by Cab DavidsonBecause I've never really done this much, I'll start posting details of some of the NPC's from my campaign. Starting with a genuine big dog, the old charmer Queldommage. Next I get round to it I'll maybe post details of his 5 daughters. Please, feel free to add any other NPC's you wish here too.
Any spells or general skills not in canon sources can be found in my campaign guide.
(MU 36. HP 51, Alignment Lawful, AC 5 (Ring of protection +5, -1 dexterity penalty) S 8, I 18, W 17, D 6, Co 13, Ch 17) Skills: Gambling (W), Spell Combination (I) Detect Deception (W), Danger Sense (W), Accounting (I), Architecture (I), Psychology (I), Deception (Ch), Leadership (Ch), Persuasion (Ch), Blending (W), Lip Reading (I), Cantrip (I), Information Gathering (I), Acting (Ch), Appraisal (I), Bargaining (Ch) – weapon mastery staff (GM), dagger (BS), Whip (BS). Real age – 208. Apparent age – 33)Quelldommage was born in the province of Cockatrice in the Kingdom of Floating Ar, the youngest son in a long line of tall, handsome, athletic magic users in in a family that could trace its roots to Princes of Glantri and the initial Landfall generation of Alphatian Wizards. It war apparent from birth that he would in all physical ways he would disappoint. Indeed his Glantrian grandfather took one look at the limp, bloated baby and exclaimed “Quel dommage!”. And the name stuck.
But there was something immensely likeable about him as a child, and he had an undeniable spark of intelligence. Soon, his parents were transformed from lamenting that a runt could no longer be exposed into lavishing the best education that money could buy on him, and by the age of 16 he was already excelling as a wizard. He became friends with a cadre of mages investing in gambling concerns in Gaity at the age of 18, and soon learned that he had an almost unsurpassed capacity both to gain the trust of others and, of even more value, to anticipate what others would want. This meant that even as a short (5’2”), rotund, thin-haired weakling he was not only in constant demand as a lover (rumours of his prowess and unparalleled insight were spreading like wildfire among the noble women of Alphatia), but also as a consultant in gambling businesses, trading, and politics.
By the age of 30, Queldommage was the richest man in Floating Ar, with a grand island estate that rivalled that of monarchs. By 50, he was one of the richest men in the Empire. But he wasn’t truly happy until his 130th birthday, when he met the love of his life, Aleesa, a charming contemporary wizard from Wyvern.
They spent 75 happy years together, before Aleesa died delivering their fifth daughter. Queldommage was forced to choose between the life of his child and that of his lover, and his friends say that there is still just a little less joy in him, even after so many years.
Queldommage remains a wealthy and influential man with friends in every powerful place in the Empire. His capacity to anticipate the desires and impulses of others always gives him an edge in any discussion or negotiation, from the selection of servants for his estates, to gaining insight into the desires of a new lover, through to advising Kings as to how to secure their positions from meddling courtiers. His business interests are vast, spanning areas as diverse as the import of guano from Everfeed through to financing the theatres of Starpoint, and his collection of art and magical items (both practical and more esoteric) is almost limitless.
Physical appearance: He is entirely unimposing, standing at 5’2” and being rather wider than he should be, he seems clumsy in his actions, a problem rescued by extraordinary good grace and panache. He is of common Alphatian colouring, although his limited resource of hair rather hides that. He dresses in fashionable silks and wears the full makeup that fashion dictates, and is usually seen leaning on a staff.
Personality: Queldommage is disarming, charming, friendly, and always interested in new people. While capable of awesome magical firepower, he doesn’t believe in fighting (indeed he believes that something has already been lost should he ever need to solve a problem with violence). He allows his reputation to proceed him, indeed he actively encourages rumours of his business and personal triumphs to grow in telling, and aims thus to head off any conflict before it commences by making it seem entirely pointless picking trouble.
Items Usually Carried: While he has access to hundreds of magical items, there are a few he usually carries. Queldommage has never been in a fight in his life, but has a staff of wizardry with 30 charges just in case. He has a knife at his belt for the purpose of opening envelopes and cutting food should it be needed, and that knife is a dagger +5 of flaming. He wears a ring of protection +5 and a ring of zeal. He always carries 3 beltpouches of holding (about the size of belt purses but with a capacity of 2000cn each, weighing 20cn when full) and scrolls of listing, dictation and shelter. In case of emergency he carries 3 potions of superhealing, and a potion of luck. He is rarely without his amulet of protection vs. ESP, and usually has a crystal ball on him. At any time, there may also be 3d6 other more or less random magic items in his pouches of carrying.
He likes to have spending cash, and sees little reason not to be generous with money, while hating having to deal with loose change. He always has, as a minimum, 200gp and 10x 1000gp gems, but can at a whim teleport home for considerably more money should he need to. It is also not unusual for his servants to pack sandwiches, ale, milk and his favourite almond biscuits in his pouches, just in case.
Spells: While his spell books at home are immense and compendious, when out and about his business he will typically have the following spells memorised.
Level 1: Analyze (4), Detect Magic, Light, Magic Missile (2), Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep, Shiny Kit, Take That You Fiend!, Trust, Truth
Level 2: Continual Light, Detect Evil, Detect Invisible, ESP, Knock, Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, Wizard Lock, Stage Presence
Level 3: Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fly (2), Haste, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Water Breathing, Wall of thorns
Level 4: Charm Monster, Clothform, Dimension Door, Polymorph Self, Remove Curse, Wizard Eye
Level 5: Conjure Elemental, Hold Monster, Teleport (3), Woodform, Acid Arrows, Fabricate
Level 6: Anti Magic Shel, Disintegrate, Stoneform, Wall of Iron, Weather Control, Disguise, Fixer, (+35)
Level 7: Create Normal Monsters (2), Ironform, Lore, Magic Door, Power Word Stun (2), Teleport Any Object (4)
Level 8: Create Magical Monsters, Forcefield, Mind Barrier, Permanence, Polymorph Any Object, Steelform, Travel, Dimensional Ally
Level 9: Contingency, Create Any Monster, Gate, Heal (x2), Immunity, Maze, Power Word Kill, Timestop, Wish (3)New Items:
Scroll of Dictation: This handy scroll can function up to 3 times per day. Reciting a command word causes the first 500 spoke words within 20’ to be inscribed on the scroll. A second command word will cause those words to be erased again. The scroll does not have to be held or unrolled to be used, merely carried. Any inscribed words remain until erased by used of the second command word.Scroll of Listing: If this blank scroll is held up in front of a mixed selection of goods (treasures, coins, trade goods, etc.) and the command word spoken, a fully itemised list is immediately inscribed. A second command word erases the list. This scroll can be used up to 3 times per day.
Ring of Zeal: Once per day the wearer of this ring may attempt a task (an attack, a skill check, etc.) with particular gusto and enthusiasm. That check, and only that check, is made with a +5 bonus to the roll (if on a d20) or a 25% bonus otherwise. Note that the ring must be worn constantly to be used – it cannot be removed and replaced with another ring after use to be replaced the next morning. It must be worn for 24 hours to be used.