Forbidden Spells of the Radiance
by RobSome new Radiance spells. Some are ripped off and modified slightly from other sources, some are modifications of existing Radiance spells, some are completely new.
All go by the old Radiance connected to Energy bias. (Personally this Entropy stuff is a load of squit as far as I'm concerned, its one of these canon things I ignore ;)
Radiance Boost
Level 3
Range : 10 yards
Casting Time: 3
Components : V, S, M
Duration : Special
Save : SpecialA metamagic spell, this spell amplifies the magic of the targeted being so that a spell cast in the round after Radiance Boost is cast is cast at maximum effectiveness (damage and effects). Boosted spells that do not directly inflict damage that require saving throws (eg hold person) have a penalty of -4 to enemy saving throws. If the recipient of the spell can save versus spells the booster persists for an extra round. A magic resistant creature struck by a boosted spell who successfully resists it is instead struck by the spell at its normal level of power.
The reverse, radiance dampener, is cast upon an enemy spellcaster and persists for 1 round per level. The target may make a saving throw to avoid the effect, if this save is failed all spells cast during that time have the minimum possible effect (including a +4 bonus to save against their magic).
This spell requires the use of the casters Radiance receptacle.Energy Transformation
Level 5
Range :0
Components: V, S
Casting Time : 4 rounds
Duration : Special
Area : 40' radius
Save : NoneThis spell creates a permanent undetectable magic field. The field absorbs all magical discharges such as spell effects and item functions, and uses them to extend the duration of a magical spell or ward which is linked to the energy transformation spell. The linked spell must be specified when the energy transformation is cast, and so must any desired limits on the absorption area of the spell, subject to the maximum size of 40' radius.
The field does not affect magical items unless they are using a spell-like effect while in contact with the field, which causes spell effects to be absorbed, but without further harm to the item.
The field absorbs spells of any school(s) designated by the caster, with the exception of other Radiance spells (which cannot be affected). The energy absorbed can be used to power any spell with a duration longer than instantaneous - the spell linked requires a number of levels of magic to be absorbed per day equal to the level of the linked spell. So, a web spell requires 2 spell levels to be absorbed into the field per day to be maintained. If the required energy is not provided the linked spell fails. If the linked spell is dispelled or fails, the energy transformation field fails as well.
The linked spell must be either within 20 miles per level of the Nucleus of the Spheres, or linked to it via a receptacle. If linked via a receptacle, smashing the receptacle will cause the linked spell to fail.Radiance Doubler
Level 5
Range : 0
Components : V
Casting Time : 5
Duration : Instantaneous
Area : Special
Save : NoneWhen this spell is cast, the wizard may cast two spells of 5th level or lower simultaneously. The wizard selects targets and parameters as if casting each of the two spells normally. The Doubler itself has only a verbal component - this effectively replaces the verbal and somatic components of the doubled spells, but material components must still be provided.
The spell requires the wizards Radiance receptacle. Radiance spells cannot be doubled through the use of this spell.Improved Radiance Doubler
Level 6
Range : 0
Components : V
Casting Time : 6
Duration : Instantaneous
Area : Special
Save : NoneAnd improved doubler, this allows spells of any level to be cast simultaneously using it. This spell still cannot double Radiance spells however, and still requires the casters Radiance receptacle.
Utilise Radiance
Level 7
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Casting Time : 7
Duration : 5 rounds per level
Area : The caster
Save : NoneThis spell allows the use of the Radiance without using a receptacle or a Summon Radiance spell. It even allows the use of the Radiance where that power is unknown or alien, for example other planes. It works by drawing upon Radiance energy stored within the casters body via the Retain Power spell.
Each point of power stored can be used to power two spell levels of Radiance spells. So, for example, Prince Brannart has 24 stored units of power via retain power. If his receptacle is not available, he could cast this spell and then cast Discharge, which would consume four units of that power, leaving him with 20 points. He could continue using Radiance spells so long as he still holds enough Radiance within his body and as long as the Utilise Radiance duration has not expired.
