Magitech of Returned Blackmoor
by Brian Rubinfeld from Threshold Magazine issue 34At long last, a look at the strange techno-magical items found throughout this strange remnant of Blackmoor! In previous articles, I suggested rebranding existing magic items through a more technical lens. However, this never quite sat with me. And thus here is a short list of various magitech items that may appear within a game in this setting or another highly advanced magical society. In addition to the list provided below, several high-tech items can be flavored as magical technology as well.
But how does this work of techno-sorcery function? Who makes it? Magitech functions much akin to magical items already found within the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Some may imitate features and creations seen in various works of science fiction, while others operate on far more fantastical scopes. Those who take on the role of engineers, crafters and tinkers who forge, produce and assemble these magical wonderworks are arcane specialists known under the name of ‘artificer.’ Within a late age Blackmoor type setting they have moved from single laboratories, to industrial complexes. Whether they operate elaborate machinery or oversee others doing so depends on their own experience and clout. From small studios to sprawling factories, magitech is a powerful enterprise that literally runs much of Blackmoor.
For more references on high technology and how it can be applied to Blackmoor, consult the articles “Radios and Robots” and “Guns and High-Tech Weaponry” by Cab. Both of these articles are found within this issue. This article will not cover the items found within those articles in depth, but could provide some inspiration on how to convert them into arcane technology. As such, treat them as similarly magical devices as those listed below, should you intend to use them that way.
General Terms and Concepts
Economics: Gold Pieces is the set standard for the Dungeons & Dragons game and will be treated as such here, via “Blackmoorian Credit Values” or BV for short. If one was using Returned Blackmoor content in their D&D game, it’s more than likely that the prices listed below should be at least 10x to 100x or more for price. After all, they would be considered rare wonder works that would prove extremely hard to replicate, even through gnomish tinkering, dwarven artifice, or the many styles of magic. At the very least, this is the case without a deep-rooted understanding of how these machines work.
Encumbrance: Rules put in place by the Basic D&D Boxed Set shall be the standard for encumbrance here as well. Certain items may weigh less than others, but are bulky and spacious. Thus, they may cause more hindrance than smaller and easier-to-handle items.
Power Sources: Unlike traditional technology, magitech is powered by a diverse assortment of sources. These range from crystals to elemental power tokens to even arcane-infused technological batteries. All of these sources use charges to activate, burning at least one per use. These techno-magical sources have means of replenishing these charges, but these methods range from the quickly cost-prohibitive to the potentially dangerous. Should you decide, the system of charges from Cab’s articles are viable as a power source.
RESTRICTED: This term is used in the “Notes” section of the items list. Anything with this label cannot be purchased normally. More than likely, it is conscripted military equipment or illicitly made contraband; thus ill-fit for the wider market. In out-of-game terms, these should be treated as rarer magic items or even artifacts in some cases. Either that or they should not be sold within public venues, but only received for a proper service or gained through seedier means. Worst comes to worst, they could be taken from compounds and dungeons. As such, they have no prescribed market value, save for a contrived value on the black market. Restricted items could cause much havoc if left without restraint, in and out of game.
Techno-Magical Items
Air Filter Fan
A unique form of fan that initially sucks in fouled or sickly air before cleansing it and releasing fresh air; natural scents are optional. Unlike the Micro-Refinery, it can easily be transported. However, civilian models are best placed in a small room. Larger-scale models, while smaller than a micro-refinery, are a challenge to get into a typical house without assembly and disassembly. Larger-scale models have proved useful for space-related programs.
Auto-Barrel Cart
A predecessor of the arcane automobile. It is thoroughly bulky, hard to utilize, and prone to breaking down. Their original purpose was for shuttling military personnel and equipment. Early versions had treads instead of wheels. Some even had large guns equipped to deal heavy damage. Its source of fuel can range from ground-up mystical crystals to energy discs to strange tar-like liquid. It is a highly sought-after antique, a reflection of changing technologies and times. Their speed often tops out at 30 miles per hour.
Badge of Duty
A communications badge that has been altered to resemble that of a constabulary or lawman badge. It grants the user not only the core function of communication, but the ability to cast magical commands through it. As long as another badge user is within 10 miles, both may communicate with each other. The badge itself can be used to cast Command Word at others too, but only two times per day.
