Because the Savage Coast region suffers the effects of multiple curses and enchantments known collectively as the Red Curse, magic use in the region is affected in a few significant ways. In particular, divinations and certain abjurations are adversely affected. This chapter details what those special effects are, in addition presenting new spells and discussing magical substances. While most information about magical materials can be found in "The Curse and the Legacies" chapter, additional details concerning crimson essence are found here.
Existing Spells
Other than treating Legacies as spell use, most spells are basically unaffected by the special conditions of the Savage Coast. However, because of the magical aura over much of the region due to the Red Curse and such substances as vermeil, divination magic is often thrown off. Almost everyone and everything in the cursed region radiates at least a minor magical aura. Because of the Immortal power behind the Red Curse, the effects of some abjuration spells are also inhibited.
Note that spells are affected whether cast within the cursed areas, cast to reach the cursed areas, or carried into the cursed areas. Magical items that duplicate the effects of these spells are affected in the same ways, but Legacies are unaffected.
Detection and Identification Spells
Items made of red steel and cinnabryl are relatively common; vermeil dust permeates the area, getting into clothing and other items; and almost everybody has a Legacy. Thus, in the cursed lands, something is sure to glow whenever detect magic is used. This naturally makes it difficult to tell which items are truly enchanted, which are naturally magical, which are simply covered with vermeil, and which are just being carried by someone who personally radiates magic.
For detect magic to be at all useful, the caster must make a saving throw vs. spell. Failure indicates that the distortion is too great to give any kind of accurate reading, while success allows the caster to cut through the "static" and use the spell as normal. Even then, the caster's chance to determine the school or sphere of an effect is halved. If detect magic is cast from a scroll or other item, the user must make a saving throw vs. spell as a 1st-level wizard (must roll a 12 or better on 1d20). A caster (but not an item user) is allowed to add bonuses to the roll for certain proficiencies: +2 for curse lore and +1 for spellcraft. These modifiers are cumulative.
Note that any individual who has at least one Legacy radiates a magical aura. Therefore, detect magic can also be used to determine the school or sphere into which the Legacy's effects would fit if it were a spell. If detect magic is used on a character for this reason, casters with Legacy lore receive a +1 bonus to the saving throw (cumulative with any other bonuses). As with normal detections, the chance to determine the school or sphere of the Legacy is halved. Characters with multiple Legacies probably radiate multiple auras. As with magical items, the DM must determine the exact reading for the caster. Detect magic never identifies the exact Legacies the target has but can indicate the number possessed or provide enough information for a caster with Legacy lore to make a proficiency check, even if the character has not seen the target's Legacy in operation.
Since someone with a Legacy is sort of like a living magical item, the identify spell can be used on such people as well. Like detect magic, identify is adversely affected by the cursed region, even when used on items instead of people. To have a chance for a useful reading, the caster must make the same type of saving throw as for detect magic (the same modifiers, if any, apply). The chance of learning information with identify on the Savage Coast is equal to 5% per level of the caster, rather than the 10% per level normally given. The maximum chance is still 90%. If used on a person, identify can determine the exact Legacy the person possesses (or one of them, if the target has multiple Legacies).
Other Divinations
The Red Curse affects divinations in several different ways, the most prominent of which are "blurring" and false readings. Spells are affected in different ways depending on their exact use.
The most common effect on divination spells is "blurring." Visions granted by spells blur, sounds are indistinct, even thoughts are unclear, as if static were interfering. In most cases, this is just an annoyance: a translation is garbled a little, a vision is dim, or unimportant words are not heard. The DM determines the exact amount of interference and its precise effects. The saving throw mentioned previously for casters of detect magic could be used, in which case the curse lore bonus applies. Bonuses for spellcraft apply only if the person casts the spell (rather than using an item); a Legacy lore bonus applies only if the detection, identification, or penetration of a Legacy is somehow involved. Spells affected by blurring include augury, clairaudience, clairvoyance, commune, commune with nature, contact other plane, detect invisibility, detect scrying, ESP, find the path, magic font, magic mirror, reflecting pool, speak with animals, speak with dead, speak with monsters, tongues, true seeing, and vision. All types of magical scrying are affected as well.
