Suit armor golem
by davexisxrabidHD: 7+1**
AC: -1;
MV: 60’ (20’)
#ATT: 1
Dmg: By weapon +4 (1d12+4)
Save As: F8
ML: 12
Al: N
XP: 1500
The suit armor golem, like most golems, is immune to sleep, and charm spells. It is also immune to hold spells and gas (such as cloudkill). It automatically makes saves vs. fire and cold based spells for half damage; if it makes a Save (as F8) it takes ¼ damage. It makes normal saves vs. electrical attacks such as lightning bolt or acid damage. The suit armor golem can only be hit by weapons of +1 or better magical nature. These golems are usually armed with oversized battle axes or polearms to deal massive damage, in addition to their superhuman strength (they have an effective STR of 19). They are usually slightly larger than human stature and built in a stout fashion, but that is up to their magical creator’s whim. (Mine are about 6’6” tall so suit armor is difficult to alter magically more than 4” up and down or slim down for more athletic characters) If defeated, it yields suit armor +1 that can be used by a character of similar dimensions.