Connector Mage Cord
A device capable of connecting to magical fonts of power, able to siphon bits to another connected item or device. For the most part, these are legal with some minor failsafes put in. But, overturned? One could leech off another’s magical sources with relative ease. This conduit has countless uses, even if used as intended.
Crystal Core
A distinct energy source needed for a wide variety of weaponry, both ranged or melee. For example, these can be used to power classical-inspired beam blades or be used to fire laser-like shots from guns.
Dimensional Storage Tub
A successor to the Bag of Holding, but in a constructed box-like format. It can hold up to 300 lbs. of material. After this, the lid will not shut and anything extra will stick out.
Dimensional Storage Tub, Enhanced
This military-grade container holds up to 1,000 lbs. However, it has a catch. The reinforced shell makes it quite heavy, at 100 lbs. for the box itself. They are more typically used for storage and transport vehicles.
Encrypted Pen
A mastercraft of the spy trade. This pen allows you to write in a magical ink that vanishes, except with specific forms of light. When the light is held up to the ink, it will glow an opposite color. These were available on the market for a while, but have since been moved to military only.
Eye Recorder
An eyeball-shaped device that stores memories of all it witnesses, but only visually. For an additional fee, an antenna can be attached for gathering audio. A switch on the back of it ends the memory-recording process, and simply staring into it allows all information to be transferred to the user’s mind.
Flight Cart
A bird-shaped vehicle. One operates it with a two-pronged steering device while standing or sitting upon a helm-shaped primary control. It’s likewise connected to three propeller devices.
Fly Cycle
A lightweight hovering craft. For a short amount of time, one can lift into the air for equally short distances. Trying to pressure it for more is liable to result in falling.
Holo Cube
A projector-like device that has a number of buttons and switches on the side to sift between recorded images stored in the cube. When an image is selected, it may emit and play back the visuals and sounds previously taken through other machines.
An aqueduct-type piping system that carries water just below power networks. The power from the network lines stimulates and powers the aqueducts as well, applying a force that further moves the water to and from major refinery stations and towards regular water pipes. This ensures water supplies are consistently delivered to those connected to a piping grid.
Infused Roadway
Traveling paths infused with arcane runes, used to modulate traffic and travel manually. A network of wired and electrically infused runes operate together, studying nearby vehicles and making adjustments rapidly.
Metal Legion
An unintended relative of the Clockwork Swordsman of the Savage Baronies or the Automaton from the Hollow World. These intelligent automatons are a step above robots, in which they have one organic component that a robot lacks, a soul. As such, they are considered “Living Constructs.” It is not known how they came to be, but few are foolish enough to question too deeply.
Despite its name, this machine is too large and bulky for most civilian use. Its dimensions do not fit within most housing doors, often requiring assembly and dismantling for transport. This small-sized refinery’s purpose is to filter large amounts of water or soil, purifying them and granting an option of enhanced nutrients through a mixture of alchemy and enchantment. In places of great calamity and pollution, such as Returned Blackmoor, this device can save countless lives.
Powder Bug
A cosmetic construct capable of enhancing the looks of its user. When activated, it will maneuver around the subject and apply enchanted cosmetic makeup upon them. This can be used to either enhance their appearance (granting a temporary +2 bonus to Charisma that lasts 1d4+6 hours) or a disguise, as if they have utilized thieves' tools or a disguise kit. The latter is considered unlawful tampering.
Power Torch
An illumination device in several strengths and styles. It can function and emit beams in different ways, whether as a stick-like device that can shoot a solid light line or a lantern-inspired box that can have light funneled at different angles.
Protector Bulb
An illumination device with an extra property, one of many enchantments meant to aid the user. This can be a means of increased healing, protections against types of magic, or wards against specific powers or foes.
Reversion Chamber
A large tube-shaped device capable of fitting one human-sized creature. It dispels curses, magical effects, and other abilities. It’s even effective against Nyela’s curse if tackled quickly. However, prohibitive pricing makes supply, use, and location limited.
Reversion Chamber, Reanimator
A tampered contraband alteration. This variant can restore the recently deceased. This has been employed by the wealthy and powerful, but has been properly maintained to prevent disturbing malfunction. However, if defective, it can produce unstable and wicked results often involving the undead.
