Character Kits
The use of kits is highly recommended for the SAVAGE COAST setting. A kit is a role-playing tool, a set of cultural notes and minor abilities and restrictions used to further define a character. It is used in addition to a normal character class and should be chosen after class and race.
Kits are often restricted according to culture and race. Some kits are so important to a particular combination of race and class that they are always used with it, even if a character is actually multi-classed. Dual-class characters also choose a kit when beginning a career and often keep it even after switching classes (see "Switching Kits" later in this chapter).
Because the SAVAGE COAST campaign can be attached to a larger world, the DM might also make kits and classes from that world available to Savage Coast cultures. When doing so, the DM should either make sure the kits and classes fit the cultures or adapt the local culture to reflect the kit and class. In some cases, players might wish to import characters from other areas of the world; such characters should use the restrictions of those places, not the Savage Coast. Additionally, if a foreign character arrives in the area without a kit, the player can choose to take a Savage Coast kit, subject to any restrictions listed.
Chapter Overview
This chapter contains descriptions of the SAVAGE COAST kits. While many of the kits presented here are new, others are adapted from other sources.
The kit descriptions are divided by class. First listed are kits available to multiple classes (Inheritor, Local Hero, Noble, Spy, and Swashbuckler). Following this are the warrior kits (Beast Rider, Defender, Gaucho, Honourbound, Myrmidon, and Savage), wizard kits (Militant, Mystic, and Wokan), priest kits (Fighting Monk, Shaman, War Priest, and Webmaster), thief kits (Bandit, Filcher, and Scout), and finally bard kits (Herald, Skald, and Trader).
Following the kit listings are notes recommending particular kits for specific cultures and races, details on abandoning and changing kits, and comments concerning use of the setting without kits.
Proficiencies and Secondary Skills
The optional proficiency system, presented in Chapter 5 of the PHB, is strongly recommended for the Savage Coast. Like kits, the proficiency system helps define a character's cultural background; many kits also offer bonus proficiencies. DMs who do not use the proficiency system can use the information in the kits as a guideline for determining secondary skills.
The "Complete" Handbooks
Some kits in the SAVAGE COAST campaign are based on kits from other sources, usually one of the books in the PHBR series. Those books are listed here for your convenience, indicating the PHBR number, the book's title, and the abbreviation used in subsequent text.
PHBR1: The Complete Fighter's Handbook - CFH
PHBR2: The Complete Thief's Handbook - CTH
PHBR3: The Complete Priest's Handbook - CPH
PHBR4: The Complete Wizard's Handbook - CWH
PHBR7: The Complete Bard's Handbook - CBH
PHBR10: The Complete Book of Humanoids - CBoH
PHBR11: The Complete Ranger's Handbook - CRH
PHBR12: The Complete Paladin's Handbook - CPaH
PHBR13: The Complete Druid's Handbook - CDH
Special Note: The Inheritor
The Inheritor is a particularly important and potentially powerful kit that makes use of the Legacies of the Red Curse. The kit is available to most races and classes and is unique to the cursed lands of the Savage Coast. In many ways, the Inheritor kit is pivotal to the campaign because it illustrates how some people have reacted to the Red Curse. Even if your campaign does not use kits, the Inheritor ideals should serve as the basis for a region-wide society.
Kit Descriptions
Each kit begins with a short overview, explaining how the kit reflects its cultural background and how it is used in the campaign. Other sections are as follows:
Character Class: Many kits are open to more than one class; the classes permissible are listed here.
Races and Nationalities: Not all kits are available to all races. Some are required for certain combinations of race and class, and others are permissible only for particular nationalities. In general, kits are more a function of culture than race, so racial restrictions often can be ignored for characters of a proscribed race who have been raised in the kit's culture. However, some kits are so restrictive that their secrets are taught only to actual natives, never to those adopted into the culture. This entry lists all such availabilities and restrictions.
Requirements: Any other requirements for membership in the kit are listed here, including social class, gender, alignment, and ability scores. Ability score requirements, if any, are in addition to those for the character's chosen class.
Role: This section describes how a character of the given kit tends to act in a campaign, including how characters of different races vary in their treatment of the kit. It also details any special appearance or mannerisms specific to members of the kit.
Class Modifications: Kits often affect the abilities inherent to a class, such as available schools of magic or thieving abilities. Any such changes, bonuses, or restrictions are listed in this entry.
Weapon Proficiencies: Some kits require particular weapon proficiencies. When required to take a weapon proficiency, the character must still spend the appropriate number of proficiency slots, unless the kit specifically states otherwise. This section also lists weapon preferences for the character and weapons initially forbidden to the kit (those unavailable to a 1st-level character of this type). Some kits may receive bonus proficiency slots for weapons; these are detailed here also.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: This section lists skills that develop the role of the kit. Included are bonuses (additions granted to the character without the cost of a proficiency slot), as well as any Non-weapon proficiencies required (must be taken but cost the normal number of slots), recommended (help define the character role, but are not mandatory), and forbidden (cannot be taken by a 1st-level character with the kit).
Some characters are better able to access certain proficiencies, as detailed in the "Proficiencies" chapter in Table 14.1: Non-weapon Proficiency Group Crossovers (reprinted and augmented from Chapter 5 of the PHB). If a character takes a proficiency from the group's listed for the character's class, it costs the normal number of slots. A proficiency selected from any other group costs one additional slot.
Equipment: Some types of characters are inclined to use certain types of equipment. This section covers preferences and restrictions regarding armour and miscellaneous equipment. Some kits gain certain equipment without cost.
Special Benefits: Most kits have some benefit that is not available to other characters. This can be anything from special rights in certain places to an unusual ability.
As explained in Chapter 11 of the DMG, under "Encounter Reactions," reactions can be rolled randomly, with lower numbers being better. Thus, the numbers given as reaction adjustments under Charisma in the PHB should be subtracted from the reaction roll. In this book, a beneficial reaction adjustment is listed as a negative number, which can be applied directly to a random reaction roll.
Special Hindrances: Just as most kits have some special benefit, most also have some special disadvantage. These include such things as an unfavourable reaction from NPCs or particular customs or habits members of that kit must follow. Note that penalties to reaction rolls are added to the roll.
Wealth Options: Some kits provide their members with more money than normal for members of the same character class, while others might be restricted from starting with any money at all.
Kits for Multiple Classes
There are five kits available to a wide range of classes. The following is an overview of these kits:
*Inheritors have set themselves the task of fighting against the Red Curse. To do so, they learn how to control the Legacies it provides, gaining more than the single Legacy that others acquire. Inheritors can be fighters, mages, clerics, thieves, or bards. The Inheritor kit is unique to the SAVAGE COAST setting. Because of its special nature and importance to the setting, the Inheritor's description is more extensive than that of any other kit.
*Local Heroes are members of the lower classes and usually live in rural areas; they are heroes of the local populace. Local Heroes can belong to any character class but are rarely specialist wizards, wild mages, or specialty priests. This kit takes the place of the Peasant from CFH, CPH, and CWH; the Adventurer from CTH; the True Bard from CBH; the True Paladin from CPaH; and the Village Druid from CDH. Allowing the most flexibility, it is the default kit, for use if all others are inappropriate for a character.
*Nobles are members of the upper classes and ruling families in those nations and states that have such things. Nobles can belong to any character class except bards, thieves, necromancers, and wild mages. This kit takes the place of the Noble Warrior from CFH, the Nobleman Priest from CPH, and the Patrician from CWH.
*Spies are those characters who infiltrate enemy groups to discover their secrets. In this setting, the spy kit is not limited to thieves: Wizards of all types, bards, fighters, and rangers can also take the Spy kit, which is adapted from the Spy kit in CTH.
*Swashbucklers are dynamic and witty, often known for their daring escapades. In this setting, the Swashbuckler kit can be used with warrior, rogue, or wizard classes. Swashbucklers were first described in CFH and CTH.
An Inheritor is a character trained to harness and control the beneficial effects of the Red Curse, gaining multiple Legacies while using cinnabryl to stave off the detrimental effects. Because of this, Inheritors seek to control the supply of cinnabryl so they will always have enough for their needs. This also leads them to monitor the users of Legacies and the trade of red steel, making Inheritors something like self-appointed "curse police" (a nickname they have acquired in some regions).
Inheritors can be of any alignment, but they all have two major concerns in common: controlling the trade of cinnabryl and red steel to ensure their availability, and monitoring the use of Legacies to prevent abuse of those powers (and the backlash that abuse could incite). All belong to one of three exclusive, secretive societies, sprung from three earlier organisations which have existed on the Savage coast for decades. Historically, these groups have aligned along lines of Law versus Chaos. Officially, less attention is paid to questions of good versus evil especially in the Neutral and Chaotic camps though that struggle takes place at the personal level.
Lawful Inheritors belong to the Order of the Ruby, the organisation once known as the Brotherhood of Order or the Lawful Brotherhood. Individuals are known as Inheritors of the Ruby or Ruby Inheritors. Most of these Inheritors seek to one day reverse the Red Curse. They believe that gaining multiple Legacies will help them more fully understand the Red Curse and that fighting the curse is possible only by using Legacies against it. The symbol of a Ruby Inheritor is a ruby carved with a rune indicating the character's status in the organisation. The ruby can be worn as jewellery or simply carried.
Chaotic Inheritors belong to the Order of the Flame, once called the Friends of Freedom, the Chaotic Alliance, and (in some places) the Chaotic Sisterhood. Individuals are known as Flame Inheritors or Inheritors of the Flame. These people become Inheritors because it is a road to power they can use for their own ends. The symbol of a Flame Inheritor is a specially decorated box that holds ceremonial flint, steel, and tinder.
Neutral Inheritors belong to the Order of Crimson, once known as the Neutral Alliance. Individuals are known as Crimson Inheritors. Most believe the Red Curse is a test from the Immortals. Good Crimson Inheritors believe Legacies should be used to help others, those of true neutral alignment believe they must be used to support the balance of nature, and those rare evil Crimson Inheritors think the Legacies are curses that should be used to test others. A Crimson Inheritor's symbol is some sort of red cloth, such as a handkerchief, a sash, or even a cape.
The orders are opposed in many ways, though divisions are not absolute. Crimson Inheritors often ally with the other orders good ones usually with the Order of the Ruby, evil ones generally with the Order of the Flame.
Each order determines a leader to solve disputes within the order and guide it toward its goals. The Ruby Order elects their leader, the Flame Order leader is determined by combat, and the leader of the Crimson Order is the highest level cleric. These three leaders have a monthly Conclave in the capital of Bellayne, each often bringing assistants or aides. At the beginning of each year, the leaders gather in a Grand Conclave, along with any other Inheritors who want to be there. The Crimson Order's leader presides over Conclaves and Grand Conclaves, which are held to mediate order disputes, exchange ideas and information, and discuss common problems.
For instance, suppose an evil Inheritor thief acquires cinnabryl by stealing amulets from the peasants of a town. A good Inheritor fighter from the village takes offence. The characters could fight (after challenges have been issued) or bring their conflict before others. If they belong to the same order, that order's leader mediates the dispute and makes a decision. If they are of different orders, the Conclave mediates the dispute; if the Conclave is far away (in time or distance), a Minor Conclave, consisting of a single non-involved member (usually a cleric) of each order, can be called to mediate informally. The mediator(s) would probably decide against the thief, who should have asked permission from the fighter before stealing cinnabryl in his area.
The secrets of gaining multiple Legacies are jealously guarded by the orders. They teach the procedure only to members, beginning with initiation into an order. Inheritors must protect the secrets of the orders; those who do not are considered renegades and are punished. Though Inheritors with differing philosophies and alignments sometimes have disputes, their behaviour toward one another is guided by a set of regulations enforced by the orders. Prospective Inheritors are trained for a full year before being initiated (and reaching 1st level) to ensure that they will adhere to the Code of the Orders; few secrets are revealed to neophytes before that initiation.
The orders also have associate members, people who are not Inheritors, but who aid Inheritors in their endeavours. Associate members also have certain privileges and responsibilities. They can be sponsored by any Inheritor but can be initiated only by a bard or cleric of the order; associate membership is unofficial until recorded by a cleric. A member or associate member of an order always wears or carries the order's symbol, though any member on a secret mission certainly does not display the symbol openly.
Besides the symbol of an order, an Inheritor often has a personal symbol, or sigil, as well; this is used to mark the Inheritor's works and possessions and is often displayed on a shield, breastplate, or cape or is worn as a pendant. No two personal symbols are alike, and the misuse of a sigil is considered a great affront to the owner and a crime against all the orders; both owner and order seek to punish offenders.
Inheritors are not common on the Savage Coast (yet), but the orders have members in every nation and maintain hostels in many cities. Some governments are hostile to the Inheritors, who consequently operate covertly in those places.
Character Class: Single-class fighters, mages, clerics, thieves, and bards can be Inheritors. Others are excluded from regular membership because their special interests interfere with the devotion and concentration necessary to control multiple Legacies. However, anyone can be an associate member of an order.
Races and Nationalities: The Inheritor kit is available in any land that suffers under the Red Curse. This excludes the City-States, Hule, the Yazak Steppes, and the Dark Jungle. Most of Nimmur, Jibarú, and the lands of the wallara are free of the curse; of these, only Jibarú has any native Inheritors, and these are rare. Inheritors are also rare in the lizard kin nations of Cay, Shazak, and Ator.
The orders sometimes take members from outside areas, but they must be trained for a year before joining. Thus, an Inheritor can come from Hule (or elsewhere) if the individual has lived and trained in a cursed area for a year or more.
Some races do not start with Legacies; becoming an Inheritor is the only way that they can gain any of the powers. A rare Yazi goblinoid might take the kit if the DM allows goblinoid characters. It is rare, but possible, for ee'aar and enduks to become Inheritors. Wallaras can never become Inheritors.
Requirements: An Inheritor can have any social class, gender, or alignment. The kit can be taken only by 1st-level characters.
Each of an Inheritor's ability scores must be at least 9. The order will not accept any member who is weaker in any area because of the toll exacted by the Legacies. High Wisdom and Intelligence are preferable.
Role: In many ways, an Inheritor is an individual with powers beyond those of mortals, almost a super-being. Inheritors can be heroes or villains, depending on their personalities and how others perceive them.
All Inheritors abhor the thought of being locked up or deprived of cinnabryl in some other way because of the horrible effects that can occur. This leads many to believe that Inheritors consider themselves above the laws of local governments (and some really do).
An Inheritor is generally self-confident and proud. For some, this is arrogance; for others, it is simply the self-confidence that comes from total belief in a cause. Because they are so confident, many Inheritors are often viewed as obnoxious boors. Other Inheritors are simply seen as capable though potentially dangerous. The exact manner of the character is up to the player; it is influenced by alignment, race, and class.
Lawful (Ruby) Inheritors are common. They seek control over the magical substances and help the people afflicted by the Red Curse. Chaotic (Flame) Inheritors care less about control and more about having enough freedom and possessions for themselves and their friends.
Though race does not seem to matter to Inheritors, some tendencies show through. Tortles are almost always serene in their confidence, rather than arrogant or obnoxious. Herathians almost always look for an end to the Red Curse, no matter what their alignment. People of Robrenn, Jibarú, Cay, Ator, and Shazak often look to end the curse with the more immediate goal of removing it from their homeland. They often join the Crimson Order.
Members of different character classes have distinct roles in the orders; this leads to dissimilar attitudes among them. Fighters are the guardians and soldiers of their order, and they are charged with the duty of crafting red steel weapons and monitoring the red steel trade. Bold in battle, they are the ones who are most often viewed as obnoxious or overconfident.
Thieves are given the duties of acquisitions and covert missions for their order, often "collecting" cinnabryl or red steel from its possessors without their knowledge. The job of crafting cinnabryl talismans also falls to an order's thieves. Though thieves tend to be quiet and competent, avoiding notice, Inheritor bards welcome public attention. They use their abilities to entertain others, while gaining information of interest for their orders. Bards are also responsible for circulating information such as Conclave news to members of the various orders. Also, it is usually a bard who initiates associate members and then reports the initiation to one of the order's clerics. Finally, in regions without Inheritors bases, thieves and bards distribute potions and talismans to members of the orders.
Inheritor mages study the Legacies themselves and can recognise manifestations at early stages. They make the potion base for crimson essence, used to gain multiple Legacies. Some mages consider themselves superior to other Inheritors because of their greater knowledge, but many feel a sense of impotence because they cannot prevent or negate the effects of the Red Curse.
Clerics are the historians and record keepers of the orders. They keep track of members, associate members, and their Legacies; the number of available talismans, amulets, and crimson essence potions; and the rules and strictures of the orders. Clerics make up the bureaucracy of each order, each serving in a semi-official capacity. They tend to be calm and unemotional, staying out of disputes among others. They are the preferred mediators of minor, local conflicts.
Class Modifications: This kit causes no modifications to the fighter class. Thieves receive no bonuses or penalties but tend to concentrate on the stealth skills of silent movement and hiding in shadows. Lockpicking and finding and removing traps are also popular skills. Bards have the standard skills for their class. Inheritor mages often prefer alteration and divination magic, though they are not limited in spell choice. Likewise, clerics can choose spells from any sphere. Clerics can be devoted to a specific Immortal or to a particular alignment. Those of particular cultures tend to stick with the Immortals, alignments, and spells of that culture.
Weapon Proficiencies: There are no special weapon proficiency additions or restrictions for Inheritors. However, an Inheritor must purchase a red steel weapon at 1st level, and fighters usually specialise at 1st level, tending toward swords. Inheritors never learn any firearm proficiencies.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Each class of Inheritor receives bonus proficiencies. Fighters receive redsmithing, mages receive alchemy, thieves receive metalworking and disguise, bards receive legacy lore and information gathering, and clerics receive curse lore and reading/writing. Inheritor fighters are required to take weaponsmithing at 1st level. Recommended proficiencies include the bonus proficiencies for other Inheritor classes, as well as glassblowing, herbalism, local history, ancient history, and ancient languages. The armourer proficiency is recommended for fighters.
Equipment: Inheritors prefer to buy equipment of red steel. These are considered status symbols among Inheritors. Of course, it is easier for Inheritors to obtain cinnabryl and related substances as the following section explains.
Special Benefits: As mentioned previously, each Inheritor belongs to a society; these groups offer support in many ways. A member of an order can recognise other Inheritors by their order symbols (if not by other means). Inheritors can expect other Inheritors to treat them by the Code of the Orders, and in case of disputes, can expect mediation during Conclaves.
The orders also serve as the source of cinnabryl, red steel, crimson essence, and smokepowder, though the latter is used only for trade. In many locales, these substances are available only through and to Inheritors. Even associate members of an order find it difficult to obtain cinnabryl talismans and the base potion for crimson essence. Though Inheritor mages make smokepowder and the base for crimson essence, and Inheritor fighters craft red steel weapons, these items are often sold by Inheritor thieves and bards.
Crimson essence and cinnabryl talismans are integral to the most important special benefit of the Inheritor, the ability to acquire multiple Legacies. Before initiation into an order, a prospective Inheritor is taught how to control the magical power of the Red Curse. At the initiation, the individual imbibes a vial of crimson essence. Like anyone who drinks such a potion, the character gains a Legacy. However, while anyone else would receive the Legacy only temporarily, the Inheritor gains it permanently.
The training in control of magic continues as the Inheritor advances in level, and every third level afterwards (at 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.), the character may consume another vial of crimson essence and gain another permanent Legacy. If the Inheritor tries to gain another power before training is complete, the potion grants the Legacy only temporarily (as for crimson essence consumed by non-Inheritors). When the Inheritor has reached an experience level sufficient to gain another power permanently, the character must purchase the vial of crimson essence, which is usually consumed during a ceremony performed by the Inheritor's order.
Crimson essence is made using cinnabryl talismans. The potion base is made by an Inheritor mage, using the alchemy proficiency. A specially crafted vial containing the potion base is then placed into a special compartment in a cinnabryl talisman (this compartment is the only real difference between a cinnabryl talisman and a cinnabryl amulet), which the Inheritor then wears. The power emanating from the cinnabryl and from the Inheritor (due to the Legacies), imbues the potion base with magic, eventually turning it into crimson essence. The change from potion base to crimson essence takes about two months, during which time the Inheritor must wear the talisman; if it is removed for more than a few minutes (one turn), the magic dissipates, and the potion base must begin the process again. This gives just enough time to exchange a potion vial from a holder of depleted cinnabryl to a fresh one.
It is possible for a person other than an Inheritor to create crimson essence using a talisman, but it takes six months. It is also possible for individual Inheritors to create more crimson essence than they personally need. These potions can then be sold to others who desire them.
Note: Though Inheritors who quit the orders are considered renegades (see "Special Hindrances"), a prospective member can quit before initiation without recrimination. Since a prospective member learns how to control a second Legacy, it is possible for that person to later obtain a second Legacy permanently with crimson essence, provided that the character manages to obtain the potion and remember his training. Thus, a character with another kit can sometimes have two Legacies.
Special Hindrances: One minor disadvantage of the Inheritor kit is its exclusion of all specialist, dual-class, and multi-class characters. If adding new classes to the campaign, DMs should not allow them to be Inheritors.
