Sea Fury
by Sheldon Morris and Jamie BatyEvocation [Water]
Level: Clr 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 80-ft. radius spread (S)
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: NoThis spell is an underwater equivalent to the spell earthquake. When you cast sea fury, an intense but highly localised pressure wave rips through the water. The shock stuns creatures, dislodges structures, and creates surface waves that pound the hulls of vessels, among other secondary effects. The wave effect itself lasts for 1 round but secondary effects many last longer. A spellcaster in the water must make a concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose any spell he or she tries to cast. The pressure wave affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the affected area. The specific effects of a sea fury spell depends on the nature of the terrain it affects.
Open Water: Each creature swimming in the area must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be struck for 8d6 points of damage (if successful, a creature takes only half damage). They must also make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.
Sea Floor: If the wave from the sea fury reaches the sea floor (or lake floor), it stirs up a tremendous amount of silt and debris to create a thickly clouded layer up to 10 feet from the ground. This blocks any vision and reduces the scent ability to 10 feet. It also provides total concealment for any creature in the cloud. Any creature standing on the sea floor is considered in "open water" and is subject to its effects.
Structure: Any structure standing on the sea floor takes 100 points of damage, enough to collapse a typical structure. Hardness does not reduce this damage nor is it halved as damage dealt to objects normally is. Any creature caught inside a collapsing structure takes 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 15 half) and is pinned beneath the rubble (see below).Pinned beneath Rubble: Any creature pinned beneath rubble takes 1d6 points of non-lethal damage per minute while pinned. A strength check may be attempted to free one's self depending on the structure's size and material that has collapsed (DM should set the DC between 15 and 30 depending on circumstances). If a pinned character falls unconscious , he or she must make a DC 15 Constitution check or take 1d6 points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until freed or dead.
Surface Water: When the pressure wave reaches the water's surface, it creates a huge 'hill' of water that explodes into a large destructive wave that radiates out from that spot. This has several effects on a ship in the area:
Hull Damage: 100 points damage divided equally between the vessel's sections
Man-over-board: Any person on the deck of an affected ship must succeed in a DC 20 balance check or be knocked over and washed 2d6 squares in the direction the wave is headed (if this would send them over the side, they get a DC 17 Reflex save to catch themselves). Failing the balance check by ten or more indicates the victim was automatically knocked overboard. Even if successful on this check, characters may still be affected by the rolling decks and green water (see below).
Rolling Deck and Green Water: characters on the deck of a ship dealing with heavy rolls and heavy green water must make a DC 15 balance skill check each round. If successful, the character may move at 1/3 his normal movement rate. If failed the character may not move or attack (he is holding on for dear life). If failed by ten or more the character is knocked prone, and moved one square in a random direction. Should this push the character overboard, he may make a reflex save vs DC15 to catch himself. A knocked over character may stand up again the following round if she succeeds on the DC15 balance skill check (failure indicates she is moved another square in a random direction.)
Characters dealing with heavy rolls with light green water are treated as above with the following exceptions: The Balance check DC is 10; The movement rate is only reduce to 1/2 normal; and the reflex save DC is 10.Ship Control: Huge-sized ships (and smaller) suffer from heavy rolls and heavy surge of green water (water on the decks) for 2d6 rounds after being hit by the wave. The captain must succeed on a Profession (Sailor) check vs DC 20 or the ship capsizes.
Gargantuan ships suffer from heavy rolls and heavy surge of green water for 2d4 rounds after being hit. A failed DC20 Profession (Sailor) check causes the ship to capsize if hit broadside or founder if hit aft or stern.
A colossal ship suffers from heavy rolls and light surge of green water for 2d4 rounds after being hit. The ship founders if a dc20 Profession (Sailor) check is failed.
A foundering ship is not under control of the crew. Control may be re-established with a DC15 Profession (Sailor) check. Checks may be reattempted each round with a +1 penalty to DC for each failed attempt. Any attempt that fails by ten or more indicates the ship capsizes. A capsized ship is turned upside down and completely disabled.
(Still a rough working-draft. I had to leave before I could make it look a little better so formatting may be lacking)