Red Hawk Dragon
by Jamie BatySCMC
Dragon (Fire)
Environment: Any Mountains
Organisation: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, very old, ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary, pair, or family (1-2 and 2-5 offspring); May have multiple groups in isolated areas.
Challenge Ratings: Wyrmling 3; very young 4; young 5; juvenile 7; young adult 9; adult 11; mature adult 13; old 16; very old 18; ancient 19; wyrm 20; great wyrm 22
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Always Lawful, Usually Neutral
Advancement: Wyrmling 4-5 HD; very young 7-8 HD; young 10-11 HD; juvenile 13-14 HD; young adult 16-17 HD; adult 19-20 HD; mature adult 22-23 HD; old 25-26 HD; very old 28-29 HD; ancient 31-32 HD; wyrm 34-35 HD; great wyrm 37+ HD
Level Adjustment: Wyrmling +3; very young +4; young +4; juvenile +5; othersRed Hawk Dragons by Age
Age S Hit Dice (hp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Base Attack/ Grapple Attack Fort Ref Will BW (DC) FP DC Wyrmling T 3d12 (19) 11 10 11 10 15 10 +3/-5 +5 +3 +3 +5 2d6 (11) - Very young S 6d12 (39) 13 10 11 10 15 10 +6/+3 +8 +5 +5 +7 4d6 (13) - Young M 9d12+9 (67) 15 10 13 10 15 10 +9/+11 +11 +7 +6 +8 6d6 (15) - Juvenile M 12d12+12 (90) 17 10 13 12 15 12 +12/+15 +15 +9 +8 +10 8d6 (17) - Young adult L 15d12+30 (127) 19 10 15 12 15 14 +15/+23 +18 +11 +9 +11 10d6 (19) 19 Adult L 18d12+54 (171) 23 10 17 14 15 16 +18/+28 +23 +14 +11 +13 12d6 (22) 22 Mature adult H 21d12+84 (220) 27 10 19 16 17 16 +21/+37 +27 +16 +12 +15 14d6 (24) 23 Old H 24d12+96 (252) 29 10 19 16 17 16 +24/+41 +31 +18 +14 +17 16d6 (26) 25 Very old H 27d12+135 (310) 31 10 21 18 19 18 +27/+45 +35 +20 +15 +19 18d6 (28) 27 Ancient H 30d12+150 (345) 33 10 21 18 19 18 +30/+49 +39 +22 +17 +21 20d6 (30) 29 Wyrm G 33d12+198 (412) 35 10 23 18 19 20 +33/+57 +41 +24 +18 +22 22d6 (32) 31 Great wyrm G 36d12+252 (486) 37 10 25 22 23 22 +36/+61 +45 +27 +20 +26 24d6 (35) 34 Red Hawk Dragon Abilities by Age
Age Speed Initiative AC Special Abilities Caster Level SR Wyrmling 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average) +0 14 (+2 size, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14 Immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold - - Very young 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (average) +0 16 (+1 size, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 16 - - Young 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 18 (+8 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18 - - Juvenile 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 21 (+11 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 21 Faerie Fire - 16 Young adult 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 23 (-1 size, +14 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 23 DR 5/magic 1st 18 Adult 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 26 (-1 size, +17 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 26 Improved Grab 3rd 20 Mature adult 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 28 (-2 size, +20 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 28 DR 10/magic 5th 21 Old 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 31 (-2 size, +23 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 31 Heat Metal 7th 23 Very old 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 34 (-2 size, +26 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 34 DR 15/magic 9th 24 Ancient 60 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor) +0 37 (-2 size, +29 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 37 Wall of Force 11th 25 Wyrm 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy) +0 38 (-4 size, +32 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 38 DR 20/magic 13th 27 Great wyrm 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy) +0 41 (-4 size, +35 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 41 Control weather 15th 29 Note: Please reference the SRD entry on true dragons for related information, including ages, damage, breath weapon ranges, and special abilities common to all true dragons.
The red hawk dragon is native to the Arm of the Immortals Peninsula, but occasionally it is seen flying over the western lands of the Savage Coast. For obvious reasons, it is referred to as the "feathered dragon."
This creature is smaller and less bulky than most dragons. Its body is fairly streamlined for a creature of this size, tapering quickly into a stubbed tail. It uses its huge, powerful rear legs and versatile claws to walk around, while its forward arms are shorter and more useful in manipulative work than locomotion. The head of the red hawk dragon is angular, and the upper half of its mouth is hardened and pointed much like a beak.
Red hawk dragons are born covered in thick, bright red down, which later transforms into large, red feathers. During the dragon's juvenile years, scales start coming in, first covering critical locations, such as its chest and the brow ridges on its head. As it matures, the scales thicken and turn from a bright red to a reddish-brown, and the feathers turn dark red. By the time it reaches the young adult stage, most of the head is scaled except for a few decorative lines of feathers, and the chest and legs are completely scaled. The body is armoured in several areas with large scales, leaving borders of small scales covered with feathers around the chest and down the back. The wings and tail stay fully feathered.
Red hawk dragons are social creatures, living in communities with others of their kind, though they often hunt solo. The communities sometimes number more than a dozen dragons not including young. They mostly live in large caves. However, in the right conditions, they might take over an entire valley hidden deep within the mountains. They hunt along the slopes and plateaus but will sometimes venture beyond the mountains on extended hunting sprees. Inside the community, each red hawk dragon takes one mate and raises at least one set of young, ranging from two to four baby dragons. Though the parents are completely responsible for their young to begin with, after their first few years the entire community takes responsibility by helping with the young dragons.
Red hawk dragons have no particular desire for wealth or power, though they do collect treasure. Proud of their lineage, they will suffer no affront to their collective dignity. They are the governing predator of their mountains, and any source of rivalry or impertinence is likely to find itself up against the entire community rather than just one dragon. They are on fairly good terms with the winged races of the ee'aar and enduk, and they remain neutral in regards to others. They hunt only creatures of animal Intelligence or below.
Red hawk dragons speak draconic. Red hawk dragons also know the languages of the ee'aar and the enduks.Combat
Red hawk dragons are unusual for dragonkind. While proud and capable combatants, they do not normally attack creatures they encounter unless the creatures are vermin or animals and it is hunting, or the creatures threaten the dragon.
On the ground, a red hawk dragon attacks with its bite and upper claws. If airborne, it rakes with its powerful rear claws instead of its front claws (both sets of claws do identical damage). It uses it breath weapon when outmatched or overwhelmed but rarely when it holds a clear advantage.Breath Weapon (Su): A red hawk dragon has one type of breath weapon, a cone of fire.
Improved Grab (Ex): If an airborne, adult or older red hawk dragon hits a target its size or smaller with both rear claws in the same round, it may start a grapple as a free action, without suffering an attack of opportunity. Any held creature may be carried off by the dragon (subject to normal load restrictions). The red hawk dragon receives a +5 circumstantial bonus to all bite attack rolls against the held creature and may automatically inflict claw damage each round the victim is held. The creature may be subject to falling damage should it break the hold while airborne with the dragon.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day Faerie Fire (juvenile or older), heat metal (old and older), wall of force (ancient or older); 1/day Control Weather (great wyrm).
Skills: Climb, Hide, and Move Silently are considered class skills for a red hawk dragon.
The Red Curse
Red hawk dragons usually gain a single Legacy upon reaching the young adult stage. Some, however, have managed to gain multiple Legacies. Despite the Legacies, red hawk dragons never require cinnabryl to fight off Affliction.