Another hindrance is the orders to which the Inheritors belong. Though the orders help in many ways, they can also cause problems. For example, Inheritors are disliked in some places because they are viewed as self-appointed police who selfishly hoard cinnabryl and related materials. Since all Inheritors wear recognisable symbols (except when on covert missions), they usually can be recognised easily. In places where Inheritors are perceived as oppressors or criminals, they receive a +2 penalty to reaction rolls.
In addition, to remain in good standing with the orders, an Inheritor must follow their regulations and obey the decisions of the Conclaves. This might range from a directive for an Inheritor to move into a special area to a command to hunt down a renegade or other enemy of the orders.
The Code of the Orders: All Inheritors must also follow the Code of the Orders. The code exists primarily to protect Inheritors from other Inheritors, with most decisions regarding other people left up to individuals. With so many divisive philosophies among Inheritors, arguments are inevitable, so a unified code of behaviour is important. This code is primarily a set of courtesies; it applies only to full members in good standing and has four parts.
1. The Sanctity of Home: An Inheritor cannot violate the home of another Inheritor. Thus, Inheritors and their possessions are safe from other Inheritors within their own home. Anyone who violates this rule becomes the enemy of that Inheritor's entire order.
2. The Official Challenge: An Inheritor cannot attack another Inheritor without first issuing a formal challenge. If an Inheritor on an adventure discovers another Inheritor and wishes to attack, he must first spend a round issuing a challenge. A challenge typically lasts for only the given encounter, but the person issuing it can specify an amount of time (as in "you are my enemy until the end of the year") or even make it permanent. This rule is intended to keep Inheritors from ambushing other Inheritors unless a permanent challenge has been issued. Note that the target cannot reject the challenge.
3. The Rendering of Aid: An Inheritor must give aid to other Inheritors of the same order. This is usually a temporary alliance for a specific encounter but can also extend to giving shelter to an Inheritor and that person's travelling companions. The giver can decide exactly how much aid to provide, but cannot turn down a request completely. Generally, the person requesting aid makes the need specific. The two parties then negotiate on the exact help to be rendered. Once an agreement is made, it cannot be broken.
4. The Sacredness of Conclave: An Inheritor involved in a conclave of any type cannot be attacked by another Inheritor. This is for practical reasons, to prevent disruption at the Grand Conclave and protect those on the way to a conclave. Inheritors have been known to use this rule to protect themselves from attack, asking a leader for assignment at a monthly Conclave, volunteering for a Minor Conclave, or simply travelling to Grand Conclave. The claim must be reasonable; an Inheritor 10 miles from the capital of Bellayne cannot expect protection by claiming to be travelling to Grand Conclave a month before it starts.
An Inheritor who defies the code can be declared a renegade, as can one who tells the secrets of the orders or who consistently disobeys directives. Charges can be brought against an Inheritor only by another Inheritor. At the next conclave of order leaders (never a Minor Conclave), the accused is formally charged and given the opportunity for self-defence. If the conclave decides against the individual, punishments range from an order to correct the problem to a fine or even a sentence of death. The clerics of the orders record this decision, and word of it is spread by the orders' bards. Appeals are allowed only if the defendant can present new evidence to an order leader. An Inheritor who refuses to accept punishment is declared a renegade and becomes the enemy of all other Inheritors, the subject of a hunt by members of all orders. Renegades lose all protection of the code. Unless a conclave of order leaders specifically decrees otherwise, a renegade is wanted dead or alive.
Associate members of an order must also keep its secrets and follow the code, though they do not themselves enjoy its protection. Sponsors of associate members can be held accountable for their actions. An associate member can be charged with an offence and judged at a Minor Conclave. Appeals can be made through the sponsor and are decided by a conclave of order leaders.
Other Hindrances: Besides the political hindrances of the kit, some dangers are associated with acquiring Legacies as well.
One is the issue of training. If the DM uses the optional training rules, training for power gain and control must come from a higher level Inheritor, though class-related training can be conducted normally. Even if the optional training rules are not used, an Inheritor must somehow be taught to control the magic of the Legacies. If a trainer is not available at the time an Inheritor is ready to gain a third level and acquire a new Legacy, the character must learn without aid how to master the power. In game terms, the character suffers an immediate penalty of -10% to experience. Upon regaining the experience necessary to attain the new level, the character acquires the Legacy through his own study. Note that if a trainer becomes available during the interim, the character is restored to the minimum experience necessary for the new level and acquires the Legacy with the trainer's aid.
A character who permanently gains a Legacy also loses one point from one ability score, as explained in "The Curse and the Legacies" chapter. Since Inheritors gain multiple Legacies, they lose several points from ability scores over the course of a long career. The side effects of gaining a Legacy, such as red skin, also become more pronounced in an Inheritor.
Also, as the possessor of multiple Legacies, an Inheritor must be extremely careful to always wear cinnabryl. As explained in the next chapter, a character with a Legacy who loses contact with cinnabryl for too long suffers from the malign effects of the Red Curse. Among those are physical transformation and greater attribute loss. If any of a character's ability scores is reduced to 0 or below, the character immediately dies.
Finally, smokepowder interacts strangely with Inheritors because their bodies carry multiple Legacies. Whenever a smokepowder explosion occurs within two feet of an Inheritor (even the firing of a smokepowder weapon), a week's worth of the character's cinnabryl (one ounce) is instantly depleted. If the character has less than a week's worth of cinnabryl left, the amount remaining is instantly depleted, and any time left over is applied to the malign effects of the Red Curse (see "The Curse and the Legacies" chapter for details).
Wealth Options: An Inheritor starts with the same amount of money as a standard member of the appropriate character class.
Local Hero
Local Heroes are champions of the masses, perhaps the most common type of wandering adventurer. Never forgetting their roots, they are advocates of commoners and equality. Many Local Heroes espouse the "rob the rich and give to the poor" philosophy.
Most Local Heroes are from rural areas, but they can also come from insular urban communities.
Character Class: Any character class can take the Local Hero kit, though specialist wizards, wild mages, and specialty priests are rare.
Races and Nationalities: Local Heroes are found in the City-States, the Savage Baronies (though rarely in Gargoña), Renardy, Bellayne, and Herath, as well as among enduks. The kit is seldom used by people of Robrenn or Eusdria because the Local Hero often fights against oppression or struggles to improve living conditions of peasants, but no peasant class or oppression exists in either of these states. Tortles often use the Local Hero kit. Other player character races can use the kit if raised in a land that has social classes and if the individual is accepted among the locals. Regardless, wallaras never use the Local Hero kit.
Requirements: Local Heroes are almost always from the lower class, rarely the middle class, and never the upper class. They tend to be of good alignment and are usually not chaotic, though the kit has no particular requirements.
Role: The Local Hero is normally very conscious of the role he plays as the hero of a particular community. Local Heroes never forget where they came from, and they try to make things better for their families and communities. They fight for common folk, protect the helpless, and often have little patience or respect for the wealthy or the nobility. This sometimes brings them into conflict with other elements of society. This is why the Local Hero is sometimes cast in the role of rebel leader (as in Narvaez and Almarrón).
No matter how famous or important Local Heroes become, they remain simple persons in manner and appearance. If forced to dress in elegant clothing or fill a political office a Local Hero is often uncomfortable, usually believing someone else to be more deserving.
Some Local Heroes go as far as taking vows of poverty, but most just don't care much about personal gain, preferring to share wealth. They tend to be open and honest, never cheating or taking advantage of local commoners, and they try to persuade companions to follow their lead. If a treasure is recovered near a small community, the Local Hero often argues to split the treasure with the community or at least return anything stolen from it.
In an adventuring group, the Local Hero's skills are used to help the group and are never turned against comrades.
Class Modifications: Local Hero wizards have no school restrictions, but they prefer illusion, abjuration, and invocation/evocation. Necromancy and divination are relatively unpopular. Priests can be devoted to any Immortal, but seldom revere Immortals of philosophies (like good or evil) or prosperity (preferring Immortals of honest trade). A Local Hero thief usually has an even advancement of skills but sometimes stresses the more mechanical ones (lockpicking and finding and removing traps) as the most useful.
The Local Hero ranger's chosen enemy is the biggest threat to the community. Such a character seldom has an unusual primary terrain, instead taking a terrain conducive to habitation. Local Hero druids are involved with agriculture or other local food production, discouraging locals from harming the environment. Local Hero paladins are usually independent or owe allegiance to a mentor or local church. They seldom become attached to a large organisation.
Weapon Proficiencies: A beginning Local Hero character must choose from the following weapons initially: short bow, dagger, knife, hand axe, throwing axe, quarterstaff, lasso, bolas, club, dart, footman's flail, short sword, long sword, scythe, machete, and sickle. However, Local Heroes can take a proficiency in only one weapon not normally allowed to their classes, but druids and other priests usually stick with the weapons normally available to them, even at 1st level. At higher levels, Local Heroes must take other weapons normally available according to character class but seldom take proficiencies in exotic weapons.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: A rural Local Hero's bonus proficiencies are agriculture or fishing and weather sense or animal lore. An urban character receives agriculture (for gardening) or fishing and a one-slot craft proficiency from the "General" group, such as carpentry, leatherworking, or pottery. Recommended proficiencies include all those in the "General" category, plus weaponsmithing (crude).
Equipment: Local Heroes prefer simple equipment, and not a lot of it (except thieves, who sometimes have a penchant for gadgets). They have the standard armour restrictions of their particular classes. When beginning play, a Local Hero can have no more than 5 gp in coins left unspent. See also "Special Hindrances."
Special Benefits: Local Heroes are known in their home community and can expect shelter and help from the people there. The citizens will hide a Local Hero, provide food or equipment, or even offer assistance. The Local Hero receives a -2 reaction roll bonus from commoners of other areas, except in xenophobic places.
These benefits are rescinded if the Local Hero is known to have harmed local folks in some way. The Local Hero must work to restore the community's confidence to regain the benefit.
Special Hindrances: A Local Hero's community often comes to the character for help whenever the village is threatened by marauding monsters, bandits, or tyrants. Local Heroes who turn away such a request for help suffer a +2 reaction penalty instead of the normal bonus until back in the community's good graces.
A Local Hero must spend a total of at least one month per year in his home community. If for some reason this becomes impossible, large donations to the local causes often keep him in good standing with the people. If this happens repeatedly, however, the character will still lose support of the commoners. This will cause a loss of the benefits listed above until the character spends a full month in the community.
As mentioned before, a Local Hero never retains wealth. He keeps enough money to support himself and usually gives any excess to local charities. At least 10% of the Local Hero's income is donated to the community.
Characters who do start collecting valuables, wearing expensive jewellery, or otherwise trying to raise their station can still be considered Local Heroes if they act the part but lose the kit's reaction bonus because others perceive such a character as no longer being "one of them."
Wealth Options: The Local Hero receives the standard starting funds.
A Noble character belongs to the highest social classes of the land. As children, Nobles receive tutoring and training to give them skills and opportunities beyond those of more common folk. They are used to the finer things in life. Nobles also have a social prejudice: They believe in the superiority of the upper classes and in their right to rule. They prefer the company of other nobles and are often disdainful of peasants. However, Nobles also feel a sense of duty to their land and family, giving them something of a sense of honour. They become adventurers because of these duties or to find an exciting change from their daily obligations.
Not all persons of the upper classes need take this kit, however. It exemplifies an attitude that, while common, is not held by all members of the nobility.
Character Class: A Noble can be a warrior, priest, bard, or wizard of any type except necromancer or wild mage. Noble rangers are uncommon, and Noble druids and bards are found only in Robrenn.
Races and Nationalities: A Noble can come from the City-States, the Savage Baronies (except for Almarrón, and they are uncommon in Cimarron, Torreón, and Gargoña), Robrenn, Eusdria, Renardy, Bellayne, and Herath. Ee'aar can also be Nobles. A non-native can never take the Noble kit; tortles, lizard kin, goblinoids, wallaras, and phanatons are never Nobles, even if adopted.
Requirements: The Noble must be born to the aristocracy or adopted into it. Nobles are seldom evil, and they have no gender or ability score requirements.
Role: Nobles are taught duty to their family and their homeland, leading most to act chivalrously. Society expects a Noble to be courageous, protective of the defenceless, and gallant. Some Nobles are less dependable than others, however. Nobles of Bellayne, Robrenn, Eusdria, Torreón, Gargoña, and Saragón tend to be the most responsible.
Nobles are often arrogant, even snobbish, though they try to act well mannered and courteous, even to those they do not respect. They are usually well educated. They dress in fine clothing and usually loathe any activity that demeans them or causes them to get dirty.
Some Nobles, especially those from Robrenn and Eusdria, are not arrogant or opposed to working with those of lower station, though they are still certain that they were born to rule.
Class Modifications: Noble wizards prefer powerful schools, such as invocation/evocation, alteration, and conjuration/summoning; they dislike necromancy. A Noble ranger's chosen enemy is the creature that most threatens his holdings; followers must be acceptable among the nobility. Noble paladins almost always serve the local government, sometimes a family mentor. Noble bards have no class modifications.
Weapon Proficiencies: A Noble of any character class is required to take proficiency in the sabre (except druids, who can take scimitar instead). Punching specialisation is common in most areas, martial arts in Bellayne. Warriors and priests often become proficient in horseman's flail and horseman's mace. Lances are also popular among Noble warriors.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Nobles receive etiquette and heraldry as bonuses. Land-based riding is required. Recommended proficiencies include dancing, gaming, hunting, local history, musical instrument, and reading/writing.
Equipment: With starting money, a Noble must buy a sabre (scimitar for druids) and a mount with full equipment (saddle and so forth). Characters who wear armour must buy it, never accepting anything worse than scale. In all cases, the Noble must pay extra for all equipment; see "Special Hindrances."
Special Benefits: Nobles receive more starting money than other characters; see "Wealth Options." They receive a -3 reaction bonus from other members of the nobility in their homeland, a -2 bonus from nobles of other lands and the common folk of their homeland. (Though commoners may dislike the nobility, they are likely to treat them with respect).
Nobles can demand shelter from the people of their homeland and can expect shelter from the nobility of any land of the Savage Coast. Other nobles will offer shelter to a Noble PC's companions as well, up to a number equal to twice the PC's level.
In their homeland, Nobles can administer justice.
Special Hindrances: To maintain their status, Noble characters must buy above-average goods and services, paying 10% to 100% more than normal, as determined by the DM. This is part tip, but also indicates that the Noble is actually receiving higher quality materials and services. A Noble who buys substandard goods (average or lesser quality) starts looking shabby, and loses the kit's reaction bonus.
A Noble has obligations and duties. If these are not fulfilled, other nobles might consider the character a parasite, and the reaction bonus from them is lost. Nobles who gain a bad reputation, whether deservedly or not, suffer a +6 reaction roll penalty from all who know of the reputation.
One of the Noble's obligation is to extend shelter to other members of the nobility. This can be rather costly.
Wealth Options: In addition to the standard funds granted according to character class, a Noble receives 200 gp in starting funds.
Because wars and other conflicts are common on the Savage Coast, almost every government employs spies to gather information from other countries and relay it back to their superiors. A Spy might work directly for a government official, for the military, or for a guild or other organisation (such as one of the Orders of Inheritors). The Spy is an expert infiltrator and can generally be trusted by an employer; a Spy who betrays a contract can quickly gain a bad reputation.
Character Class: Any thief, bard, fighter, ranger, or wizard can take the Spy kit. Thieves are by far the most common Spies, and those thieves with magical skills are quite good as Spies.
Races and Nationalities: Spies can come from the City-States, any of the Savage Baronies, Robrenn, Eusdria, Herath, Renardy, Bellayne, and Shazak. Gurrash, caymas, phanatons, and wallaras do not become Spies. Tortles are rarely Spies, but since tortles are an often-ignored peasant group, they can be especially effective in some situations.
Requirements: Spies can come from any social class, alignment, or gender. Lawful Spies are more common than those of other alignments. In addition to any requirements for character class, the Spy must have an Intelligence of 11 or more.
Role: Some Spies retire from that endeavour when they become professional adventurers, using their skills to infiltrate and gather information for companions. Others still serve as Spies for a government or other institution, going on adventures between jobs, but essentially remain "on call" for their primary employers.
Spies are naturally very secretive. Because they take on many different roles and must keep a tight rein on what information they disseminate, they tend to talk infrequently, especially about themselves. Many Spies have a cover identity or even a number of different aliases; they might try to maintain one or more of these when with an adventuring party.
The Spy can be smooth and sophisticated, or crude and brutal, depending on the roles he takes the most often. Most Spies become specialists of sorts, and can take an assignment that lasts for years. In some cases, the Spy might even choose to be an adventurer as a cover, because adventurers are often given a sort of grudging respect that allows them passage when others are restricted; in this case, the Spy might never reveal his true name, character class, or motivations to companions.
Though the thief, with superb infiltration and acquisition skills, seems to be the perfect character to become a Spy, other classes can take the kit as well. Thieves are probably the most mercenary of Spies, changing employers slightly more often than others. A Spy bard has a natural cover, as a wondering entertainer, allowing them to travel widely and listen to tales and conversations, often at the courts of nobles.
A Spy ranger usually operates in the wilderness, acting as an army scout, infiltrating a group of bandits, keeping watch on a tribe or group of nomads, or watching troop movements; in many ways, the Spy ranger is like the thief with the Scout kit (from CTH). A Spy wizard augments his skills with magic, often disguising the character's true class.
Class Modifications: Since the profession can lead the character into many diverse situations, the Spy thief usually acquires a fairly even distribution of skills. A bard receives no special modifications to class abilities. A Spy ranger can choose any primary terrain and species enemy. Some rangers refuse followers because they might break the character's cover, while others use their followers as an intelligence network.
A Spy wizard automatically learns the change self spell at 1st level, and alter self when he reaches 3rd level; these two spells are available even to specialists who would normally be unable to learn them. Many Spy wizards concentrate on illusions and alterations.
Weapon Proficiencies: Spies are restricted to the weapon proficiencies normally allowed because of character class. Because of the need for a cover identity, they can carry weapons not allowed but use them with a non-proficiency penalty. At the DM's option, a Spy who carries a weapon for a very long time (at least three experience levels) can be allowed to spend a proficiency slot for that one weapon, even if it is not a weapon normally allowed to that character class.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The character gains bonus proficiencies in disguise, information gathering, and observation. Most Spies take the acting proficiency, especially if they plan to imitate another race, nationality, or character class for any length of time. Recommended proficiencies include alertness, etiquette, forgery, heraldry, local history, reading/writing, reading lips, trailing.
Equipment: Spies receive no special equipment restrictions or allowances. However, a Spy wizard can wear leather armour for disguise purposes; because the armour is uncomfortable and unusual for the character, though, he receives no bonus to Armour Class. Magical bonuses and those for Dexterity apply normally. Even though leather armour provides no protection, it still prevents certain magical items, such as bracers of defence, from functioning.
Spies enjoy special or magical gadgets and often have custom equipment made, such as a cane that conceals a rapier or a staff that houses a spring-loaded blade. A Spy often carries more than he appears to carry. For some ideas, see CTH and CFH.
Special Benefits: The Spy has no special benefits other than those listed elsewhere.
Special Hindrances: The Spy has no special hindrances other than the profession itself, which often warrants the death penalty from the victims of the spying and which requires the character to perform tasks for an employer.
Wealth Options: The Spy receives standard starting funds.
This character is roguish and acrobatic, a daring individual who wields rapier and rapier wit with equal skill. Though possibly capable of wearing armour and wielding heavy weapons, a Swashbuckler is more comfortable when lightly armed and armoured. The Swashbuckler is the sophisticated, but seldom serious, hero or villain who rebels against societal standards.
Character Class: Any warrior, wizard, or rogue can be a Swashbuckler, though Swashbuckler paladins and necromancers are quite rare and Swashbuckler rangers are uncommon.
Races and Nationalities: Swashbucklers are most common in the Savage Baronies, with the exception of Cimarron and Guadalante. Characters from Bellayne and Herath can also take the kit, and Swashbucklers are common in Renardy. Caymas, gurrash, and wallaras never take the kit, even when raised in other cultures. It is rare, but possible, for tortles, shazaks, and phanatons to be Swashbucklers.
Requirements: Swashbuckler characters can be of any alignment, social background, or gender, but they are seldom lawful and often have aristocratic or wealthy backgrounds. They must have a 13 or better in Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma.
Role: Though some have deep motivations that are seldom shared with others, most Swashbucklers are thrill seekers, adventurers because of a whim. Sometimes characters moonlight as Swashbucklers, leading an entirely different career by day. Swashbucklers are usually chivalrous, or at least pretend to be, though this is less because they believe in chivalry than because they like the esteem.
A Swashbuckler often gains a reputation and notoriety, which is not always good. Cunning and dashing, the epitome of charm and grace, these characters are often found on the wrong side of the law because of their common disrespect for authority. They sometimes ally with bandits or pirates, typically leading such bands.
