Retebius (Duchy of)
Location: Southeastern coast of the continent of Brun, south of the Altan Tepes Mountains, west of the Gulf of Kantrium. OW
Area: 5,100 sq. mi. (13,210 sq. km.).
Population: 209,000 including the city of Retebius (pop. 20,900).
Languages: Thyatian (Thyatian dialect), Elvish (Vyalia dialect).
Coinage: Thyatian Standard: emperor (pp), lucin (gp), justiciar (ep), asterius (sp), denarius (cp).
Taxes: 20% income tax collected quarterly on the aristocracy, nobility, and wealthy; 15% income tax collected quarterly on everyone else (Va. 1, Ya. 1, Fy. 3, and Ei. 1). Thyatians abroad must still pay their taxes. Expensive and magical items are also taxed 25% of their worth. 10% imperial commercia sales tax on all goods except food, clothing, and fixed assets; levied on imports, rebated on exports. Tax on slave owning equal to 50% of the slave's value annually. Property tax levied based on quality of land, roughly 6% of its value annually.
Government Type: Dominion, member of the Thyatian Empire.
Industries: Agriculture, crafts, fishing, oil, magic, rare mounts (flying), trade, wine.
Important Figures: Callastian Retebius (Duke), Mitasula Retebius (Duchess), Desdemona Retebius (Heir), Alexandrus Maxentinos (Air Fleet Academy Commandant), Marcus Kelephius (Prelate), Phillipia Caeseria (Magist), Sabattius Laskaris (Lord Knight Commander of the Knights of the Air).
Flora and Fauna: Grape vines, olive trees, cedar, peach, pear, orange, and cherry fruit trees in cultivated orchards, maple, birch, and oak trees. Herds of cattle, sheep, horses, goats, and mules. Bees kept for honey. Bears, boars, centaurs, lycanthropes, mountain lions, foxes, dryads, wolves, unicorns and goblinoids can be found in the wilds of the empire. Hill giants and ogres in the hills. Pegasi, griffons, rocs, ruby, gold, and white dragons as well as other aerial mounts are common near Retebius.
Further Reading: Dawn of the Emperors boxed set, DDA1 Arena of Thyatis, DDA2 Legions of Thyatis, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: The town of Castoria was founded on the western bank of the Mesonian River roughly halfway between Hillfork to the south and the Altan Tepes to the north. Naturalists committed acts of sabotage or worse in Retebius, and the Thyatians assailed small villages of wild Neathar in their campaign against the troublemakers.