Sanitizer Machine
A machine that not only cleans garb and items, but searches them for toxins and negative energies before cleansing them. This device is considered a washing device for the exceedingly wealthy. It is otherwise used by physicians.
A small device that allows you to magically connect to a contact that has registered with a similar device. From there, it projects a small screen and allows you to listen should they consent to communication. Also available as an installable screen for home and business use.
Capable of everything and nothing, this hardware serves a wide purpose for magic. It is capable of storing and augmenting arcane power sources. This can be used in addition to another device, a means of transferring a magical spell through either physical or digital means, a method of procedural containment or much more. Its generalist nature has kept it outside of potential ban or regulation for the time being. Further claims of abuse will change this, likely resulting in follow-up versions being more complex and limited all the same.
Unlimited Purpose Pill
A dangerous omni-medication that would end numerous markets in an instant. This “miracle pill” can replicate an effect needed by its user. Without control or guidance, it can easily fall to exploitation. It could just as easily throttle an already unstable economy. For now, it is heavily monitored and experimented with the Blackmoorian military as well as close-knit scientific communities.
Air Filter Fan, Civilian
500 bv
50 lbs.
Air Filter Fan, Industrial
2,000 bv
300 lbs.
Auto-Barrel Cart
2,000 bv
2,000 lbs.
Badge of Duty
> 1 lb.
Connector Mage Cord
100 bv
4 lbs.
Crystal Core
200 bv
> 1 lb.
Eye Recorder
900 bv
> 1 lb.
Encrypted Pen
> 1 lb.
Flight Cart
3,500 bv
220 lbs.
Fly Cycle
500 bv
80 lbs.
Holo Cube
75 bv
2 lbs.
Hydro-Systems, Home Scale
3,000 bv
Hydro-Systems, Grand Scale
Infused Roadway
Metal Legion
300+ lbs.
4,000 bv
Powder Bug, Cosmetic
200 bv
> 1 lb.
Powder Bug, Disguise
> 1 lb.
Power Torch
40 bv
1 lb.
Protector Bulb
60 bv
> 1 lb.
Reversion Chamber
1,0000 bv
1,200 lbs.
Reversion Chamber, Reanimator
1,200 lbs.
Sanitizer Machine
3,000 bv
80 lbs.
Scry-Communicator, Mobile
400 bv
5 lbs.
Scry-Communicator, Screen
1,500 bv
30 lbs.
Unlimited Purpose Pill
> 1 lb.
Arms and Equipment
Crystal Tech Weaponry & Armor
Similar to depictions of futuristic ray guns and beam blades, these weapons utilize power crystals to create deadly energy weapons. The crystal connects or is slopped into a compartment. When activated, the device acts as a conduit for the magical source and channels it into a variety of attacks such as fired blasts or manifested arms. These need not be simple blades, but also axes and even more blunt weapons as well. Unlike purely technological gear, these circumvent any issues a purely magical reality might impose. However, they remain just as weak in realities that have little to no magic within them, where such gear risks becoming inert junk.
The majority of these weapons can replicate the list provided by Cab within his own arms and equipment article1. It is assumed that these weapons operate on magical crystals if used as magitech. However, your table may wish to incorporate more traditional energy sources/ammunition found within other articles or games instead. Listed below are fantastical expansions to the weapons and armor provided within that article.
Bow Blaster
Similar to a laser gun, this weapon fires an energy bolt. However, this is delivered through a canister that holds the power source within it. The canister is loaded like a bolt, held by a glowing energized string. Upon being launched into the bow arm, a bolt of energy shoots out much like a traditional crossbow bolt. The canister has its energy drawn from each use, as bolts fly out of it. Once used up, the canister becomes inert. It’s perhaps for this reason why canisters are nicknamed “quivers” by the Blackmoorian military.
Energy Polearm
A revival of archaic reach weapons, with an energized twist. The energy weapon on top of the pole can manifest in different manners, such as a halberd or a glaive. However, the user must wait 24 hours before changing it again. Despite these shifts, the energy weapon functions much the same.
Laser Axe
Similar to the laser sword. However, any part that is now the sharp ends of the axe simply act like hardened blunt steel.
