Quiver of Holding
by David ShepheardThis quiver looks like an ordinary quiver, capable of carrying 20 arrows, but it actually contains an extra-dimensional space that allows it to hold 200 arrows. When first obtained the extra-dimensional space is not active and the item is activated by trying to push an extra arrow into the full quiver. The device is a last in first out magical item. Whenever an arrow is pushed into a full quiver, it causes a random arrow visible in the quiver to vanish into the extra-dimensional space. Whenever an arrow is pulled out of the quiver, it causes a random arrow in the extra-dimensional space to pop back into the quiver. When taken into an anti-magic zone the 20 or less visible arrows in the quiver are the only ones that can be removed from it. Arrows in the extra-dimensional space are inaccessible. If a Quiver of Holding is emptied in an anti-magic area and then taken out of the anti-magic area, while empty, it will fill with up to 20 arrows with a slight popping noise, but having it put more than one arrow into the quiver from the extra-dimensional space is not damaging to the device.