Nouvelle-Renardie (Colonie de)
Location: In the Bayou, south of Ator, north of Herath, northeast of the Wallaroo Grasslands. SC
Area: 2,216 sq. mi. (5,741 sq. km.).
Population: 25,000, including Le Vieux Carré (capital, pop. 3,400), La Nouvelle Daens (pop. 2,000), Les Tentes-sur-Bancs (pop. 1,000). 80% are lupins, the rest are humans and demihumans (mostly elves) from Torreón, and a few lizard-kin including an increasing number of Shazak.
Language: Renardois, Lupin, Espa.
Coinage: Roi (pp), renard (gp), écu (sp), sou (cp).
Taxes: Income tax of 20%, plus a tithe of 10% for the Church of Pflarr.
Government Type: Colony of Renardie, made independent by the Edit de Louvines in AC 1013. The colony is ruled by a Renardois governor, but the Church of Pflarr has a lot of influence, and growing.
Industries: Exotic skins, furs, and animals, spices, rice, sugar cane, fishing, smithing.
Important Figures: Hugues Leget (Bourgmestre).
Flora and Fauna: Nouvelle-Renardie, typical of the Bayou region, is filled with many forms of aquatic, and semi-aquatic life. Along the coast, vast stands of mangrove straddle the boundary between land and sea, their roots sheltering all types of fish and amphibians. On the more elevated patches of land, the plant life consists mainly of willows and quick-growing poplars, mixed with the occasional oak. Nouvelle-Renardie is notable in that, due to its swampy nature, there is very little undergrowth, save for mosses, lily pads, and tall grasses growing out of the stagnant ponds, lakes, and rivers. Many varieties of monstrous plants are thought to grow here, although detailed surveys have yet to be conducted.
Those animals that thrive in the swamps are those that can live in both land and water. Thus, there are all types of frogs, newts, insects, water snakes, and alligators present here. Along the coast, manatees have been sighted, though these are quite rare. Living in the forested canopy are many varieties of bird, as well as squirrels and other small tree-dwelling mammals. Deep within the swamps are known to exist giant alligators and insects, as well as the gator men.
Further Reading: Nouvelle-Renardie and the Bayou by Bruce Heard, Nouvelle Renardy by Tristan Dunigan.
Last Year's Events: The Nouveaux Renardois sustained a wave of ferocious attacks from gurrash warriors in early in the year, though in their settlements the lupins suffered rather low fatalities due to their fortifications and better tactics. Shazak have been settling in the swamps of Nouvelle-Renardie, where they are accepted with less prejudice than before.