Thoughts on scholarships for the Great School of Magic
by GreenbrierThat makes me wonder, which Princes have scholarship programs in place to identify and sponsor the impoverished yet magically talented youth of their area to the GSoM? Sounds like the Flaems definitely have a plan in place to minimize the wasting of magically-talented youth, and the fact that they graduate owing their abilities and status to the benevolence of Bergdhoven would help ensure they become loyal barons in House Linden if they ever get the chance. Some quick thoughts on the other Princes -
Jaggar - maybe more focused on building the military and routing talented youth that way? Could have a Glantrian GI bill of sorts though, sending promising young Aalbanese to the GSoM in exchange for their serving in the military afterwards.
Malachie - Malachie might have a scholarship program designed to ensure that any magically-talented lycanthropes are able to attend the GSoM.
Harald - hard to imagine the Grand Master not having a program to assist the talented youth of Sablestone.
Isidore - surely Le Prince Magicien had such a program which Isidore has continued.
Carnelia - more integrated into the Glantrian system than the elves of Erewan, I could see La Princesa with a well-run Ayuda (help) program designed to graduate as many culturally Belcadiz (both elves & humans) from the GSoM as possible.
Kol - surely the most anxious Prince to start graduating his subjects from the GSoM and finally start winning awards festivals. He'd likely be in the market for some good consultants to help get a program up and running.
Jherek & Urmahid - not sure how the tradition-bound Krondaharans would handle this? If there is a scholarship program, Jherek likely limits it to males. Maybe more likely that Urmahid would push scholarships once he becomes Prince of Bramyra though, he seems more progressive and like Kol he needs to start building a House.
Carlotina - I could see the fair elves being behind here, as they've always been more insular and Carlotina didn't seem to realize how out on a limb she was in Glantri until it was too late. Cooperation for the common good seems so elven though, hard to imagine that many elves who wanted to attend the GSoM were unable to do so for lack of resources.
Dolores - I would expect Volospin had a scholarship program for the Alphatians, but Dolores seems more interested in winning over current nobles for her machinations and has likely let it go by the wayside. For the other side of her "ancestry", the Fens have likely suffered here for never having had a prince or principality of their own.
Morphail - has his own highly-selective recruitment program, not really interested in boosting the numbers of Boldavian wizards outside those he hand-selects.
Brannart - all Radiance all the time, with short breaks to torment relatives. No scholarship program.
Innocenti - too paranoid to boost any potential future rivals.