With charm and wit, a Swashbuckler often gravitates toward the position of group leader, or at least group spokesperson. However, these characters tend to dislike such responsibilities and are more comfortable with wild theatrics and acrobatics than either politics or real fighting. They are most comfortable in cities, where they can shine amid squalor.
Class Modifications: A Swashbuckler thief usually balances all skills but tends to emphasise picking pockets (more for sleight of hand). Skills such as moving silently and hiding in shadows tend to suffer because the character likes being noticed. Among Swashbuckler wizards, the schools of alteration, enchantment/charm, and illusion are popular. Rangers usually choose a species enemy that brings notoriety, a recognised but not terribly dangerous foe. Thieves, paladins, and other characters are almost always independent, seldom working with guilds or other organisations. Most classes have an expanded range of weapon and Non-weapon proficiencies available.
Weapon Proficiencies: The weapons of the Swashbuckler are the rapier, sabre, main-gauche, and stiletto. At 1st level, a Swashbuckler receives a bonus weapon proficiency slot which must be used for one of these weapons; the most common choice is the rapier. Swashbucklers of any class fight with a warrior's THAC0 with that chosen weapon. Until a Swashbuckler is proficient in all four of these weapons, at least half the character's proficiency slots must be used on them. Swashbucklers can become proficient in the use of wheellock pistols, and many prefer them. Swashbuckler warriors and rogues of all types can take wheellock specialisation (most prefer the belt pistol, but a few use the horse pistol instead). The character is also fond of special manoeuvres. Many learn secret passes, mostly leaning toward the Moncorvo fighting school (see the "Proficiencies" chapter for details on secret passes).
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Swashbuckler's bonus proficiencies are panache and tumbling. Recommended proficiencies include alertness, artistic ability, blind-fighting, dancing, disguise, etiquette, fast-talking, gaming, jumping, navigation, seamanship, tightrope walking, and gunsmithing. All other rogue group proficiencies are appropriate as well. Rogue proficiencies do not cost extra slots, no matter what the character's class.
Equipment: At 1st level, these characters must buy their weapon of choice. All other gold can be spent as the individual sees fit, though Swashbucklers tend to buy stylish clothing and exotic equipment. Swashbucklers must adhere to the armour restrictions of their class.
Special Benefits: A Swashbuckler has two special benefits, besides those mentioned under proficiencies. When wearing light armour (leather or padded) or none, the character receives a -2 bonus to Armour Class. As a dashing figure, the Swashbuckler also receives a -2 bonus on reaction rolls from NPCs of the opposite sex.
Special Hindrances: Just as the Swashbuckler seeks adventure, adventure comes looking for the Swashbuckler. A reputation often precedes the character, leading Duellists and other Swashbucklers to challenge the character's prowess.
Strange luck affects these characters. For example, if a member of the local nobility falls ill, a Swashbuckler might be asked to imitate him in the midst of an assassination plot. A helpless person running away from something might stumble into a Swashbuckler's arms and ask for help. A Swashbuckler who leaps off a hill to avoid capture might find himself in an ogre camp and have to talk his way out.
Life conspires to make things a little more difficult for Swashbucklers, and the DM should throw a little more good-natured bad fortune their way than at other characters. The use of "gauche" points is one way to do this (see the panache proficiency description in the "Proficiencies" chapter for details).
Wealth Options: The Swashbuckler receives the standard funds according to character class.
Warrior Kits
Because of the nature of the Savage Coast, more kits are available to warriors than to any other class. The following is an overview of these kits:
*Beast Riders are warriors bonded to a certain type of animal, which they use as a mount. They are exotic people, often seeming savage and animal-like in behaviour.
*Defenders are warriors devoted to a specific religion, something like paladins. Defenders can be of any alignment. Only fighters can become Defenders.
*Gauchos are horse-riding cattle herders of the grasslands. These warriors tend to be crude and unruly. They are comfortable in the outdoors, and they enjoy the excitement of adventuring.
*Honourbound follow a strict code of honour and behaviour. They are something like the samurai of Oriental settings, something like the Mamluks of Arabian settings, something like the honourable knights of Western European cultures. Honourbound warriors usually belong to special companies of like-minded individuals.
*Myrmidons have been trained as soldiers and usually adventure as mercenaries.
*Savages are warriors from primitive cultures, usually with a stone age level of technology. Relatively peaceful, the Savage is usually a hunter and tribal protector from a wilderness area.
Beast Rider
The Beast Rider is an elite warrior in his culture, one who has bonded with a particular type of mount. Beast Riders are common enough on the Savage Coast but are still intimidating and a little exotic to most people. A Beast Rider often serves as a guardian of the homeland but can go adventuring to learn more about the world. The characters often have trouble finding lodging for their mounts, though settlements in Bellayne and Renardy and some towns and cities in other nations have stables for the exotic animals they ride.
Character Class: Any warrior can be a Beast Rider.
Races and Nationalities: Beast Riders can be lupins from Renardy, rakastas or elves from Bellayne, or shazaks from Shazak. If goblinoids are allowed as PC races, Yazi and Yazak goblinoids can be Beast Riders. No other races or nationalities can take the kit.
Requirements: Beast Riders are seldom from the lowest classes. They tend toward neutral alignments, but they are not actually restricted according to social class, alignment, or gender. A Beast Rider must have a Charisma of 13 or higher.
Role: While elite warriors in their own society, Beast Riders are often viewed as intimidating in other cultures or as potential enemies in the land of other types of Beast Rider. A Beast Rider should be played as an outsider when away from home; rakasta and elf Beast Riders are considered outsiders even in the larger settlements of their own homeland.
Beast Riders usually like all types of animals and are especially protective of those related to their mount. The characters do not understand how someone can mistreat a mount, tending to be unfriendly toward those who do. If the rest of the party accepts a Beast Rider and minimises harm to normal animals, especially mounts, the character considers them family.
Class Modifications: A ranger's species enemy is never the same as his mount. If a neighbouring Beast Rider culture is an enemy, rangers might choose that culture's mount if it is different from their own. Most Beast Rider rangers choose plains or steppes as a primary terrain.
A Beast Rider paladin does not call a war horse. Instead, the paladin's mount has an added 2 Hit Dice and a -2 bonus to its Armour Class. Beast Rider paladins usually owe allegiance to their specific clan or village.
Weapon Proficiencies: A rakasta Beast Rider must take claws as a weapon proficiency and often use war claws (see the "Proficiencies" and "Equipment and Economics" chapters). Beast Riders have no weapon restrictions, though if goblinoids are allowed, they should be restricted to the weapons of their culture. They prefer weapons associated with mounted combat: short bow or short composite bow, horseman's flail, horseman's mace, horseman's pick, lance, spear, and sabre.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus proficiencies include animal training and riding (each for the species of the Beast Rider's mount). Recommended proficiencies are animal handling, direction sense, fire-building, veterinary healing, animal lore, hunting, set snares, survival, tracking, and weaponsmithing (crude).
Equipment: A Beast Rider can wear only leather, studded leather, padded, or hide armour (plus helmet and shield if preferred). Hide or leather armour made from the hide of a mount who served faithfully and continues to do so is preferred by many, but a mount is never slain to make armour.
Special Benefits: The Beast Rider has an amazing rapport with the type of animal used as a mount, receiving a -5 bonus to reaction rolls whenever dealing with these animals. If a roll is 9 or less, Beast Riders can persuade attacking animals of that type to leave them and their allies alone.
Lupin Beast Riders use dire wolves as mounts, while rakastas and elves use feliquines - creatures that have the heads and forelegs of a lion and the hindquarters of a horse (see below). Shazaks use huge bats (mobats), as described in the MONSTROUS MANUAL accessory, but these have 5 HD and a true neutral alignment. These mounts are exceptionally large and strong. Trained feliquines and dire wolves have the speed and carrying capacity of medium warhorses, while trained mobats have the carrying capacity of a medium warhorse and flying speeds equal to a heavy warhorse's ground speeds. All mounts can go full speed only if carrying 220 pounds or less. Beast Riders almost always weigh less than 200 pounds, though shazak Beast-Riders weigh just over 200 pounds.
Goblinoids use the following mounts: Orcs use war boars; hobgoblins ride dire wolves; goblins of the Yazaks ride worgs; and the Yazi gnolls use horses. Yazi goblins seldom use mounts, riding worgs when they do. Ogres and trolls never use mounts.
A Beast Rider character is bonded with an animal of the appropriate type in a special ceremony and begins the game with that creature as a mount and personal friend. The animal is devoted to the Beast Rider and will risk or even sacrifice its life for the character. If the animal's alignment is different from that of the rider, it slowly changes to match (about one alignment step per level gained by the rider).
Beast Riders have a telepathic rapport with their mount and when in physical or visual contact, can tell what the animal is feeling and thinking, communicating without appearing to do so. Even when Beast Rider and mount are not in sight of each other, each knows the other's emotional state, physical condition, direction, and approximate distance.
Feliquine: AC 5; MV 18; HD 4+4; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1d6/1d6/1d10; SA Kick for 2d6; SZ L (10' long); ML 12; Int Semi- (2-4); AL N; XP 175.
Special Hindrances: As an outsider, the Beast Rider suffers a +3 reaction roll penalty from people of other cultures, including Beast Rider cultures who use other mounts. Beast Riders are expected to act the same way toward their mounts as the mounts do toward them; they for instance, they must be willing to risk or sacrifice their lives for their animals. Beast Riders who do not act appropriately are considered to have abandoned the kit.
A Beast Rider can have only one mount at a time. If the mount dies, the Beast Rider immediately takes 2d6 points of damage from grief. In addition, the character must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer as if affected by a feeblemind spell for 2d6 hours (or until cured with a heal or wish spell). Upon recovering, the character must find another mount or abandon the kit. This is a quest worthy of an entire adventure. Likewise, a mount whose rider dies will often find a new one.
A Beast Rider paladin who loses a mount cannot find another of the same exceptional quality as the original. Although the mount will be of lesser quality, it can be the best possible for a normal specimen.
Wealth Options: The character has normal starting funds.
The Defender is a paladin-like character, the guardian of a faith, religion, or church. A Defender can be of any alignment but is bound by that alignment and the precepts of the religion the character supports. Basically, such a character has all the hindrances of a paladin, though not as many benefits.
Defenders are found throughout the Savage Coast, where they are respected and sometimes feared, but always supported by those who have the same philosophy. Good or lawful defenders can serve as heroes in a campaign, while evil or chaotic defenders can be used as consummate villains.
Character Class: Only single-class fighters can take the Defender kit. If the Immortal supported by a Defender is the patron of a certain character class, the DM may allow multi-class Defenders, assuming that one of the classes is fighter and that the multi-class combination is open to the character's race. Similarly, a dual-class character could become a Defender; for instance, a thief could change classes to become a fighter and if devoted to an Immortal patron of thieves, could take the Defender kit.
Races and Nationalities: Defenders can be of any race or nationality, though the kit is illegal in Narvaez. They are quite important in Robrenn and among enduks, so are most common among those societies. Overall, they make up only a small percentage of the population. See the "Robrenn and Eusdria" chapter for information on the Defender in Robrenn.
Requirements: A Defender must have at least a 12 Strength and a 13 Wisdom. All social classes, genders, and alignments are open to the kit. Once a Defender's alignment is chosen, it cannot be changed without the loss of the kit.
Role: A Defender's role in a campaign depends largely on the individual's alignment and choice of Immortal. A character devoted to the druidic way is a sort of "druidic knight" and a Defender of nature, while chaotic evil Defenders who worship an Immortal of Entropy might be considered "anti-paladins." A Defender supports the religious hierarchy of a specific Immortal and has the same alignment as the order's priests (if they can choose from several alignments, so can the Defender).
Certain duties are common to all Defenders. They must safeguard their religious order and defend its priests, worship sites, and sacred items. They must protect the faithful and obey the priests. They may even be called upon to punish those who break the faith (assuming the order believes in such punishment).
Some people treat Defenders as a type of warrior priest, the fighting force of the faith, and even a substitute when priests are unavailable. Defender characters preach the tenets of their faith when the opportunity presents itself.
Class Modifications: Defenders can cast spells at higher levels, and in some ways, they are like specialty priests. If specialty priests are used in the campaign, Defenders must use only spells from the spheres available to a specialty priest of their religion. Even if other specialty priests are not used, druidic Defenders are limited to the spheres open to druids. Similarly, Defenders from cultures with limited choices of priest kits should be restricted to the spheres open to those kits. If other specialty priests besides druids are not used in the campaign, a Defender not limited by faith or culture has access to the spheres of combat, divination, healing, and protection.
Weapon Proficiencies: If the Immortal worshipped by the Defender has a favoured weapon, the Defender must become proficient in its use. If the specialty priests of the Immortal are restricted from certain weapons, so are Defenders of that faith. A Defender's other weapon proficiencies at 1st level are limited to the weapons available in the character's culture. Defenders who join fighting schools always choose the Verdegild school (see the "Proficiencies" chapter for details).
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Defender characters receive two bonus proficiency slots in religion, giving them general information about faiths of their homeland and nearby areas, plus precise knowledge of their own faith. Defenders are also required to take the ceremony proficiency (see the "Proficiencies" chapter) for the Immortal of their faith. Recommended proficiencies include all priest proficiencies, the ceremony proficiency for enemy Immortals, and any appropriate to the faith (such as agriculture and weather sense for druidic Defenders).
The Defender does not have to pay extra proficiency slots for priest group proficiencies. If the Defender's Immortal is a patron of magic, the character can take wizard proficiencies without extra cost, while the Defender of a patron of thieves can take rogue proficiencies without extra cost.
Equipment: Defenders must follow restrictions of their faith, race, and homeland but are not otherwise limited.
Special Benefits: Defender characters are recognised officials in their chosen religious hierarchy, so they enjoy the support of the order. A Defender can expect the faithful to offer shelter and to render aid when called upon. When encountering other followers of the same religion, Defenders receive a -3 bonus to reaction rolls.
A defender can detect beings of an alignment selected by the character at 1st level. Defenders may choose to detect law, chaos, good, evil, or true neutral. Most often, they elect to detect the alignment of enemies, but some choose the alignment of friends instead. A druidic Defender always chooses the ability to detect the true neutral alignment.
A Defender also gains the ability to cast priest spells at higher levels, as shown on Table 12.1. See "Class Modifications" for spell sphere restrictions. Defenders with high Wisdom scores do not gain extra spells.
Priest Spell Level
* Maximum spell ability.
Special Hindrances: Just as some people support and even admire Defenders, others revile them. Defenders must prominently wear the symbol of their faith at all times, unless the faith specifically allows otherwise. Thus, the Defender can be easily recognised by enemies and receives a +3 reaction roll penalty from those not well disposed toward the character's religion. Defenders are prohibited from associating with enemies of their faith and usually hire henchmen of the same faith.
Defenders are obligated to uphold their demands of their religious order. They must obey the commands of priests more highly placed in the organisation (of higher level if the DM has not defined the hierarchy). Commands range from guard duty to messenger service or recovery of sacred items. The Defender must also spread the faith and minister to the faithful when a priest is unavailable.
In addition, Defenders must tithe to their religious institutions, giving 10% of their income whether coins, jewels, magical items, wages, rewards, or taxes.
They must also follow the tenets of the faith. Failure to do so can result in forced abandonment of the Defender kit and all rights that go with it, perhaps even resulting in a hunt by other faithful to punish the offender for blasphemy or heresy. Defenders can be declared blasphemers for dereliction of duty.
Wealth Options: Defenders have standard starting funds.
The Gaucho is a warrior of the pampas, the grasslands of the Savage Coast's eastern regions. Gauchos herd cattle and other beasts, living off the land for weeks at a time, then entering a town for a little rowdy relaxation. They are very comfortable on horseback, and spend most of their time that way.
Character Class: Any warrior can be a Gaucho, though rangers are the most common. Gaucho paladins are extremely rare.
Races and Nationalities: Only humans and demihumans (elves, dwarves, and halflings) of the Savage Baronies can be Gauchos. The kit is common in Cimarron and Guadalante, but less so in Torreón, Narvaez, Almarrón, and Saragón. Gauchos are quite rare in Gargoña and are found only as visitors in Vilaverde and Texeiras.
Requirements: Gaucho characters usually come from the lower classes, though some come from the middle classes. A very few come from the upper classes, seeking the "romantic" life of the plains. No matter what their origins are, Gauchos are always considered lower class.
Most Gauchos are male, but they can be of either gender. They have no alignment restrictions, but tend toward chaotic alignments. A Gaucho must have a Constitution of at least 13. High Strength and Dexterity are also desirable.
Role: Gauchos are unruly frontier riders who live most of their life on horseback, herding cattle. When not herding, a Gaucho might live as a bandit or enter a small town to sample the local food, drink, and women. Gauchos could even join a military force as outriders or light cavalry, but few of them really have the temperament for such activities. They would likely join only in a fight for their own independence or to earn some money.
An adventuresome lot with a love for excitement, many Gauchos become professional adventurers because the thrill-seeking lifestyle appeals to them. In an adventuring group, a Gaucho might act as a scout. Gauchos like quick adventures without consequence and usually care little about grand political movements or fine military strategies.
Gauchos are generally crude and a little rude, but they usually have a soft-hearted streak hidden under that rough exterior. They are proud, swaggering rowdies with little use for the niceties of civilisation. Most have a direct manner and are happy to solve problems with their fists or their wheellock pistols. Some are sneaky and sly, others honest and kind; the exact personality is left to the player.
Class Modifications: Gaucho rangers must choose grasslands as their primary terrain. Gaucho paladins are always independent; they are never associated with a government or a church. The bonded mount for a Gaucho paladin is always a horse.
Weapon Proficiencies: The Gaucho is required to become proficient with dagger, bolas, and the wheellock horse pistol. Other weapons allowed at 1st level include club, dart, hand or throwing axe, horseman's flail, mace, or pick, javelin, light horse lance, morning star, scourge, sword (sabre only), and whip. Gauchos never become proficient with any type of polearm and rarely learn how to use a weapon inappropriate for mounted combat, but they can take other weapons after 1st level.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: A Gaucho's bonus proficiencies are direction sense and land-based riding (see "Special Benefits"). The characters are required to take the tracking proficiency (except for rangers, who already get it for free). Recommended proficiencies include animal handling, animal training, blacksmithing, cooking, fire-building, leatherworking, weather sense, gaming, hunting, set snares, survival, and weaponsmithing (crude). At 1st level, a Gaucho cannot take etiquette, and few take reading/writing.
Equipment: At 1st level, Gauchos must purchase either a riding horse or a light war horse; they receive a saddle, saddle blanket, bit and bridle, horseshoes, and saddle bags without expenditure. They prefer light war horses above all others and never own anything as large as a heavy war horse. A Gaucho must also purchase bolas and a dagger at 1st level. As soon as possible, the character must purchase a wheellock horse pistol as well. Gauchos travel light, so they keep other equipment to a minimum. They Gaucho never wear armour more bulky than studded leather.
Special Benefits: Besides the benefits listed above, Gauchos receive a -3 bonus on reaction rolls when they encounter other Gauchos. Gauchos also can always assess the quality of a horse.
Finally, Gauchos are experts on horseback and receive a +4 bonus to their proficiency score for land-based riding. Note that a natural roll of 20 is still a failure, even if the character's proficiency score happens to be above 20.
Special Hindrances: Because the Gaucho tends to be rough around the edges, the character receives a +3 penalty to reaction rolls when encountering anyone from the Savage Baronies, other than another Gaucho. For the most part, people from other nations do not know of the Gauchos' poor reputation.
In addition, Gauchos spend money almost as quickly as they get it. At least half of what the Gaucho earns must be spent on "frivolous" things such as fine food or drink, a few days of expensive lodging, gambling, and so forth.
Wealth Options: The Gaucho starts the game with 10d10+100 gp but must spend most of it on initial equipment.
The Honourbound is a warrior who follows a strict code of honour, known as the Warrior's Honor. Honourbound warriors generally belong to special Companies that have ancient traditions (an Honourbound without a Company is considered a "Company of One"). Some groups of Honourbound owe allegiance to a particular government, while others work as elite mercenaries; some are professional duellists, and others are wanderers who fight for what they believe is right or simply for the sake of fighting. Each Honourbound wears a special emblem, chooses a particular weapon, and has a declared enemy of some sort.
The tradition of Honourbound warriors began centuries ago among the elven and rakastan cultures of the Savage Coast. The elves who became the ee'aar developed one branch of the tradition, while the rakastas and elves who settled in Bellayne carried on a second branch. The Warrior's Honor, while ancient, has changed little over the decades, so that when ee'aar recently returned to the Savage Coast, the ee'aar and Bellaynese traditions were still almost identical. The ee'aar had spread the traditions to the enduks, while shazaks, tortles, and a few goblinoids had acquired it from the rakastas. The elves took the tradition to Eusdria, and gurrash later acquired it from the shazaks.
Honourbound warriors are easily recognised and highly respected by the cultures of the Savage Coast.
Character Class: Fighters, rangers, and paladins can take the Honourbound kit. A Company of Honourbound often consists of only one type of warrior (all rangers, all paladins, or all fighters). However, some allow dual-class or multi-class characters, though only with combinations of warrior and wizard or priest, never any that include rogue classes. Even priests are sometimes avoided to keep a Company free of religious overtones.