The next most common effect on divinations is the false reading. This applies primarily to spells that seek to discover if something is nearby or determine an item's location. Whenever a character casts an affected spell, he should make a saving throw vs. spell; any bonuses are applied as described above for spells susceptible to blurring. The DM should make these saving throws and inform the player of the results. If the spell has an extended duration, a saving throw each round or every three rounds might also be appropriate.
When a saving throw fails, the caster gets a false reading. This is usually an indication that something is there when it really is not. In other cases, a false reading might indicate a wrong direction as the best to be followed, but a false reading never obscures something that really exists. (That is what the blurring effect does.) For example, a false reading on a detect lie spell always indicates that the target of the spell is lying, whether the person is or not. Spells affected by false readings include commune with nature, detect evil, detect lie, detect poison, detect snares & pits, detect undead, find the path, find traps, foresight, locate animals or plants, and locate object.
Other effects are possible as well. Detection spells with percentages can have those percentages halved (round all fractions up). Spells affected include detect poison, detect charm, and the clerical version of detect evil. Spells not affected by this restriction include augury, commune, and divination (though if the percentage roll for the divination spell fails, a false reading is given).
Contact other plane, commune, and similar spells never provide information about the Red Curse, unless the DM wants to reveal information to a high level character who has performed some major favour for the power contacted. Such an event can be pivotal to a campaign and should be used with caution.
Readings for know alignment always provide the caster with two alignments. The caster can determine the truth by making a saving throw as described previously. This also affects the alignment detection of the clerical true seeing spell.
Divinations using the cantrip spell (such as determining which card someone has drawn from a spread deck) cannot be used in the cursed lands. False vision, legend lore, read magic, screen, and identify species (described in the following text) are unaffected. Reversed versions of divinations are generally unaffected, but their effects might be mistaken for the effects of the Red Curse.
Dispel Magic
This spell not only acts as described in the PHB, but it can also dispel the effect of a Legacy if aimed correctly. A Legacy is considered an innate ability for determining difficulty; however, the chance for success is penalised. The base chance becomes 40% (13 or better on 1d20). The spell can stop one activation of a Legacy or halt the Legacy's effects prematurely, but it cannot prevent someone from activating the Legacy again.
Dispel magic affects magical items as normal but has no effect on innately magical substances, such as vermeil, cinnabryl, red steel, and steel seed). A red steel sword +1 could have its bonus restricted for 1d4 rounds, but the item remains red steel and therefore inherently magical. Dispel magic affects crimson essence and smokepowder as potions as well. If the spell is successful, crimson essence is reverted to crimson essence base (as if the material had just been prepared and had not yet been exposed to the radiance of cinnabryl), and smokepowder is converted to a powdery mixture of vermeil and steel seed. The base can be affected again by the radiance of depleting cinnabryl, and the powdery mixture can be recombined by an alchemist. When checking for the effects of dispelling on smokepowder, a check should be made for each separate mass. Charges kept separately make individual checks, but a keg of the material gets only one check.
Remove Curse
The remove curse spell can never completely remove the effects of the Red Curse from any individual; it simply is not powerful enough to affect Immortal magic, even when cast by a high-level mortal caster. It might be possible if the DM allows and plans for it in the campaign for an Immortal to remove all or part of the Red Curse using the remove curse spell. Remove curse is also ineffective at removing the effects of a Legacy or preventing the use of a Legacy. However, it can help an Afflicted in recovery, as explained in "The Curse and the Legacies" chapter.
Other Spells
Most other spells are unaffected by the Red Curse. Polymorph self and other spells that do not normally grant magical powers cannot duplicate Legacies.
Additionally, the Red Curse is not evil or good; it is the result of Immortal magic and transcends normal definitions of alignment. For example, protection from evil does not exclude an Inheritor or anyone else with a Legacy, because a Legacy is not considered an evil enchantment.
New Spells
A few new spells have been created that are unique to the Savage Coast and the areas nearby. Two of them, maintain and deplete, relate specifically to the Red Curse. Determine race is an old aranean spell, which they used to examine others. It has been adapted since to determine the race of those Afflicted whose appearance has been distorted.
The other new spells, interruptible light and minor glassteel, are creations of the ee'aar, who typically do not reveal these spells to others.
