These were first scribbled down in a notepad during my early teens, the idea being there might be three different radioactive metallic dragons. I looked at a periodic table, the names of these three were thematically quite good, and everyone has heard of uranium and plutonium, so off I went.
There wasn't any thought as to their origins, but over the years 'radioactive' became 'radiance', their hunting grounds of space around the outer planets became outer planes of energy, and I took out some of the extra powers they had because they annoyed me (teenage me wasn't always right), and this is whats left. Discussion of radiance dragons on the Mystara forum recently reminded me about these.
The gemstone equivalents are a problem. Pitchblende is of course a (sometimes crystalline and quite beautiful) crystalline uranium ore, trinitite is the glass formed during the first nuclear test (the trinity test), but covellite was chosen just because of a picture of a near metallic dark blue cabochon gem I found a picture of in an encyclopedia. So they don't all entirely (or even at all) match up, and they are of questionable sense in game terms.
Radiance Dragons: Uranium, Neptunium and Plutonium
by Cab Davidson
Dragon, Uranium (Pitchblende) Stat Small Large Huge AC: 0 -2 -4 HD: 11** 16+3*** 22**** Move: As Gold Dragon Attacks: As Gold Dragon Damage: As Gold Dragon No. Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F9 F27 F36 Morale: 9 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2, I Hx3, Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alignment: Lawful (Uranium), Chaotic (Pitchblende) XP Value: 3500 6600 14000 Spells
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 Small 4 4 4 Medium 5 5 4 3 Large 5 5 5 4 3 Breath Weapon: Uranium – Cone of Radiance Energy (dimensions as per red dragon)
Pitchblende – Cone of Radiance Energy + sicknessUranium dragons are rare, even on the outer planes of energy on which they are native. They appear similar to other metallic dragons but with the occasional flash of green and yellow among their scales. On some occasions they are enlisted by powerful individuals (often immortals) to come to the Prime plane, usually to seek out and contain potent sources of radiance energy. By a fortunate coincidence, their breath weapon consists of a near irresistibly dangerous (save at -2 vs. dragon breath) cone of radiance energy, rendering them both immune to radiance and to any magical boosts based thereupon. This appears as if a cone of glowing violet energy emanating from the mouth of the dragon. They in fact thrive in the presence of radiance energy, leading them to choose to lair in places heavily contaminated therewith, whether naturally occurring or artificial, and they prize prey that lives upon such energy more than any other. Like all metallic dragons, they are competent shapeshifters, being able to polymorph at will.
While immune to such energy, they are not particularly concerned with it, and are rarely great students thereof. There are none among them known to be wielders of radiance magic, and they are in fat mistrusting of those who are, especially neptunium and plutonium dragons, seeing the use of such energies as needlessly dangerous and hazardous to other creatures.
Pitchblende dragons appear very like uranium dragons but the flashes of colour between their scales give a crystalline appearance, and emanate a dull glow. They are similarly attracted to locations rich in radiance energy, but rather than merely inhabit such places they typically use their polymorph ability to befriend those who may be fascinated with radiance and lure them towards the energy source such that they may become easier prey. Any victims who fail to save vs. dragon breath when in the area of effect of a pitchblende dragons breath will, in addition to taking full damage, begin suffering from a wasting disease, suffering -2 to their constitution scores and a further -2 per day, dying at 0 constitution. Only a with or a cureall or cure disease spell cast by a 15th or higher level cleric can cure this disease.