Races and Nationalities: Companies of Honourbound are relatively common in Bellayne, and Shazak and Um-Shedu each have a Company. Only ee'aar and enduks can join the Company in Um-Shedu, while only shazaks can join the sect in Shazak. Honourbound Companies in Bellayne accept rakastas, elves, and tortles, as well as a few humans, dwarves, halflings. Some Companies of Bellayne accept members of only a single race (rakastas, elves, or tortles).
Individual Honourbound are found in Renardy and the Savage Baronies. Not associated with any Companies, these Honourbound are mostly professional duellists. In the Savage Baronies, humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings can become Honourbound; in Renardy, most Honourbound are lupins, though a few are human or demihuman. No Companies are located in Renardy or the Savage Baronies.
The nations of Eusdria and Ator each have a single informal Company, a sort of national Company. All members have the same emblem and consider themselves members of the same Company, but no Company hierarchy exists. Enemies and weapons are chosen by the individual.
If goblinoids are allowed as PCs, the gnolls of El Grande Carrascal near the Savage Baronies should also have a Company of Honourbound, much like the Companies found in Eusdria and Ator. Individual Honourbound are occasionally found among the Yazak goblinoids. No other goblinoids can take the kit.
Requirements: An Honourbound can be born into any social class, renouncing such things when joining one of the Companies or otherwise starting a career as an Honourbound. Honourbound can be of either gender and can have any alignment except chaotic.
To become an Honourbound, a character must have minimum ability scores of at least 13 in Strength and Wisdom and at least 12 in Constitution and Intelligence.
Role: Honourbound are compelled by decades of tradition to follow particular rules of behaviour. Because of this, they are correctly considered trustworthy, and they work hard to maintain their integrity. The Honourbound honestly enjoy combat as a way to find self-enlightenment, prove oneself, and test honour and devotion. Within the parameters of the Warrior's Honor, they can have any personality from dour to humorous, sedate to bloodthirsty.
Honourbound warriors are often sought by armies because they are reliable as leaders and soldiers. An Honourbound can stay with an army as long as that organisation does not require the Honourbound to break any portion of the Warrior's Honor. Honourbound are sometimes granted land to govern, and they make effective managers. The characters are also sometimes sought by adventuring groups because they make fine allies. Honourbound join such groups to see more of the world, embark on a specific quest, or spread teachings of the Warrior's Honor.
In any group, an Honourbound is tolerant of others. The character does not expect others to adhere to the Warrior's Honor and is seldom surprised (though occasionally disappointed) when they do not. An Honourbound realises that others must come to the Warrior's Honor themselves and does not force it on anyone. As long as companions do not try to make the Honourbound forget the Warrior's Honor, the character can stay with the group.
The Warrior's Honor is split into two sets of governing regulations: Precepts and Protocols. Precepts are simple rules, generally phrased as things to do (or avoid) or as beliefs. Protocols are procedures to be followed in certain situations. Note that all Honourbound, of any alignment, follow the Precepts and Protocols of the Warrior's Honor.
The basic Precepts are as follows:
*Honor is more important than life.
*Fear is acceptable; cowardice is not.
*Live to fight, and fight to live.
*Respect your enemy.
*Do not attack the defenceless, the weak, or the innocent.
*Do not threaten the defenceless, the weak, or the innocent to exert control over an enemy (do not take hostages).
*Do not involve yourself in the dishonourable actions of others.
*Missile weapons are suitable for hunting, but not for war (the Honourbound can attack unintelligent beasts, undead, or otherwise unnatural beings with missile weapons but cannot use missile weapons against intelligent enemies).
*Mind control (including charms and possession) is not to be used or tolerated.
*Obey the leaders of your Company and those to whom you or the Company owe allegiance.
*Avenge dishonour to Company, mentors, allies, and self in that order.
*Seek glory for the Honourbound, never for yourself.
*If you are responsible for the death of a friend, companion, or follower, assume the obligations of that individual.
*Honor those you care for by remembering them, even after their deaths.
*Be tolerant of the beliefs and actions of others.
*Spread the code by example, not by force.
*Keep all promises.
*Fulfil all duties.
*Repay all debts.
The most important Protocols are summarised in the following text.
The Protocol of Adulthood states that a warrior reaches adulthood when he kills an enemy under honourable circumstances. Upon reaching adulthood, a warrior can choose to become an Honourbound by espousing the Warrior's Honor by oath and actions.
The Protocol of Host and Guest demands that hosts protect their guests from mortal harm and that a guest respect the rules put forth by a host. Neither host nor guest can make unreasonable requests of the other. Note that a host usually invites a guest for a specific period of time, after which the guest is no longer welcome and must leave unless the invitation is renewed. Only the actions of a guest can prematurely end the period of invitation.
The Protocol of Challenge and Fair Combat tells an Honourbound to inform enemies of an impending attack. For individual combat, the Honourbound issues a challenge, and the Honourbounds enemy must have time to respond. Thus, an Honourbound cannot attack an unprepared enemy, nor attack from behind. However, an enemy who is engaged in an attack on a friend or ally is considered prepared. For large-scale combat, a declaration of war is necessary; once this has been done, the armies of the enemy are considered prepared, and surprise attacks are allowable. An Honourbound can never participate in an ambush except against enemies in a declared war.
The Protocol of Duelling demands that an Honourbound learn and remember the informal duelling rules of the many lands of the Savage Coast. The two main types of duels considered are those with pistols and those with swords. Each Honourbound knows duelling rules, as explained in the duelling proficiency in the "Proficiencies" chapter. Honourbound of Renardy and the Savage Baronies are especially concerned with duelling.
The Protocol of Respect for an Honoured Enemy states that an honoured enemy, usually a leader of an opposing force, is accorded certain privileges. It is considered honourable to touch an honoured enemy, without harming him, during melee. An honoured enemy should be felled only in single combat. If captured, an honoured enemy is treated as a guest. If called for, a captured honoured enemy can be executed, but only in a formal ceremony. Honoured enemies can be returned to their people in return for material or other concessions.
The Protocol of Negotiation declares that negotiations are sacred. They are a cause for a truce, and a truce should not be broken. To insure this, opposing forces exchange hostages during negotiations. These hostages are warriors who understand that their lives are held as proof of their force's honour. If the truce is broken by one side, the lives of the hostages from that side are forfeit.
The Protocol of Betrayers refers to those who break the oaths of the Honourbound. An Honourbound who abandons the Precepts or the Protocols is declared a Betrayer and is subject to a hunt and eventual death. This can be administered by any Honourbound. Betrayers besmirch the honour of all Honourbound, and cleansing is possible only if an Honourbound kills the Betrayer. However, to retain honour, individual Honourbound must ascertain the proof of betrayal for themselves. Even if orders have come down from the leader of an Honourbounds Company, individual Honourbound must determine the truth when the suspected Betrayer is caught. If the capturer cannot determine the truth, the suspected Betrayer must be brought before a group of at least six Honourbound, where the truth of the matter is decided, and a sentence carried out.
Individual Companies of Honourbound sometimes have additional regulations, but these are not considered on the same level with Precepts and Protocols. Company regulations are sometimes specifications of the Precepts and Protocols; they also include special weapons, duties, allegiances, and symbols. Each Company has at least a special weapon and a symbol.
Every Honourbound (whether a member of a Company or not) wears a white sash around the waist; this symbolises the purity of honour for which the character strives. In addition, the Honourbound must wear a red circle emblem, symbolising the blood shed by warriors. The emblem cannot be made of cloth (to avoid confusion with Crimson Inheritors).
An Honourbounds race usually determines the form and placement of the red circle. Elves, dwarves, humans, and halflings wear red circle markings on their face (such as on the forehead), on one cheek (never both), or on the back of a hand. Because of the Red Curse, a character's skin might already be red; in this case, the Honourbound surrounds the red circle with a white border. Ee'aar and enduks usually paint a red circle on one or both wings. Shazaks and gurrash usually wear the red circle as body paint; some paint a circle on a hand or on the face, while others might create a series of red circles all along one arm or wear the symbol on armour. Goblinoids use similar methods to the lizard kin. A rakasta Honourbound wears a circular, red-painted, ceramic pendant on a thong or chain around the neck. Tortles usually dye the red circle onto the front of their shells and add decorative symbols around it. Whatever the method, the red circle must always be shown and worn, never simply carried.
Each Company also has an emblem, which is usually worn in the centre of the red circle. An individual not allied with a Company might have a personal emblem. Like the sigils of the Inheritors, the emblems of the Honourbound are considered private property, and their unauthorised use by others is a great offence. Each Company of Honourbound also has a declared enemy.
Class Modifications: Paladins and rangers who take the kit are required to specialise in a single weapon. In addition, the ranger's species enemy might be pre-chosen (see "Special Benefits").
Weapon Proficiencies: Honourbound must specialise in the use of one melee weapon at 1st level; this costs the normal number of slots. No Honourbound can ever specialise in more than one weapon. Tortles often use the staff. Rakastas often use war claws, though some prefer the katana. Honourbound who belong to a Company must use the weapon of that Company.
The Honourbound of Renardy and the Savage Baronies, most of whom are professional duellists, are allowed to specialise in the use of the wheellock belt pistol instead of a melee weapon. These are the only Honourbound who can do so.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Honourbound receive bonus proficiencies in duelling, etiquette, and heraldry (focusing mainly on the Heraldry of the Honourbound). Recommended proficiencies include ancient history (specifically military), military tactics, gunsmithing (for duellists), animal handling, animal training, dancing, reading/writing, blind-fighting, endurance, direction sense, and fire-building.
Equipment: A beginning Honourbound must purchase his weapon of specialisation. Characters can wear any armour available to their race but seldom wear anything heavier than chain mail, preferring to retain mobility. They have no other equipment restrictions other than those mandated by an individual's culture. Most acquire any equipment they need to survive as wanderers but do not carry enough to slow themselves down.
Special Benefits: The Honourbound warrior has a few special benefits from the ancient traditions of the Warrior's Honor. First, the Warrior's Honor demands that Honourbound treat each other a certain way. In addition, the Warrior's Honor (and the special symbols of the Honourbound) insures that the character is recognised by others as an honourable warrior. Unless recognised immediately as an enemy, Honourbound receive a -3 bonus to reaction rolls. Even those recognised as an enemy receive a -1 bonus to reaction rolls, because of the respect that others feel for the Honourbound.
Honourbound characters also benefit from the Company to which they belong. The Company provides a support network and instant allies if an Honourbound gets into trouble. An Honourbound who is a Company of One enjoys independence instead. An Honourbound of a national Company, like those in Eusdria and Ator, gains the network of allies but does not have to follow Company orders (though they must still defend their country in times of trouble).
In addition, Honourbound gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls against a declared type of enemy. Honourbound who belong to a Company have this enemy type chosen for them; the Company of One or a member of a national Company is free to choose. The enemy can be a species (like the ranger's chosen foe), the people of a certain enemy nation, the members of an enemy Company, or a particular type of creature (like undead or giants). The declared enemy can never be changed by the Honourbound unless an entire Company decides to change. A Company of One can never change his declared enemy.
If the Honourbound is a ranger, this chosen enemy replaces the ranger's species enemy; the bonuses are not cumulative, and the ranger still incurs the reaction penalty for the species enemy and prefers to fight the chosen foe before all others. Other Honourbound can make a conscious choice about whether or not to fight the chosen foe, and can determine what their own reactions are.
Special Hindrances: Just as the Companies and the Warrior's Honor can help the Honourbound, so can they hinder the character. An Honourbound who belongs to a Company must follow the regulations of that Company and the orders of the Company's leaders. An Honourbound who belongs to a national Company must defend that nation and obey edicts of its leaders (defending the nation takes precedence). The Honourbound must also follow the Precepts and Protocols of the Warrior's Honor or be declared a Betrayer, subject to capture and execution by other Honourbound.
In addition, almost everyone on the Savage Coast recognises an Honourbound as a warrior, which can cause a few problems. Honourbound of other Companies and warriors of other kits might want to test their combat prowess against a recognised professional warrior. If asked, the Honourbound is also bound to mediate duels between other characters.
Some unsavoury individuals try to catch Honourbound on points of honour. For instance, a person might be able to extract a promise of protection, or an invitation from an Honourbound host, thereby gaining protection from enemies bent on murder. The Honourbound must keep the promise and uphold the Protocol of Host and Guest, even when he agrees with the guest's enemies.
Wealth Options: The Honourbound receives standard starting funds.
The Myrmidon is a soldier. The character can be an officer in an army or a mercenary. In times of war, Myrmidons are heroes; in times of peace, they are viewed as parasites who provide no useful service. On the Savage Coast, a Myrmidon is often a front-line explorer as well. The character brings discipline and an understanding of military tactics to an adventuring party.
When a Myrmidon is created, the player and DM must decide if the character is a mercenary or part of a standing army. If the latter, the character has duties to his unit. Mercenary Myrmidons have much more freedom in accepting commissions. The character's rank in a given unit, whether an army or a mercenary group, is up to the DM.
Character Class: Fighters and rangers are often Myrmidons. Myrmidon paladins are allowed but uncommon because their greater devotion to a cause may not fit well with the actions of an army or mercenary group.
Races and Nationalities: Myrmidons are found in the City-States, the Savage Baronies (especially Torreón and Narvaez), Eusdria, Renardy, Bellayne (though uncommon there), and Herath. Members of any PC race can be Myrmidons, though halflings and caymas are rarely taken seriously in such a profession. Wallaras are never Myrmidons.
Requirements: A Myrmidon can have any social class, gender, or alignment. A Myrmidon must have scores of at least 12 in Strength and Constitution.
Role: The Myrmidon is a strategist who prefers to think and plan before launching an attack. This is a disciplined character who is contemptuous of individualists and those who do not take orders well. Of course, such an attitude can lead to friction in an adventuring party. Myrmidons are often gruff in manner and rough in appearance.
Myrmidons welcome war and some travel great distances to sign on with an army involved in a conflict. In peacetime, some turn to banditry or adventure for excitement and income.
A Myrmidon paladin is often the leader of a unit (or even a whole army), while a myrmidon ranger often serves as a scout.
Class Modifications: Myrmidon paladins usually owe allegiance to a government, though some have mentors or work independently. Rangers can take any species enemy, but many choose one that causes particular problems for the army they belong to.
Weapon Proficiencies: The Myrmidon has no restrictions or preferences for weapons, though a particular military unit might have proficiency requirements. Many Myrmidons are proficient in one or more types of polearm.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: A Myrmidon's bonus proficiencies are military tactics and fire-building. Recommended proficiencies include ancient history (specifically military), animal handling, cooking, heraldry, riding (usually land-based), seamanship, swimming, weather sense, reading/writing, armourer, blind-fighting, bowyer/fletcher, endurance, navigation, set snares, survival, tracking, and weaponsmithing.
Equipment: A Myrmidon can buy whatever equipment is desired, but some military units require that something specific be owned.
Special Benefits: The Myrmidon gets a free weapon specialisation when created, chosen from one of the following: battle axe, any bow, heavy or light crossbow, wheellock horse pistol, any lance, any polearm, spear, or any sword. The specialisation reflects the type of unit for which the Myrmidon has trained.
Myrmidons also (usually) have an employer, with specific benefits determined by the DM. If part of a standing army, a character might get free room and board and could be immune to civilian prosecution.
Special Hindrances: The Myrmidon's employer can also be a hindrance by making demands upon the character. The Myrmidon must follow the orders of superior officers or risk court-martial.
A Myrmidon also gains a reputation. Such characters are remembered for their military demeanour and disciplined manner and can be easily recognised and described, possibly making it easy for an enemy to identify and follow them. Not all mercenaries or soldiers are as memorable as a Myrmidon.
Wealth Options: The Myrmidon receives the standard starting funds.
A Savage warrior is one from a primitive tribe, usually one with a stone age technology and hunter-gatherer or basic agricultural methods of food production. The character is in tune with the natural world and usually serves as a tribal guardian and hunter. In this case, "savage" refers only to a person from a primitive tribe, and does not necessarily imply brutality, cruelty, or rudeness. In fact, many Savages of the Savage Coast are peaceful.
Character Class: Only fighters can take the Savage kit. The only societies that have Savage rangers are those of the phanatons and the wallaras. No primitive human tribes exist along the Savage Coast, so a Savage paladin is unheard of; it would only be possible if a human were raised under special circumstances by shazaks or phanatons.
Races and Nationalities: Savages come from Cay, Shazak, Ator, Jibarú, and the land of the wallaras. Goblinoids of the Dark Jungle and the Yazak Steppes have savage cultures, as do the Yazi goblinoids of the coast. It is possible, though very rare, for members of most other races to be captured and raised as Savages by shazaks or phanatons, or even Yazi or Yazak goblinoids.
Requirements: Savages have no real social classes, but Savage warriors are automatically in the middle and upper echelons of their societies. Savages can be of any alignment and either gender. A Savage warrior must have a Strength of 11 or more and a Constitution of 15 or more.
Role: A Savage warrior can be crude or civil, coarse or noble, depending on the character's culture of origin and the desires of the player. Phanatons, wallaras, and shazaks are almost always peaceful and noble in bearing, feeling a responsibility to their lands and disdaining cruel or devious methods. Caymas are also usually peaceful, though somewhat temperamental and occasionally sneaky. Gurrash and goblinoids come from warrior cultures who avoid devious methods.
In the campaign, the Savage must be played as an outsider, a person unaccustomed to the accoutrements of civilisation, such as excessive clothing or armour, complex tools and weapons, money and materialism, and deceit and treachery. Savages, even the more warlike specimens, often serve as the "voice of the conscience," speaking out against the more base values and ethics of civilisation.
Class Modifications: A Savage ranger takes the terrain of his tribe (plains for wallaras, forest for phanatons) as a primary terrain. Followers of Savage rangers are almost always from the same savage culture, while their species enemy is usually whatever most threatens their tribe or an important food animal (such as manscorpions or giant spiders for phanatons, and iguanas or wild dingos for wallaras). The very rare Savage paladin would owe allegiance to the tribe and its elders and would gain a bonded mount (a mobat) only if raised in Shazak.
Weapon Proficiencies: At 1st level, the Savage can choose only tribal weapons for proficiencies. Tribal weapons are club, net, javelin, blowgun, hand axe and bite for phanatons; knife, spear, club, and boomerang for wallaras; shazaks, caymas, and gurrash as per their tribes (see the "Shazak, Ator, and Cay" chapter for details on the lizard kin tribes). Many of these weapons are made of stone, bone and wood.
After gaining more experience, the Savage can choose other weapons but tends to stay with familiar implements as much as possible. It is a rare Savage who learns skill with firearms.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Savage receives bonus proficiencies in direction sense, weather sense, endurance, and survival. Recommended proficiencies include alertness, animal handling, animal lore, animal noise, animal training, boating, fire-building, fishing, herbalism, hunting, jumping, religion, rope use, set snares, tracking, and weaponsmithing (crude). A 1st-level Savage can choose only the proficiencies on the recommended list or any others the DM allows. The Savage must have experience with the outside world to take others.
Equipment: The Savage warrior starts with no money with which to purchase equipment. Instead the character starts with one of each of his weapons of proficiency; the character can also have up to 10 items of other equipment common to the tribe. As with the Shaman, this list must be approved by the DM. More complex items are common only in Shazak, so mirrors, lanterns, and the like are uncommon to Savages. They are restricted to the armour common among their respective tribes.
Special Benefits: Besides the bonus Non-weapon proficiencies that the character gets (which reflect the Savages' struggle to survive), each Savage gains a special ability resembling a spell. The ability is not magical, so it cannot be discerned by detect magic, nor does it require components of any type. The character can use the ability once per day per level (so a 3rd-level Savage could use the ability three times each day). Success is automatic.
Shazaks and gurrash have an alarm ability, automatically being alerted to an intrusion within 10 feet; a sleeping Savage is awakened when a creature ventures within that distance. Only creatures the size of a normal rat and larger are noticed in this fashion including flying, levitation, invisible, incorporeal, or gaseous creatures, but not ethereal or astral beings. An active character must concentrate for a full round without distractions (such as combat or noisy companions) to enact this power consciously.
Caymas can detect magic within 10 feet. Wallaras can detect evil in a monster, place, or magical item within 10 yards; like the priest spell, this ability allows wallaras to determine the degree of evil and its general nature but not the exact alignment. The DM might occasionally allow these powers to be activated involuntarily by overwhelming emanations of the appropriate type; this should not count against the number of times the character can use the ability.
Phanatons have an animal friendship ability similar to the 1st-level priest spell. To use the ability, the Savage must confront the animal face-to-face, within the creature's attack range, and can have no ulterior motives, which would be detected by the creature. With this ability, the phanaton Savage warrior can make friends with a normal animal that is not angry or threatened or calm a hostile normal animal. Therefore, to make friends with a belligerent animal, the character must use the ability twice.
