House of Ritterburg
by Aleksei AndrievskiAalban
Main resource: 1 animal (swine), 1 vegetable (cabbage/potatoes/grain/beer)
13 hexes: clear; rural; pop. 14560; tax 1456 dc
9 hexes: clear with river; rural; pop. 15120; tax 1512 dc
Leenz: small town; pop. 4500; tax 1350 dc Graez: village; pop. 1300; tax 130 dc
Total Population: 4500 town/suburban, 30980 village/ruralTax Income: 4448 dc
Resource Income: 13344 dc
Standard Income: 30184 dcCouncil Tax: 9596 dc
Net Cash: 8196 dc
Overhead (60%): 4918 dc
Available Cash: 3278 dcWith 213504 XP/year, in 10 years Jaggar von Drachenfels gains 2135040 XP, rising from M30 to M36!
Alternate: 53376 XP/year, rises from M30 to M34.Berrym
Main resource: 2 animal
7 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 2800; tax 280 dc
Berrym: village; pop. 700; tax 70 dc
Total population: 3500 village/ruralTax Income: 350 dc
Resource Income: 1400 dc
Standard Income: 2800 dcCouncil Tax: 910 dc
Net Cash: 840 dc
Overhead (45%): 378 dc
Available Cash: 462 dcWith 21000 XP/year, in 10 years Narda Shelyn gains 210000 XP, rising from M15 to M16
Alternate: 4200 XP/year, does not rise in level.Blofeld
Main resource: 2 mineral
6 hexes: mountains; borderland; pop. 336; tax 16.8 dc
1 hex: hills; rural; pop. 280; tax 28 dc
Blofeld: village; pop. 154; tax 15.4 dc
Total Population: 434 village/rural, 336 borderlandTax Income: 60.2 dc
Resource Income: 361.2 dc
Standard Income: 481.6 dcCouncil Tax: 180.6 dc
Net Cash: 240.8 dc
Overhead (35%): 84.3 dc
Available Cash: 156.5 dcWith 5057 XP/year, in 10 years Rolf von Graustein gains 50570 XP, not rising in level (but he probably gains lots of XP from creating constructs, so he might actually rise a few levels).
Alternate: 722 XP/year, does not rise in level.Adlerturm
Main resource: 1 animal, 1 mineral
4 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 1680; tax 168 dc
3 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
Adlerturm: village; pop. 630; tax 63 dc
Total Population: 3150 village/ruralTax Income: 315 dc
Resource Income: 1575 dc
Standard Income: 2520 dcCouncil Tax: 882 dc
Net Cash: 1008 dc
Overhead (50%): 504 dc
Available Cash: 504 dcWith 22680 XP/year, in 10 years Franz Lowenroth gains 226800 XP, rising from M12 to M14.
Alternate: 3780 XP/year, does not rise in level.General Statistics
The House of Ritterburg provides the council with 11616 dc/month.
Aalban: fairly good dominion, though not great.
Berrym: I think this is not worth the bother... well, perhaps Narda Shelyn just wants the title.
Blofeld: great resources, but no population to work them.
Adlerturm: the lowest noble in Ritterburg controls a better dominion than the two others...