A map of Mystara at 2000 BC showing the spread of races.
Known World:
Taymora: Humans, first Lupin breeds, mythic lycanthropes (Bronze Age) (Taymoran Civil War)
Malpheggi: Lizard Men (Stone Age), Makai (Stone Age)
Atruaghin: Azcan/Oltecs (Stone Age)
Thyatis/Minrothad: Shelash Elves (Bronze Age), Trantalians (Stone Age), Thantalians (Stone Age)
Nithia: Nithian humans (Bronze Age), Trantalian subject population
Northern Reaches: Antalians (Bronze Age), Dwarves & Gnomes (Iron Age?)
Darokin: Dunharian tribes (Stone Age)
Altan Tepee: Giants (Bronze Age)
Glantri: Belcadiz & Schattenalfen, Icevale, Gentle Folk (Bronze Age elves)
Ethengar: Neathar/Oltecs (Stone Age)
Serpent Peninsula: Sheyallia Elves, Tanagoro (Bronze Age), Karimari (as always)
Sind: Urduk nomads
Antalians (Bronze Age, includes Yevo)
Frost Giants (Frosthaven, Bronze Age)
Dragons (Dragon Wars)
Littonian (threatened by Frost Giants)
Denagoth (Half-Beastmen, Geffronell Elves)
Wendar (Genalleth Elves)
Urzud goblinoids
Yalu Coast Barbarians (Antalians, Dunharians)
Iraklita (Kavkaz kingdom)
Nomadic Sardjik, Khaghaz etc.
Nine Kingdoms (Temple of Chaos followers)
Bylot Hills colonies
Black Mountains: Goatmen of Bielagul?
Savage Coast:
Herath (replaces the dwindling Aranea)
Enduks (just created, Bronze Age)
Elven settlements (mixed with Oltecs)
Oltecs (Stone Age)
Tortle (Stone Age)
Arm of the Immortals
Aeryl (Bronze Age)
Jakar civilisation (early Bronze Age, Rakasta)
Yazak Steppes:
Plaktur Rakasta (Bronze Age)
Aardovai (proto-Lupins, Stone Age)
Western Brun
Yezchamenid: Pitchans, early Churans
Sylvan Realms: Ilsundal Elves
Saamari nomads (Stone Age)
Alphatian Sea:
Isle of Dawn: Dunael (just arriving), Giants of Gandhar
Alphatia: Yanifey (Stone Age)
Bellissaria: Pardasta? Yanifey?
Jennite Civilisation (Humans, Bronze Age)
Rakasta Civilisations (Sherkasta, Cloud Pardasta, plus scattered Fast Runners and Snow Pardasta -- undetermined tech level)
Swanamutu: Tanagoro (Stone Age)
Nentsun: Nasuuan Kingdom (Humans, Bronze Age?)
Thonia: Thonian Kingdom (Humans, Iron Age?)
North-east: (Proto)-Varellyans (early Bronze Age Neathars), Thratians
Southern Vulcania: Ice Gnomish civilisation (Iron Age?)
Savannah: Simbasta civilisation, covers also Milenian region, includes other subraces
North-west: Tanagoro colonies (with Fast Runner Rakasta?)
West of Varellya: Elven survivors? (Hatwa Elves)
Pachydermion Civilisation, non-Myoshiman Rakasta