Special Hindrances: The Savage warrior is uncomfortable in civilised clothes and armour. When wearing clothing more encumbering or concealing than tribal dress, the Savage suffers a -1 to attack rolls, damage rolls, and Non-weapon proficiency scores. If the character wears armour unusual to the society (gurrash and wallaras do not normally wear armour, while other societies are restricted), the Savage is uncomfortable and suffers a -3 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and Non-weapon proficiency scores. Natural abilities are often impaired as well.
If the character ignores the discomfort and continues to wear unusual clothing and armour, the negative modifier gradually gets worse. An additional -1 per day is assessed until the character stops wearing the offensive materials. The character can also end the penalties by dropping the kit, accepting civilisation and losing all his bonus Non-weapon proficiencies and special abilities.
A Savage warrior is not all that unusual in the lands of the Savage Coast, so the character does not suffer from a penalty to reaction rolls.
Wealth Options: A Savage character has no starting funds, receiving materials as explained under "Equipment." Of the cultures described here, most rely on barter or make their own weapons and equipment.
Wizard Kits
Wizards are often mysterious figures on the Savage Coast, though their help is welcomed in any war effort. A short description of each Savage Coast wizard kit is as follows:
*Militant wizards are skilled in the military arts and are found as spellcasters for armies. Illusionists, enchanters, and wild mages cannot use the kit.
*Mystics are wizards devoted to learning and self-enlightenment. Necromancers, invokers, and conjurers cannot be Mystics, and Mystic wild mages are rare.
*Wokani are spellcasters of primitive societies. A wokan uses a special set of spells, the "school" of nature.
The Militant comes from a culture that uses wizards extensively in its military. Generally, the culture is either a warmonger society or one constantly besieged by others. With the frequency of wars on the Savage Coast, every culture with an army also has Militant wizards.
A Militant considers a trained body as important as a trained mind and keeps combat skills as sharp as magical talents.
Character Class: Mages and all specialist wizards except illusionists and enchanters can take this kit, though diviners rarely do. Wild Mages cannot be Militants.
Races and Nationalities: The Militant kit is found in the City-States, the Savage Baronies (though rare in Narvaez), Robrenn, Eusdria, Renardy, and Herath. It is an uncommon kit in Bellayne. Tortles, wallaras, and phanatons are never Militants, and only rare Militants teach their skills to goblinoids or lizard kin, fearing those skills might be turned back on them.
Requirements: A Militant can come from any social class and is not restricted to a particular gender or alignment. However, most Militant wizards are lawful, and they are considered middle or upper class when serving with an army. A Militant wizard must have a Strength of at least 13.
Role: A Militant wizard is a respected sometimes honoured or feared member of society. The character can be a bloodthirsty battler who enjoys violence or a heroic soldier who takes lives only when necessary.
The character might become an adventurer to earn extra money (perhaps to build an army), to pursue personal goals, or to study the fighting techniques of other cultures. Though Militants are often part of an army, they can also belong to a mercenary group or take jobs on a freelance basis.
Significantly, these characters have a military background. They make good leaders but also understand how to follow the orders of a respected commander. Militants prefer action to inaction, combat to negotiation, and are usually suspicious of scholars, philosophers, and bureaucrats.
Class Modifications: As explained under weapon proficiencies, a Militant has an extended range of available weapons. A Militant wizard can also learn the two-weapon fighting style (see the "Proficiencies" chapter for details).
Militants prefer magical schools that give a good selection of offensive and defensive spells such as abjuration, alteration, conjuration/summoning, invocation/evocation, and necromancy. Militant elementalists are often pyromancers (fire elementalists), though some specialise in the elemental schools of water and earth. Characters of this kit cannot specialise in illusion or enchantment/charm and most consider those schools relatively useless in combat. Few Militants specialise in greater divination, though they recognise the school's importance in reconnaissance.
Militant specialists have greater restrictions on the spells available to them. Specialists and their forbidden schools are listed in Table 12.2.
illusion, alteration, greater divination
alteration, greater divination, invocation/evocation
invocation/evocation, necromancy, greater divination
conjuration/summoning, abjuration
illusion, enchantment/charm, conjuration/summoning
enchantment/charm, illusion, alteration
necromancy, abjuration, conjuration/summoning
(air elementalist) elemental earth, elemental water
(earth elementalist) elemental air, elemental fire
(water elementalist) elemental fire, elemental air
(fire elementalist) elemental water, elemental earth
In regard to spell level attainable, chance to learn spells, maximum number of spells per level, and spell immunity, Militant wizards are treated as if their Intelligence were 2 points lower than it actually is.
Weapon Proficiencies: The Militant wizard receives one bonus weapon proficiency slot. Militants must choose their weapon proficiencies from the following: battle axe, any bow, any crossbow, dagger, javelin, quarterstaff, sling, spear, any sword, and war hammer.
Characters who abandon the Militant kit also give up the weapons forbidden to wizards of their culture. Three experience levels after giving up the weapons, they lose the proficiencies entirely.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: A Militant's bonus proficiencies are endurance and military tactics. The following are recommended: ancient history (specifically military), animal handling, direction sense, riding (land-based), swimming, weather sense, reading/writing, blind-fighting, ancient languages, set snares, and tracking. The militant can take warrior group proficiencies without extra cost.
Equipment: The Militant has no special restrictions or benefits in regard to equipment.
Special Benefits: Besides the benefits listed above, the Militant character gains an extra 1 hit point per level. This reflects the person's military training.
Special Hindrances: Other than those listed under "Class Modifications," the Militant has no special hindrances.
Wealth Options: The character receives standard starting funds.
The Mystic is a character who values philosophy, art, and scholarship and uses them for self-enlightenment. The character sees magic and adventuring as roads to knowledge. Generally peaceful and contemplative, the Mystic is uncommon on the Savage Coast but can be found in many different locales.
Character Class: Mages, abjurers, diviners, enchanters, illusionists, transmuters, and (rarely) wild mages can be Mystics.
Races and Nationalities: A few Mystics are found in Gargoña, Saragón, Bellayne, Herath, and among the tortles and enduks. Gurrash and goblinoids can never become Mystics. The Mystic is more common among wallaras and is the most popular wizard kit among the ee'aar.
Requirements: The Mystic can come from any social class, can be of either gender, and can have any alignment. However, evil Mystics are rare, most Mystics tending toward law and neutrality. A Mystic must have a Wisdom of 13 or more.
Role: Mystics are thoughtful and introspective enjoying nothing more than spending long hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe and attempting to become more in touch with their inner selves. The Mystic is not necessarily a student of religion or philosophy but, instead, seeks awareness that can be found only intuitively.
A Mystic has chosen the study of magic as the key to spiritual awareness. Mystics believe that each casting of a spell and each acquisition of a new technique brings them closer to ultimate awareness.
Many people consider a Mystic to be a lazy eccentric with no useful purpose. More enlightened cultures (especially the ee'aar, among whom the kit is plentiful) recognise the Mystic as a seeker of truth.
The Mystic avoids combat but will protect comrades. However, only in the most extreme circumstances will Mystics take a life, killing only to protect their own life or that of a companion.
Class Modifications: No schools are barred from the Mystic wizard, but the character avoids spells designed to cause damage, such as those from the necromancy, invocation/evocation, and conjuration/summoning schools.
Weapon Proficiencies: The character has the normal range of weapon choices allowed to the class and culture. The Mystic seldom carries more than one weapon, if that, and prefers blunt weapons.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Mystic receives bonus proficiencies in astrology and spellcraft. Recommended proficiencies include agriculture, artistic ability, carpentry, etiquette, languages (ancient and modern), pottery, stonemasonry, weaving, ancient or local history, herbalism, religion, and reading/writing.
Equipment: The Mystic never buys more than one, or possibly two, weapons. Other than this, the character has no special equipment restrictions.
Special Benefits: Once per week, Mystics can transform their consciousness into a spirit form, leaving their physical body behind. The spirit form looks like a mist in the shape of the Mystic. Through it, the character can see and hear, but cannot attack, speak, or cast spells. The form can, however, fly at a movement rate of 24 (manoeuvrability class B) and can pass through the tiniest crack. Although the spirit form is invulnerable to all attack types, dispel magic causes it to instantly return to the body.
Unless dispelled, a spirit form can remain away from its body for up to 24 hours, during which time the body remains comatose, and is subject to all regular attacks, suffering damage normally. While out of the body, it can move as far as allowed by its movement rate but cannot pass from the same plane of existence. Once the spirit form returns (which it does instantly and automatically at the end of 24 hours if it has not done so sooner), the Mystic revives and cannot use the form for another week.
To use the ability, the Mystic must simply concentrate for 1 round.
Special Hindrances: A Mystic must meditate for two consecutive hours at the same time each day. When the character is created, the player decides upon the exact time period to be used each day; after that, the time cannot be changed. If a Mystic neglects to (or cannot) meditate or is interrupted more than once during meditation (for a total of more than one minute), on the following day the character can cast only the number of spells allowed to a wizard of one level lower than the Mystic's own.
Wealth Options: The mystic cares little for material wealth, and receives only (1d4+1)x5 gp in starting funds.
Wokani are usually wizards from primitive cultures. These characters are very concerned with nature; they will not live in cities, and they disdain "unnatural" equipment. In many ways, a Wokan is like a druid, serving as a protector of nature. Wokani even have their own "school" of magic.
Wokani from tribal cultures are important individuals in their tribes. These are referred to as Tribal Wokani. Those in Robrenn, Herath, and Bellayne are generally hermits, living deep in wilderness areas but usually helping deserving people (those who revere nature) who seek them out. These individuals are called Hermit Wokani.
Character Class: Only mages can take the Wokan kit. These mages are also restricted in spell selection.
Races and Nationalities: Hermit Wokani exist in Robrenn, Herath, and Bellayne, though they are uncommon even there. Tortles and other natives can become Hermit Wokani in those three nations. Non-natives (those whose families have lived in the area for less than five generations) can never become Hermit Wokani. Tribal Wokani are found only among goblinoids, lizard kin, and phanatons.
Requirements: Tribes have no real social class, so neither do their Wokani though they are respected as tribal leaders. Hermit Wokani can have any social standing when born but give it up to become Wokani. This kit has no gender restrictions.
Wokani cannot be evil and usually have an alignment with one or more neutral components. A Wokan must have minimum scores of 12 in both Wisdom and Constitution.
Role: The Wokan character is a protector of nature, a person at peace with animals and plants. These individuals never willingly harm nature and are angered by those who do. They constantly strive to teach others how to live in harmony with nature, which might cause friction in some adventuring parties. A Wokan usually adventures to view natural wonders, though some leave their homes to fight against those who would harm natural habitats, hunt animals to extinction, or otherwise offend the forces of nature.
These characters see magic and the Legacies as parts of nature's grand scheme, so they are accepting of those with such abilities. However, they will try to insure that the abilities are not used in unnatural ways or for unnatural purposes.
Wokani hate all forms of undead and will attack them before any other opponents. They will fight normal animals only in self defence and even encourage hunting for food (but not for sport).
A cayma Wokan is the tribe member who makes the grenade weapons used by caymas. The character must take the alchemy proficiency in order to make grenades.
Class Modifications: As mentioned, a Wokan wizard is restricted in spell selections and can choose only those spells in the "school" of nature. This includes all spells of the elemental schools of air, earth, fire, and water (as detailed in the Tome of Magic; if that source is unavailable, spells that use any of those elements are allowed). Note that many of these spells must be used with caution, so as to not permanently harm the environment. Other spells available (related to animals, plants, weather, light, darkness, and so forth) include the 1st-level spells change self, find familiar, light, mending, and spider climb; the 2nd-level spells alter self, continual light, darkness 15' radius, glitterdust, and summon swarm; the 3rd-level spells lightning bolt and protection from normal missiles; the 4th-level spells hallucinatory terrain, massmorph, plant growth, polymorph other, and polymorph self; the 5th-level spells animal growth and hold monster; the 6th-level spells chain lightning and conjure animals; the 7th-level spells charm plants, reverse gravity, and shadow walk; the 8th-level spells mass charm and polymorph any object; and the 9th-level spell shape change.
Weapon Proficiencies: Tribal Wokani are limited to the weapons of their cultures (as defined in the Savage warrior kit). Hermit Wokani are limited to standard mage weapons, as listed in the PHB. Wokani can use weapons made from stone, bone, or wood, but no other materials.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bonus proficiencies for the Wokan are animal lore, herbalism, and survival. Recommended proficiencies include agriculture, animal handling, animal training, direction sense, fire-building, fishing, leatherworking, pottery, weather sense, healing (regular and veterinary), religion, set snares, hunting, and tracking. Hermit Wokani can take reading/writing, but other Wokani are forbidden that proficiency at 1st level. Alchemy is a recommended proficiency for cayma Wokani, who are the only Wokani allowed to take that proficiency at 1st level.
Equipment: Wokan can use only leather, padded, or hide armour, and wooden shields. Wokani do not use complex tools or anything made of worked metal. Wokani otherwise have the same equipment restrictions as members of the Savage warrior kit.
Special Benefits: Besides their bonus proficiencies, Wokani have the benefit of being able to craft enchanted items at a relatively low level. A Wokan of 5th level or higher gains a special enchant an item ability, much like the 6th-level wizard spell, but with a few adjustments.
Wokani believe that all natural objects have inherent magical power. Consequently, all enchanted items made by them must be created using natural materials. They enchant the item by drawing the innate magic from it. Thus, an item should have some relation to the power to be used. For example, a limb from a tree that has been struck by lightning is the perfect component for a wand of lightning, while a band of fur might be used to make a ring of mammal control (for that type of mammal only). The item to be enchanted should be worked as little as possible; the more natural its condition, the better.
The character enchants the item as explained in the enchant an item spell description, but must work in a natural environment, never a laboratory. No other spells need be cast into the item; permanency need not be used. Items receive only 1d10+4 charges but can be recharged with another ceremony. The DM can similarly restrict the function of other items as seems appropriate.
Special Hindrances: Wokani are unusual outside of their homeland, receiving +2 penalty to reaction rolls in foreign regions.
The Wokan does not use material spell components and does not learn spells in the normal manner. Though this might sound like a benefit, it can cause some problems.
First, the character must have a fetish. This is a small natural item, such as an amulet composed of bits of bone, fur, wood, and feathers, or a small leather bag containing the same. A pine cone wrapped with fur could be appropriate, as could a bird's claw with feathers attached by leather strips. The item must be somewhat unusual, and the Wokan must have it to cast spells. It is the only material component the Wokan ever needs for spell casting, and it is needed for every spell. If the fetish is lost or destroyed, a new one must be created, a process that takes a few hours each day for a week. During that week, the character can cast no spells.
Second, the character must learn and memorise spells differently from other wizards. Spells must be learned from another Wokan and are never written down. Instead, the character learns a special dance and chant from the Wokan mentor. To memorise the spell, the Wokan must perform the dance and voice the chant. Thus, while other wizards would spend their mornings reading from spellbooks, the Wokan must go off to dance and chant. Memorisation times, rest required, and all learning restrictions based on Intelligence apply normally.
Wealth Options: Wokani receive no starting funds.
Priest Kits
Priests of the Savage Coast are often involved in the art of war, ministering to the needs of soldiers and warriors. If the DM chooses, specialty priest can be used as substitutes for the Priest kits (see "The Campaign" chapter for details on the Immortals and their spheres). The Priest kits are as follows:
*Fighting Monks belong to orders devoted to spiritual enlightenment through physical discipline. They learn special unarmed fighting styles.
*Shamans are the priests of primitive tribes. They are more concerned with their tribes than with their religions. Shamans were presented in CBoH and are modified here.
*War Priests are the clerics of Immortals devoted to war and strife. They are mercenaries found with most of the armies of the Savage Coast.
*Webmasters are druids dedicated to protecting arachnid life. No type of priest other than a druid can take this kit.
Fighting Monk
The Fighting Monk seeks spiritual enlightenment through physical discipline. This includes learning a special fighting style and consists of long hours of labour, exercise, meditation in uncomfortable positions, and practice. These characters learn the art of combat but ordinarily use it only for self-defence. They learn religion primarily for self-enlightenment, rather than to preach to others. Orders of Fighting Monks are found only in Bellayne.
Character Class: Only clerics can take this kit.
Races and Nationalities: People living in Bellayne can become Fighting Monks. No race is refused admittance into an order, but the majority are rakastas, elves, and tortles. Wallaras never become Fighting-Monks.
Requirements: Characters can come from any social class, but give up such things when they take the kit. A Fighting Monk cannot be chaotic and is rarely evil. All members of a particular order have the same alignment, and one order exists for each allowable alignment. Both genders are permitted all orders have Brothers and Sisters but they live in separate monasteries, often miles apart.
Fighting Monks must have a Dexterity of at least 12.
Role: These characters are philosophical and scholarly, devoted to self-enlightenment. While unconcerned with preaching their philosophy to others, Fighting Monks will teach it to those who ask to learn. They know most basic religious ceremonies and can conduct them if needed.
Some Fighting Monks never leave their monastery to adventure. Others are wanderers who seek knowledge in the far reaches of the land. They periodically return to their monasteries to pass on knowledge to others of their order.
A Fighting Monk's order provides stability and acts as a place of formal learning. The split because of genders is absolute, and Fighting Monks take vows of celibacy. Females are not allowed in male monasteries, nor males in female monasteries, except in emergencies. Even then, it is for as little time as is possible. Male and female branches communicate by sending messengers, who leave materials at the gate of the other monastery without going in. Because of this, Fighting Monks are often uncomfortable around members of the opposite sex.
Class Modifications: These characters are not restricted or modified in any way, except that they are able to fight with two weapons (see the "Proficiencies").
Weapon Proficiencies: The Fighting Monk receives two bonus weapon proficiency slots, which must be spent on unarmed combat styles. One must be used to acquire martial arts (torasta), and the other slot must be used to specialise in martial arts, punching, or wrestling; see the "Proficiencies" chapter of this section for details on unarmed combat styles. The character can choose only bludgeoning weapons (including weapons that are both bludgeoning and piercing). Not all weapon proficiency slots must be spent at 1st level; they can be saved and used at any level.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Fighting Monk receives tumbling and dancing as bonus proficiencies. The character is required to take artistic ability and reading/writing. Religion, herbalism, and healing are recommended. Fighting Monks can purchase proficiencies from any and all groups and do not pay extra slots to do so.
Equipment: These characters take a vow of poverty. They cannot wear armour and can own only what they can carry.
Special Benefits: Other than those detailed under proficiencies, the character has no special benefits.
Special Hindrances: Fighting Monks are subject to the commands of their order's elders and must faithfully perform whatever service is required of them. Also, they must spend at least two hours each day in meditation and some sort of physical exercise.
Wealth Options: The Fighting Monk receives the standard starting money but cannot retain more than 1 gp in coins after buying equipment (see "Equipment," above). Money unspent beyond 1 gp must be given to the character's order.
The shaman is a priest devoted to a particular tribe, stressing the needs of that tribe over all other concerns. While most priests are identified with their Immortals or religions, the Shaman is most often identified with a tribe. A Shaman is a mediator between the spirits and the members of the tribe, a religious leader in all tribal endeavours, from war and hunting to agriculture and art. A primitive village usually has only a handful of religious figures. Shamans are usually less regimented and more down-to-earth than other priests.
Character Class: Only clerics can take the Shaman kit, and they are restricted to certain spheres.
Races and Nationalities: Shamans are only found among phanatons, lizard kin, and goblinoids.
Requirements: A primitive character starts with no true social class, but a Shaman, no matter how young or new to the job, is always considered a tribal leader. Shamans have no gender restrictions, but a village usually has either male or female Shamans, not both. A Shaman can be of any alignment but is almost always the same alignment as the majority of village inhabitants.
A Shaman has no special requirements for ability scores.
Role: The well-being of the village is the most important thing to a Shaman, for they are the repository of the lore and wisdom of the tribe. No problem is too trivial for a Shaman. They provide divinations, though the form is often improvised and the source of information usually dubious. They give sympathy and moral support, healing ills with skills and folk remedies more often than spells, and they teach the young what they will need to serve the community.
A Shaman must undergo arduous rituals and serve as an apprentice to the previous Shaman before actually taking that post. These rituals include long periods of fasting, initiation ceremonies that require some amount of pain and suffering, and even trials of danger.
Most adventuring Shamans have a greater purpose. Some adventure to aid their tribes, while others travel as part of their initiations, with a specific goal that must be achieved before they can return to their tribes. Still others are the last survivors of their tribes; guilt-ridden because they failed to protect the tribe, they consider the adventuring party their new tribe. Rare Shaman PCs have rejected their tribes and seek a new tribe to aid, ministering to the adventuring party in the meantime.
A Shaman casts spells to help the group but only sparingly. The character believes others should be tough and self-sufficient and avoids coddling them. The Shaman has no patience or sympathy for whiners.
Class Modifications: Shamans have major access to the spheres of divination and protection; minor access to the spheres of all, animal, combat, healing, and plant. If the Tome of Magic is used, they also have minor access to the war sphere. The Shaman seldom prays for healing spells on a daily basis, preferring to use the healing proficiency instead, saving spells for major injuries.
