Dragon, Turquoise (Aquamarine)
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: 2 0 -1 HD: 7** 10+3*** 14**** Move: As Blue As Blue As Blue Attacks: As Blue As Blue As Blue Damage: As Blue As Blue As Blue No. Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F7 F22 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3,Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alignment: Neutral (Turquoise), Chaotic(Aquamarine) XP Value: 1250 3500 5500 Spells
Levels 1 2 3 4 Small 4 3 Medium 4 4 2 Large 5 4 2 1 Breath Weapon, Turquoise: Cloud of ozone (dimensions as green dragon). Aquamarine: Cloud of ozone + disappear Turquoise dragons are among the rare hybrid dragons, created by a crossing of blue and green dragons, and one of the only two such hybrids that is not immediately hated by draconic society. And that is for a simple reason – they are feared. While the purple dragons are the judges among dragons, turquoise dragons are the executioners. The thing that differentiates turquoise dragons from all other dragons is that their breath is especially dangerous to other dragons. Damage due to the highly reactive cloud of ozone gas breathed by them is calculated normally when applied to most creatures, but all dragons other than turquoise dragons take double damage from this, and can save for normal damage. They are, at best, tolerated by other dragons, who fear the wrath of turquoise dragons. They are not subservient to purple dragons, but will willingly do their bidding when called upon to enact draconic justice. The even rarer aquamarine dragon is the gemstone equivalent of turquoise dragons, and their role is even more sinister. They act as the rarely used assassins of dragon society, being willing (for enormous sums) to kill dragons on the behest of others. Few exist and those who do keep their presence quiet. It is rumoured that some do the bidding of the purple dragons of the Wyrmsteeth, but the Draconic Queen denies this. In addition to damage, the breath of an aquamarine dragon causes all of those who have failed their saving throw to effectively not exist for 1d6 hours – they can see, move around etc. but cannot interact with or be seen by any other creatures but the aquamarine dragon itself. They are unable to cast spells or take any offensive action against any creature except the dragon during that time.