Parasites (Diseases)
by Jamie BatyInheritor Lice: These tiny parasites resemble common head lice, usually inhabiting the hair or fur of the host creature. They cause their victims to deplete cinnabryl more quickly; the level of increase depends on how badly the carrier is infested. Inheritor lice will attempt to "protect" their host from harm by teleporting them when in harm's way.
contact; Fortitude DC 14; incubation period 1 day; damage 25% increased cinnabryl depletion. Each failed save increases the depletion rate by another 25%. In addition, 3/day an infected character may be teleported to a random location up to a mile from their current location by the lice.Those suffering from inheritor lice who make their daily save do not have their cinnabryl depletion increase. Inheritor lice can only be cured by a Cure disease or a Heal spell applied to the victim, regardless of how many saves are made. Saragón lyra birds prey upon these lice, and any victim that can charm some of the birds may have them attempt to pick him clean of the lice. This process takes 2-6 days, during which time the victim automatically makes his save.
Lupin Plague: The lupin plague is an extremely deadly infestation of disgusting burgundy, purple, or ginger-coloured maggots. These creatures are usually attracted to maturing grapes, in which they lay tiny eggs. The eggs survive the fermentation of the grapes, hatching months later in the wine. Even worse, the eggs survive if they are ingested by someone unfortunate enough to consume tainted wine or grapes. Once hatched, these maggots grow quickly and eat their host from the inside unless proper medication or magical healing is used. More than one unscrupulous assassin has used wine tainted with the lupin plague to kill a victim.
These pests were dubbed the lupin plague because Renardy (the home of the lupins) is the main producer of wine (and thus grapes) on the Savage Coast. However, new strains could feasibly spread to other vegetables, like hops, potatoes, grain, rice, or scarlet pimpernels.Disease
ingested; Fortitude DC 18; incubation period 1 day; damage 2d4 Con.The victim must make three successful Fortitude saving throws in a row to recover from lupin plague.
Vermilia: Vermilia are red, glowing bacteria which are often mistaken for vermeil. Unlike the harmless vermeil, however, vermilia are flesh-eating bacteria. They are sometimes found on the decaying bodies of dead, Legacy-using creatures, along with vermeil fungus and scarlet pimpernels.
contact; Fortitude DC 12 (+1 per Legacy victim possesses); incubation period 1 round; damage 1 hp after incubation, 2 hp the second day, 4 hp the third, 8 hp the fourth, etc, and it prevents natural healing.Those suffering from vermilia who make their daily save take no damage but still do not naturally heal. Vermilia can only be cured by a Cure disease or a Heal spell applied to the victim, regardless of how many saves are made.
Note: the Jibarú Pest, Cardinal Tick and Powder Moth will be converted later as swarms.