The Sanctuary of Crawling Chaos
by Reverend Dungeon MasterDesigned for levels 9-12, with plenty of action for Mystics and Druids (you’re welcome, weirdos). Expect eldritch horrors, swamp gas hallucinations, and at least one morally questionable decision. Introduction
Welcome to the Temple of the Forgotten Jelly, an ancient ruin festering beneath the swampy underbelly of civilization. Local legends say it houses the Primordial Ooze, a deity so powerful it transcends comprehension (or basic hygiene). Naturally, this is exactly where you lunatics (sorry, adventurers) decide to spend your weekend. Because gold, glory, and imminent dismemberment are better than a peaceful retirement.
Area One: The Oozing Gateway
You stand before a massive stone archway, half-sunken into a viscous swamp. Faint carvings depict humanoid figures melting into puddles of goo. A giant, rusted gong sits beside the entrance. Touching it is probably a terrible idea.**
- Two Giant Slugs (AC 6, HD 12, HP 55 each, MV 60’ (20’), #AT 1, Dmg 2d8, THAC0 8, ML 7) because what’s a swamp without some monstrous gastropods vomiting acid in your general direction?
- Hidden Pit Trap (2d6 damage, because you weren’t paying attention). A failed Dexterity check means you get to experience the delightful sensation of your shins snapping in half.
Area Two: The Hall of Poor Choices
Past the entrance, you find yourself in a long corridor, lined with statues of monks in dramatic poses. Each one holds a bowl filled with glowing green liquid. Touching the liquid results in hallucinations of dancing slimes reciting poetry. Why? Because the Forgotten Jelly is an avant-garde deity.
- Gelatinous Cube Elder (AC 6, HD 14, HP 70, MV 30’ (10’), #AT 1, Dmg 3d6 + Paralysis, THAC0 7, ML 12) It’s like a normal Gelatinous Cube, but bigger, meaner, and with more existential dread.
- Statue Trap—If you take a bowl, save vs. spells or spend the next turn debating theology with a hallucinated slime while the rest of your party gets mauled.
Area Three: The Shrine of the Jelly Pope
At the center of the temple, a massive pulpit stands before a swirling pool of luminous jelly. A robed figure (the self-proclaimed Jelly Pope) raises his arms and proclaims, “Rejoice, for the Ooze shall consume!” Then he sics his minions on you.
- Jelly Pope (Chaotic 11th-Level Mystic, AC 2, HP 50, THAC0 10, Spells: Hold Person, Silence 15’, Striking, Quivering Palm) Yes, he can liquefy your kidneys. Yes, he will.
- Three Oozing Acolytes (AC 4, HD 9, HP 40 each, THAC0 12, Attacks: slime-fist 1d8 + slow effect) They once had names. Now they’re just goopy zealots.
Final Boss: The Primordial Ooze
After slapping the Jelly Pope into next week, the Primordial Ooze wakes up. Turns out, it’s cranky. And hungry.
Primordial Ooze (AC -2 because why hit something when you can swing wildly, HD 20, HP 120, MV 90’ (30’), #AT 2, Dmg 4d8 + Engulf, THAC0 5, ML 12)
- Engulf: Save vs. Death Ray or get absorbed into the slime, digested over 1d4 rounds unless someone hauls your sorry carcass out.
- Corrosive Touch: Any non-magical weapons hitting it dissolve instantly. Because you smarted off to your DM.
- Immune to Spells Below 4th Level. Because the DM now enjoys your suffering.
Treasure & XP Tally
- Gold & Gems: 12,000 GP in assorted shiny things
- Mystic Tome of the Ooze: Grants +1 to saving throws vs. acid. Smells terrible.
- Jelly Pope’s Amulet: Worth 5,000 GP, but cursed (wearer attracts slimes for the rest of their life. Fun at parties!).
- XP Awarded: 75,000 XP (divided among survivors, if any).
Final Thoughts
If you somehow survive this dungeon, congratulations! You are either a tactical genius or an unkillable lunatic. Either way, never speak of what you saw here. The world is not ready for the truth about the Forgotten Jelly.
Happy adventuring!