialFlamefist
R: 0 (caster only)
D: Special
E: Caster's handThis spell cannot be cast without the caster first using the spell Flamefinger, as this builds from the lower level spell. The spell's duration is confined to the remaining duration of the Flamefinger spell.
Whenever the user clenches his fist, the small flame from Flamefinger consumes the whole hand, and the hand gains immunity to the flame. The caster may open his hand at any time to return to the single flaming finger.
This spell is used for offence, adding to damage in a striking attack. First the normal damage is dealt, then an additional 1d3 points per level of fire damage. (creatures immune to fire obviously take none of the additional damage)(Evocation)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: The caster
Area of Effect: NoneThe material component for this spell is the Flamefinger spell.
R: 60'
D: Instantaneous
E: Sphere 10' radiusThis spell cannot be cast unless the caster is enchanted with the Flameflash spell, or while holding an object enchanted with Flameflash. Flameflare removes one of those enchantments.
When cast, the object of the Flameflash spell releases its charge as a small burst of fire, travelling to any desired location in the spells range. The burst then explodes in a sphere 20 feet wide, and all within that sphere take 1d6 points of damage for every three levels of the caster at the time the Flameflash was cast. Creatures immune to fire are immune to this damage.(Evocation)
Range: 20 yds.
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius
Area of Effect: NoneThe material component of this spell is the spell Flameflash, which is consumed by this spell.
R: Touch
D: 1-6 turns + 1 per level of the caster
E: One creatureThis spell has no effect unless the recipient of this spell has Flameflash in effect upon them. This spell also removes the Flameflash "charge".
This spell causes a pair of 5' flaming wings to sprout from the casters back. Similar in appearance to those of a phoenix, they are in reality immaterial. Although they do shed light, they give off no heat, and will not harm the recipient.
They allow the creature to fly ate a rate of 240'(120'). The recipient needs to pay attention to its movement, but concentration is unnecessary. Manoeuvre factor is considered to be 1, and hovering is possible (but requires a dexterity check, or a loss of altitude is possible). (Evocation)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn/level + 1d6 turns
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Area of Effect: NoneThe material component for this spell is the Flameflash spell, which is consumed.
Invisible Torch
R: 0
D: 3 turns
E: The magic-user onlyThis spell creates what appears to be a torch, but with no visible flame. Any that can see invisible things will see an apparently normal flame at the torch's tip. Both are immaterial, and will pass through anything except the caster's grip. The torch's light causes invisible objects and creatures to become slightly visible, although still mostly transparent. Invisible attackers have their bonuses reduced from 4 to 2 while bathed in the light.
It is important to note that the light will only illuminate invisible things, and does not illuminate anything else. The range of this magical light is 20'.(Evocation)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 3 turns
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: 20-ft. radius
Area of Effect: NoneSearing Song
R: Special
D: Special
E: One creatureThis spell causes one creature, be it man or monster, to take increasing damage. The target may make a save vs. spells to avoid damage for the round, and creatures immune to normal fire take no damage. Also, if the target cannot hear the song, it will not be further affected by that particular casting of the spell.
When the spell is cast, the caster must begin singing a tale concerning the target. Although the subject may be obscured by careful use of words, anyone may choose to make a Wisdom check, modified by the caster's modifiers, in order to learn the target. The singing should usually be accompanied by dancing or with a musical instrument, or the rhythm of the song may be disrupted. (Wisdom check each round)
The round the spell is cast, no damage is inflicted. On the following round, 1 point of heat damage is dealt. Each additional round, the damage dealt is increased by one. The song must be uninterrupted to continue inflicting damage. If lethal damage is ever dealt, the target violently bursts into flames, along with all possessions carried.
It is important to note that a clever spellcaster, or a particularly slow opponent, may allow for a target to be destroyed without ever having known it was under attack.(Evocation, Necromancy)
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: One creature
Area of Effect: Avoid3rd level Pyromancy (6)
Aura of Blackflamme
Burning Brand
Eternal Torch
FlameforceAura of Blackflamme
R: 0
Duration: 1 round/level
Effect: Spells of the casterBlackflamme is simply normal flame in reverse, burning ashes and leaving whole items. It radiates cold at the same intensity as a similar sized fire, and cast darkness where the other would cast light.
For the duration of the spell, any spell effects of the caster that creates normal fire creates Blackflamme instead. Damage dealing spells only change the type of damage to cold instead of heat; amounts of damage are not effected. Spells that shed light instead radiate darkness. Similar changes in any way quantifiable occur for any spell effect that creates fire. Magical fires are unaffected, as are spell effects cast before Aura of Blackflamme was cast.
