I'm posting this here instead of the Red Steel section because of the coat of arms I'm including here, for some of them are from the KW region.
This is part of the work I've been doing with GP for some time. This one is about the Traladarans that migrated to the Gulf of Hule c. 450 AC.It's based on the Traladaran Timeline and the Hulean Timeline.
Savage Coast Traladaran Timeline
by Átila Pires dos Santos429 AC: Verazzano's First Voyage to the Serpent Peninsula and the Gulf of Hule. Niccolò Verazzano, a Thyatian navigator and explorer working for the Minrothian merchants of Harbortown, is the first oldworlder that reached the Western Sea through the Serpent Straight since the destruction of Nithia.
A small part of the crew stayed at the Gulf of Hule for commercial purposes. One of them has lycanthropy and soon he infected many LB (Lawful Brotherhood) priests. The lupin population at the region is more than enough to destroy the lycanthropy threat, but it made its way into the LB headquarters at Kavkaz.
430-440 AC: Lycanthropy starts a new war in Kavkaz. The Savage Coast LB branch is de facto independent now, since communications with the Kavkaz and Midlands branches are sparse at best.
438 AC: Verazzano's Second Voyage: The Minrothian traders of Harbortown send Verazzano again to the Western Sea to claim the Necklace region as a Minrothian protectorate. Verazzano also trades with the LB, returning to Harbortown with his ships filled with goods.
443 AC: The Silver Purge is unleashed against lycanthropes along the coasts of the Sea of Dread. Minrothian plans of colonising the Necklace region are halted.
444 AC: Without the Minrothian constant economic domination in Traladara, the Second Traladaran War begins. Political and religious reasons put Marilenev and Halavos (followers of the Church of Traladara) against Vaion and Halag (each with a different and independent Church of Halav).
Battle of Koriszegy: Koriszegy, vassal village of Halag, treacherously supports the Marilenevian army and the troops of Halag are soundly defeated.
New Alphatia is almost destroyed in a battle between lycanthropes, humans and elves. Many lycanthropes survive deep in the woods of Traladara.
445 AC: Halag itself is invaded by Marilenevian troops; the vassal village of Svoga is razed and the Church of Halav is outlawed. Marko Hojah, the Ban [Duke] of Halag and most of his closest relatives are executed; Lazar Hojah is placed by Duke Teodor Marilenev and his new ally, Hospodar [Baron] Filip Koriszegy, as the new puppet Ban of Halag. Those who refuse to accept the Church of Traladara as their new religion are forced to leave Halag.
The Silver Purge is finally over. Minrothian traders and Meditor sailors are interested in rebuild their commercial monopoly over the Sea of Dread. Interested once more in found a colony at the Necklace in order to have a easier route into the Western Sea, Hadric Corser (ruler of Harbortown) and Zephir Meditor (leader of the Water Elves) send some of the few ships available to Halag for transporting the Traladaran refugees to the west.
When the elven ship Yarthmont Flower arrives in Tyjaret, the Traladaran refugees, leaded by Kladan Vjekoslav, seize the small village and found the city-state of Kladanovic (named after their leader). Kladan claims for himself the title of "Ban".
450 AC: Minrothians, a few Traladarans and the LB found the Pure Gold Merchant Company for helping the trade over the Gulf of Hule and Necklace regions.
Malf Quickhand's rebellion in Harbortown; A few halflings migrate to Kladanovic instead of Open Isle, being the first halflings to arrive at the Savage Coast.
Spotted Gnolls, coming from the Black Mountains, threats Shaft Outpost. The LB missionaries, main trade partners of Pure Gold Merchant Co., request military help for the Traladaran colony of Kladanovic. Many clerics of the Church of Halav see this as a holy omen and organise a crusade against the gnolls. The few remaining Traladaran nobles from Halag (Dragomir-Mlakar, Strnad, Dalibor and Zvornik families) become the leaders of this crusade. Zhan Olgar, a fanatic priest of Halav, also convinced many peasants to join the crusade.
Battle of Kastr Pass, just south of Shaft Outpost, is an outstanding victory for the Traladarans; even being outnumbered by 5 to 1, the Traladaran pikemen and crossbowmen held the gnolls at the Kastr Pass, while the noble knights attacked the flanks. Only 50 Traladarans lost their lives at the battle, while 2/3 of the gnoll horde was killed (the rest of it disbanded, fleeing to the surrounding hills).
Many started to believe that Ivan Dragomir, leader of the crusade army, was the new Traladaran king sent by Halav in order to restore the Traldar golden age. A new wave of Traladaran immigrants arrived at Kladanovic and Shaft Outpost. By now, almost any of the followers of the Church of Halav are still in Traladara. Many followers of the Church of Traladara, however, are also attracted to the Gulf of Hule, seeking for the new Traladaran golden age.
452 AC: The Traladaran population at Shaft Outpost is already larger than the LB Kavkazan-Midlanders, dwarves and lupins. Ivan Dragomir becomes the new ruler of the outpost, reorganising it as a Traladaran city-state, Slagovich. However, he chooses the LB title "Margrave" instead of the traditional "Ban" (Kladan Vjekoslav, the last Traladaran Ban, does the same a few months later, wanting to mimic Ivan).
However, Ivan isn't as wise as many believe. He declared that, except for the Church of Halav, all religions are outlawed. Many followers of the Church of Traladara and LB religion were banished from Slagovich. A significant part of the dwarven population leave Slagovich by now, fleeing to their mining outposts (modern Shkodar, Raska, Smokestone City and Castillo de los Hidalgos). Many Traladarans also flee to LB outposts along the coast, such as New Hope, Second Chance and Cape Outpost (modern Castle Malburn).
