Savage Coast Races and 3E
by Tristan DuniganRakastas
Medium Size: As medium size creatures, Rakasta have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Rakasta receive +2 DEX and a -2 WIS
Rakasta Base Speed is 30
Rakasta have Low-Light Vision
Rakasta get Blind Fighting Feat Free and a +2 racial bonus on hear, spot, search
Rakasta get a +1 racial bonus on REF Saves
Automatic Languages: Rakasta
New Feat: Roar - all Rakasta can roar, instilling fear in their opponents. Each time this feat is taken, the Rakasta gets a +1 in the Intimidate skill
Favoured Class: Rogue. Due to their "cat-like" reflexes A multi-classed Rakasta Rogue class does not count when determining whether it suffers an XP penalty for multi-classing.
Medium Size: As medium size creatures, Lupins have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Lupins receive +1 STR, +1 CON & -1 INT, -1 WIS
Lupins Base Speed is 40
Lupins have Low-Light Vision
Lupins get Blind Fighting and Tracking Feats Free and a +1 racial bonus on hear, spot, search
Lupins get a +1 racial bonus on FORT Saves / Lupins get a -2 on saves vs. scent based attacks (ex. Stinking Cloud spells or Ghast attacks)
Automatic Languages: Lupin
New Feat: Scent Tracking - all Lupins can track by scent. Each time this feat is taken, the Lupin gets a +2 in the Wilderness Lore Skill / In addition, with a successful WIS check (DC 20) a Lupin can commit a particular scent to memory
Favoured Class: Ranger. Due to their uncanny tracking abilities, a classed-classed Lupin Ranger class does not count when determining weather it suffers an XP penalty for multi-classing.
Medium Size: As medium size creatures, Tortles have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Tortles receive +1 WIS, +1 CON & -2 DEX
Tortles Base Speed is 20
Tortles have Low-Light Vision & Underwater Vision (same distance)
Tortles can remain underwater for 10 turns
Tortles get +1 racial bonus in Swimming and Concentration skills
Tortles get a +1 racial bonus on WILL Saves
Tortles have a natural AC of 17 due to their shells / Tortles may use a full action to withdraw into their shells effectively giving them an AC of 19 and a +4 to all Saving Throws, however they may take no other actions
Automatic Languages: Tortle
Favoured Class: Cleric. Due to their natural wisdom a classed-classed Tortle Cleric class does not count when determining weather it suffers an XP penalty for multi-classing.
Was just curious now how you all plan on doing the Aranea...especially as they seem to be exclusively "monsters" in the new Monster Manual?