Radiant Cudgel
Akin to the classic bludgeoning weapon of old. Despite being made of a laser-like energy, the magic fueling it hardens it like stone. Thus, instead of cutting, it deals a devastating pulverizing effect.
Rad Ray
Originally conceived as a mobile x-ray device, it ultimately proved to be defective and afflicted victims with damaging radiance. After being banned within medical settings, it was distributed onto the black market as a criminal tool of warfare. It has garnered the nickname “blight gun” due to its harsh poisoning power.
Runic Powered Armor
Infused heavy armor that not only protects the wearer, but bolsters their capabilities. All physical stats are treated as if they were 2 points higher while the armor is active. Speed is increased to 1.5x their usual movement rates. Likewise, the weight does not inhibit the user in any way.
Bow Blaster
250 bv
8 lbs.
Energy Polearm
200 bv
6 lbs.
Laser Axe
200 bv
4 lbs.
Rad Cudgel
200 bv
3 lbs.
Rad Ray
1 lbs.
Runic Powered Armor
6,000 bv
1,000 lbs.
Weapon Mastery - Blackmoorian Magitech
Laser Axe
Striking (20), Wreck
P=M, 1H
Striking (19–20), Wreck
Striking (18–20), Wreck
Striking (17–20), Wreck
Striking (16–20), Wreck
Radiant Cudgel
Striking (20), Wreck
P=M, 1H
Striking (19–20), Wreck, Deflect (1) Disarm
Striking (18–20), Wreck, Deflect (1)
Striking (17–20), Wreck, Deflect (2) Disarm
Striking (16–20), Wreck, Deflect (3)
Energy Polearm
Hook, Striking (20), Wreck
P=H, 2H
Hook, Striking (19–20), Wreck, Disarm
Hook, Striking (18–20), Wreck,
Hook, Striking (17–20), Wreck, Disarm
Hook, Striking (16–20), Wreck, Disarm
Hit Bonus
Rad Ray
Stun, Disease
P=A, 1H
Stun, Disease
RoF: 1
Stun, Disease
Stun, Disease
Stun, Disease
Bow Blaster
Stun (16–20), double damage (20)
P=A, 2H
Stun (16–20), double damage (19–20)
RoF: 1
Stun (16–20), triple damage (18–20)
Stun (16–20), triple damage (17–20)
Stun (16–20), quadruple damage (16–20)
Weapon Special Effects
Further details of the special effects of tech-weapons, including modified hit-roll bonuses for ranged weapons, can be found in the article “Guns: From Black Powder to Ray Guns”, in this issue of THRESHOLD. For convenience, special effects that require further explanation are also described below.
Disease: If the weapons attack hits, any victim that can suffer radiance damage (undead creatures, constructs, and certain creatures from the plane of energy are known to be immune) must make a saving throw vs. poison or be afflicted by a terrible rotting disease. Until removed either technologically (with anti-radiation pills) or magically (using a cure disease spell or similar) no other form of healing is effective, and natural healing is reduced to 10% of its normal rate. Each subsequent hit also requires a saving throw vs. poison, and each further failure leads to a loss of 1 point of constitution (which is also restored with a cure disease spell).
Slicing: If the weapon’s attack roll meets the stated target counting any magical bonus but no other bonuses, the opponent struck must make a saving throw vs. death ray or be struck dead with one blow. If the saving throw is successful, the victim still takes triple normal damage from the blow. These special damage bonuses do not apply when the weapon is used against undead or incorporeal creatures of any sort, or against any slimes or oozes that do not have identifiable anatomies.
Wreck: Having quite tremendous penetrating power, these weapons can only be blocked by magic, magical weapons or by other melee weapons with the wreck property — thus if non-magical weapons are used to deflect or block them, this will be successful only once, the weapon being rendered useless thereafter. Likewise, if striking opponents wearing normal armor, that armor is ignored, and each strike reduces the efficacy of that armor by 1 place. For example, chain mail struck by a light-based saber for the first time subsequently only provides protection to AC6 rather than AC5. Adamantine, arachnium, powered collapsium, duralloy and isiidium armor are not thus affected. Mithril armor is unaffected and also provides an extra +3 bonus to armor class against weapons with the wreck ability.