A Shaman cannot turn undead and never has direct access to raise dead or resurrection spells. At 9th level, a Shaman can cast reincarnation as if it were a 5th-level spell.
Weapon Proficiencies: A Shaman is limited to the weapons of his tribe. They tend to avoid large weapons. Tribal weapons are as follows: phanatons use club, net, javelin, blowgun, and hand axe; wallaras use knife, spear, club, and boomerang; shazaks use spear, club, long bow, (imported) long sword, claws, and bite; caymas use hessta, grooka, bok, grenade, crossbow, and bite; gurrash use spear, throwing stone, great club, brol, maga, bite, and tail.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Shaman receives healing and local history as bonus proficiencies and is required to take herbalism. Recommended proficiencies include agriculture, animal training, fire-building, fishing, fortune telling, rope use, weather sense, weaving, religion, spellcraft, animal lore, set snares, and veterinary healing. The character cannot take reading/writing at 1st level.
Equipment: The Shaman receives no starting money. Instead, the character starts with one of each of the weapons of proficiency. The character can also have up to 20 items of other equipment common to the tribe. The list must be approved by the DM but might include rope, food, clothing, weapon sheath, items important for the character's Non-weapon proficiencies, and so forth.
The Shaman can also have one item unusual to the culture. As with other equipment, this item must be approved by the DM. It might be an item from an ancient culture, a strange decoration from another tribe, or some piece of equipment from a more technologically advanced society. Examples include a statuette from an ancient ruin, a feathered headdress for a phanaton, or a lantern. This piece of equipment is something the character received in tribute, traded for, or was given by a mentor. It is often used as a sign of the "office."
A Shaman can wear only leather, padded, studded leather, or hide armour.
Special Benefits: The Shaman has no special benefits besides those mentioned elsewhere.
Special Hindrances: Besides the hindrances listed elsewhere, Shamans are considered unusual outside their homeland, and receive a +2 penalty to reaction rolls.
The Shaman also has a special holy symbol, a gri-gri, which is the only material component needed for almost any spell the character casts. Like the Wokan's fetish, this might seem like a benefit, but can cause problems for the character.
The beginning Shaman is assumed to have a gri-gri, either one handed down by an older Shaman, or one constructed by the character before attaining 1st level. The gri-gri is a special item constructed of natural materials. Attached to a staff or rod, it is symbolic of the tribe and the Shaman. For instance, since phanatons consider spiders a delicacy, a phanaton Shaman might have a dried spider, or a spider symbol made of fur and bone, at the top of a staff. A Shaman with a name like "Slays-snakes" might have snake skins attached to the staff. Many Shamans use a skull or a hollow gourd as a component of the gri-gri, putting stones or beads inside so it rattles when shaken (some even place small stones in a hollowed staff so they rattle when the staff is turned upside down). The gri-gri is used in place of a normal holy symbol for all spellcasting and is never consumed by casting. A good Shaman continually updates his gri-gri with items or carvings symbolic of travels and experiences.
If the gri-gri is destroyed, the Shaman must construct a new one and cannot cast any spells until the new one is made. Making a gri-gri requires a staff or rod and all the other components the Shaman wants to add to it. Finding the materials usually involves a short quest and might take as long as a week. Afterwards, the Shaman must meditate with the gri-gri, dancing and chanting as appropriate for the tribe (DM discretion), for no less than eight hours without interruption.
In addition, the Shaman learns spells in a manner similar to a Wokan. While praying for spells, the Shaman must dance and chant; many have special steps, rhythms, or chants for each spell. Memorisation times and rest requirements are the same as for a standard cleric.
Finally, the Shaman must go through a special ceremony each time he attains a new spell level, regardless of any other training required by the DM. For instance, upon becoming a 3rd-level character, the Shaman gains the ability to cast 2nd-level spells; in addition to any training required to advance a level, the Shaman must take part in a long ceremony in which he learns how to cast spells of the new level. The rite involves fasting and staying awake for at least 24 hours, during which time the Shaman creates and performs chants and dances for the new spells.
Wealth Options: Shamans receive no starting funds.
War Priest
These characters are clerics of battle. They are relatively common among nations that maintain armed forces. War Priests are devoted to war and often to Immortals who encourage it. They carry the faith to soldiers, fighting beside them.
These clerics have better than average combat skills, including a military background, and they administer to the body as well as the soul. To them, war is a way to honour self, nation, and the Immortals.
War Priests are respected by those who value war, and feared by those who seek more peaceful solutions to problems.
Character Class: Only clerics can be War Priests.
Races and Nationalities: War Priests are common in the City-States, the Savage Baronies, Robrenn, and Eusdria, as well as among enduks and ee'aar. Though priests are rare in Herath, some of them are War Priests, as are some clerics among lizard kin and Yazi and Yazak goblinoids. Tortles, phanatons, and wallaras are never War Priests.
Requirements: The War Priest can come from any social background, and the kit is open to both genders and any alignment. War Priests who serve with standing armies tend toward law, while freelancers are often chaotic. A War Priest must have a Strength of at least 12.
Role: To War Priests, the act of war (and by extension, combat of any kind) is a holy endeavour. Anyone uninvolved with war is virtually insignificant to the characters, and even the nation they serve is secondary in importance to battle itself. A War Priest ministers to warriors first, soldiers of other types second, other combatants third, non-combatants only when trying to convert them, and cowards and deserters not at all. The character is demanding of companions, often pushing them into battle, frequently showing disrespect for those who avoid combat. Importantly though, while War Priests enjoy battle, they also recognise the value of a good plan.
A War Priest can be devoted to any Immortal, or group of Immortals, except those specifically opposed to war or combat. The characters support the Immortals through war, in an almost constant crusade for their particular faith. War Priests are less concerned with preaching to the converted than with bringing enlightenment to the unbeliever. They can be very determined (seeking combat to force the faith on others), or more relaxed (waiting for others to ask for aid, then preaching to companions during a battle).
The War Priest determines when the time is right to fight in support of a particular Immortal (though for Immortals of War, this can be almost any time). They prepare troops with inspirational sermons, fight alongside them, and support the idea that dying in the service of an Immortal brings favour. War Priests can become adventurers at the bequest of their Immortals and often join a group on a quest to recover sacred items, scout enemy forces, punish or preach to unbelievers, or simply gain funds to support the church. In the eyes of the church, the War Priest is especially suited to adventuring chores.
Alignment is very important to a War Priest's actions. A lawful character fights to restore order; a chaotic one promotes entropy and disarray. Similarly, a good War Priest fights for a worthy cause, while an evil one enjoys hurting the enemy.
Class Modifications: The War Priest has major access to the spheres of all, combat, healing, and protection; minor access to divination, guardian, necromantic, and sun. If the Tome of Magic is used, War Priests also have major access to the spheres of travellers and war.
Even though these characters promote war, they do not necessarily have to support an Immortal who does. Instead, the War Priest supports any chosen Immortal by fighting in that Immortal's name. The character can be a cleric of any Immortal except those specifically opposed to war. In addition to their other spheres, War Priest characters can choose minor access to one of the following spheres, depending on alignment or choice of Immortal: elemental air, elemental earth, elemental fire, elemental water, animal, plant, sun, thought, time, weather, law, or chaos.
Weapon Proficiencies: If a War Priest's Immortal has a favoured weapon, the cleric must take proficiency for that weapon as a "weapon of choice." All other weapon choices are restricted to blunt, bludgeoning weapons. If the deity has no preferred weapon, the cleric is limited to the standard selection of blunt, bludgeoning weapons and can select one as a weapon of choice. With the weapon of choice, the character fights with a warrior's THAC0.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The character receives bonus proficiencies in religion and military tactics. Recommended proficiencies include ancient history (specifically military history), endurance, intimidation, land-based riding (except for lizard kin), airborne riding (for shazaks only), armourer, blind-fighting, weaponsmithing, engineering, healing (regular and veterinary), and spellcraft. Goblinoid War Priests receive military history only for their own tribes, unless educated in another land. A War Priest can take proficiencies from the warrior group without extra cost.
Equipment: War Priests have no particular restrictions or allowances for armour or equipment, except that goblinoid War Priests are limited to equipment available to their tribes.
Special Benefits: Other than abilities detailed under the proficiency headings, the War Priest has no special benefits.
Special Hindrances: Besides the limited selection of spells, the War Priest has no special hindrances.
Wealth Options: The War Priest has standard starting funds.
The Webmaster druid is dedicated to the protection and fostering of insectoid and arachnid life, wherever it is found. Webmasters always come from Herath. That nation's forests have numerous insects and spiders, both normal and giant.
Character Class: Only druids can be Webmasters.
Races and Nationalities: A Webmaster is always a native of Herath.
Requirements: Webmasters can be of either gender. Like other druids, they have a true neutral alignment, and they must meet the ability score requirements of the druid class. A Webmaster usually comes from the upper social classes and is well respected in Herath.
Role: Webmasters tend to be enigmatic and mysterious. Many attempt to instil insectoid virtues in their followers such as patience, hard work, and close cooperation. Webmasters often take on the patient, deadly personas of predator arachnids or insects, ruthlessly hunting down (or lying in wait to trap) the enemies of the druidic order. A Webmaster's grove is usually in a web-laden section of the forests of Herath.
A Webmaster might go adventuring to preach the doctrine of protection of insects and arachnids to others, gain a wider world view, or track down an enemy. In a group, Webmasters are hard workers. They are generally fine (and patient) strategists, enjoying ambushes and well-placed traps.
Class Modifications: The Webmaster of Herath is a forest druid, as described in the PHB. With the exceptions noted here and under "Special Benefits" and "Special Hindrances," the Webmaster has the same abilities as a standard druid.
Upon reaching 7th level, the druid gains the ability to shapechange into a giant spider once per day. This shape takes the place of one of the forms normal to druids (bird, mammal, or reptile; player's choice). The character can still assume only three forms per day.
Weapon Proficiencies: Webmasters have the standard druidic weapon restrictions, except that they are also allowed proficiency in lasso, bolas, and scythe. They prefer lasso, scimitar, and quarterstaff.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: A Webmaster character receives a bonus proficiency in rope use and is required to take the set snares proficiency. Recommended proficiencies include agriculture, animal training, healing (especially veterinary), herbalism, animal lore, endurance, survival (forests), tracking, and weaponsmithing (crude).
Equipment: The Webmaster has the normal druidic limits on armour and equipment. If the druid's initial allotment of money is not spent when the character is created, it is lost.
Special Benefits: The Webmaster receives a +4 bonus to saving throws against poisonous stings or bites of normal and giant insects or arachnids. The character can also pass unhindered through webs of all sorts, including those created by the web spell.
In addition, when the Webmaster casts a summon insects, giant insect, creeping doom, or insect plague spell, the effects occur as if the Webmaster were three levels higher than his actual level.
Finally, the Webmaster gains a -4 bonus to proficiency checks for agriculture, animal training, and animal lore, when that knowledge is applied to insects or arachnids. The character can also apply animal training to giant spiders.
Special Hindrances: The Webmaster's animal friendship, speak with animals, and summon animals spells allow communication with or summoning of only normal and giant insects or spiders. The character receives a +3 penalty on proficiency checks when using animal lore, animal training, agriculture, and other animal proficiencies on creatures other than insects and arachnids.
Wealth Options: Webmasters receive standard starting funds.
Thief Kits
As with thieves of other lands, those of the Savage Coast are rogues, people who usually live off the work of others, by stealing or conniving their way through life. However, many thieves of the Savage Coast are involved with organisations other than guilds, such as armies, governments, and tribes. Overviews of the most common thief kits of the region are as follows:
*Bandits are usually thugs who group together to rob passers-by.
*Filchers are tribal thieves who bring their tribes status by stealing from other tribes.
*Scouts are trailblazers and army members who use their skills to explore and observe.
The bandit is a robber who accosts passers-by on lonely roads. Bandits generally group together for effectiveness, setting up a camp in the wilderness, away from law enforcers. They are not uncommon on the Savage Coast. Some are refugees of wars, others simply opportunists willing to prey on the weak.
Character Class: Only thieves can take the Bandit kit.
Races and Nationalities: Bandits are found in every region of the Savage Coast. Wallaras, phanatons, and Dark Jungle orcs never take the Bandit kit, but members of other races sometimes act as bandits in their areas.
Requirements: The bandit can come from any social class, but since the profession is more brutal and less thrilling than other thieving professions, upper class bandits are rare (usually only those who have been disenfranchised). Bandits can be of any alignment, but lawful and evil are most common. Though the majority of Bandits are male, they have no gender restriction. A Bandit must have a minimum score of 10 in both Strength and Constitution.
Role: Bandits are often vicious characters desperate, cunning, and cruel. They are prone to fight or even betray each other, but two things keep them bound in groups: the utter necessity of cooperation in order to survive the perils of the wilderness and the strength of whoever has become leader among them by force and cunning.
Bandits do not join guilds, usually operating by numbers and force of arms, rather than by subtlety. They are rough folk, often the subject of bounties. They have a history of breaking other laws than just those against thievery.
Some bandits join adventuring groups because they want to move away from the lawbreaking activities of their fellows and because an adventuring party offers the same "safety in numbers" as a company of bandits. In an adventuring group, they tend to be the ones who push for direct physical confrontation.
Bandit characters often try to establish who is strongest and weakest in a group. A character might do this by ordering or bullying others to discover if they obey or starting a fight to discover who is "toughest." However, Bandits who have established their place in a group can be the picture of cooperation, ready to go along with group decisions (thought they might revert if another group member shows weakness).
Class Modifications: Bandits usually stress rogue skills most useful for scouting, such as climbing walls (tree-climbing in the Bandit's case), moving silently, and hiding in shadows. The normal rogue skill for finding and removing traps applies to snares and pits for the Bandits and can be used for ambush. These characters avoid rogue skills useful primarily in urban settings. They receive the following bonuses and penalties to thieving abilities: pick pockets, -5%; find and remove traps, +10%; move silently, +5% for wilderness settings only; hide in shadows, +5%; climb walls, -5%; and read languages, -5%.
Weapon Proficiencies: The Bandit receives a free weapon proficiency in knife. They prefer heavy bludgeoning weapons, and one of the Bandit's initial weapon proficiency slots must be chosen from the following: flail, mace, morning star, and war hammer. The other initial slot, and all other slots, can be spent on the weapons normally allowed to thieves.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: Bandits receive a bonus proficiency in survival (for an appropriate terrain). The following proficiencies are recommended: alertness, animal handling, animal noise, animal training, fire-building, intimidation, looting, riding, rope use, set snares, swimming, and weaponsmithing (crude).
Equipment: A Bandit should be well equipped for wilderness survival. Vital items include provisions, backpack and pouches, flint and steel, tinder, a blanket, and a knife. Other useful items include things for scouting and signalling. Bandits rarely buy (or steal) anything of a frivolous nature. They do not like to carry much, only items with a definite purpose.
Special Benefits: Because of their talent at ambushes, in a wilderness setting Bandits inflict a -1 penalty to opponents' surprise rolls.
Special Hindrances: These characters are viewed not inaccurately as outcasts, ruffians, and crude robbers. They receive a +2 penalty to reaction rolls from non-bandits.
Wealth Options: A Bandit receives standard starting funds.
Among the more primitive tribes of the Savage Coast, stealing is an honoured task if used against an enemy or a rival village. It is considered an act of bravery to sneak into an enemy's camp and steal something from them without being caught. A Filcher never truly steals from his home village but might practice by taking things and returning them the next day.
Character Class: Only thieves can be Filchers.
Races and Nationalities: Filchers are found among caymas, shazaks, gurrash, wallaras, phanatons, and goblinoids (except those of the Yazak Steppes). Members of other races can become Filchers if raised in a shazak, phanaton, or Yazi tribe.
Requirements: Like other members of their cultures, Filchers have no real social class. However, a Filcher usually has less prestige than a Shaman or warrior though is respected more than common tribe members. A Filcher can be of either gender and any alignment. A Filcher must have Wisdom and Dexterity of at least 12 each.
Role: Inside his tribe, the Filcher serves a useful purpose, bringing shame upon enemies and rivals by avoiding their patrols and guards to take something from them. The item can be small or large, but ideally it is something that will be missed. The Filcher sneaks in, takes the item, and sneaks back out, reserving violence (including backstabbing) for a last resort. Many Filchers regard their profession as something of a game; they enjoy the challenges and sometimes perform harmless pranks, usually on enemies or rivals, rarely on friends. The Filcher seldom sees reason to resort to violence; usually, embarrassing an enemy by taking away a precious item is enough.
A Filcher often gets to see more of the surrounding areas than other members of the tribe, developing a sort of wanderlust. Filchers who join adventuring groups treat those groups as surrogate tribes and offer their services to the group. The Filcher seeks to bring honour to the new tribe, the adventuring party, by fooling others and stealing for the group. In a dungeon setting, the Filcher pits his skills against those of ancient builders.
Unlike members of certain other tribal kits, the Filcher does not receive gifts from other tribe members. Instead, the Filcher is expected to steal what he needs from enemies or rivals. Thus, when robbing a place, the Filcher often takes what he most needs or desires, often ignoring valuable treasure in favour of something useful or decorative.
Class Modifications: Filchers put most of their skill points into move silently and hide in shadows; a beginning Filcher receives a +5% bonus to each of these scores. Filchers have little experience with locks until they leave their homelands, so they cannot add to that skill until 2nd level unless the DM approves.
Weapon Proficiencies: The Filcher's initial weapons must come from the weapons available to the tribe, as detailed in the Savage warrior kit. When character gains more experience in the world, he can take other weapons normally allowed to thieves, as well as tribal weapons.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Filcher receives the following bonus proficiencies: alertness, direction sense, and survival. Recommended proficiencies include animal handling, rope use, animal lore, hunting, set snares, and tracking.
Equipment: Like the Savage warrior, the Filcher has a limited equipment choice. Rather than starting with money, the beginning Filcher receives one of each weapon of proficiency, plus up to 10 items of equipment normal to the tribe. In addition, the Filcher can have as many as five items stolen from other tribes; these must be chosen with the DM's input, perhaps including some items from civilised lands as well as tribal.
Special Benefits: Besides the bonuses covered elsewhere, a Filcher has the ability to detect evil within 10 feet; the ability can be used once per day per level of the Filcher. The ability follows the restrictions of the priest spell, so can be used on monsters, places, and items, but not on characters, except under special circumstances. A Filcher cannot detect the precise type of evil (lawful, neutral, or chaotic), but can determine the degree of evil and its general nature.
Special Hindrances: Like other savage characters, the Filcher is an outsider when away from the tribe, and suffers a +2 penalty to reaction rolls from others.
A Filcher goes to great lengths to hide his identity; a Filcher caught or identified by members of a rival or enemy tribe will suffer at their hands because of the embarrassment he has brought them.
Wealth Options: The Filcher receives no starting funds.
The Scout is an independent rogue who operates primarily in a wilderness setting. One might say that Scouts are to regular thieves as rangers are to fighters, but Scouts usually avoid the strict ethics of the ranger class. They work as guides, spies, and saboteurs. If unemployed, a Scout might turn to poaching or hunting animals for bounties. Scouts are often employed by armies of the Savage Coast but can also work for private enterprise or for themselves.
Character Class: Only thieves can take the Scout kit.
Races and Nationalities: Scouts are found in every nation and land of the Savage Coast. A thief of any race can take the Scout kit. Like the Filcher, the Scout is used extensively by the tribes of the Savage Coast. Lupins are acknowledged as the best Scouts in the Savage Coast area, but wallaras have a natural talent for the profession as well.
Requirements: The Scout can start with any social class, though members of the upper classes rarely become Scouts. Either gender is allowed. A Scout can be of any alignment, but evil Scouts are less common than those of neutral or good alignment. The Scout has no ability score requirements.
Role: On the whole, the scout is a good deal more reliable than thieves in general, but some have a cutthroat streak that makes them dangerous and unpredictable. Scouts are typically rugged individualists, practical and serious; their manner makes them endearing to daring adventurers. Because their profession demands silence, Scouts tend to talk very little; they also seem to use their stealth skills almost unconsciously.
A Scout might join an adventuring group with a few friends from a military organisation. Many join adventurers first because they are hired, then some decide to join the group full time to seek excitement with kindred souls.
Most Scouts who turn adventurer have put in some time with the military or with a warrior band in the more savage societies. Those who have a past record of breaking the law usually give up such activities when they begin adventuring.
Scouts are respected by those who value their services. Since they have a well-deserved reputation, they are usually well treated. If a Scout feels an adventuring party does not have enough respect for the services rendered, he will likely leave the group.
Scout characters prefer clothing that blends with the surroundings. They care little about appearance but most bathe regularly so they do not build scents for dogs and other trackers to follow.
Class Modifications: Scouts prefer stealth skills such as moving silently and hiding in shadows (gaining a +10% bonus to each in wilderness settings), as well as observation skills like detecting noise. Skill at climbing walls is also quite useful to a Scout.
These characters seldom picks pockets, so they have no need for the skill. They usually consider opening locked doors a job for someone else but might add a few points to the lockpicking skill when joining an adventuring group. Goblinoid scouts cannot add points to their lockpicking skill until reaching 2nd level.