If the caster is trapped within a dead magic zone, antimagic shell or similar effect, he can even use the Utilise Radiance spell to cast despite that. If he so chooses normal non-radiance spells can be cast, draining power in the same way. By accessing his personal reserves of magic in this way, antimagical effects can be avoided.
Upon casting Utilise Radiance four energy points are immediately drained. The spell immediately fails if the caster tries to utilise more power than he has. The Utilise Radiance spell itself does not otherwise require the casters receptacle.Divert Radiance
Level 8
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Casting Time : 8
Duration : Permanent
Area : 10' radius per experience level
Save : NoneThe reverse of Saturation, this spell diverts all inherent Radiance in the area away into the casters body. The caster immediately gains 20 radiance points as if by a Retain Power spell (possibly having a serious detrimental effect). The area around the wizard is then permanently rendered a magic dead area. No magical spell can be cast in the area, and no magical effect can penetrate it - similar to an antimagic shell but permanent and on a larger scale. Even constructs like golems are affected by this, becoming immobile as soon as they enter the dead-zone. Magically sustained undead are either banished to the Negative Material plane temporarily (if incorporeal) or lie quiescent (if corporeal) until the magic dead zone is destroyed or the body removed from the affected area.
The sole exception to this is a lich created through the misuse of the Radiance (ie Brannart McGregor) who's undead functions are not impeded by this spell.
A Wish spell has a 50% chance of undoing the damage done to the magical continuum. A Saturation spell cast within the dead-zone (via a Utilise Radiance spell, see above) will return the area to normal instead of having it's usual effect.Radiance Reversal
Level 9
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Casting Time : 9
Duration : a year and a day
Save : NoneUpon casting this spell upon a target a small trefoil symbol appears on the targets body. The spell is designed to be a weapon to be used against those creatures which cast spells or use spell like abilities.
When a spell is cast by the victim, the Radiance Reversal spell causes the energy to be corrupted and held within the victims body rather than be shaped and directed into a magical effect, as is normal. A random body part of the creature falls prey to the corrupting influences of the Radiance (as can happen to irresponsible Radiance wizards). For the next few minutes the victims body glows a flickering blue. Characters afflicted usually suffer further effects some time later, such as hair loss, nausea and bleeding gums. If a victim does not get the hint and continues using spells, when his final body part is corrupted his soul is drawn from his body into the Nucleus of the Spheres, leaving a lifeless husk behind.
The curse can be done away with only via the use of a Wish, its reverse (Radiance Correction) or the intervention of a deity. The trefoil symbol disappears when the dweomer has been removed.
The curse does not however impede the casting of other Radiance spells. It has never been tried, but it may be possible for a wizard to cast spells despite Radiance Reversal through the use of the Utilise Radiance spell.
This spell requires the use of the casters Radiance receptacle.Ray of Radiance Absorption
Level 9
Range : 60 yards
Components : V, S
Casting Time : 9
Duration : Instantaneous
Area : One targeted creature or item
Save : None
When this spell is invoked, the caster strips all magic from the target. Cast upon an item, this produces an effect identical to that of a Rod of Cancellation. Cast upon a spellcaster, it removes all memorised spells from the casters memory, and automatically dispels any dweomers in place upon his person. The spell can cripple wizards, destroy golems, and return conjured creatures to their place of origin, among other things.
Unlike Sever the Tie, this spells effects are purely temporary. Wizards struck can rememorise their spells in the normal way. Magical items remain as mundane items, though they could theoretically be reenchanted.
This spell requires the casters receptacle.
Some of these are quite powerful, but I feel that the Radiance should be powerful - it's the 10th level magic of Mystara, the way I see it. Also, seems to me that there simply aren't enough Radiance spells at the moment, its crying out for some more spells. So here they are!