Shaman and Druid Enchantment and Spell Research Rules
by HåvardThe rules for researching spells, creating new spells and creating magical items are mostly written with magic users and clerics in mind. But what about Shamans, Shamani and Druids? Below are some ideas:
These rules do not attempt to replace the GP cost system. For Shamans, Shamani and Druids, the items consumed in these rituals will often come in the form of herbs, animal sacrifices, grain, plants, incense and other goods at the equivalent of the GP value listed in the RC.GAINTING WISDOM (THE LIBRARY)
For Magic users, having access to a library is a requirement for all spell research and magic item creation. While the RC doesn't go into much detail about how Gaz 3 discusses in more detail how libraries can work.
- Spirit Hardpoints/Nexus Points: For Druids, Shamans and Shamani, such locations can replace the need for a library. Low level casters can be allowed access to such a location from a more powerful caster or mentor. Sometimes this NPC will ask for favors in return. Higher level PCs can seek out their own Spirit Hardpoint, but if they do they may be tested by the local spirits before they can claim mastery of the site. The Shaman may adventure to recruit more powerful and wise Spirits or Sylvan Creatures to the Nexus Point, similar to how a Magic User will add books to his collection. The player should make a note of each spirit added and its HD. New carvings, paint or other markings should be added to the site to make eacj spirit feel welcome.
In order to create potions or magical items, a laboratory is often used by Wizards and Alchemists. These are the equivalents for the classes discussed here:
- Druidic Stone Circle. Also discussed in this thread.
- Spirit Circle: Shamans and Shamani can create a circle like this in a ritual consuming goods equivalent to ca 1000 GP. The cost also covers hiring of craftsmen and artisans to produce Spirit Poles, Rune Stones or other markings that indicate the significance of the site.
This list is based on the rules from Gaz3 p 66, but materials work differently for these casters. Add the following modifier to chance of success:Pearls, Crystals, Dinosaur Bones: +6%
Whale Bones, Rare stones: +4%
Rare, elaborately carved wood: +2%
Fine Leather, bones, claws or rare feathers +0%
Common wood: -2%
Common stones : -4%
Metal -6% (Forbidden for Druids)SCROLLS & POTIONS
I am thinking about changing the Nexus. Proposed change:
- Lore-bononded Spirits: Druids and Shamans can create a telepathic and spiritual bond with Spirits. Spirits must willingly allow themselves to be bonded. The DM may require Roleplaying or CHA/WIS checks to see if a Spirit will allow this. The bond is permanent unless the caster does something that violates the nature of the Spirit. A bonded spirit does not need to accompany the character and may not be willing to do so. The bond works across planar boundaries. As long as the bond lasts, each spirit provides the character with a number of Lore-points, comparable to the GP value of books in a Wizard's library.
- Council of Elders: A character may recruit a number of elders who each have a spirit bound to them. As long as the Elders are within 60' of the character, their spirits bring the lore equivalent to 500 Lore Points each.
Calculating Lore Points: Normally each Spirit provides 500 Lore Points per HD.
Spirits include:
- Animal Spirits (Gaz 12)
- Nature Spirits (Gaz 12)
- Elemental Spirits (Gaz 12)
- Totem Animals (Gaz 14)
- Animal Spirits (D20 Blackmoor)
- Elementals
- Fey (Pixies, Sprites, Leprechauns etc)
- Anima (Dryads, Fauns, Treants)
- Non-Corporeal Undead
- Shadow, Mystaran
Constructs favored by Druids and Shamans (not including huge constructs):
- Golem, Armor (Quest for the Silver Sword) - Leather or wood armor varieties.
- Golem, Bamboo (Rage of Rakasta)
- Golem, Amber
- Golem, Bone
- Golem, Mud
- Golem, Obsidian
- Golem, Rock (AC9)
- Golem, Wood
- Guardian Warrior & Horse (AC9) - made from clay.
- Living Statue, Crystal
- Living Statue, Jade (AC9)
- Living Statue, Rock
- Living Statue, Rock/Ooze (AC9)
- Huptzeen (AC9) - placed in an ornament made from leather, wood, precious stones etc.
Construct Construction: Normally, a special book is required to create a construct. While druids sometimes consult tomes and scrolls, there is an alternate method for Shamans who are often illiterate. This is called Secrets. Secrets are non-corporeal mysteries that can be obtained from a spirit (see previous post) after gaining its favor. A secret counts as a one time use item, even though it is not a physical object.