Dragon, Neptunium (Covellite) Stat Small Large Huge AC: -1 -3 -5 HD: 9+3** 14*** 19**** Move: As Red Dragon Attacks: As Red Dragon Damage: As Red Dragon No. Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F9 F28 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2, I Hx3, Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alignment: Neutral (Neptunium), Neutral (Covellite) XP Value: 2500 4500 9575 Spells
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 Small 4 3 2 1 Large 5 4 3 2 1 Huge 6 5 4 3 2 1 Breath Weapon. Neptunium: Cloud of radiant gas (dimensions as green dragon)
Charoite: As Neptunium + continual disfigurementNeptunium dragons are neutral metallic dragons immune to all adverse effects of radiance energy. In motion, they appear as bright, silvery dragons, while if they remain static they rapidly turn white, losing all metallic lustre within 3 rounds of being effectively motionless. Unlike Uranium dragons, they tend to have a fascination with radiance energy, and many study it and become competent users of radiance magic, having access to spells such as call upon radiance. While they rarely use this to cause harm, they freely use radiance magic in self defence or defence of their chosen realms (typically on remote energy planes) from others who would choose to exploit it. They are typically studious creatures, keen to study the ways of radiance and other forms of energy to understand and best use them for their own interests, and for residents of the planes on which they reside. They are, like all metallic dragons, gifted shapechangers, and use their polymporph ability to attend institutions of learning and to consult with sages to further their understanding of energy of all forms.
The breath weapon of a Neptunium dragon is a cloud of hot, radiant gas, glowing slightly blue with tiny particles of metal igniting throughout it, causing burning damage as per usual rules for dragon breath.
Covellite dragons are unique in that their alignment is the same as that of their non-gemstone equivalents. They are similarly interested in understanding varied forms of energy, but are more robust in their defence thereof from those who may misuse them. They appear very like neptunium dragons, with the same tendency to turn a pale white, but within their joints and between their scales a dark, rich blue crystalline lustre is visible. Any victims who fail to save vs. dragon breath when in the area of effect of a covellite dragons breath will, in addition to taking full damage, begin suffering from a disfiguting disease, suffering -2 to their charisma scores and a further -2 per day, dying at 0 charisma when their disfigurements become unmanageable. Only a wish or a cureall or cure disease spell cast by a 15th or higher level cleric can cure this disease.
Dragon, Plutonium (Trinitite) Stat Small Large Huge AC: 2 0 -2 HD: 7** 11*** 14**** Move: As Black Dragon Attacks: As Black Dragon Damage: As Black Dragon Number Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F7 F22 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2, I Hx3, Ix2 Intelligence: 9 12 15 Alignment: Chaotic (Plutonium), Lawful (Trinitite) XP Value: 1650 4300 6500 Spells
Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 Small 5 4 3 2 Medium 6 5 4 3 2 Large 7 6 5 4 3 2 Breath, Plutonium: Beam of burning radiance energy (dimensions as black dragon)
Breath, Trinitite: As Plutonium + intelligence wasting diseaseDevious, duplicitous, unstable and malicious, the plutonium dragon is one of the most dangerous predators of energy planes. It has no preferred habitat, there is no pattern to where they can most likely be found. They use the polymorphing ability common to all metallic dragons to take the appearance of scholars, sages, wizards and other creatures of learning, to allow them to get close to the wise and steal their knowledge of spells, unusual forms of energy (especially radiance, to which they are immune to the ill effects), in fact anything that can bring them power. In their dragon form, they are surprisingly unremarkable, having a barely metallic appearance of dull grey with features picked out in a greenish and yellowish hues, their quite staid appearance perhaps masking their savage behavious.
The breath weapon of a plutonium dragon is a narrow beam of burning radiance energy, causing burning damage akin to that of other dragons.
Trinitite dragons are as different in habit to plutonium dragons as it is possible to be. Although also master shapeshifters, they use their skill so become close to those in possession of dangerous knowledge of energy to protect those secrets from those who would misuse them. In their dragon form they appear similar to plutonium dragons but with a dull glassy appearance, as if light barely diffracts through the outer surface of their scales.
Both plutonium and trinitite dragons are skilled spellcasters, frequently learning to exploit radiance magic. Any victims who fail to save vs. dragon breath when in the area of effect of a pitchblende dragons breath will, in addition to taking full damage, begin suffering from a crippling mental affliction, immediately suffering -2 to their intelligence and a further -2 per day, dying at 0 intelligence. Only a with or a cureall or cure disease spell cast by a 15th or higher level cleric can cure this disease.