In an urban setting, the Scout suffers a -5% penalty to all thieving skills.
Weapon Proficiencies: Scouts from civilised areas can use the weapons normally permitted to thieves. Goblinoids are restricted to the weapons of their respective cultures at 1st level but can use weapons available to standard thieves after that.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Scout's bonus proficiencies are alertness, direction sense, and tracking. Recommended skills are animal handling, animal training, animal lore, animal noise, boating, fire-building, fishing, herbalism, hunting, mountaineering (where appropriate), observation, riding, rope use, set snares, survival, swimming, weather sense, and weaponsmithing (crude).
Equipment: No self-respecting Scout goes anywhere without a good assortment of wilderness survival gear, such as adequate clothing, rations, fire-starting materials, and such. The Scout also likes tools and gadgets that aid in hiding, scouting, climbing, and so forth. Other than necessities, the Scout carries little, preferring to travel light.
Special Benefits: Besides the bonuses listed elsewhere, the Scout has an increased chance to surprise opponents, who suffer a -1 penalty on surprise rolls when encountering the character.
Special Hindrances: Other than the penalty for use of thieving skills in urban settings (listed under "Class Modifications"), the Scout has no special hindrances.
Wealth Options: The Scout receives standard starting funds.
Bard Kits
While the PHB presents the bard as an optional character class, the bard is not optional in a SAVAGE COAST campaign. Here, bards are a major part of several cultures of the area. In particular, they are quite important in Robrenn, Eusdria, Bellayne (where they serve as historians and information brokers), and among the savage tribes (where they are respected traders). Following are overviews of bard kits of the region.
*Heralds are medieval versions of reporters. They gather news and uncover stories, relating tales of current events to the masses and interested governments.
*Skalds are the historians of Eusdria. A Skald is also the inspirational voice of a Eusdrian military force.
*Traders travel among savage tribes with goods for barter. They often know religious ceremonies as well. Most come from the tribes themselves, but some few are from other races. All are respected among the tribes because of the service they perform.
The Heralds of Bellayne are well known throughout the Savage Coast as bringers of news and brokers of information. Most Heralds belong to guilds (all headquartered in Bellayne), while a few are "freelancers" who work for hire and often have commerce with several of the guilds.
Freelance Heralds sometimes work for nobles, even in other nations, or for some organisation (such as an order of Inheritors or a particular temple). These characters gather information for a specific purpose, such as to warn a government of attack, determine how restless the masses are in a certain area, or report on how a war is going. Freelance Heralds often receive training from a guild but then fail to be initiated into it (by their own choice or the guild's). A few freelancers were once full guild members but left (again, by their own choice or the guild's).
Note that some campaigns treat freelance Heralds as spies. That is not the case in the Savage Coast setting. Though Heralds might hide their true affiliation or even operate "undercover" for a time, it is common for them to become well known and therefore ineffective as spies.
The Savage Coast lands have several Herald guilds of varying power. Members take an oath to the guild and must follow its regulations. Most powerful of the guilds are the Heralds of the Sun (also called the Illuminators), who pride themselves on bringing secrets to light; the Heralds of the Times, who gather and tell tales of current events of all types; and the Royal Heralds, who concentrate on coverage of politics and war.
Character Class: Only bards can be Heralds.
Races and Nationalities: Heralds, while they might be found anywhere, originate only in Bellayne. Only rakastas and elves can be Heralds, and the latter are limited to 6th level. Heralds never train any other individuals for the profession.
Requirements: Heralds can come from any social class and be of either gender. They have the same alignment and ability score restrictions as a standard bard.
Role: The Herald is naturally curious, a likeable and outgoing character with the ability to uncover news. Many Heralds quest for the truth, for at least their own edification, though some choose only to share their knowledge with others for a price. The Herald collects stories and rumours and becomes a storehouse of information, both useful and trivial.
These characters gather information in a variety of settings. Some adventure to seek out ancient libraries, others sit in taverns and swap stories with locals, and many attend functions sponsored by nobles. Heralds are well versed in matters of social etiquette and can blend with nearly any group.
A Herald's guild (or lack of one) influences the character's actions. For example, a Herald of the Sun searches for secrets and shares them with the guild, perhaps selling them for a price, perhaps seeking favours by letting involved parties know that the information has leaked. Heralds of the Times feel a duty to gather news for the common people, considering themselves defenders of the public's right to be informed. A freelance Herald might take on many different activities.
The character's guild affiliation also affects the Herald's appearance. A member of a Herald's guild always has a writ of identification (which indicates that the character has acquired the skills necessary to become a Herald) and carries a symbol or wears the uniform of the guild. Because of these things, a Herald can expect to be treated well by people who want to hear the news (which is almost everyone). Freelance Heralds also carry a writ of identification but do not wear the symbol of a guild. However, many freelance Heralds effect a specific look and set of mannerisms, becoming famous or infamous among the common people. Most prefer bright colours and expensive fashions, but a few favour a "rumpled" look.
Heralds (especially freelancers and Heralds of the Times) are very likely to become adventurers because such a lifestyle gives them the opportunity to travel and helps hone the skills needed in their profession. In addition, tales of adventurers make good stories for the masses.
For more information on the Heralds' guilds, see the "Renardy and Bellayne" chapter.
Class Modifications: Heralds do not gain the standard bard abilities of influencing audience reactions, rallying allies, countering magical song effects, or learning "a little bit of everything" (legend lore). Instead, they have the abilities described under "Special Benefits," below.
The Herald receives the following skill adjustments: pick pockets, -5%; detect noise, +10%; climb walls, -10%; read languages, +5%. Heralds tend to concentrate on literacy above other skills.
For spells, Heralds concentrate on the school of illusion and can learn those spells from other Heralds. At least half the Herald's initial spell selection must come from this school. For purposes of learning illusions, Heralds receive a +2 bonus to their Intelligence score.
A Herald does not build a stronghold and attract followers as detailed in the PHB. However, at 9th level the character can start a new guild or new branch of an existing guild (with that guild's approval), attracting 10d6 Heralds and prospective Heralds of 0 level to 3rd level (1d4-1) as followers.
Weapon Proficiencies: Heralds, like standard bards, can become proficient in any weapon. Most use weapons preferred by all rakastas, such as war claws.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Herald receives bonus proficiencies in etiquette, heraldry, local history, and reading/writing. The Herald also has the information-gathering proficiency (see the "Proficiencies" chapter), complemented by the special abilities listed under "Special Benefits," below. Recommended proficiencies include fast-talking, languages (ancient and modern), and musical instruments. Heralds must spend at least half of their Non-weapon proficiency slots to learn languages. Most choose horns for their musical instruments because these are used to announce their presence in many places. Many become proficient in art and craft skills.
Equipment: Heralds have no special restrictions or allowances in armour and equipment. They are seldom without writing materials, so beginning characters must buy a writing utensil, ink, and paper (or parchment).
Special Benefits: Because they are recognised as bringers of news, guild Heralds are generally respected and granted safe passage, even in areas suffering from war. Heralds of powerful guilds are the most readily recognised (by colours and symbols), so it is sometimes difficult for freelance Heralds to convince others of their profession.
In addition, the Herald receives four special abilities that replace the standard class abilities. These reflect the Herald's ability to discover information and learn about local events. The new abilities are local lore, identify rumours, persuade crowd, and basal communication.
Local lore allows a Herald to quickly learn about a new area, such as who the important people are, what most buildings are used for, the quality of various establishments, any major rumours, and so forth. Gaining such information takes one day of snooping per 1,000 people in the area under scrutiny. Heralds never need make a proficiency check to learn major rumours; people just naturally want to pass on interesting news to them because of their personality and reputation. A Herald learns more rumours than other characters in the same situation, perhaps twice as many as normal. This ability should be adjudicated by the DM according to the requirements of the adventure, but a Herald should be able to pick up about one rumour per three levels of experience, even in situations in which rumours are scarce.
After the initial period of information collecting, to determine if a Herald knows information the player desires, the DM secretly makes a proficiency (Intelligence) check for the character. If the check is successful, the Herald remembers something of importance (such as the name of the captain of the guard, or the location of a good inn); if the roll is two points or more below the character's Intelligence, the Herald remembers something more detailed (such as what the guard captain looks like, or the approximate cost of the inn's services). This can be expanded for any information desired. If the Herald wants to remember the name of the local baron's horse, there might be no penalty. However, the name of a typical citizen might require the Intelligence check to succeed by 10 or more. Whenever the roll is a 20, the DM should secretly give the character false information.
The Herald can also discover specific details more quickly by using the information gathering proficiency. However, while the Herald's reaction bonus due to Charisma adjusts the proficiency check as normal, the character is considered to have an extended home territory. For purposes of the proficiency check, the Herald's home territory includes Bellayne, Renardy, Eusdria, Robrenn, the Savage Baronies, the free cities of the Savage Coast, and the homelands of the tortles and the Yazi goblinoids. Areas considered outside this home territory are Herath, the lands of the lizard kin, the whole of the Orc's Head peninsula, the Yazak Steppes, Hule, the City-States, and any lands not described in this boxed set.
Heralds need offer no bribes or other incentives when using this ability (and suffer no penalties for failing to do so), except when outside the extended home territory. In addition, in any area where another Herald of the same guild operates, Heralds receive a +2 bonus to Intelligence for purposes of the check (freelance Heralds never receive this bonus).
Identify rumours amplifies the local lore ability. A Herald can determine the validity of a rumour by making a successful Wisdom check (the DM rolls and relays what "gut instinct" tells the character).
Persuade crowd allows a Herald to affect the mood of a crowd by telling the true (or slightly altered) local rumours and news. The character must speak the language of the crowd to use this ability. If the crowd's initial mood is unknown, the DM can use the Encounter Reactions table (Table 59) in Chapter 11 of the DMG. After 1d10 minutes, those listening to the Herald's words are allowed a saving throw against paralysation, with a -1 penalty per three levels of the character. Those who fail have their reactions adjusted one level in favour of the Herald's opinion; those who succeed have an equal chance of remaining at the same reaction level, or adjusting one level in the opposite direction. For example, a Herald could try to convince people to throw stones at the cruel teamster Tornack, but if the crowd is indifferent to the fact that Tornack whips his horses cruelly, the Herald will, at most, persuade the crowd to be leery of using Tornack's services.
Basal communication allows Heralds to communicate even when they do not speak the correct language, provided the creature being conversed with has at least Low Intelligence (5 or more) and a spoken language. Because they are master linguists, Heralds can incorporate bits of fundamental root languages, certain universal gestures, and common expressions to get the meaning across. For the Herald to perform such difficult communication, the "listener" must be within ten feet and the Herald must be clearly visible, with no distractions (such as combat). Success is determined with a read languages roll, even though the communication is rarely in any sort of written form. Separate rolls are required for sending and receiving ideas, so a Herald might be able to understand but be unable to transmit ideas to the individual.
Special Hindrances: Just as the recognition of a Herald sometimes gives the character an advantage, so might it cause problems. Heralds are disliked by those who have secrets to keep, suffering at least a +3 reaction penalty from them. Some powerful folks who wish to maintain secrets might have a Herald expelled from their lands or even send assassins after the character. In such a case, the Herald's guild will not look favourably on someone who assaults one of their own provided the guild finds out.
In addition, for a Herald to remain a member of a guild, the character must follow the guild's rules and regulations. The guild Herald must also sometimes perform tasks for the guild whenever its leaders request such duties.
Likewise, a freelancer must remain on good terms with all the guilds or cannot expect them to lend help of any kind. So these characters must adhere somewhat to the guilds' regulations and requests.
Wealth Options: The Herald receives standard starting funds.
The Skald is a historian for a culture with a strong oral tradition. In the SAVAGE COAST setting, this includes only the country of Eusdria.
Skalds also accompany war parties from their clans, inspiring their compatriots and memorising each feat of the battle. The characters create poems and ballads from battles and quests. They are valued and respected members of their clan.
Character Class: Only bards can be Skalds.
Races and Nationalities: Skalds come only from Eusdria. Only humans, elves, and dwarves can become Skalds. Elves and dwarves cannot advance past 12th level. Non-natives are never taught to be Skalds.
Requirements: Skalds can be of either gender and have the same ability score and alignment restrictions as a standard bard. They tend to have a good Strength and Constitution so that they can be effective warriors. The characters usually come from the freeheart class in Eusdria, but some come from the noble class instead.
Role: Most Skalds stay with their clans, supporting them in war and recording their histories. However, some join adventuring parties in order to participate in great quests, which they then turn into epic poems or ballads. The characters are easily taken by the idea of dangerous, exciting, and important quests. Whether with an army or a small group, the Skald expects, and usually receives, respect and courtesy. Those who treat the Skald well know their deeds will be honoured in the Skald's next recital, and it is well known that those who malign a Skald are likely to hear their name slandered in innumerable ballads across the land.
Skalds go to great lengths to be worthy of the respect given to them. They work almost constantly on new poems and ballads that record the deeds of their fellows and patrons. To retain respect, Skalds must be brave and supportive of their companions. Likewise, they are expected to remain dignified; this often influences them toward a more dry and subtle wit, rather than the bawdy or coarse humour preferred by some other bards. A Skald's companions usually find the character to be supportive and kind.
Skalds almost always dress in the clothing of their clan. A blue cloak is the symbol of a Skald of Eusdria.
Class Modifications: The Skald has the standard bard ability to influence audience reactions. The character's ability to learn a little bit of everything (legend lore) does not apply to all magical items, but only to those related to combat or war. Skalds have a more specialised ability to rally friends and allies, detailed under "Special Benefits" below, but they do not gain the standard ability to rally allies. They cannot counter magical song effects but gain another ability in its place as explained under "Special Benefits."
The Skald receives a +5% bonus to the "detect noise" ability. Unlike those of other nations, Eusdrian Skalds have no penalty to their ability to read languages, because Eusdria is a literate culture. The Skald often makes written records of poems and ballads, though they are always taught orally to pass on the proper pauses and inflections.
The Skald's culture does not stress spellcasting, and some Eusdrians view magic with suspicion. A Skald does not begin learning spells until 3rd level, so the spell progression chart given in the PHB is off by one level for the Skald. For instance, a 7th-level Skald can memorise only as many spells as a 6th-level standard bard (three 1st-level spells, two 2nd-level spells). In addition, the Skald cannot learn spells of greater power than 5th level, so the 6th-level spells given on that chart should be ignored. In addition to these restrictions, Skalds prefer spells useful in combat and cannot learn spells from the schools of enchantment/charm or illusion/phantasm.
Dwarf bards do not cast spells at all. Instead, they learn to resist spells as described in the "Player Characters" chapter.
Weapon Proficiencies: Like other bards, Skalds can become proficient with any weapon but must devote all initial slots to weapons common in Eusdria: bows, crossbows, spears, swords (bastard, long, broad, and two-handed), slings, and war hammers.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Skald receives bonus proficiencies in ancient history, poetry, singing, local history, and reading/writing. Recommended proficiencies include armourer, blacksmithing, blind-fighting, bowyer/fletcher, etiquette, hunting, leatherworking, musical instrument, and weaponsmithing.
Equipment: Skalds prefer equipment appropriate to warriors but have no special restrictions or allowances (including armour).
Special Benefits: The Skald's ability to rally friends and allies comes from the character's war chant. For the war chant to have effect, the Skald must begin chanting at least three rounds before combat begins; otherwise, allies are too caught up in the events around them to benefit from the ability. The war chant has an effective range of ten feet per level of the Skald. Its effects end as soon as the Skald receives a wound or after a number of rounds equal to the Skald's level (whichever occurs first).
Skalds can choose from six effects for the war chant, choosing different effects each battle, if desired. A 1st-level Skald can choose only one effect, but can add another effect with each three experience levels (two effects at 3rd level, three effects at 6th level, etc.). The Skald cannot choose the same effect twice for the same battle and can never choose more than six effects.
The effects apply to the Skald and all allies within range of the war chant. The six available abilities are as follows:
* Bonus hit points equal to the Skald's level.
* A morale bonus of 1 for each six levels of the Skald (rounded up).
* A +1 bonus to all attack rolls.
* A +1 bonus to all damage rolls.
* A +1 bonus to all saving throws.
* A -1 bonus to Armour Class.
Skalds also receive combat bonuses. Whenever singing or chanting during combat (including the war chant), the Skald receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls. This ability is not cumulative with a bonus to attack rolls due to the war chant. Even if not in time to perform an effective war chant, Skalds almost always sing or chant during combat (sometimes just a soft chant under the breath), so they nearly always receive this bonus.
In addition, Skalds gain a +1 damage bonus when using a spear, battle axe, or a sword (bastard, long, broad, or two-handed).
Special Hindrances: Skald characters have no hindrances other than those already detailed in other sections of this kit description.
Wealth Options: The Skald receives standard starting funds.
Traders are wandering storytellers and merchants among the less civilised cultures of the Savage Coast. Most are native to one of those cultures, but some few are from PC races. Representing one of the few links among different primitive tribes, they are welcomed by all as bringers of news, trade goods, and ancient lore. Traders are well respected by tribal cultures and are generally safe even when visiting tribes hostile to their own.
Trader characters gather lore of all kinds, especially religious. If a tribe visited by a Trader has a task for a Shaman or other priest, and none are available, the Trader can usually advise the locals or even act in place of a Shaman for a short time.
Character Class: Only bards can be Traders.
Races and Nationalities: Tortles and lizard kin (of Shazak, Cay, and Ator) can take the Trader kit, as can phanatons of Jibarú and wallaras. It is remotely possible for a member of another race to become a Trader if adopted by shazaks or tortles, but the character suffers the same level limit (for the bard class) as the adopting race. If goblinoid PCs are allowed, Traders can be found in the Yazak Steppes and among Yazi goblinoids.
Requirements: Traders can be of either gender and have the same ability score requirements as standard bards. The tribes from which Traders come have no true social classes, but Traders are considered to be sort of upper middle class, generally less respected than tribal leaders and about equal to warriors (though warriors generally view them as belonging to a lower echelon). Traders are seldom chaotic and never evil.
Role: Not surprisingly, the Trader's primary role is trade. The characters transport goods between tribes, bartering for good deals whenever they can find them, making a circuit of various tribes about once each year. Significantly, traders deal almost as much in stories as in trade goods. At each stop, they pass along tales of excitement and adventure as well as teaching the mythology and folklore of the tribes. If necessary, the Trader can also apply the mythology and folklore by advising a local Shaman of forgotten rites or even acting as a substitute Shaman for small ceremonies if a true Shaman is unavailable.
Traders never steal because that would break the bond of trust that protects them when travelling among foreign tribes. They are afforded courtesies by the tribes they visit, including lodging and food. A Trader might snoop a little around the tribe to learn about what they are doing and what they plan. However, the tribe being visited expects this and is careful to hide its more important secrets. A Trader is careful about spreading gossip about a tribe because the character wants to be welcomed there again.
Some Traders want to expand their horizons, finding better goods and stories or sometimes even retrieving an item important to the tribe. They are the ones who become adventurers. In an adventuring group, a Trader often acts as a spokesperson and is usually deferred to for bargaining, even in the more urban areas of the Savage Coast. Adventuring Traders also expect their companions to respect them. They never fail to do things that make them valuable to the group, such as casting spells for the party, scouting, or fighting. The characters are engaging and personable, respectful of the beliefs of others, and very tolerant of people who are different. They can sometimes provide shelter for companions when visiting tribes (see "Special Benefits" below).
Class Modifications: The Trader has the standard bard ability of influencing audience reactions. The Trader's ability to learn a little bit of everything (legend lore) applies only to tribal items, until the character has been exposed to the more urbanised cultures. Spending a year or more in the more "civilised" cultures (not just adventuring with people from them) is necessary for a Trader to be able to apply the legend lore ability to items of those cultures.
Traders have neither the ability to rally friends and allies with inspiring song, nor to counter magical song effects. Instead, they have abilities detailed under "Special Benefits."
The characters do not learn wizard spells. Instead, they build a spellbook of clerical spells. The characters do not pray for these spells, memorising them as if they were wizard spells. Whenever a spell description calls for a holy symbol, the Trader must instead perform a short chant (this does not change the spell's casting time). A Trader is limited in spell selection as follows: major access to the spheres of divination and protection; minor access to the spheres of all, animal, combat, and plant.
Traders never build a stronghold or attract followers.
Weapon Proficiencies: At 1st level, Traders are restricted to those weapons available to their respective tribes. Beginning tortle Traders must choose from short bow, staff, long sword, and bite. At later levels, Traders can become proficient in weapons unavailable to their tribe but almost never learn how to use firearms.
Non-weapon Proficiencies: The Trader character receives direction sense, storytelling, religion, local history, and reading/writing as bonus proficiencies. Recommended proficiencies include animal handling, animal training, fire-building, fishing, rope use, weather sense, animal lore, hunting, set snares, healing (regular and veterinary), herbalism, local history (for areas other than their homes), land-based riding (among goblinoids), survival, and weaponsmithing (crude).