Zhan Olgar and the other nobles also leave Slagovich, disappointed by Ivan's disastrous administration. Olgar leads his followers through Rio Guadiana up the Great Escarpment.
Dimitri Hojah, a warpriest of Halav and direct heir of Halag, just arrived at the Gulf of Hule. He left Traladara ten years before, unaware of the Second Traladaran War, in pilgrimage to the ancient Milenian lands of Davania. Many follow him, hoping that he is the chosen of Halav. Dimitri founds the city-state of Hojah near and dwarven mining outpost.
A few Traladarans decide to settle the Crna basin, living together with peaceful goatmen (Ovinaurs and Caprines) tribes.
453 AC: Hojah helps the old ruling family of Svoga (the Zvornik family), to found another city-state close to another dwarven mining outpost.
The Fortress Outpost (the oldest LB outpost at the Gulf of Hule) and its surrounding lupin village (of the Gonic breed) receive a large amount of Traladaran immigrants. The local lupin leader mimics his neighbours, claiming the title of Margrave. Both the village (Gonica) and the outpost (Ostrozac) receive Traladaran names as it becomes a new city-state. Different from the other city-states, however, Gonica becomes famous for its religious freedom.
454 AC: Zhan Olgar finally reaches Bulzan, founding a new nation at there.
456 AC: Andrej Dalibor and a small Traladaran army conquers a Hulean village, founding there the City-state of Boyarski.
457 AC: Helena Mlakar leads a group of Traladaran warriors and farmers northeast of Gonica, founding the City-state of Zagora.
460 AC: Alexandros "Sandros" Strnad leads another expedition to northeast of Gonica. The City-state of Nova Svoga is founded and the Sandros Valley is named after the Traladaran noble.
488 AC: Haldric Corser unifies the Minrothians and water elves, forming the Minrothaddan Guilds. As Minrothad becomes a unified nation, the Empire of Thyatis strengthens its grip over the borderlands, causing an Alphatian reaction, resulting in the Colonial Wars in Ylaruam (c. 500 AC).
The Pure Gold Merchant Co. becomes officially independent from Minrothad (and closer to the LB), but is still a important trade partner of the Minrothaddan merchants.
695 AC: As Ierendi establishes itself as a sea power, it decides to expand its influence to the village of Tyjaret, confronting Pure Gold Merchant Co. and Kladanovic claims over it. Tyjaret is invaded and Kladanovic is plundered and razed by Ierendian pirates. The land route to the Known World, through the Great Waste, is the only remaining reliable route for the Traladaran merchants.
700 AC: Rajah Narenda establishes Gola Keep to encourage desert trading caravans to enter the Asanda Plain via Jhengal. His generous trade agreements with Slagovich bring fabulous trade and wealth to Jhengal.
c. 750 AC: By now, the LB already lost most of it religious focus, fusing with the Pure Gold Merchant Company; it's now the Lawful Brotherhood Trading Company.
With the Necklace route closed, Tyjaret becomes again a poor village, which depends solely on the elephants' route to Sind, and the Ierendian interest over it fades. The LB Trading Co. is, however, still interested in find another safe sea route to the Known World, and establishes the Mule Beach trade outpost close to the old Kladanovic ruins. Eventually they rebuild the old city-state of Kladanovic and the Necklace route is once again re-established (and c. 790 AC, Ierendi will once again be interested by this route: this time, it sends an expedition to the Serpent Peninsula seeking for another place for placing its own outposts; Ierendi, however, drop this plan soon after).
c. 900 AC: The city-states reach their maximum extension. The eastern Gulf of Hule is dominated by seven expansionistic Traladaran City-states: Slagovich, Hojah, Zvornik, Zagora, Nova Svoga, Boyarski and Gonica. Four of the few independent villages, build at the Crna basin, organises themselves as the Crna League against the expansionistic city-states. The Order of the Light, a local name of the Chaotic Sisterhood, is behind this alliance.
Kladanovic is once again a prosperous trading Traladaran City-state at the Necklace region.
950 AC: The Master of Hule decides to finally invade the City-states. While busy elsewhere, he slowly infiltrated the Cult of Bogdan (another name for Bozdogan) inside Gonica. The cultists rebels and, aided by Hulean forces, drives the gonic armies (and most of the gonic population) out of there. The lupin refugees migrate to Zvornik (and now they are known as the "Zvornikian Gonic"). Gonica and Ostrozac are again renamed, as Ayskudag and Yanidir.
951 AC: Boyarski falls into anarchy as the fear of a Hulean invasion strikes the Traladaran population. A powerful Verdan merchant becomes the new ruler, and he modelled the city-state as its Verdan neighbours. It becomes the "Baronato de Babosas" (Barony of Babosas), and the name of its capital is translated into Verdan as Porto Cavalcante (meaning "knight's port").
968-992 AC: Hule invades the other city-states more than once, usually being defeated by the Traladarans (and their Guadianos neighbours). However, Hule successfully conquers Babosas in 971 AC. The other city-states hold their position, but suffer greatly with it. Many villages are able to achieve independence, aided by the Crna League, as the city-states are too weak (for fighting Hule and themselves) to avoid it.
1006 AC: Once again, Hule attempts to invade the City-states and the Baronies. Nova Svoga almost falls, losing most of its ruing family.