6th-level Wizard Spell (Alteration)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One item of cinnabryl
Saving Throw: None
This rarely used spell depletes as much as one ounce of cinnabryl per three levels of the caster (four ounces at 12th level, five ounces at 13th-15th level, etc.). The caster can choose to deplete a lesser amount of cinnabryl at the time of casting. The spell is used infrequently because cinnabryl is better used than wasted. It is generally used to quickly turn cinnabryl into red steel but can also be used as an attack against Inheritors, depleting their protective cinnabryl amulets.
The caster must touch the item to be depleted. If the item is worn by someone who does not want to be touched, the caster must make an attack roll against the target's normal Armour Class with a -4 penalty (as per a called shot). The spell remains active for one round after casting. If the caster does not touch a target within that time, he must make a successful saving throw vs. spell, or the deplete spell affects his cinnabryl. If the amount of undepleted cinnabryl in the item is less than the amount affected, any leftover depletion applies instantaneously to the Time of Loss and Change (as detailed in "The Curse and the Legacies" chapter). For instance, if a wizard depletes four ounces of cinnabryl, and the target is wearing only two ounces, the target instantly suffers the effects of two weeks of the Time of Loss and Change. Since the effects can be so devastating, depletion that places the target into the Time of Loss and Change is considered an evil act.
This spell does not speed the production of crimson essence, which depends on the amount of time spent near a person with a Legacy as well as time spent bathing in the magical radiance of the cinnabryl.
Identify Species
3rd-level Wizard Spell (Divination)
Range: 10 feet per level
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature per level
Saving Throw: Negates
By using this spell, a wizard can determine the race and species of a target creature. One creature can be examined per round while the spell remains in effect. A saving throw is allowed only to creatures that realise a spell is being cast at them and actively resist. For the spell to be effective, the target's exact location must be known to the caster. If the spell works, the name of the target's species immediately comes to the caster's mind.
The caster may find this spell especially useful when dealing with creatures in disguise, beings deformed by the effects of the Red Curse, or unidentified monsters. The spell sees through magical or normal disguises and deformations, including such spells as polymorph other.
However, since the araneas created this spell, it detects their true race only when they are in the form of giant spiders. If used against an aranea in another form (even one affected by polymorph self or shape change), the spell reveals the aranea to be a member of the race which it is imitating. Nobody else knows enough about genetics, especially aranean genetics, to create a version of the spell to successfully identify araneas when they are in other forms.
The spell's material component is two strands of animal hair twisted tightly together. The hairs are pulled apart during casting and are consumed when completely separated.
Interruptible Light
3rd-level Wizard Spell (Alteration, Enchantment)
4th-level Priest Spell (Sun)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell must be cast on a person or item. Developed by the ee'aar, the spell creates a round spot that radiates a beam of bright light. The beam created is about four inches in diameter and illuminates an area in a direct line from the place it originates, to a range of 60 feet. Of course, the light can be seen by others for a much greater distance. The light is as bright as full daylight, lasting until negated by magical darkness or dispel magic. In addition, the caster (or another person named at the time of casting) has mental control over the light and can order it to turn on or off at will.
In a sombre ceremony, the spell is cast by elders on young ee'aar when they reach maturity. It is placed on the chest of the recipient, who is named as the controller of the light. The ee'aar use the spell to light their way and confuse or frighten enemies. Creatures who suffer penalties in bright light receive them if the beam is directed at their eyes. Those who try to avoid looking at the light are allowed a saving throw vs. paralysation; success indicates that the beam missed them.
6th-level Wizard Spell (Necromancy, Abjuration)
3rd-level Priest Spell (Protection)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Since cinnabryl is difficult to find in some places, priests developed a spell to counteract some of the effects of the Red Curse. After some work, wizards were able to duplicate the spell's effects.
The caster must recite the spell's verbal component while touching the target individual. The material component of the spell is at least one ounce of undepleted cinnabryl. This must be touched to the recipient's head at the end of casting, but it is not consumed in the casting.
The target is maintained at his current stage of the Red Curse for the duration of the spell. A recipient in the Time of Grace remains at that stage (except for suffering the loss of a single ability point); a recipient in the Time of Loss or the Time of Change stays at exactly the same point as when the spell is cast. The use of a Legacy by the recipient immediately dispels the maintain spell.
