Statistics for the Beast of Radlebb Woods
by Frank the DMThe Beast in the Woods
Here is a advanced Dire Boar.Advanced Dire boar
Hit Dice: 16d8+64 [136] + Ferocity
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armour Class: 16 (-1 size, +1 dex, +6 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+24
Attack: Gore +20 melee (2d6+12)
Full Attack: Gore +20 melee (2d6+12)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Ferocity
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +13
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +12,hide +1, Spot +13
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Iron Will, weapon focus. improved natural attack, improved critical.
Environment: Temperate forests
Organisation: Solitary or herd (5-8)
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 8-16 HD (Large); 17-21 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:
Dire boars are omnivorous and spend most of their time rooting around, much as ordinary pigs do. They viciously attack anything that approaches them, however.
Dire boars grow up to 12 feet long and weigh as much as 2,000 pounds.
A dire boar charges its opponent, trying to rip the target open with its tusks.
Ferocity (Ex): A dire boar is such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying.The priesthood of Orcus has taken the shoes from the mount of a fallen hero and placed them on the Beast.
For parties who don't bother with tactics, here is one that could provide a more tactical challenge. Not that smart, but wise enough to hit, take cover, and hit again. Familiarise yourself with the "ready action" before this fight and don't forget it has spell resistance.
Advanced Fiendish Boar -Magic beast extraplanar
Hit Dice: 16d8+48 [120] + Ferocity
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft. enhanced to 70 FT.(14 squares)
Armour Class: 17 (-1 size, +2 dex, +6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+24
Attack: Gore +19 melee (2d6+12)
Full Attack: Gore +19 melee (2d6+12)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Ferocity, Smite good {+16 damage 1/day
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, SR 19, Cold & fire resist 10, DR10 magic
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +13
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +11, Hide +1, Spot +11
Feats: [b]Power attack, Endurance, Iron Will, Dodge, mobility, spring attack.[b]
Environment: Temperate forests
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Horseshoes of zephyr [3000gp] + scattered treasure and gear from victims = an encounter level 9 treasure
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: 8-16 HD (Large); 17-21 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:If the previous beast was not enough to be a threat, here is a beast that should be a deadly fight. it is smart enough to use its feats effectively. The Cult has equipped it with the magical chain barding of a Huge beast
as well. The have given it bloated, enchanted ticks that act as potions when they are consumed. Add other potions as needed to challenge the party. A beast this ferocious has left great ruin in the woods, one could get rich looting the woods, though the cult has rounded up the enchanted items they can find.Hogzilla!
Advanced /awakened /fiendish/ Boarbarian1: Magical beast, extraplanar
Hit Dice: 22d8 + 1d12 + con = 267HP [313 Raging] & Ferocity
Initiative: +4
Speed: 50 ft. enhanced to 80 ft. 16 squares.
Armour Class: 27 [25] (-2 size, +4 dex, +6 armour, +9 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 23.
Base Attack/Grapple: +17/+39[41]
Attack: Gore +29[31] melee (2d6+21[24] magic
Full Attack: Gore + melee (2d6+21[24] Magic
Space/Reach: 15ft./10t.
Special Attacks: Ferocity, Rage 1/day[stats], smite good {+23 damage 1/day
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, 60' darkvision scent, SR 19, Cold & fire resist 10, DR10 magic
Saves: Fort +23[25], Ref +17, Will +17[19]
Abilities: Str 38,[42] Dex 18, Con 24[28], Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +11, Hide -1 Spot +11, survival +8
Feats: Iron will, Endurance, weapon focus, dodge, power attack, improved critical, mobility, spring attack
Environment: Temperate forests
Organisation: Solitary or with Orcus cultists
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: +2 chain 'shirt' barding{4550gp], Horseshoes of zephyr [3000gp], potion tick of flight[750][scattered in forest] 50,000 copper,10,000 silver, 500gp 100 platinum, 2000 in goods and gear [more if PC skilled in armour and weapon smithing]
Alignment: Chaotic evil