Equipment: Traders receive no starting money. Instead, they start with one of each of their weapons of proficiency. A Trader can also have up to 20 items of other equipment common to the character's tribe. This list must be approved by the DM but might include rope, food, clothing, weapon sheathes, items important for the character's Non-weapon proficiencies, and so forth. The character also begins the game with 10d6 gp worth of trade goods appropriate to the tribal cultures (feathered cloaks, necklaces and other jewellery, or even weapons, as approved by the DM). The Trader uses armour according to the restrictions of the character's culture, so are greatly restricted.
Special Benefits: Among tribal peoples (lizard kin, phanatons, wallara, some tortles, and goblinoids), the Trader receives a -3 bonus to reaction rolls. If members of a tribe recognise the character as a Trader, the character can receive a reaction of "hostile" or "threatening" only if the Trader has personally caused problems for the tribe in question.
Traders are welcomed by other tribes and can get a tribe to extend this welcome to companions by claiming them as assistants (bearers, guards, etc.). A Trader can claim up to one assistant per level of experience but must have enough trade goods to make an entourage plausible.
Besides safety among tribal peoples, Traders have one other ability: detecting spirits and undead. A Trader automatically gets a saving throw vs. spell for detection of a spirit or undead when such a being approaches within 10 feet and for every round the being remains that close. The Trader does not automatically know where the creature is, just that it is close; locating it still requires other clues. A Trader can also use this ability to detect the presence of invisible spirits or non-corporeal undead, such as ghosts. Spirits and undead are almost never immediately hostile toward Traders but defend themselves if attacked. Other than the beneficial reactions from such beings, Traders have no special attack or defence abilities against them.
Besides being able to detect such beings, Traders have a special ability to speak with them as per the speak with dead spell. To learn more ancient lore and mythology, they use this ability to talk to undead (or normal dead creatures). They can also use the ability to talk to spirits of various sorts. This ability is particularly useful if the Trader needs to communicate with an ancient spirit to learn rituals appropriate to a specific tribe, allowing the Trader to serve better as a keeper of religious lore.
Special Hindrances: Besides those mentioned earlier, the Trader has no special hindrances.
Wealth Options: As explained under "Equipment," the Trader gains no starting funds. Traders rely mostly on barter, but they are quick to grasp the uses of money when they come into contact with it.
Kits by Culture and Race
As mentioned earlier, most races are restricted in the kits they can use, and some kits are more appropriate to particular cultures. To save players time in locating kits appropriate for their characters, a summary of the kits available to different races and cultures follows. Under each heading, kits are listed in the following order: those for multiple classes, warrior kits, wizard kits, priest kits, thief kits, then bard kits.
To present a fuller picture of the Savage Coast and its environs, this section covers some nations mentioned only briefly in other portions of this text. In addition, this listing includes several races not presented as PC races in this source; until such time as those races are given a more detailed treatment, this list can help characterise the races for NPC encounters.
Kits by Nation
Any notes about restrictions and frequencies are included parenthetically in the listing. The races most common to the areas are listed, but all of these nations have at least a few people of each player character race.
City-States: (inhabited mostly by humans, with some demihumans) Local Hero, Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler; Defender, Myrmidon; Militant; War Priest (common); Bandit, Scout.
Savage Baronies and free cities of the Savage Coast: (inhabited mostly by humans, with some demihumans) Inheritor, Local Hero (rare in Gargoña), Noble (except for Almarrón, uncommon in Cimarron and Torreón, and rare in Gargoña), Spy, Swashbuckler (common in Almarrón and Gargoña, rare in Guadalante, and uncommon in Torreón, Narvaez, and Cimarron); Defender (laws of Narvaez declare this kit illegal), Gaucho (humans and demihumans only; common in Cimarron and Guadalante, rare in Gargoña, and not native to Vilaverde and Texeiras), Honourbound (humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings only), Myrmidon (especially in Torreón and Narvaez); Militant (rare in Narvaez), Mystic (only in Gargoña and Saragón, and rare there); War Priest (common); Bandit, Scout.
Robrenn: (inhabited mostly by humans, with many elves and some other demihumans) Inheritor (uncommon), Local Hero (uncommon), Noble, Spy; Defender (relatively common); Militant, Wokan (no non-natives); War Priest (common); Bandit, Scout.
Eusdria: (inhabited mostly by humans, with many elves, half-elves, and dwarves, and some halflings) Inheritor, Local Hero (uncommon), Noble, Spy; Defender, Honourbound, Myrmidon; Militant; War Priest (common); Bandit, Scout; Skald (humans, dwarves, and elves only).
Renardy: (inhabited mostly by lupins) Inheritor, Local Hero, Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler (common); Beast Rider (lupin only), Defender, Honourbound (mostly lupins, rare humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings), Myrmidon; Militant; Bandit, Scout (relatively common).
Bellayne: (inhabited mostly by rakastas, with many elves and tortles as well) Inheritor, Local Hero, Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler; Beast Rider (rakastas and a few elves only), Defender, Honourbound (rakastas, elves, and tortles relatively common; humans, dwarves, and halflings rare), Myrmidon (uncommon); Militant (uncommon), Mystic (rare), Wokan (no non-natives); Fighting Monk (mostly rakastas, elves, tortles; all other PC races allowed); Bandit, Scout; Herald (rakastas and elves only).
Herath: (inhabited mostly by araneas) Inheritor (uncommon), Local Hero, Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler; Defender, Myrmidon; Militant, Mystic (rare), Wokan (no non-natives); War Priest, Webmaster (relatively common; no non-natives); Bandit, Scout.
Shazak: (inhabited mostly by shazaks) Inheritor (rare), Spy; Beast-Rider (shazak only), Defender, Honourbound (shazaks only), Savage; Wokan (shazaks only); Shaman (shazaks only), War Priest; Bandit, Filcher, Scout; Trader (non-natives allowed rarely).
Jibarú: (inhabited mostly by phanatons) Inheritor (rare); Defender (phanatons only), Savage; Wokan (phanatons only); Shaman (phanatons only); Bandit, Filcher, Scout; Trader (phanatons only).
Um-Shedu: (inhabited mostly by enduks and ee'aar) Local Hero (no ee'aar), Noble (ee'aar only), Swashbuckler; Defender (especially among enduks), Honourbound (especially among ee'aar); Militant (uncommon), Mystic (rare among enduks, relatively common among ee'aar); War Priest (common); Bandit, Scout.
Kits for Miscellaneous Races and Outside Nations
Information given with each heading below falls into three basic categories: 1) kits allowed to those individuals raised in their home culture; 2) kits taken rarely and only by individuals raised in a culture other than their native one; and 3) kits never taken by members of that race. Exceptions to the listing style are shazaks, phanatons, ee'aar, and enduks, whose nations and native kits are listed in the previous section. Tortles are also an exception, being almost always raised in other cultures.
Notes are included for DMs who wish to allow goblinoid PCs or those from Hule. Goblinoids sometimes raise outsiders in their culture these are usually prisoners or slaves taken from other cultures.
Tortles. Native: Inheritor, Local Hero (very common), Spy (rare), Swashbuckler (rare); Defender, Honourbound, Myrmidon; Mystic (rare), Wokan (only in Robrenn, Bellayne, and Herath); Fighting Monk; Bandit, Scout; Trader (tortles rarely raise members of other races to be Traders).
Non-native: Savage (if raised by shazaks); Filcher (if raised by shazaks).
Never: Noble; Beast Rider, Gaucho; Militant; Shaman, War Priest, Webmaster; Herald, Skald.
Caymas. Native: Inheritor (rare), Defender, Savage; Wokan; Shaman, War Priest; Bandit, Filcher, Scout; Trader.
Non-native: Local Hero; Myrmidon; Militant, Mystic; Fighting-Monk.
Never: Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler; Beast-Rider, Gaucho, Honourbound; Webmaster; Herald, Skald.
Gurrash. Native: Inheritor (rare); Defender, Honourbound (uncommon), Savage; Wokan; Shaman, War Priest; Bandit, Filcher, Scout; Trader.
Non-native: Local Hero; Myrmidon; Militant; Fighting-Monk.
Never: Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler; Beast-Rider, Gaucho; Mystic; Webmaster; Herald, Skald.
Shazaks. Non-native: Local Hero, Swashbuckler; Myrmidon; Militant, Mystic; Fighting-Monk.
Never: Noble; Gaucho; Webmaster; Herald, Skald.
Yazak Steppe Goblinoids. Native: Beast Rider, Defender, Honourbound (rare), Savage (uncommon); Wokan (goblinoids only); Shaman (goblinoids only), War Priest; Bandit, Scout; Trader.
Non-native: Inheritor, Local Hero, Spy, Swashbuckler; Myrmidon; Militant; Fighting Monk; Filcher.
Never: Noble; Gaucho; Mystic; Webmaster; Herald, Skald.
Yazi Goblinoids. Native: Inheritor (rare); Beast Rider, Defender, Honourbound (only gnolls of El Grande Carrascal), Savage; Wokan (goblinoids only); Shaman, War Priest; Bandit, Filcher, Scout; Trader.
Non-native: Local Hero, Spy, Swashbuckler; Myrmidon; Militant; Fighting Monk.
Never: Noble; Gaucho; Mystic; Webmaster; Herald, Skald.
Dark Jungle Orcs. Members of other races are never raised in the orcish culture of the Dark Jungle.
Native: Defender, Savage; Wokan; Shaman; Scout; Trader.
Non-native: Inheritor, Local Hero; Myrmidon; Militant; Fighting-Monk, War Priest; Bandit, Filcher.
Never: Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler; Beast-Rider, Gaucho, Honourbound; Mystic; Webmaster; Herald, Skald.
Phanatons. Non-native: Local Hero, Spy, Swashbuckler; Honourbound, Myrmidon; Mystic; Fighting-Monk.
Never: Noble; Beast-Rider, Gaucho; Militant; War Priest, Webmaster; Bandit; Herald, Skald.
Ee'aar and enduks. Non-native: Inheritor; Myrmidon; Wokan; Trader (if raised by tortles).
Never: Spy; Beast-Rider, Gaucho, Savage; Fighting-Monk, Shaman, Webmaster; Filcher; Herald, Skald. Ee'aar never become Local Heroes, and enduks never become Nobles.
Wallaras. Because of the their insular society, special breeding requirements, and racial memory, wallaras have certain societal knowledge at birth. It is very rare for a wallara to be raised outside his homeland, and even those who are never fit into other societies enough to take their kits. Wallaras know little about raising children, so people of other races are never raised in their society; any children they might find would be returned to their homes or given to the phanatons of Jibarú.
Native: Defender, Savage; Mystic (relatively common); Filcher, Scout; Trader.
Never: Inheritor, Local Hero, Noble, Spy, Swashbuckler; Beast-Rider, Gaucho, Honourbound, Myrmidon; Militant, Wokan; Fighting-Monk, Shaman, War Priest; Bandit; Herald, Skald.
Hule. Characters from Hule are always human and can have the following kits from this book: Spy; Defender; Mystic; War Priest; Bandit, Scout.
Nimmur. Characters of Nimmur are always manscorpions and, if the DM wants to give them character class abilities, can have the following kits from this book: Local Hero, Noble; Defender, Myrmidon; Militant; War Priest; Bandit, Scout.
Using Other Kits
It is possible for a DM to create additional kits for use with the SAVAGE COAST campaign. Many possibilities are covered in this chapter, but others exist. There is also nothing to prevent a DM from running a SAVAGE COAST campaign with characters imported from other regions. Such characters need not worry about conforming to native kits.
The DM can also use kits from other sources, as listed below. Sources not listed contain no kits suitable for a Savage Coast campaign. For example, sources such as the Complete Book of Elves and the Complete Book of Dwarves are inappropriate because demihuman cultures along the coast are almost nonexistent. Savage Coast demihumans have lost the cultural identity that makes any of those kits appropriate. Most other sources that have kits are too closely tied to the cultures of those sources to be of much use.
Note that several kits from the sources listed have already been adapted for the setting and appear in this chapter.
The Complete Fighter's Handbook. Adaptations of the book's Beast Rider, Myrmidon, Noble, Peasant, and Swashbuckler kits appear earlier in this chapter. The Amazon, Cavalier, Gladiator, and Samurai are unsuitable for the setting. The Pirate/Outlaw is appropriate for all but goblinoids; the Barbarian and the Berserker can be used for people of Eusdria. Wilderness Warriors could be found in Robrenn, Eusdria, Herath, and among Yazi goblinoids. Anyone can become a Wilderness Warrior by moving to one or another of these wilderness areas.
The Complete Thief's Handbook. Adaptations of the Adventurer, Bandit, Scout, and Swashbuckler appear in this chapter. The other kits in the CTH are appropriate as well. Any could be used in the SAVAGE COAST setting (except among the goblinoids).
The Complete Priest's Handbook. Adaptations of the Fighting Monk, Nobleman, and Peasant appear in this chapter. The Amazon is inappropriate for use with this setting. The Barbarian/Berserker might be found in Eusdria if the appropriate warrior kits are adapted as well. The Outlaw can be used, but the Pacifist is not terribly suitable. Likewise, the Savage could be used, but the Shaman presented here is preferable. Prophets could be used for Hule, and Scholars might be found in Bellayne, Renardy, and the Savage Baronies (especially in Gargoña).
The Complete Wizard's Handbook. Adaptations of the Militant, Mystic, Patrician, and Peasant appear in this chapter. The Amazon and Anagakok are not suitable for this setting. Academicians could be found in Gargoña, Bellayne, Renardy, and especially Herath. The Wu Jen could be used as a hermit wizard in Bellayne, while the Witch could be used in all areas of the Savage Coast. Also, the Savage could be used among the goblinoids.
The Complete Bard's Handbook. Note that the kits from this source are not so much kits as they are replacement bard classes because almost all of them take away the bard's standard abilities and replace them with something new. This chapter includes adaptations of the True Bard, Blade (as Swashbuckler), Herald, and Skald. The following additional kits are useable with the setting: Charlatan, Gallant (in Renardy and the Savage Baronies), Gypsy (in Bellayne), Jester, Jongleur, Loremaster, Meistersinger (especially in Robrenn), Riddlemaster, and Thespian (rarely). Of the demihuman kits, only the elven Minstrel might be found, and then only among the nobility of Robrenn.
The Complete Book of Humanoids. Adaptations of the Shaman and the War Priest appear in this chapter. Several kits available here are similar to those in CBoH. The Mine Rowdy, Pit Fighter, Saurial Paladin, Witch Doctor, and Tunnel Rat are not suitable for the setting. All other kits from CBoH can be used on the Savage Coast, but only for goblinoids and the other savage tribes.
The Complete Ranger's Handbook. The following kits from the CRH can be used with this setting: Beastmaster (in Robrenn), Guardian, Justifier, Pathfinder (especially lupins and rakastas), Sea Ranger (uncommon), Seeker, and Stalker. The Explorer, Falconer, Forest Runner, and Warden could be used in Renardy, the City-States, and the Savage Baronies. The Mountain Man and Giant Killer could be found in Eusdria. The Feralan is a rare kit, but could be found in some of the less civilised areas of the Savage Coast. The Greenwood is also rare, and found only in Robrenn, if anywhere.
The Complete Paladin's Handbook. Paladins in general are rare in the Savage Coast setting, but any paladin kit can be used in the area, except for the Skyrider (no appropriate culture) and the Wyrmslayer (not enough dragons). Either the Local Hero or the Noble can be considered an adaptation of the True Paladin kit from CPaH. The Votary, Divinate, Expatriate, and Inquisitor could be found in Narvaez, but only the Divinate is found in other areas. The Envoy and Errant would be common paladins of the region, and the Chevalier, Equerry, Ghosthunter, Medician, Militarist, and Squire are also possible.
The Complete Druid's Handbook. Druids are rare in this setting, except in Robrenn where they dominate the country. The CDH offers druidic branches, as well as kits; branch is determined by the druid's home environment. The forest branch is the strongest and is especially strong in Robrenn and Herath. Druids of Jibarú belong to the jungle branch, even though their region is not tropical rain forest. A few druids are in the swamp branch, but mountain or plains druids are rare. Grey and desert druids are all but unknown here, and no arctic druids exist.
In terms of kits, only the Hivemaster and Village druids have been adapted in this chapter, as the Webmaster and Local Hero, respectively. The Adviser is common in Robrenn. The Outlaw is found in Narvaez. A few Lost Druids might be in the area, and the Totemic druid could find a place in Beast Rider cultures (Renardy, Bellayne, and among goblinoids). The Natural Philosopher and the Pacifist are rather unsuited to the region. Beastfriend, Guardian, Shapeshifter, and Wanderer can also be used and would likely come from Robrenn.
Arabian Adventures. For the most part, the kits in this source are unsuitable for the Savage Coast campaign. However, the Askar, Desert Rider, Faris, Holy Slayer, Rawun, Moralist, Hakima, and Mystic could possibly be used for characters from Hule until more material about that nation becomes available.
Maztica. The Plumaweaver kit would make a fine choice for tortles. No other kit is truly appropriate for the Savage Coast.
Switching Kits
Many of the kits described mention penalties suffered by a character who abandons a kit. Generally, abandoning a kit means giving up all or part of the culture that goes with it. For example, clerics who abandon the Shaman kit essentially renounce their home culture in favour of a more "civilised" one. Similarly, warriors who leave the Noble kit might be renouncing a birthright. In such cases, where a character is closely tied to a kit, and the kit to the culture, the DM is perfectly justified in giving the character a penalty such as the loss of two experience levels. In other cases, kits represent groups like Inheritors and the Honourbound, who punish those who abandon their ranks.
For the most part, leaving a kit or joining a new kit is not necessary or desirable. The kit gives the character an initial mind-set and a way of doing things; it does not prevent the character from changing professions, and it seldom precludes the character from changing habits, acquiring skills with new weapons, or learning something more common to another culture or kit. Leaving kits should be discouraged, and switching kits should be allowed only in the rarest of circumstances.
Keep in mind, however, that it is possible to join a kit late if, for instance, a character is brought to the Savage Coast from some other area. Each case must be handled individually by the DM, according to the situation. For example, a character cannot become an Inheritor after 1st level but could become an associate member of one of the orders. A character who wanted to become a Gaucho could live with the range riders for a time, learning the appropriate skills and gaining acceptance from them. Someone who wanted to become a Shaman would have a difficult time but might be accepted by a tribe after a long series of ceremonies and initiation rites. The DM might make the character give up certain skills, spells, or habits to join a particular kit and should require the character to spend time to learn the Non-weapon proficiencies appropriate to the kit.
Please note that most kits can be used by multi-class or dual-class characters, but a character can have only one kit. For instance, a Militant wizard who decides to become dual-class adding the fighter class would keep the Militant kit. On the other hand, suppose a fighter character decides to become dual-class, adding wizard. If the player decides this when the character is created, choice of kit can be put off until the class switch is made, with the Militant kit being taken when the character becomes a wizard.
Some other kits are similar enough that the DM could allow a dual-class character to switch kits. For instance, it would be reasonable for a fighter with the Myrmidon kit to become dual-class, taking a wizard class with the Militant kit. This is possible only if allowed by the DM and only if the new kit is used. The character would then be a Militant, not a Myrmidon; the original kit does not come back when the character becomes able to use the abilities of both classes. For dual-class characters to acquire a new kit, they should be required to spend slots on the proficiencies necessary to the new kit, before being able to join. This can be used as a guideline for other kit-switching as well.
Similarly, a multi-class character can choose a single kit appropriate to one of the classes in particular. If a kit is not intended for use with multi-class combinations, such information is listed under "Character Class" in its description.
Playing Without Kits
Some people prefer to play without kits. With the DM's approval, this can be allowed, though the DM should be careful about allowing a mixed group one in which some characters have kits and others do not. In such a situation, the special abilities and quirks of characters with kits make them seem much more attractive or powerful than those without, and players of "kitless" characters might feel left out of the action. The simple solution is to encourage everyone to play with a kit, working to find the right kit for each player character.
Some DMs favour a more freeform style and do not allow any kits, preferring that each player come up with the appropriate role-playing hooks for the character. This may cause a struggle with balance and fairness. If everyone has a kit, everyone has advantages and disadvantages; without kits, advantages and disadvantages must be determined by the DM (and players) in such a way that no character is "better" than another, while each has unique powers and abilities that allow players to enjoy themselves. Kits are, in some ways, crutches for those who do not want to invent such special abilities. Please note, though, that a kit does not keep a character from becoming unique; most kits have a wide range of available personalities and quirks.
Also, the kits in this campaign set are designed to convey much of the atmosphere of the setting. DMs who prefer to play without kits will certainly need to work harder to convey the setting's flavour. Some kits, notably the Inheritor, are so central to the setting that even if it is not used as a PC option, the DM should definitely retain its background information. Regarding the Inheritor kit in particular, the DM could allow player characters to join the different orders, ruling that members learn how to manipulate the powers, gaining one every three levels of experience. In this manner, the kit is emulated though the DM has not used it directly. Other special abilities or hindrances for the kit can be used or ignored, as the DM and players choose.