The caster can end the effect prematurely at will.(Alteration)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd./level
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: None(Burning Bright becomes Burning Black; Brighter becomes Blacker. Flash Black has no effect. Flame changes to Frost, and Fire to Freeze.)
Burning Brand
R: Touch
D: Permanent
E: Volume 60' diameterThis spell momentarily empowers the caster's finger with the ability to burn a rune into any object or creature. The rune will be of any single word the caster wishes, chosen at the time of the casting. When cast on an object or creature, it deals 2 points of heat damage to the target (no save), and 1 point to the caster.
The rune sheds a luminous flame, as bright as daylight. If the spell is cast on an object (such as the caster's weapon), the flame will move with the object. The flame cannot be doused by normal means, and gives off no heat, as it is a purely magical fire. Therefore, it will deal no damage. The flame cannot be dispelled until the rune is removed, which requires damaging that which it is enchanted upon. Even then, the flame lasts until dispelled, or is the target of continual darkness. Creatures penalised in bright daylight (such as goblins) suffer the same penalties within this spells effect.
If the spell is cast between a creature's eyes (requiring a hit roll with a -4 penalty), the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell. If he fails the saving throw, the victim will be blinded by the light until the rune is removed, and then cancelled.(Evocation)
Range: Touch
Components: V, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius
Area of Effect: SpecialThe material component for this spell is the damage the caster receives when touching the target. If the caster does not take damage from contacting the target, possible when wearing a ring of fire resistance, for example, the spell does not come into effect.
Eternal Torch
R: Touch
D: Permanent
E: One normal torchThis spell binds a Torchspell (such as Invisible Torch, or Peh-nahan's Torch) to a normal torch specially prepared with powdered diamond, which is then ignited, making the effect permanent until dispelled, or until the torch is burned or destroyed.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: One normal torchThe material components for this spell are a normal torch, which is easily obtainable, and powdered diamond, which must be ignited and consumed by this spell.
R: 0
D: 1 round
E: 1 FlamespellThis spell enhances any Flamespell, causing it to deal 4 extra points of damage for every level of the caster. Note that this spell has no effect if the particular Flamespell deals no damage. The target spell must be cast immediately after Flamefeed.
Range: 0
Component: V, S
Duration: 1 rd.
Casting Time: 4
Effect: 1 Flamespell
Area of Effect: NoneFlamefigure
R: 0
D: Special
E: CasterThis spell cannot be cast without the caster first using the spells Flamefinger and Flamefist, as this builds from the lower level spells. The spell's duration is confined to the remaining duration of the Flamefinger spell.
The caster and all items carried become shrouded in the non-magical flames. Everything shrouded gain immunity to fire and cold. The caster may reduce the effect to the normal Flamefist and back at will. The intensity of the fire does 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster each round to whatever the flames may touch, though creatures may save vs. spells for half damage. The flames radiate out 5' from the centre. If the caster were to punch, it would do damage in the same manner as Flamefist, but would now affect both hands.
This spells purpose is defensive, reducing the caster's Armour Class to 2 for all attackers within 5'. (Those outside this range suffer no penalty, as well as those immune to fire) It is important to note that users in the past have Wrestled with this spell in effect, reducing opponents WR by 7 and doing continuous fire damage.(Evocation)
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Effect: The caster
Area of Effect: 1/2The material components for this spell are the spells Flamefinger and Flamefist.
R: 150'
D: Instantaneous or Special
E: Sphere 10' radiusThis spell cannot be cast without the spell Flamefinger in effect, as this builds from the lower level spell. Flamefinger is consumed by the casting of this spell.
This spell creates a missile of fire that bursts into a ball of fire with a 20' diameter where it strikes a target. The Flameforce will cause 1d6 points of fire damage per level of the caster to every creature in the area of effect.
Furthermore, the caster does not need to release the missile immediately. He may hold the spell, letting it build in strength. Every round, he must make a Constitution check, and failing it causes the caster to take 4 points of damage. Regardless of the check, the Flameforce builds in intensity to deal an additional 4 points of damage. Holding the spell requires no concentration, and the caster may move freely, but another spell cannot be cast. There is no limit to how long it can be held, but if the caster is killed, the explosion is centred upon him. Note that there is NO SAVING THROW against this spell.
There is a form of this spell, Lesser Flameforce, that can be cast without the use of Flamefinger. That version allows a victim to make a saving throw vs. spells; if successful, the spell will only do half damage. The two spells must be recorded separately in the spellbook if both wish to be used.(Evocation)
Range: 150'
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous or Special
Casting Time: 4
Effect: 10-ft. radius
Area of Effect: NoneThe material component for this spell is the Flamefinger spell, which is consumed.
