Neural Arcane Infusion Apparatus
by AozI was thinking about not so good students and back doors into the arcane arts.
My mind goes back to the device again in GAZ3 the Hourglass. If a teacher (Kam Fang a human (m) 21st wizard) studied the device and made something similar for "paying" students ... as private tutor sessions.
Or maybe even open his own school of magic for the students that have troubles at The Glantri Great School of Magic (and have large pocketbooks).
Master Fang calls it Neural Arcane Infusion Apparatus About 5000 dc or 100 crowns from the student or their family.
The Neural Arcane Infusion Apparatus implants knowledge and bypasses the normal level advancement but there is a price:
Adds +5000 xp: Commoner or oth level (human/elf/ect) becomes a 3rd level wizard
Takes 10 years off lifespan (If being had 80-year lifespan now has 70 years lifespan)
- 2 con
Reduced Max level by 6: human Spellcaster in BECMI would be able to max out at 30th level wizard
Hp average 1d4 (2.5 hp for each of those 3 levels round up): 8 hp plus con bonus [if any] ...normal hp gain beyond this.
Spells: 2/1
1st level: read languages, read magic, speed reading and Magic missile
2nd level: levitate and locate object
Student Spends the next few weeks coping spells into their Spell book and practicing basics with Master Fang.
Even those without magic talent can benefit from Neural Arcane Infusion Apparatus but with higher side effects:Adds +5000 xp: Commoner or oth level (human/elf/ect) becomes a 3rd level wizard
Takes 30 years off lifespan (If being had 80-year lifespan now has 50 years lifespan)
- 6 con
Reduced Max level by 18: human Spellcaster in BECMI would be able to max out at 18th level wizard
Hp minimum 1d4 (1 hp for each of those 3 levels): 3 hp plus con bonus [if any] ...normal hp gain beyond this.
Spells: 2/1
1st level: read languages, read magic, speed reading and Magic missile
2nd level: levitate and locate object
Student Spends the next few weeks coping spells into their Spell book and practicing basics with Master Fang.