As mentioned, this spell does not prevent the loss of the initial 1 point from the appropriate ability score, nor does it eliminate or heal any existent detrimental effects. It also does not work on Inheritors. If the recipient is the victim of a successful deplete spell, the maintain spell is immediately eliminated, and the full time called for by the deplete spell is instantaneously applied to the Time of Loss and Change.
This spell is used throughout the Savage Coast, but most commonly in Robrenn, Eusdria, Renardy, Bellayne, and Herath. In several small towns, the village priest or wizard makes rounds, casting the spell on all who need it. This holds off detrimental effects and keeps the common folk in those small towns from using Legacies.
Measure Cinnabryl
2nd-level Wizard Spell (Divination)
1st-level Priest Spell (Divination, Elemental)
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One item of cinnabryl
Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster can measure the amount of time for which a single, visible item of cinnabryl will remain useful in holding off the detrimental effects of the Red Curse. The amount of time comes to the caster's mind as if suddenly remembered.
Minor Glassteel
5th-level Wizard Spell (Alteration)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Object(s) touched
Saving Throw: None
Created by ancient and powerful ee'aar wizards, this spell is a lesser version of the 8th-level wizard spell glassteel. Like the greater spell, minor glassteel turns normal, non-magical crystal or glass into a transparent substance that has the tensile strength and durability of steel. Ee'aar use this spell to create glass weapons and armour.
The caster can affect a single, whole object that weighs five pounds or less. Since the substance created has half the weight of steel for the same mass, an item equivalent in size to a 10-pound steel item can be created. Alternately, a pound of smaller, linked items (such as glass links for glassteel mail) can be enchanted with a single casting of the spell. An ee'aar making glassteel chain mail creates the rings in small amounts, enchants them, attaches the next batch, enchants them, and so forth.
The material components for this spell are the glass item to be affected, a small piece of steel, and a gem worth at least 10 gp.
Magical Items
Almost any standard magical item can be found in a SAVAGE COAST campaign. Items from the DMG that are named for people are extraordinarily rare at best. In general, the items act exactly as described in that book; none have special effects against the Red Curse or people affected by it. Items work for any PC race unless otherwise specified in the item description. For example, a person deformed by the Red Curse could still wear magical rings or bracers; the items change size to fit unless otherwise specified in their descriptions.
As noted elsewhere, the Savage Coast is home to a number of inherently magical substances. For details, see "The Curse and the Legacies" chapter, which describes how they are used in making magical items.
Red steel can be enchanted to create magical weapons or armour. The weapons receive normal enchantments, while retaining the natural magic of red steel. Alternately, red steel armour has special properties, as described below. Enchanting cinnabryl is possible but rarely done because the substance is too valuable as a counter agent of the effects of the Red Curse. In most cases, the cinnabryl would eventually deplete and become red steel, at which time it would be reshaped and lose any enchantments that had been placed on it. Steel seed is useful in the making of smokepowder and other magical substances. Vermeil has no real magical properties of its own (other than a magical aura), but it mixes easily with other substances and helps them hold enchantments. It is used to make smokepowder and crimson essence, as well as other magical powders, potions, and preparations.
Red Steel Armour: Armour of Change
Red steel armour can be constructed by any competent redsmith who is also an armourer. Armour of red steel has few special properties, other than radiating magic and being a poor conductor for electricity. (It will not conduct the effects of a shocking grasp, but it provides no protection from lightning bolt and similarly powerful electrical effects.) However, just as with normal armour, a wizard of high enough level can enchant red steel armour.
In addition, red steel armour can be enchanted with a polymorph self spell (which, as usual, must be cast in concert with enchant an item and sealed with permanency). Red steel armour enchanted in this fashion is commonly called chain mail of change, plate mail of change, etc. When the caster is affected by a Legacy or spell that alters shape, it changes shape and even size with its wearer, continuing to provide the same protection as before.
Crimson Essence
This potion grants Legacies permanently to Inheritors. The process is detailed in the description of the Inheritor kit in the "Character Kits" chapter. If used by someone other than an Inheritor or an Inheritor who is not ready to accept a new Legacy permanently, crimson essence grants a Legacy temporarily to the user.