4th level Pyromancy (4)
Aura of Oriflamme
Burning Blade
FlameformAura of Oriflamme
R: 0
Duration: 1 round/level
Effect: Spells of the casterOriflamme is a purely magical fire, capable of burning even inflammable items. It radiates heat at the same intensity as a similar sized fire, but casts light with a golden glow.
For the duration of the spell, any spell effects of the caster that creates normal fire creates Oriflamme instead. Damage dealing spells change the type of damage to magical fire; amounts of damage are not effected. Spells that shed light instead radiate sunlight. Similar changes in any way quantifiable occur for any spell effect that creates fire. Magical fires are unaffected, as are spell effects cast before Aura of Oriflamme was cast.
The caster can end the effect prematurely at will.(Alteration)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd./level
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: NoneBurning Blade
R: Touch
D: 12 turns
E: One bladed weaponThis spell creates a luminous flame to trail a bladed weapon's stroke. The flame cannot be doused by normal means, and gives off no heat, as it is a purely magical fire. Therefore, it will deal no damage.
It can be used as a source of illumination, lighting an area 30' in diameter. Its intended use, however, is for combat. Anyone engaging the wielder of a Burning Blade must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells at the beginning of each round, failure indicating that they are blinded by the flame trail for that round.
Additionally, the wielder may choose, instead of performing any melee attacks in a given round, to raise the blade above their head. This causes the blade to shine much more brightly that round, causing an effect similar to Flash Burn, blinding all within 15' for 1d4 rounds unless a successful save is made. The wielder is immune to the effect, mostly due to foreknowledge of the effect.(Evocation)
Range: Touch
Components: V, M
Duration: 12 turns
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: One bladed weapon
Area of Effect: SpecialFirefade
R: 0
D: 1 round
E: One creatureThis spell causes a small ball of fire to appear in the caster's hand. It must be thrown at a target or crushed by the caster's hand before the duration ends to have any effect. Regardless, the ball sheds to heat and causes no damage, as it is immaterial.
When triggered, the ball envelope's the target in a quick burst of fire, doing 1 point of fire damage per 6 levels of the caster (no save) to the effected creature and anyone in contact with the target, and transports the target to a place up to 300' away. The caster picks the desired location. If he does not know the location, the caster may specify the direction and distance of travel, but the distance cannot exceed the total of 300'. (For example, 300' straight up; or 120' west, 60'south, and 120' down) This often appears to have destroyed the target.
The creature effected also arrives in a fiery flash, and takes 1 point of fire damage upon arrival. If this spell would cause the recipient to arrive at a location occupied by a solid object, this spell only deals the appropriate amounts of damage, and no transport occurs.
It is important to note that although the caster needs free range of movement to throw the ball, this spell can be cast even if the caster is restrained, although it can still be prevented from being cast by a silence effect. If thrown at an unwilling recipient, a normal attack roll must be made, but the target is treated as having an AC of 10, modified by dexterity bonuses.(Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 1 rd.
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster's hand
Area of Effect: NoneFlameform
R: Touch
D: Special
E: 1 object or individualThis spell cannot be cast without the caster first using the spells Flamefinger, Flamefist, and Flamefigure, as this builds from the lower level spells. The spell's duration is confined to the remaining duration of the Flamefinger spell.
When cast, the user must touch the target while Flamefigure is in effect. (Possibly requiring a hit roll) The target gets to make a save vs. spells, and a success means the spell has no effect. If the save fails, the target immediately bursts into flames, taking 1d6 points of damage per level of the caster each round, for the remaining duration. Creatures or objects immune to fire are still effected, but gain similar benefits to the Flamefigure spell as opposed to taking damage.
This spell is used to quickly start a campfire...yeah, that's what it's for...a large campfire or forge...yeah...(Evocation)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Creature or object touched
Area of Effect: Neg.The material components of this spell are the spells Flamefinger, Flamefist, and Flamefigure.
7th level Pyromancy (1)
Searing Spell
R: 0 (caster only)
D: Permanent
E: 1 memorised spellThis powerful spell binds (or rather "burns") a memorised spell into the caster's memory permanently. The bound spell can be cast as often as desired, never leaving the slot in which it was memorised.
The price of the spell is severe, however, being paid in life force. 6 hp per spell level must be paid to bind the spell, and these hit points can never be regained.
Though the bound spell's effects are still subject to dispel magic and the like, the spell cannot be removed from memory.(Evocation, Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Area of Effect: The caster
Area of Effect: Nil