by John Walter BilesReflectors resemble shiny naked metal humans without full genitalia. If cracked open, they are full of spongy pink brain material. They seem dedicated to stealing valuables and work in teams to do so; when a group accumulates sufficient wealth, it uses ritual magic to vanish off to somewhere, possibly the future or other planes. Or some wizard’s house. They avoid direct violence through melee, using their electrical powers or their knowledge of sophisticated unarmed combat to deal with foes.
Greater Reflector, Level 9 Artillery
Medium animate humanoid (Reflector) XP 400
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +7
HP 77; Bloodied 77
AC 21; Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 19
Resist Lightning 10
Speed 6
m Judo Throw (standard; at-will)
+14 vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 (from hitting the ground), Push 1 and prone
r Zap (standard; at-will) | Lightning
Ranged 20; +16 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Lightning Damage
Direct Current (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Lightning
Ranged 15; +16 vs. AC; 3d10+5 Lightning Damage
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Possibly Future Languages
Skills Stealth +14, Streetwise +12, Thievery +14
Str 20 (+9) Dex 20 (+9) Wis 17 (+7)
Con 17 (+7) Int 17 (+7) Cha 17 (+7)Lesser Reflector, Level 3 Artillery
Medium animate humanoid (Reflector) XP 150
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +3
HP 41; Bloodied 20
AC 15; Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 15
Resist Lightning 10
Speed 6
m Judo Throw (standard; at-will)
+8 vs. Reflex; 1d6+3 (from hitting the ground), Push 1 and prone
r Zap (standard; at-will) | Lightning
Ranged 20; +10 vs. AC; 1d10+4 Lightning Damage
Direct Current (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Lightning
Ranged 15; 10 vs. AC; 2d10+3 Lightning Damage
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Possibly Future Languages
Skills Stealth +8, Streetwise +8, Thievery +8
Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 17 (+4) Int 14 (+3) Cha 14 (+3)