The Legacy gained is determined by region (roll 1d20 and check Table 13.1 and the accompanying map). The imbiber can use the Legacy a maximum of three times in the first 24 hours, with the same restrictions as usual. When the Legacy is temporarily gained, the drinker of the potion must make a successful saving throw vs. poison or instantaneously suffer the Legacy's detrimental effects (except for ability score loss). These effects remain until the potion wears off (at the end of the Legacy's third use or after 24 hours, whichever comes first).
The preparation of crimson essence is covered in the description of the Inheritor kit. If the potion is consumed before it is ready, no beneficial effect occurs. In addition, someone who drinks crimson essence before it is ready must make a successful Constitution check or fall ill, becoming weak and helpless for 2d4 hours.
Drinking a second potion of crimson essence while another is still in effect requires a roll on the "Potion Compatibility" table in the DMG, Appendix 3. This applies only when the first potion is granting a temporary power; it does not apply if the first was used to gain a permanent Legacy.
Careta de la Barrera: The Barrier Mask
Really an artifact rather than a simple magical item, the barrier mask is a large ceremonial mask of ancient Oltec design. Carved from a rare wood and treated with special magical preparations, the mask appears to be made of stone. The mask is large and intricately carved. Wearing it is fatiguing not only because of its size and weight, but also because it draws energy from its user. The barrier mask normally resides on small pedestal in the uppermost level of Torre de Manzanas in Saragón.
The mask plays an integral role in the adventure in this book, "Divided We Fall."
Two millennia ago, the various Oltec cities reached a plateau of civilisation and culture on the Savage Coast. At peace with one other, they had only to defend against outside invaders to know lasting prosperity. To this end, the high priests of Ixion devised a plan to unify the Oltec cities and honour their patron Immortal at the same time.
Artisans in each city were to create portions of a ceremonial mannequin representing Ixion. Then, the greatest wizards of each city were to imbue their portions with great magic powers which would allow the completed mannequin to defend all Oltec cities against invasion.
For months the artisans laboured, and for months the wizards toiled, imbuing the various pieces of the totem mannequin with protective magic. At last their work was finished, and all that remained to do was the great assembly. Alas, for all of their foresight, the Oltec priests underestimated the aggression of the goblinoid tribes of the Yazak Steppes. Before the totem could be assembled, goblins and orcs descended with a fury, decimating Oltec cities across the coast.
Some priests, artisans, and wizards who had worked toward creating portions of the totem were able to hide their work from the invaders. Others are said to have destroyed their portions lest they be captured. Still, some certainly fell into goblin or orc hands. Certainly, the barrier mask and bracers of forbiddance are not the only parts of the original totem, but whether others still exist and what their powers may be, none can say.
Campaign Use
The barrier mask currently belongs to Don Luis of Saragón. Depending on the results of "Divided We Fall," it may be destroyed, or Don Luis may also gain the bracers of forbiddance to keep in his tower. If the barrier mask survives the adventure, it is sure to be coveted by the other baronies. If it is destroyed or stolen, then Don Luis no longer suffers the effects of its curse.
Constant. A person wearing the barrier mask is immune to all mind-affecting spells. In addition, the wearer is immune to visual illusions simply because the mask has no eye holes.
The barrier mask generates a field around the structure in which it rests, negating all transportation spells (dimension door, passwall, teleport, etc.) into or out of the affected structure.
Invoked. The character who wears the barrier mask can at will create a huge, invisible wall of fear 100 miles long (50 miles to either side of the mask) and project it up to five miles away. Any hostile group of 100 or more beings is struck at once with irresistible fear all that lies beyond the wall. Individuals in groups of fewer than 100 beings are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to resist the wall's effects, but even they must make a successful saving throw at a -4 penalty or flee. Beings struck with fear by the barrier mask flee as quickly as possible, refusing to return to where they encountered the wall for 100 days.
A character who associates with the mask for a full year is advanced to 12th level in his chosen class, regardless of any restrictions. Characters of 12th or higher level are unaffected.
Curse. The user of the barrier mask always evokes suspicion and distrust among his peers, no matter how altruistic his acts or selfless his motives. Even if the character uses the artifact to save an entire country, anyone of the same social standing will view the user as a power-hungry schemer. Thus, if the barrier mask is used by a noble, he is suspected by other nobles; if used by a commoner, the character is met with distrust by other commoners. This curse was an intentional effect created by the makers of the artifact to prevent people from coveting the item.