Arcane Cybernetics
The cybernetics that survived beyond the time jump and revolution are a step down from what the height of Blackmoor had available. Save for only those serving the Ascended Machine or the God-King, advanced cybernetics have not seen mass production again. Currently, most are being built for military programs and those out in the public are either shoddy replicas or were looted by pirates. Poorly recreated substitutes risk worse side-effects. Baseline costs start at 5,000, regardless of the implant. Furthermore, clearance is required for augmentation to occur legally. Shadier methods are possible, should the right market be found.
The following are examples of augmentations one can find within Blackmoor.
Arcane Compartment
This Implant stores components for spells as well as other essential arcane power sources. Even holy symbols can be added, if the patron deity approves.
Bodily Repair Network
For when the body faces damage, this series of nanosized arcane filters releases a mixture of natural brain signals and healing magic. As such, healing is increased by x5 regular speed from resting and recuperation.
Convert Transceiver
A brain and eye implant that allows you to receive, decipher, and create coded messages. This even allows for visualizing code granted through speech or other forms of audio.
Computer Eye
Allows a user to pull up information based on what they are looking at. This could be from databases, digitized books, or more.
Data Retainer
Extra storage of mental memory. It even protects such memories and information when at risk of mind-reading spells and effects.
Enhancing-Strength Cables
Cables running through muscles to stimulate them in times of need. When active, your strength is treated 3 points higher per 1 hour of charge used. The cables have 8 charges to themselves. Charges do not return until 48 hours have passed, with 1d4 charges returning each 2-day-rest cycle.
Metal Arms
A surrogate arm created from metal. It can be used for melee strikes, but this can ultimately damage the prosthetic.
Metal Legs
Artificial legs. They can prove useful to run long distances without great fatigue. Likewise, they can be used for melee strikes for either martial arts or other forms of combat.
Mind Infiltrator Implant
A disturbing contraband, capable of thoughts forcefully given to those with implants. It’s typically used by slave masters.
Infravision out to various lengths, often in tandem with the creatures they’re emulating.
Skeleton Upgrade
A sort of artificial but natural armor. Whether exo or endo, you are treated as wearing armor equivalent to chain mail by default.
Stimulation Implant
This injects an energy-enhancing formula that briefly expands your reflexes and even spatial awareness. You may act twice during your combat phase. This may be used only once per day.
Surrogate Organs
Replacements for organs incapable of disease and resistant to direct damage.
Telescopic Vision
This allows the user to extend their vision up to 1d6 miles while vision is clear.
Weapon Slot
An adjustable point in your body where weaponry can be safely and comfortably attached. Some options allow for hidden compartments that reveal upon activation.
Aug Burnout
A process in which the user loses empathy and connection to their lifeforce the more they infuse cybernetics into their body. Every time a patient introduces a cybernetic enhancement to their body, they must roll a saving throw vs Paralysis. Upon failure, they lose 1d4 points of Charisma. For each existing cybernetics installed into them, they take an additional -1 penalty to their save. Should their Charisma reach 0 while cybernetics are installed into them, the character is permanently insane, devoid of any sense of living or feeling, and thus becomes an NPC. This state of psychosis is called Aug Burnout. One example of victims would be the Rats of the Machine-God, all of whom are altered into deranged puppets of the crazed artificial intelligence. Criminals forcefully “reprogrammed” into prison labor throughout Blackmoor are likewise another example. A less extreme example includes a body modding sub-culture in Blackmoor. Those who abuse their augmentations risk burnout, causing them to further fall out of society.
Unique Creations
The Cloaking Shield
This incredible device is responsible for saving Blackmoor. It has the ability to scan an area and clean it to fit a far less damaged version of Skothar. A more recent update also allows it to work within dimensional spaces, wholly copying lands of Skothar proper before cleaning them. It is likely an Immortal-tier artifact, especially with its final upgrade.
Gateway Doors
Computer-operated portal doors that link to various points within Blackmoor. Use is strictly for confidential government or military purposes only. These doors are installed at specific points of several top secret installations. Without proper codes and knowledge of functions, they simply open to various existing corridors.
1See also: Guns & High Tech Weaponry, THRESHOLD Magazine #34