In addition, the user of the barrier mask is exhausted for a full turn after using it, unable to attack, defend, or move for ten minutes.
Means of Destruction
The barrier mask can be destroyed only by use. If ever activated to repel a horde of more than 10,000 creatures, it will first begin to crack, ultimately splintering and disintegrating as it fulfils its function.
Bracers of Forbiddance
A pair of thick gold bracelets, these bracers act as bracers of defence, AC 2 and prevent all non-magical missiles from hitting the wearer. When worn in conjunction with the barrier mask, the bracers increase the effectiveness of the barrier mask by ten, allowing it to affect hordes of up to 100,000 individuals without harming either component of the artifact.
A single bracer of forbiddance has no magical properties.
The Thunder Dragon
This powerful magical item is a beautiful wheellock pistol whose firing mechanism and surrounding parts were moulded from gold into the shape of a dragon's head. Ruby eyes glinting with intelligence, smoke issues from the nostrils after firing. Rumoured to be one of a set, thunder dragon has numerous abilities and, while not ancient, should be considered an artifact.
Weapons that use smokepowder have existed on the Savage Coast for about half a century, but the first wheellock pistol was used only 35 years ago. According to legend, the thunder dragon was one of the earliest wheellock pistols created, and it and its mate were used by General Cimmaron in the revolution to free Nueva Esperanza from the control of Almarrón. Cimmaron County, named for the general, was the result of this revolution.
The thunder dragon was supposedly used by General Cimmaron in the decisive Battle of Hondo, but was lost in that same battle.
Campaign Use
The thunder dragon has great historical value to the people of Cimmaron County since it is the weapon used by the great general to win the revolution. No reliable sighting of the weapon has occurred since the battle, though several have claimed to see or even possess it; more than one inferior copy has even made its way to Sir John, current ruler of Cimmaron County.
Cimmaron County offers a standing reward of 50,000 gold (or the equivalent in materials, such as red steel, cinnabryl, and smokepowder) for the return of the true thunder dragon. However, with this weapon, an individual might become a powerful leader, potentially destroying the relative peace in the area or even uniting the Savage Baronies.
Constant. The weapon is affected by a permanent nondetection spell; anyone carrying the pistol is affected by this spell as well. In addition, the weapon is self-aware, with an Intelligence of 15 and the power of telepathy (though it cannot speak aloud). It is Chaotic Good in alignment and has the military tactics Non-weapon proficiency.
The thunder dragon provides a +3 to attack rolls when firing it. It requires normal smokepowder and ammunition but never fails to fire or needs repair or cleaning. Curiously, the blasts fired by the weapon never drain cinnabryl, even when used by an Inheritor.
In addition, the pistol has a ball of red steel at the bottom of its grip, held in the golden clutches of the dragon. If used as a melee weapon, the thunder dragon acts as a club +3 and gains all the benefits of a red steel weapon.
Invoked. Three times per day, the thunder dragon can release a potent cone of fire, like the breath of a gold dragon. This use requires a command word, as well as the consent of the weapon. The cone is 30 feet long, five feet wide at its far end. Anyone caught by the cone must make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon or suffer 6d12+3 damage; those whose saving throws succeed take only half damage. The fire also ignites any flammables it touches.
Curse. Other than being a dangerous weapon, the thunder dragon seems to have no real curse of its own. However, it is said to draw its counterpart, the howling dragon, toward it.
Suggested Means of Destruction
Some sages claim the thunder dragon is necessary to end the Red Curse, so its destruction is not desirable. However, some have suggested that true dragon breath might destroy the weapon, or that it will immediately disintegrate if ever touched by an Immortal.
The Howling Dragon
Supposedly, the thunder dragon has a mate, a pistol that looks exactly the same, except for the malevolent glint in its eyes. This weapon is said to be evil, attempting to lead its possessor to perform horrific deeds.
Little is known of this weapon. Perhaps it does not exist, and the thunder dragon has simply had unpleasant effects on some people. Perhaps it did exist and has been destroyed, or maybe it just has not been seen for a while. The truth is unknown.
The howling dragon is said to have the same powers as the thunder dragon, with the following exceptions: It is chaotic evil; it hungers for blood and destruction, trying to encourage its user to evil; and it can use its fiery breath weapon without the command of anyone else.